Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 1507 Body of Incense, Mysterious Mother of Kong

"Master Taishou, the envoy's meeting is over already?"

"Well! It's over! Let's go, go to the secret room first." Ruo Rong hurried back to the city lord's mansion in the capital of Xiapi, Xiapi.

After that, he took a few housekeepers and went straight to the secret room.

In the spacious and bright secret room, Ruo Rong sat cross-legged on a tufted cattail glowing with a strange yellow awn.

The same is true for the other five housekeepers.

"Huh!! It's still comfortable to sit on this tuanpu!" Ruo Rong took a light breath and said happily.

"Yes! The miraculous things my lord has obtained really have miraculous effects!" Several housekeepers were also engrossed.

"Zhang Li, have you found that person with the body of incense?" Ruo Rong asked loudly.

"Not yet! Although I am an elder of the Taiping Dao in Qingzhou, I don't know much about the female Taoist in Qingzhou. Right now, I'm sending people to look for it!" said a housekeeper.

"Not yet?!"

"Well... the prefect once said that those who are incense-burning must have extraordinary people in their family members. After we screen them one by one, we should be able to find them soon!"

"Hurry up, our plan is about to start! If I have his help, I will be very happy!" Ruo Rong said loudly!

A strange and mysterious shadow appeared in the depths of Ruo Rong's eyes.


"Is the start-up capital ready?"

"Basically in place, we can start preaching!"

"Well, let's start with the villages and towns near Xiapi City! After experiencing the Yellow Turban Rebellion, they definitely need the way of faith!"


In the bright secret room, the voices of several people discussing constantly sounded.



In a township in Huang County, Donglai.

"It's really strange. There seem to be a lot of strange faces around recently. Could it be the spies of strangers?" A burly general was sitting on the stone table in the yard, his brows were slightly frowned and he muttered.

This person is indeed Tai Shici!

"Xuan Gao warned me to be careful before leaving, but they still found out!"

"I don't know what happened to Xuan Gao after he returned to the territory..." Tai Shici said softly.

"Why, if you take a rest today, you won't spend time with the old man, instead you will miss Xuan Gao..." At this time, a slightly old voice sounded.

"Hehe... Mother forgive me." Tai Shici smiled awkwardly.

Sitting opposite Tai Shici was a rather old and thin woman.

This person has red face and white hair, many places on his face are wrinkled, but his face is ruddy.

Unlike his face, his hands are like jade shoots, his fingers are as thin as scallion white, and his figure is also slightly graceful. If you ignore the traces of his age, you can vaguely see his peerless face when he was young.

This person is the mother of Tai Shici, Kong Mu! !

"You should be able to see Xuan Gao's purpose, why don't you confess to him." Kong Mu said meaningfully.

When Tai Shici heard this, his body shook slightly, and he immediately sat up straight. Every time his mother preached, he always had a very strange feeling, as if he was in the deep starry sky! He knew that his mother was not a mortal daughter.

"I know, but..."

"Hehe...don't use old age as an excuse! Hmph!" Mother Kong said in a condensed voice.

"Uh...I...I..." Tai Shici was speechless for a moment. In the face of his mother's teachings, he will always hesitate.

"Just follow your heart! No matter where you go, you will be famous forever!" Kong Muyu said earnestly.

"Beep!!!!" Just then, there was a hasty knock on the door.

"Huh? Those people came to look for me?! Really..." Tai Shici frowned suddenly, and suddenly turned to look at the gate.

"Hehe... Maybe these people are not looking for you, but for me!" Kong Mu smiled.

"Looking for mother? Why?" Tai Shici was shocked!

But Mother Kong didn't say anything, just shook her head slightly.

"Okay, since you're taking a rest these few days, why don't you go to the place where the dragon is imprisoned, if you go, that one will definitely let you in!" Mother Kong waved her hand, pointing out.

When Tai Shici heard this, he stared with tiger eyes. This is the first time his mother has said such a thing, and she has never talked about it before!

"Xuan Gao, that kid, you can also meet him if you are a lucky general." Kong Mu said again.

As she spoke, Mother Kong gently supported the stone table and stood up. Her thin body was blown by the wind, as if she was on the verge of falling, like a candle in the wind.

"Mother!!!" Seeing this, Tai Shici immediately went over to help her.

"It's okay, I've read a lot of scriptures recently, and I'm a little tired. I'll just go back and have a good rest...You can stay with me for a while...Let's go the day after tomorrow..."

"Okay..." Taishi Ci promised.

He would do what his mother said, as if it was a matter of course!

"Entering the Fortune Dynasty, ascending to the gods, don't just follow your temper..." Mother Kong taught again earnestly.

Fortune? Could it be! ! When Tai Shici heard this, his heart suddenly moved.

"Don't be rebellious, don't be need to practice more with your archery skills, don't retreat in a hurry..." Afterwards, the mother's whispers of caring for the child continued to echo in the courtyard.

I don't know why, but there seems to be a magical and reckless aura lingering in the courtyard... Different from Tai Shici's tiger minister aura, it is more feminine...

In the sky above the courtyard, white clouds slowly form a strange pattern... The long and narrow white clouds are arranged in two rows, like a number [two]...



Yinglong Valley, Zhenlong Pavilion.

"Wen Qian, the exclusive unit you command is the assault cavalry. It is the only light cavalry we have at the moment. You must train it well! If you have any difficulties, let us know, we are all a family!" Usually Le Jin didn't know why, Still a little cautious.

"If there is no result after searching for that task for another two months, I will give up for the time being...go north to Bingzhou, and fight against alien races with Gongtu and experience..." Lin Mu instructed softly.

"No!!" Le Jin half-kneeled in the tunnel.

Afterwards, Lin Mu introduced him to the Great Wilderness Territory to attack the Eighth Army.

"The Eighth Legion: [Jiuyang Legion], the rank is the quasi-epic-level personal exclusive unit [Jiuyang Qiankun Qiankun Cavalry], which is still in the process of transformation. After the transformation is completed, it will become the first-stage quasi-epic-level unit! Legion leader Huang Loyalty Huang Hansheng, deputy army commander Huang Ying Huang Diewu!"

"The Eighth Legion is the highest-ranking unit in our Great Wilderness Territory!" Lin Mu announced proudly.

There are very few epic-level units, and they are basically legions that are famous all over the world. He has long coveted them. But now, the Great Wilderness Territory also has its own quasi-epic-level unit. If there is a chance, it must be promoted to an epic-level unit!

He believed it would work!

"Han Sheng is one of the peerless generals. Together with Dianwei Diangongtu, he is the most powerful and powerful heaven and earth general in our Great Wilderness Territory!!" Lin Mu said forcefully.

"Han Sheng, your Biaozi ranks in the world's endowment list, plus your talent, divine power, divine domain, original Yuanling, exclusive arms, etc. have all undergone transformation. My expectations for you are even better!! !” Lin Muning said.

"The final general will live up to my lord's high expectations!!!" Huang Zhong bowed his head and half-kneeled on the ground, sonorously replied.

"Okay! Get up! Since our destiny is integrated, we will help you climb to the top!" Lin Mu helped Huang Zhong get up.

It is an honor to be supported by his lord, Lin Mu, and half kneel to show his loyalty! Invisibly, this is already a ritual.

"The following is the Ninth Legion: the head of the legion is Dian Wei Dian Gongtu. As for the name and rank of the legion, Gongtu said that he can't afford it for the time being. Don't talk about it, the establishment is temporarily reserved. Wait for him to work hard and reappear!! Currently, Gongtu Lead some newly recruited soldiers to fight in Bingzhou...the alien race in Bingzhou is cruel and ruthless, so be careful..." Lin Mu kept ordering.

"Gong Tu, although you have only a short time to join our Great Wilderness Territory, I trust you very much. My expectations for you are not lower than Han Sheng. You should work hard!"

"Originally, I wanted to keep you by my side as the general of the bodyguard, but your talent should not be buried in the bodyguard! You have a wider road to go! I hope you can be comparable to the ancient evil!! !” Lin Muning said.

"The last general will definitely repay the lord with his body!!!" Dian Wei half-kneeled in the tunnel.

Lin Mu excitedly supported Dian Wei. He knew that Dian Wei hadn't even cheated Zhang Jiao before! ! Now half kneeling on the ground to show his loyalty, it shows his attitude!

"The tenth attacking legion in the territory, [Star Legion], is my exclusive legendary unit. It is also the first stage star cavalry. I am the legion commander, and the deputy commander is Huang Xu, Huang Zixing, Cui Wu and Cui Zichen!"

"Zichen is also the captain of my personal guard!" Lin Mu looked at Huang Xu and Cui Wu who jumped out and half knelt on the ground, feeling extremely emotional in his heart.

To be honest, he really neglected the cultivation of exclusive arms, and he always picked Huang Xu.

In fact, there is no way, his current cultivation base is too low, his force is too low, and the gap between him and the peak general is too large, so he needs to pursue and fight fiercely.

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