Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 1311 Zhang Mancheng VS Yang Ci! (Down)

And when Yang Ci and others came in front of Zhang Mancheng, the towering black city wall was also full of officials, many of whom were eunuchs.

Everyone was looking forward to it, as if they were all looking forward to something.

However, there was no sign of Liu Hong on the city wall. Where did he go? !

At this moment, Liu Hong is standing on a huge altar that reaches the sky.

If Lin Mu was here, he would definitely recognize what this Tongtian Altar is!

Heaven and Earth Altar! !

The altar of offering sacrifices to heaven that belongs exclusively to the great man!

The entire Heaven and Earth Altar was filled with a majestic aura, dignified and solemn, and there was no one around except Liu Hong!

Even Zhang Rang and other personal eunuchs watched from a distance outside the altar.

Zhang Rang didn't know the reason why his master came here suddenly. It was only after those Longting officials left the palace that they came over.

At this moment, Liu Hong is wearing a scarlet purple flat sky crown, auspicious cloud threads on his feet, a three-turn red dragon robe, a ZTE sword on the left side of his waist, and a golden seal ribbon on the right side.

In his left hand, he held a seal that was not too big or too small.

It is the Jade Seal of Chuan Guo!

That is to say, at this moment, Liu Hong has brought all his wealth with him!

If someone can kill Liu Hong, then the emperor's suit will be collected immediately!

However, who can defeat Liu Hong at this moment? ! !

"Ho Ho!!!!" Zhang Rang in the distance seemed to hear bursts of dragon roars in his ears.


"Zhang Mancheng! The decree has arrived! Listen to the Holy Spirit!" When Yang Ci came to Zhang Mancheng, he took out a golden scroll from his long sleeve and stared at Zhang Mancheng, sonorously.

"Imperial decree?! Haha! Do you want to order me?!" Zhang Mancheng felt absurd when he heard Yang Ci's words.

It's ridiculous to promulgate the so-called imperial decree after killing you in your lair!

However, Zhang Mancheng was not furious, but looked at Yang Ci with interest, waiting for him to read the so-called following.

Seeing that Zhang Mancheng didn't react too much, Yang Ci's face relaxed slightly. Then began to read the decree:

"Following the fate of the heavens, the emperor's edict said: I heard that the heaven and the earth are changing, the sky is disordered, the yin and yang are changing suddenly, and the things are not smooth and prosperous! However, the peasants of all parties can't do anything, don't think about farming, don't take care of the difficulties, and instead continue to rise up, Cholera caused the world. However, I know that this is the scourge of the three brothers Zhang Jiao, Zhang Bao, and Zhang Liang. They confuse the people and the world with their evil words. If Zhang Mancheng, Deng Mao, Bu Ji, etc. are willing to submit to the imperial court, I can forgive their crimes, and Jiazhang, Zhang, and Zhang Deng, Bu and others are the generals of the military court, with glorious ancestors and ancestors, and famous people through the ages. The soldiers under their command can also enjoy the salary of the imperial court."

Yang Ci read the imperial decree aloud, and a mighty righteousness gushed out, spreading out mightily. However, at the end of the reading, the expressions of Yang Ci and the others suddenly changed. The content of the imperial decree has changed! !

Yang Ci's voice seemed to be amplified by a loudspeaker, allowing everyone inside and outside Luoyang City to hear the content of the imperial decree.

Zhao'an! ! This imperial decree is for Zhaoan!

The voice of arrogance and righteousness really had some effect. Many yellow scarf soldiers were affected by their qi and began to whisper to each other.

"Hmph! Is it just empty words? When we are approaching the city, they just want to send us away with just a random edict? Do you think we are fools?!" Zhang Mancheng snorted coldly, his voice was like a knife, extremely sharp.

"Boom!!" Zhang Mancheng's momentum surged, and he swung past, rushing towards Yang Ci and the others.

Yang Ci is not an ordinary person either, and his whole body is also full of aura.

"Crack!!!" As soon as the momentum of the two engines collided, there was a violent noise.

"Liu Hongzhi's sincerity did not even indicate a name, so let us down!" Zhang Mancheng's voice trembled.

Indeed, the imperial decree for the surrender of the Han camp did not even give anyone a name, but only said that if the court can be an officer, only fools will be ordered to safety.

Many Yellow Turban soldiers also began to react. yes! Those treacherous villains like Long Ting just throw a bad check over here and want to Zhaoan them, they are so dishonest!

When Yang Ci recited the imperial decree, in the depths of the yellow scarf phalanx, countless tall Sheng flags and soldiers slowly formed a circle, and in the center of the circle, many craftsmen were already busy with their heads.

And as they were busy, an altar made of white jade slowly took shape.

In front of the white jade altar, stood two figures, one was the figure of Miaoman's woman, and the other was thin, as if it could be blown away by the wind at any time.

The Yellow Turban camp and the Dahan camp seemed to be preparing some means.


"You people who have lived a good life for a long time, don't use that clumsy excuse to recruit us! Let's fight!" Zhang Mancheng roared. As soon as this sentence came out, it showed the attitude of all the Yellow Turbans.

Do not accept Zhao'an!

"Boom boom!!!" As soon as Zhang Mancheng finished speaking, there was a wild sound of beating drums from the Yellow Turban camp, as if the attitude of the entire army on the surface.

"Reciprocity! You give us an imperial decree, and I will return one to you."

"General Tiangong Zhang Jiao has an order: Officials of the Han camp, you can surrender!! If you surrender directly, you can survive and protect your family! Those who have made contributions can continue to serve as the Three Dukes and Jiuqing, and even those who have made outstanding contributions can be promoted!" Zhang Mancheng's loud voice also trembled.

When Yang Ci and the others heard the words, their expressions also changed slightly.

Zhang Mancheng and others refused to surrender, besides the soldiers approaching the city, there was also an ambiguous imperial decree!

This decree is completely different from what they discussed in the court before!

In other words, when the final product was finished, His Majesty Liu Hong, changed it! !

In fact, Yang Ci and others are also smart people. They knew that Zhang Mancheng would not accept Zhao'an, but they still wanted to try.

"Hmph! Since you refuse to accept Zhao'an, then come and fight with me! How about a fight with me?" Yang Ci waved his hand, pulled the imperial decree back into his long sleeves, and said in a deep voice.

Directly ignore the so-called Zhang Jiao's words of surrender. Just kidding, how could the orthodox Han court surrender? !

"Fighting General?!! Haha!!!" Zhang Mancheng couldn't help but raised his head and laughed again when he heard this.

This old guy who has lived in the top of the world for a long time wants to fight him! I'm afraid that the birthday star eats arsenic and becomes impatient!

"You, a Confucian and Taoist, want to fight against me? Besides, you high-ranking officials, who didn't even look at us in the past, want to fight against me now. It's ironic!" Zhang Mancheng said. There was a touch of anger and unwillingness on the face.

It is these people who control the government and turn the whole world into a mess.

"You are an old man, you want to fight with me! Is there really no one in Hanlongting?!" Zhang Mancheng almost laughed so hard that he was thrown off his feet.

"Hmph! If you defeat me, I'll retreat to the city. If I defeat you, you will retreat to Mengjin Pass. How about that?" Yang Ci didn't care about Zhang Mancheng's sneer, but continued to invite the generals forcefully.

"Back back? Hehe, if you lose, you will become my dead soul!!" Zhang Mancheng roared, and his whole body was full of aura.

"Hoo!!" Zhang Mancheng suddenly jumped up from the fiery red horse, and directly charged at Yang Ci with a spear in his hand.

On Yang Ci's side, Xun Shuang and the few followers who had been quiet all retreated abruptly, leaving Yang Ci alone to deal with Zhang Mancheng.

As soon as this situation appeared, countless people were excited.

Zhang Mancheng VS Yang Ci!

Daoist Envoy of Taiping VS Former Taiwei!

An unprecedented fighting combination!

Even Lin Mu, who was far in the south, was also staring at the live broadcast with great interest.

He wanted to see the means Yang gave these people.

To be honest, players in the previous life rarely saw the duel between counselors and generals, especially the duels between big bosses such as Yang Ci, Yuan Feng, Xun Shuang, Huang Wan, etc., they had never seen it at all.

The Yellow Turban Army in the previous life never passed the Eight Great Passes. In some subsequent battles, these people did not break out much.

It's a pity. However, this time, you can see the real means of these people.

The calm and calm Yang Ci sensed Zhang Mancheng's majestic power, and did not panic. Instead, he stood intently, and with a move with his right hand, a strange and simple huge scroll appeared in his hand.

This scroll was a few sizes larger than the so-called imperial decree before, and Yang Ci held it with both hands, and there was still a long scroll stretching out.

Yang Ci raised it suddenly, and the scroll opened suddenly. Looking closely, one can find that the surface of this huge scroll is damaged in many places, and many cracks are spreading on it.

"Boom!!" However, the moment the damaged scroll was opened, huge red rays of light spewed out.

Those rays of light soared into the sky, filled the sky, and slowly formed golden auspicious clouds.

At the top of the golden auspicious cloud, the light slowly spread out, and strange figures appeared one by one.

The sky-like light and shadow, the golden light flowing, is extremely miraculous.

One after another mysterious breath diffused from the light and shadow, as if there were endless warriors hidden there.

"What is this? Is it a celestial phenomenon?" Many players who didn't know why raised their heads and looked at the huge changes in the sky, horrified.

However, none of the other players could give an explanation for the upheaval, and they all looked at the sky in horror.

Yang Ci's methods are so fierce? ! !

Even Zhang Mancheng, who had charged forward, stopped suddenly as if sensing a crisis.

"Bobo!!!" Strange fluctuations continued to emerge, and those phantoms gradually solidified.

"Isn't that Lu Zhi, Huangfusong, Zhu Jun and others?! Those fuzzy advisers in Confucian uniforms seem to be those Sangong Jiuqing!!"

"What kind of method is this!! It can actually summon Lu Zhi and others who are tens of thousands of miles away!!

Under the gaze of countless people, the strangeness of the sky-filled light curtain gradually revealed its true colors.

As soon as Lin Mu saw Yang Ci's methods, he was surprised.

Isn't this the same skill as his Fortune Ranking? !

This move was used by Lin Mu when he killed the blood beast in the Bloody Battlefield, to summon the phantoms of Huang Zhongyu and Zhou Tai and others.

Compared with his, Yang Ci's summoning is obviously much more high-end, and the solid figure is as if he descended.

"Boom!!" Those lingering red-purple figures were floating in the air, all staring at Zhang Mancheng!

"Hoo!" A majestic aura suddenly jumped out of the light curtain figure, and went straight to Zhang Mancheng.

And Zhang Mancheng, as if he had been fixed, couldn't even move!

"Boom!!" Zhang Mancheng was directly bombarded on the ground by this blow.

puff! !

Zhang Mancheng's mouthful of reverse blood gushed out directly, leaving countless people stunned.

Zhang Mancheng is so weak? !

"Hoo!" Before Zhang Mancheng jumped out of the hole, the next attack struck again.

"铛!!" There was a sudden sound of violent metal collisions, and Zhang Mancheng flew out again holding the spear, defeating the red light.

"Hmph! Sure enough, there is fraud! People in the Han court are so cunning and cunning!"

At this time, a faint voice slowly echoed through the sky.

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