Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 1309 Shocking Upheaval (Part 2)

If there was no plan, would Emperor Liu Hong of the Han Dynasty easily let Zhu Jun go because of Huangfusong's forged letter? !

When Liu Hong first saw Huangfusong's forged letters, he ignored them directly. That's because he had planned it long ago.

"What we have received is His Majesty's oral order. If there is any drastic change, then..." Zhu Jun sighed.

In fact, he already had such an idea when he received the oral order.

They are the ones who rush to the front, and they are also the ones who are responsible!

If it were a wise Dragon Lord, Zhu Jun would have no problem obeying this commandment, but is Liu Hong really wise? Not messing around? !

Zhu Jun, who is a warrior on the battlefield, has actually considered these issues. It is fine for him not to listen to Liu Hong's oral instructions, even if it is an imperial decree, he has a certain right to refuse it!

Zhu Jun actually wanted to use other methods to solve Zhang Mancheng's problem. Let him into Sili, he is a turtle in a urn, with no supplies and no backup.

Moreover, Zhu Jun can also work together with the defenders of Guancheng to kill Zhang Mancheng, without spending too much troops and background.

However, with the sudden change of the situation recently, he began to feel something strange.

Zhang Mancheng didn't go straight north to rush to the pass, but he didn't know where he went!

When Zhu Jun thought about this, his pupils suddenly shrank for some reason. Immediately, he immediately walked to the military map, quickly found the target location, and stared at it solemnly.

"Gongwei, did you find something?" Seeing this, Sun Jian shivered slightly.

At this moment, a strange wave gushed out from Zhu Jun's body.

The seemingly ordinary military map suddenly burst with white fluorescent lights.

Fluorescence comes and goes quickly.

"Sure enough, it's not working! It's been covered up!" Zhu Jun's face became more serious after the fluorescent lights faded away.

Immediately, he gritted his teeth, and took out a simple black round carapace engraved with strange runes from his bosom. Then, he took out a blood-stained stone from the spatial equipment.

The blood on the stone was as bright red as new after being away from the body for so long.

Gently pulled out the blood and wiped it on the shattered black round carapace. Without hesitation, Zhu Jun crushed the black round shattered carapace and shattered it. Then, a black light lingering with red glow emerged from it, and directly penetrated into the army map .

Soon, a strange faintly black line appeared on the military map.

That's... a path! !

Zhu Jun used a strange method to directly calculate Zhang Mancheng's marching route!

The blood stain on the stone was Zhang Mancheng's.

But at this moment, a tyrannical aura gushed out from the military map.

"Boom!!!" The violent breath swept out like a tsunami.

A phantom pupil that seemed to be staring from thousands of miles away suddenly appeared in front of the two of them.

The two shuddered suddenly, and then opened the shield without hesitation.

"Boom!" The berserk breath caught off guard and both of them were blown away.

"Boom!!!" Yu Bo blew up the temporary camp, and a huge pothole appeared in place.

The two people who were blown away had their hair disheveled and were in a panic. Fortunately, they condensed the shields to resist the moment they were blown up, otherwise they might be injured.

"Wentai...quick! Summon all the troops." Zhu Jun yelled suddenly, regardless of the blood on his face.

And Sun Jian, who had a keen sense, was also full of panic at this moment.

Because at that moment, he also saw that path, the starting point was Changshe, and the ending point was Luoyang, the capital of God! !

That's right! Zhu Jun used means to measure Zhang Mancheng's marching route, and the end point was Luoyang, which was hiding behind the eight passes!

Needless to say, what it represents is that Zhang Mancheng will go to Luoyang, the capital of God!

"Gongwei!! Calm down! Now that we know Zhang Mancheng's path, we must deal with it calmly!!" Sun Jian roared, suppressing the enraged Zhu Jun.

"Hoo!!" Hearing this, Zhu Jun took a deep breath and gradually calmed down.

This sudden change really disturbed him.

"Yes! We can't keep up with Zhang Mancheng's troops, so we have to find another way!"

"What happened? Zhang Mancheng came to attack?!" The movement of the camp of the Chinese army attracted many people. Including Zhao Qiyin's first myth and other great Chinese lords.

Soon, the pothole was full of people.

Zhu Jun, who had calmed down, looked around with a straight face, and then shouted loudly: "All generals, enter the spare tent to discuss the matter!!"

Zhu Jun knew that the fact that he used methods to detect Zhang Mancheng's marching route was also known to him. Because that phantom pupil is obviously Zhang Mancheng's. It is normal for Zhang Mancheng, who has opened up the soul of the military way and is good at believing in the way of incense, to be counterattacked.

Zhang Mancheng was no match for him in terms of military strategy, but he was obviously crushed by heretics.

In this way, three days later, the well-prepared Zhu Junjun rushed to Yuanyuan Pass in a mighty way.

But when Zhu Jun set off, the Mengjin Pass, which had been calm and peaceful, was undercurrents.

"Great opportunity! It's really a good opportunity! Liu Biao, the garrison general of the Han army, has been recalled to Luoyang!" Inside Mengjinguan City, in a low-rise ordinary dwelling, several sneaky figures flickered.

"Send the message out! Today...we are going to break through the Mengjin Pass!!!" A man said forcefully.

However, at this moment, a figure hurried in.

"Shuai Daqu, a letter came in from outside, telling us to start cooperating inside and outside in an hour, and take down Mengjin Pass together!"

"Huh? Why is it so sudden?" the handsome Daqu asked in a calm voice.

"It's Zhang Man who became the God's envoy! He led the troops and joined forces!!" The messenger soldier said excitedly.

"Okay! Great!!" The mysterious Daqu Shuai roared in a low voice, as if venting his recently hidden depression.

"The battle opportunity has arrived, our Yellow Turban Army is finally going to take this step!"

"If you succeed, you will win the world, and if you fail, you will be famous for hundreds of generations!!" The mysterious Daqu Shuai roared.

When the others heard this, their blood boiled and their faces flushed.

They have been hiding here for so long, isn't it just for this day! !

It's a pity that the robes of Youzhou, Qingzhou, Jingzhou and other states are gone!

"Go to the whole army! After an hour, set fire to important places such as the armament depot, grain depot, city lord's mansion, stables, etc., and storm the city gate!" The mysterious commander Daqu took a deep breath, and immediately gave an order.

Soon, an undercurrent began to surge in the city.

And those Han troops who were confused by the whole situation have already begun to slow down.

"Hoo!!!" An hour later, a piercing voice echoed over the pass.

That's... a signal! !

"Cang Tian is dead, Huang Tian should stand!!"

"Cang Tian is dead, Huang Tian should stand!!"

"The sky is dead, and the yellow sky must stand!!" Strange and loud slogans suddenly echoed in the air.

"Boom!!!" The overwhelming crowd of soldiers wearing yellow scarves came rushing like a flood breaking a dike.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!!!" Those Han troops stationed on the wall were extremely lazy, but at this moment, they were all awakened.

The Yellow Turban Army even reached Mengjin Pass!

You know, this pass is not facing Jizhou, nor Jingzhou and Yuzhou. Why is there an army of yellow scarves coming to attack here? ! !

The generals stationed at this moment really feel the pain of being a dog.

However, what frightened them was more than that. Those soldiers, like tigers and wolves, were extremely fast. After a few waves of arrow rain, they had already reached the moat.

What frightened them even more was that several burly figures, like lightning, directly charged up the towering city wall.

Can't resist! I can't resist it at all! !

That's not a heaven-rank general...but...a divine general! !


"Enemy attack! There are enemies burning the granary!!" At this moment, there was a commotion in the city.

Everything seems to be agreed upon.

The inside should be combined with the outside!

Could it be that Mengjin Pass, which has not been breached for hundreds of years, will be breached in their hands today? Countless generals couldn't help but have this thought in their minds.


On the spacious official road from Mengjinguan to Luoyang, the god capital, a group of people rushed along with joy on their faces.

The leader was the middle-aged Liu Biao.

At this moment, he is full of vigor and high spirits. He has only been stationed at Mengjin Pass for a while, and he has been promoted. Of course, he is comfortable.

They were on their way slowly to Luoyang, the capital of the gods. The next moment, they heard the sound of a horse's hooves coming from behind.

Liu Biao suddenly turned his head to look, and saw a team of three rushing towards them.

However, when Liu Biao looked at the three of them getting off their horses, his expression froze slightly.

One man, three horses! This is the configuration of one hundred thousand urgent messages!

The three rushed over, and when they saw Liu Biao's Sheng flag, they roared:

"Report!! Urgent report!!!"

"Mengjin Pass has fallen!"

"Mengjin Pass has fallen!"

"Yellow Turban Army, come in!!"

Hearing this, Liu Biao trembled all over, staggered and almost fell off his horse.

The Yellow Turban broke through the Mengjin Pass? ! impossible! ! Absolutely impossible! !

Liu Biao's face was ashen, a look that I didn't believe at all.

However, messenger soldiers rarely make mistakes. Especially messenger soldiers who have souvenirs!

He saw one of them holding a seal in his hand. And that seal was handed over to the lieutenant by himself two days ago.

Liu Biao received the news of the fall of Mengjinguan, which was actually relatively late.

Establish a territory near Mengjin Pass or be a ranger player, and immediately spread the news that Mengjin Pass was breached by the Yellow Turban Army.

What is even more frightening is that the leader of the Yellow Turban Army who took down Mengjin Pass was actually Zhang Mancheng!

Zhang Mancheng, who captured Mengjin Pass, did not stop, and resolutely led countless troops to Luoyang, the capital of God!

Soldiers wearing yellow scarves all over the mountains and plains seemed to gather into a yellow ocean, rushing majesticly towards Luoyang, the capital of the gods, which has not experienced war for hundreds of years!

When this happened, it not only shocked the capital, but also stunned many players.

The Yellow Turban Army of the Taiping Road in the mythical world was able to break through the eight gates and attack Luoyang, the capital of God! !

Shocking upheaval also!

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