Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 1582 The Only Variable

To be honest, if it wasn't for Gongsun Zan, Lin Mu didn't want to attend this court meeting. After all, he has the mission of traveling to the east, so Liu Hong wouldn't say anything.

However, in order to fight for a fight, he stood up. As for the operation of General Zhengxi just now, it was a mysterious operation. Except for Lin Mu himself, no one knows why he suddenly brought this up.

At that time, his position as General Zhengdong caused many nobles to refute it, and even the Yuan family directly stood up to refute it. If it weren't for Dongdu's mission to find the dragon veins, the position of General Zhengdong would never have appeared!

After the court meeting dispersed, many officials did not leave immediately, but began to gather in twos and threes in the side hall, chatting about something.

Lin Mu, Xun Shuang, Gongsun Zan and others also gathered in a side hall.

They are waiting for someone!

Everyone was silent and didn't say anything, even Xun Shuang and Cai Yong, who was burned by Lin Mu, didn't say anything.

When the sky was full of sunset, a figure walked into the side hall.

The person who came was Zuo Feng!

Zuo Feng came in, didn't say much, just gave Lin Mu an animal skin scroll, and left directly.

Lin Mu couldn't wait to open the animal skin roll, and there were a few lines written on it: (the ones without punctuation marks, I added them for better reading, hehe...)

【Eighth Colonel of Xiyuan】:

[Shangjun Lieutenant], Jian Shuo!

[Lieutenant of the Chinese Army], Yuan Shao!

[Official Colonel], Bao Hong!

[Lieutenant Dianjun], Cao Cao!

[Auxiliary Army Captain Zuo], Gongsun Zan!

[Auxiliary Right Colonel], Feng Fang!

【Lieutenant Zuo】Xia Mou!

[Lieutenant Right], Chunyu Qiong!


The historical lists are very similar! ! Gongsun Zan replaced Zhao Rong!

Seeing Gongsun Zan's name on it, Lin Mu, Cai Yong and others breathed a sigh of relief. It doesn't matter what position he has, as long as he has it, everything will be fine!

As for Gongsun Zan, when he saw his name, the joy on his face bloomed like a chrysanthemum. He, Gongsun Zan, has finally reached this step! !

"Thank you for your help!! Thank you!!" Gongsun Zan immediately said gratefully.

"It doesn't need to be like this. It's your accumulation of merit and hard work that you were able to become Captain Zuo of the Auxiliary Army!" Lin Mu said with a smile.

Gongsun Zan really deserves to be a hero on the frontier, as long as there is a connection, His Majesty will definitely not ignore it!

"Bogui, I have a few candidates here who want to join you to take up some small positions, can you arrange them?" Lin Mu asked with a smile.

"Of course! I will make good arrangements!" Gongsun Zan immediately responded.

"There is no need to pay so much attention to it. I am going to let them go to your place for a transition period. When the time is right, let the teacher and the others contribute and transfer them to other places to serve! This army is yours!" Lin Mu said with a smile.

"Okay!" Gongsun Zan grinned. It's comforting to have trouble with Lin Mu.

Afterwards, Lin Mu named Yun Qi, Xun Fai and several other people.

The contacts in the Great Wilderness Territory have become popular, it's time to start expanding!

"By the way, Brother Bogui, Li Dian and the others can share part of the pressure for you on the Youzhou border matter, and we can cooperate!"

"Hey, of course, I dare to come to Beijing because of Mancheng and the others!" Gongsun Zan laughed.

"Well, everything is going in the right direction!" Lin Mu laughed.

Afterwards, Gongsun Zan exchanged pleasantries with several people, and left in a hurry.

After he got a definite answer, he was going to go back to Youzhou to tell his clansmen himself! He is going to bring a few backbones to supervise the construction of the army!

Sitting on the carriage leaving the palace, Zhijinwu Xun Shuang was frowning at the animal skin scroll at this moment.

"Teacher, do you have any questions?" Seeing this, Lin Mu asked in a low voice.

"Xiao Mu, do you see the meaning of the other seven people?" Xun Shuang asked instead without responding.

"Hehe... I know what the teacher means! Among the other eight people, Jian Shuo, Bao Hong, and Feng Fang are loyal to His Majesty, while Cao Cao, Chunyuqiong, and Bo Gui are considered to be in the neutral camp, Xia Mou is from He Jin, Yuan Shao He is a member of the gentry! His Majesty has a deep meaning in making such a decision. Maybe, His Majesty has drawn up the position a long time ago!" Lin Mu said quietly.

"That's right... the nature of each candidate's camp is very obvious. But the significance of it is huge!" Xun Shuang sighed with emotion.

"It's okay, are you afraid that His Majesty will become too powerful and fundamental changes will occur?" Cai Yong also knew Xun Shuang's deep meaning, and said in a deep voice.

"The attitude of General He Jin this time is a bit strange! We have to guard against it!" Xun Shuang said in a low voice.

What Xun Shuang said is actually correct, if Liu Hong and He Jin really work together, it will be a big deal!

"Teacher, you don't need to worry so much, no one knows about the future changes!" Lin Mu said meaningfully.

The reality is the second half of 185, not far from 189!

Moreover, the Eighth Colonel of Xiyuan currently only has an invisible deterrent force, and it will take a long time to truly form a military background!

In the past few years, there have been continuous rebellions everywhere! Where will the situation be stable? !

The corruption of the Liangzhou Rebellion has yet to be revealed!

Liu Hong has won many victories recently, but the nobles have also counterattacked a lot. The situation of the Liangzhou Rebellion almost made Long Ting give up Liangzhou, a land of one state! !

After leaving the palace, Lin Mu didn't go back to the mansion with Xun Shuang and the others, but ran directly to the teleportation array.


The Yuju Mountains, the largest and most dangerous mountain range in Kuaiji County, are endless mountains that reach the sky, where the clouds and mists do not disperse all year round, and the roar of beasts is also endless.

And in the early morning of this day, a ferocious army covered in dust and blood came out from the depths of the mountains.

"All soldiers, rest where you are, and the logistics soldiers start to make stoves and fires to keep warm and cook!" A not-so-burly general shouted.

"No!" The soldiers responded with lingering fear.

This army is Le Jin's army. He successfully brought out his contacts!

After resting for a while, the subordinate general counted the situation of the army and reported to Le Jin.

"Legion Commander, in order to hurry this time, we all took a shortcut, which caused the invasion of many fierce beasts, and killed more than 30,000 soldiers!"

"It's okay! Although you have lost a lot, everyone has tempered a lot! Good thing!" Le Jin comforted.

After all, the soldiers of his legion have spirits to be resurrected, and they are not afraid of sacrifice.

"Yes! It's a good thing, haha!!!" At this moment, Lin Mu's hearty voice came.

"My lord!!" Everyone followed the prestige and saw Lin Mu rushing with a group of people.

"My lord, the general has lived up to his mission and finally completed it!" Le Jin said excitedly.

For this task, they have endured a lot of hardships, and the endless mountains that reach the sky are their witnesses!

"The Great Wilderness Territory thanks everyone for their efforts!! The Seventh Legion has contributed a lot to the successful completion of this mission!"

"After this mission, the territory will equip everyone with war horses!" Lin Mu encouraged.

"Wow!!! That's great!!" Le Jin's Benlei Iron Warriors are light cavalry, but in fact, only some of them have mounts, and many of them use their feet to travel.

After this task is completed, the territory will definitely give them some resources, and the war horse is one of them.

"Wen Qian, I didn't expect you to complete the task so early!" At this time, a familiar voice came.

"'s luck, I feel that the hidden village may have been exposed due to the disordered celestial phenomena!" Le Jin looked at the speaker and bowed respectfully.

The speaker is obviously Xi Zhicai!

After he heard about this mission, he hurried over with Lin Mu.

"What's the specific situation?" Lin Mu asked with interest.

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