But when Lin Mu saw his introduction, he frowned slightly.

something? a beast? what is this? !

After all, Tailong Wangqi is a high-level exclusive skill, and the attributes of the investigation will be displayed differently. This is something other players don't have.

For example, Ji Beiqin, if he used the probing technique to identify the lake, assuming it was successful, the displayed attributes would definitely be different from Lin Mu's!

Looking at the bottomless lake, Lin Mu really wanted to jump in and check it out.

However, even if he was a bold man of high art, he still didn't dive in so recklessly. If it were a bottomless cave, he would dare, but if it was underwater, it would inevitably be daunting.

"My lord, I'll dive in and have a look!" Lin Mu hesitated, but the Qilin Shuirui next to him didn't hesitate. It doesn't matter if you die once!

"No need!" Lin Mu, who was pondering for a while, waved his hands to stop the soldiers from going down.

A certain beast often swims in this lake! It might be the sky-rank sea beast in the south!

But it's also strange, he has already come here, and the sea beast didn't respond!

Or is there a mysterious beast hidden inside? He can't even sense the breath!

"Try these lake waters!" Lin Mu asked a Qilin Shui Rui to drink the lake water.

Lin Mu didn't dare to drink it directly, especially when he saw the last description in the "Introduction".

Without the slightest hesitation, the soldier took a sip with his hand and drank it.

"Hmm...it's very sweet, with a slightly different taste...although it's not as good as the spirit-gathering liquid from the territory, but it's somewhat effective!" The soldier immediately expressed his judgment.

"No urine smell? Fishy smell?" Lin Mu asked with his mouth twitching.


"Okay, put some back in a water container!" Lin Mu nodded and ordered with a strange expression.

The other soldiers also saw the strange color on Lin Mu's face, but they didn't want to ask anything.

But they also felt that the lake water was a little 'different'! Let's hope it doesn't really smell like beast urine!



The sun is setting, the sunset is gorgeous, and the red makeup is all over the sky!

Where he landed on the island, Cui Wu, who was sitting on the ground, kept recording information.

But at this moment, there were rustling sounds from the jungle.

The vigilant soldiers waited intently.

"My lord!" It turned out that it was Lin Mu and others who came.

"Well! Everyone is back! How is the investigation going?" Lin Mu looked around and found that the soldiers from other teams had all returned.

The exploration went very smoothly, and no soldier was killed in action! There are still injuries.

"My lord, how is the situation on your side?" Cui Wu stood up and asked.

Afterwards, Lin Mu told what he had seen and heard along the way, including the introduction information of [Qingxuanquan Lake].

"Wow! Consonance Horn! Heaven Rank Treasure Chest!! Lake of Spirit Water!!!" Cui Wu was overjoyed upon hearing this.

"My lord, I still have a lot of water here, why don't we go there again at night and come back with more spiritual water?" Cui Wu said excitedly.

"No need, it's enough!" Lin Mu waved his hands.

"What is the specific situation of this island?" Lin Mu asked.

Afterwards, Cui Wu shared the collected information...

"This road is in the shape of a circle, estimated to be 120 square kilometers. It is considered a small island. There are twelve peaks in it, one large and one small, and twelve valleys... Preliminary investigations found seventh-grade lapis lazuli ore, seven-grade xuan Yuan Fuling, Bapinchi Alchemy Ginseng and other medicinal herbs grow, there is Qingxuanquan Lake..."

"Oh, this island is so rich in resources?!" Lin Mu was pleasantly surprised when he heard Cui Wu's report.

The first island encountered in the sea has already had such a rich harvest, and the journey behind is even more exciting! !

Exploring the island is actually equivalent to opening a blind box, a huge blind box! !

"Materials are abundant, but the island has relatively little flat land, which is not suitable for farming!" Cui Wu also pointed out the shortcomings of the island.

Lin Mu nodded, there are advantages and disadvantages, this is normal.

"My lord, why don't we lure that sky-rank sea beast out, and then take care of it and occupy this island?" Cui Wuning said.

"And then?" Lin Mu smiled slightly upon hearing this.

"What then? Oh... that's right... We don't have many people guarding here?!" Cui Wu reacted, patted his thigh and said.

"Unfortunately, there are relatively few teleportation arrays in our territory, and they are all used to plan the layout..." Cui Wu regretted.

"It doesn't matter! We are not here to occupy the island, but to explore the way! From now on, this island will still be ours!" Lin Mu laughed.

Afterwards, everyone discussed some things and began to eat.

In the dark, Lin Mu and the others did not immediately go to sea and return to the battleship, but prepared to set off early the next morning.

The mature medicinal materials encountered were basically collected, only those ores were not paid much attention to. So they basically completed this trip successfully!

Afterwards, they set up camp in marching tents by the beach.

"This island is called Qingxuan Island!" Lin Mu said softly while sitting in the tent.

After Lin Mu said this, a system prompt sounded in his ear:


"—System prompt: Dragon Master Lin Mu, named the unnamed island successfully! Because you are the first player to name the island, complete the achievement: Ocean Pioneer! The system rewards you: [Intermediate Pioneer] title, reputation +100000, 20 special pills [Sea Spirit Pill]!"


"—System prompt: Dragon Lord Lin Mu, because you already have the title of [Intermediate Pioneer], it has transformed into the title of [Advanced Pioneer]!"

Yo! ! ! Unexpectedly, the first player to name an island has an achievement!

In the past, the islands were all named by Yu Jin and others, not him, so he was not counted!


"—System prompt: Dragon Lord Lin Mu, because you completed an achievement, you need to make a world announcement. Do you want to hide your name?"

What? ! ! Still want to make a world announcement? ! Damn, the reward for making a world announcement is so small? ! !

In the past, when the world announcement was made, there was no national legend degree and world epic degree. Even artifacts were selected from a few, and now this is the only thing? !

Lin Mu has a kind of reverberation when he first established the village! At that time, as the second person to establish a village, the rewards he received were even more pitiful!

"Don't hide!" Lin Mu sighed helplessly in his heart.


"——World Announcement: There will be times when the wind and the waves cleave, hang the clouds and sail directly to help the sea! Congratulations to Lin Mu, a player from the Huaxia District, who bravely explored the endless sea and found an unnamed island. He successfully named this island [Qingxuan] Island]! As a reward, he won the title of [Intermediate Pioneer], reputation +100000, and 20 pieces of special medicine [Sea Spirit Pill]! Note: There are seventh-grade ores on Qingxuan Island, seventh-grade and eighth-grade rare herbs, and In Linghu, there is a treasure chest of heaven rank, I hope everyone will fight bravely to get more resources!"



Three vast world announcements resounded throughout the world!

World Channel and China Channel instantly boiled over.

My God, Lin Mu has only been out at sea for two days, so he hasn't traveled far, so he has gained so much? ! !

Lin Mu can actually name an island? ! ! ! Or are the overseas islands basically unnamed? !

Many people have discovered the clues.

Soon, Lin Mu's communication system kept sending video applications and messages.

The age of great voyages in the real world, that was a crazy golden age of primitive accumulation!

Even a pig, blowing on the top of the waves, becomes...a golden pig!



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