Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 1370 Epic-Level Mission: [The Clan of Ancient Yue]

"The god-level Fengshui formation is really powerful! This time I have gained a lot!" Xu Yuan's voice came from the black cloud.

After a while, his figure emerged from the black cloud. I saw that there were several strange and simple array plates and some strange props in his hands.

However, when he looked at the place where Lin Mu had been, he didn't find Lin Mu.

"My lord, did you go to see the excitement?!" Lin Mu disappeared, Xu Yuan was not afraid at all, this Feng Shui formation didn't have too much murderous intent, those black clouds and white mist were just a means of protection, if you don't force your way, There should be no danger, and the lord Lin Mu has sixty dragons on him, so he is not worried at all.

Instead of looking for Lin Mu, Xu Yuan buried himself in the white mist again...


In front of the gate of the ancestral hall, Lin Mu looked up at the plaque of the ancestral hall whose handwriting had been erased, thoughtfully.

"According to the previous clues, this ancestral hall should be the ancestral hall of the Zhao Tuo family, and the ancestors enshrined in it should include Zhao Tuo!"

When Zhao Tuo was in power, people in the Han Dynasty would definitely not dare to make wind and rain. To be able to subdue the Baiyue clan, to unite the Baiyue clan, and to resist the extremely powerful soldiers of the Han Dynasty, Zhao Tuo is no ordinary person!

"I don't know if there are any ancient orders of the clan..." Lin Mu had a look of anticipation on his face, and immediately opened the door.

The door was closed, but not locked. Lin Mu pushed away with a little effort.

The quaint crimson gate, after so many years of invasion, is still as strong as iron.

Pushing open the gate, Lin Mu stepped directly into it, and what caught his eyes was the layout of the ancestral hall that was almost the same. However, when Lin Mu saw it, his pupils suddenly shrank.

The center of the ancestral hall is the most attractive place. A multi-tiered offering table made of unknown jade is entrenched in the middle. On it are the gods and tablets of the ancestors.

There is a main niche in the middle of the main hall, and supporting niches on the left and right. It is like a small pavilion attached to the wall. The god is placed in the main pavilion, and the front is decorated with curtains.

In front of these, is a huge incense burner - Ding. The whole body of the tripod is bronze in color, with simple patterns carved on it.

What surprised Lin Mu was that there was an arm-sized incense candle on the censer-cauldron. The incense candle was still burning! ! !

hiss! ! After burning for so many years, it did not go out!

What surprised Lin Mu even more was not the intact and neat shrine, but the bursts of incense that lingered above it.

Those incense sticks were filled with bursts of fragrance, which Lin Mu could easily smell.

After so long, there are still incense sticks around. It turns out that this Fengshui formation is a town, a seal, not a pass away!

In fact, even if the feng shui formation didn't have the effect of dispelling it, after so many years, the unsustainable incense should have been broken! But what is the incense that lingers on it? !

Lin Mu didn't know much about the way of incense and the ancestral hall of the noble family, so after thinking about it for a while, he didn't go into it.

"There is no ancient order of the clan! It seems that Zhao Tuo did not find this rare thing!" Lin Mu looked around, but did not find the target.

"However, those items seem familiar!"

After observing the simple, simple and fragrant ancestral hall for a while, Lin Mu's eyes were attracted by several items in the small hall attached to the wall.

Lin Mu didn't shy away from anything, he stepped forward and picked up an item. There was no accident, and Lin Mu easily got the item.

South Vietnam's legendary regional unit [Ancient Yue Warrior], it really is it!

No wonder I realized that it was familiar, it turned out to be it!

Under the tiger talisman, there were a few old and unknown animal skins. Lin Mu just took a look and put it away. They are supporting materials for [Ancient Yue Warriors]!

Lin Mu took a deep breath of the aroma, and quickly put them away.

The fetish that was fought by many forces in the previous life was easily collected by him.

It seems that something happened to this feng shui formation in the previous life! Without going into what would happen, Lin Mu took the simple token in his hand.

However, when he picked up the token, a system prompt sounded:


"——system prompt: Dragon Lord Lin Mu, you have obtained the totem wonder [Decree of Ancient Yue]."


"——System prompt: Dragon Master Lin Mu, for special reasons, you have initiated an epic mission: [Guyue Clan]! The specific mission information is as follows:

Task name: [Guyue Clan]

Mission Level: Epic Level

Task requirements: Find one of the Wuyue Totem, Yuyue Totem, Dongou Totem, Minyue Totem, Nanyue Totem, Xiou Totem, and Luoyue Totem to start the follow-up task.

mission rewards:? ? ? ?

Task penalty: ? ? ? ? "

Damn... Passively accepted an epic mission? ! !

Lin Mu almost wanted to throw the token away. He likes to be active, not passive!

However, the system reminded him that he had accepted the epic mission.

Lin Mu sighed helplessly, carefully read the mission description, and found that there was not much information.

However, Lin Mu had a deep impression on those totems. Because Shan Jing told him that in the towering mountains to the south of Yinglong Canyon, there is a powerful Shanyue tribe with a totem in their hands!

"It seems that the south side of Yinglong Canyon will also start to attack." Lin Mu didn't want to get in touch with those mountain tribes too much, because they were always relatively poor in technology and culture, and it took too much energy. It would be better to go to the states and counties outside to 'recruit' the big Han people!

After pondering for a moment, Lin Mu put away the ancient order. Next to the tiger talisman is the ancient order, and next to the ancient order, there are things. It was a jade talisman and a stack of talisman seals. Under it, there are still ancient books made of unknown materials.

Lin Mu quickly pocketed both the jade talisman and the seal talisman.

Lin Mu didn't check the jade talisman and talisman seal first, but the quaint book, because the words on it attracted him: [Zhao Clan Records]!

Lin Mu gently lifted up the Zhao Clan Records, and wanted to check it, but found that several protruding corners were exposed inside the book. Lin Mu pulled it lightly, and pulled out three thin animal skin scrolls.


"——system prompt: Dragon Master Lin Mu, you have obtained [ancestral temple blueprint] (one-time item)!"


"—System prompt: Dragon Master Lin Mu, you have obtained [Clues to the Treasure of Thousand Cities] animal skin volume!"


"——System prompt: Dragon Lord Lin Mu, you have obtained the [Solution of the Casting of Tuo City of Wancheng Treasure Mirror] animal skin volume!"

Lin Mu frowned when he heard the system prompt. Except for the first one, I don't seem to have heard of the others!

However, the doubts in his heart were all doubts, the movements of his hands were still very neat, and he put away the things in an instant.

Lin Mu thought for a while, and didn't check the Zhao Clan Records again, because he could feel that there was no information about the Fengshui Great Formation on it.

After putting away the things, Lin Mu didn't touch the shrines in the ancestral hall, nor did he touch the other decorations and the incense burner. He is afraid of the weirdness of the ancestral hall, and he is most afraid of being contaminated with some cause and effect.

The totem wonder [Order of Ancient Yue] is a good example. As soon as he touched it, he was infected with karma and received a mandatory epic mission!

Although this task is necessary for him and the Great Wilderness Territory, it is a bit uncomfortable to be forced to do so.

After Lin Mu looked around, he found nothing unusual. Immediately he went into the back hall again, but found nothing.

"That's it?" Lin Mu frowned.

luck? What about sealing off the town?

Are these things that only Feng Shui masters can figure out?

Lin Mu quickly walked out of the ancestral temple, and then manipulated it with his broken arm, returning to the original point.

Looking up from a distance, it turns out that this ancestral hall is not built on the top of the mountain, but there is a winding path behind to reach the top.

Lin Mu thought for a while, then walked around the ancestral hall with his broken arm and walked towards the winding path.

The truth may be out there!

(2021 is about to pass, and 2022 is coming. This year, thank you for your support! I also thank the operation officer and other behind-the-scenes fans for their help. They helped the book to hold many activities, and also rectified the book review area and communication group , Thank you! In addition, there are many leaders this year, thank you very much for your support! In the coming year, I will continue to work hard to write a good story for everyone to read, and I hope everyone will continue to support me! Everyone, happy new year!! Wish you all a new year Make a lot of money and stay healthy!)

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