Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 1493 Mission Bureau

Today is already the third day!

Just an hour ago, Huaxia District announced the location of Tianzhu Mountain blessed land, and also announced the rules of the battle for blessed land.

This made many waiting players stomp their feet and scold their mothers!

Because of one of the rules of the blessed land battle, 80% of the lord players were directly eliminated! !

When can soldiers practice logging to an advanced level? ! !

Isn't this difficult for the strong! Even for players who specialize in sub-class skills, most of the sub-class skills have not reached the expert level!

This made many lord players who were gearing up and wanted to do a big fight back off.

Why change it? The battle for blessed land is still the welfare of those peak lords!

Even so, the teleportation array in Wan County, Lujiang County, Yangzhou continued to emit white light, and densely packed players rushed out of the city.

"It's really strange. It is rumored that Lin Muji, Beiqin, Jiang Chenglong and other lords have long been waiting in the underground of Tianzhu Mountain Fu, so why don't they guard the main road heavily and restrict other lords from entering?" Discussion information is constantly popping up on the Huaxia Channel.

"I'm also very surprised. Each lord has a thousand soldiers, even if the number is not enough, but our Huaxia District has such a large base of lords, there must be more than hundreds of thousands of them in total. There are tens of millions of them, they shouldn't be able to do it, right? "

"Cut! Can't do it? Lin Mu took Yu Jin, Zhou Tai, Huang Zhong and others, and beat your million-strong army!"

"Double insurance! Besides, didn't the rules of this battle for the blessed land say that the authority of the blessed land is obtained according to the ranking of the points. You can cut down different trees, and you can also kill the different numbers of the blessed land to get points. Lin Mu may not be able to use the accumulated points of thousands of people. The points are completely crushed!"

"Did you see the last rule... If you can't get rid of the anomalies in the blessed land, the blessed land will be permanently closed!"

"I see, that is to say, if the players don't kill the guardians and occupy the blessed land, then the players can no longer own this blessed land!"

"This rule is so weird!"

"Everyone, watch the live broadcast, it's starting! Wow, a lot of people are rushing up the mountain!" The Huaxia Channel was very lively. And some live broadcast rooms are full of bullet screens.

"Brothers, have you seen King Mu?" Many players were looking for Lin Mu.

However, Lin Mu didn't appear at all.

"Forget it, I feel that this blessed land is for the benefits of those big lords. Those of us in the middle and lower classes, just take a look."

"Yes! Let's just watch the excitement. Unfortunately, we can't broadcast live after entering! I don't know what's going on inside!"


"Different trees? Different numbers in the blessed land? The mutated Tianzhu wood and the mutated Tianzhu wooden puppet?" Lin Mu frowned when he heard the system prompt next to his ear.

"Besides, the points for cutting down a mutated Tianzhu wood is 500 points, but killing the mutated Tianzhu puppet is only 100 points? It's a bit weird!"

It's a pity that he can't go in and check it himself, otherwise he might find something!

"Sure enough, as I expected, the system took the initiative to release this blessed land, just to let players help it clear something!" Lin Mu thought secretly.

His Kuaiji Xiaodongtian was found by himself, not released by the system, so there is no problem.

And the system deliberately releases the blessed land, there is a problem!

Originally, according to the normal development, the Huaxia District can accumulate 200 points of national strength, so the development should be very balanced, and there should be a lot of elite soldiers with advanced logging skills.

However, due to Lin Mu's influence, the entire player circle currently only has more than 250,000 points!

This data was compiled by Ji Beiqin. Of course, it is not ruled out that some lord players did not bring soldiers who meet the conditions.

"Two hundred and fifty thousand, I don't know if it can break the odd number of the blessed land!"

"These anomalies, are they caused by the invasion of people from other realms? Our players are virus guards, helping the system to clear the invading virus?"

Lin Mu wanted to contact Ji Beiqin and others, but found that he couldn't!

"Damn! If you don't have the initiative, you just feel bad!" Lin Mu complained secretly.

Afterwards, Lin Mu's ears kept ringing to remind him to get points.

"Huaxia has the blessing of Huaxia! If I don't participate this time, they should be able to survive!" Lin Mu murmured.

Because of his influence, the development of the Huaxia District lord player is definitely several grades faster than in the previous life. Although there is a lack of famous generals and celebrities in history, after the expedition to Japan and the Yellow Turban Rebellion, it has definitely made great progress.

"I hope those Gang-breaking arrows will have a miraculous effect!" Lin Mu muttered, then turned and went out. Today Hongdu Menxue has a lecture, and he needs to attend it.

Although Lin Mu was not at the scene, he paid close attention to the situation of the battle.



Seven or eight lord players gathered in A San District, Musha city-state, and the city lord's mansion.

"Everyone, Huaxia Linmu has agreed to our cooperation proposal! He will establish a channel to communicate with us! At that time, the special props in our district can be sold in Huaxia district!"

"Great! At that time, we were equivalent to having countless specialty products!" Several lord players were overjoyed.

"Hmph! Agreeing is agreeing, but it is a shame to use the Buddha veins of our great country as a stepping stone!" A lord player snorted coldly, as if he was quite disdainful.

"We will have a chance to get it back! Isn't there an old saying in Huaxia District: It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years!!"

"Yes! When the time comes, we will definitely plunder it back from the Huaxia District with all the profits!!"

"The American District, the Dongying District, and Europa are all ready to move, and they have vaguely formed an alliance. It will be difficult for Huaxia then!"

"Hey... let's make some wealth from the Huaxia District first, arm ourselves first, and then go to their houses to rob... kill two birds with one stone!"

"Okay! Since everyone has no objection, the cooperation is over. We will bring the props there, and then we will send troops to guard the Buddha's channel."


"King Kanishka, how is the situation?"

In fact, the Buddha Kingdom at this moment is also facing an epic historical battle: [Battle of the Hindu Kush Mountain Dragon Slaying]!

In the Hindu Kush Mountain, a group of evil dragons gathered, devouring the people of the surrounding city-states.

Kanishka, the current emperor of the Buddha Kingdom, couldn't stand the evil deeds of these guys, so he planned to send troops to encircle and suppress these evil dragons!

In fact, after some exploration, the player discovered that the group of evil dragons was actually raised by King Kanishka himself, and it was one of the foundations for him to dominate the Buddhist kingdom. However, because the Buddha Kingdom is currently stable and there are no foreign enemies and internal troubles, the help has become an enemy instead!

If Zhang Jiao hadn't invaded the Buddhist kingdom and robbed the Buddha's veins, the epic battle might have started long ago!

He was abruptly dragged by the Huaxia District for a year!

It has been so long since the first epic battle in Huaxia District, and their Buddha Kingdom has not yet started, how annoying!

"The preparations have been completed. However, players from the Hindu Kush dragon camp sent a message that their camp is also ready for battle!"

"And, according to some spiders, the Hindu Kush dragon camp seems to have colluded with some city-state masterminds to rebel! It may be even more different from the actual history."

"Of course it won't be necessary. We all postponed it for a year. Those evil dragons in the Hindu Kush have long wanted to overthrow Kanishka! They have a plan for a year, and maybe Kanishka may not be able to defeat them!"

"It can't be better, it's better if Kanishka dies early, then you can jump directly to the [Era of Warlords' Hegemony]!"

"No! Our development time is still too short. Kanishka is in power, and the domestic environment is stable without disputes, which is conducive to our development!"

"Try to let the undercover over there send a message, we must help Kanishka win this battle!"


"I agree!"

After that, several people discussed several matters.

"Pabala, I heard that you received an adventure mission?" A luxuriously dressed lord with dark complexion, slender and curly hair, short stature, flat nose, and wide lips turned his head and asked.

The lord player named Pabala got up suddenly when he heard the words, pointed at him angrily and asked, "Aimu Khan, how do you know that I received the adventure mission? You arranged an undercover agent by my side?!"

"No! I just heard it occasionally. Don't mind... Share it with us, maybe we can cooperate!"

Pabala gave Aimu Khan a vicious look, and after pondering for a while, said quietly: "That's right, I received an adventure mission, and it still involved Huaxia. An NPC prefect of Huaxia used some means to communicate with us. country."

"After a series of operations, the prefect is willing to preach for us in China!"

"Hiss! The adventure mission you accepted turned out to be evangelism?! Or go to China to evangelize? The mission level is definitely high!!" The other lords gasped when they heard this.

"That's right! An epic mission!" Pabala said proudly.

"What's the name of that Chinese NPC?"



(The next chapter is back to the territory for a meeting!)

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