Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 1744 Turmoil (6) - Rats Crossing the Street

"Long Ting's power can actually limit us to use props?" Yuan Shao was shocked again.

"Evacuate first, hurry up! Evacuate Lin Lucheng first, if he catches us, we may not survive." Yuan Shao was also anxious at this moment.

With so many props in his hand, he thought he was sitting on the Diaoyutai, but he didn't expect this situation to happen.

Since Lin Mu dared to kill even a god general, Lin Mu was desperate.

At this time, the power of the Han Dynasty was very strong.

"Damn it! If it weren't for the power of the Dragon Court, it would not be like this at all! As long as he kills Yuan Feng, I will jump out, and then everything will go according to my plan!" Yuan Shao, who left with everyone, secretly hated him.

It turned out that he had planned. Although Yuan Feng is a child of the Yuan family, he is close to Yuan Shu, and asking him to face Lin Mu also has the effect of plotting against Lin Mu.

He knew Yuan Feng's temperament, his eyes were high and his hands were low.

He even wrote the memorial to impeach Lin Mu.

But now, Lin Mu directly uses authority to suppress people, and everything is reasonable and compliant.


"—System prompt: Dragon Lord Lin Mu, you kill seven ordinary generals, gain 900% experience of this level, and increase your level to level 74."


"——system prompt: Dragon Lord Lin Mu, the level has been raised to 75."


"——system prompt: Dragon Lord Lin Mu, the level has been raised to 76."

After killing seven generals, Lin Mu's level was raised by three levels.

It has been a while since he opened his martial arts, but his level has only increased by more than ten levels. The lower the level, the harder it is to upgrade.

Of course, Lin Mu seldom went to leveling, and basically used means to kill heaven-rank generals and god generals.

The seven ordinary generals this time did not have high experience in the system's judgment, so they were only promoted to three levels.

"Although they are all ordinary generals, the blood spirit and drop are not bad." Lin Mu was slightly happy after seeing the attributes of the dragon gun.

Afterwards, they put away the seven golden treasure bags and the seven corpses, and opened and processed them together when the time was right.

After finishing these things, Lin Mu turned and looked in one direction.

That is the place where Yuan Shao and others stayed before.

Lin Mu only sensed that there was something different there, but he didn't perceive that Yuan Shao, Wei Zhongdao and others were all there.

The props used by Yuan Shao are still very advanced.

"Wen Qian, You Ping, you continue to escort them to the coffin hall." Lin Mu instructed.


"When they get to the teacher's side, they will return to the territory immediately. Those people can't wait to launch the first shot of turmoil!" Lin Mu said meaningfully.

The carriage procession continued on.

Inside the carriage, Cai Yan and Xun Caier were in shock.

"Why doesn't your husband come to see us?" Xun Cai'er asked suspiciously.

"Husband is stained with blood, maybe he doesn't want us to see it." Cai Yan said with a considerate look.

"Oh!" Indeed, every time Lin Mu came back from an expedition, he would see them only when he was well washed. He was meticulous and doted on them very much.

They opened the curtains of the carriage and looked affectionately at Lin Mu not far away.

And Lin Mu nodded towards them and grinned.

When the carriage disappeared at the corner of the street, Lin Mu looked away.

"System, in addition to robbing my wife Cai Yan, the people in the dark are also surrounding my subordinate territory. Can I set them all as wanted criminals? Will the warrants I left for others have any effect?" Lin Mu asked. the system asked.


"—System prompt: Dragon Lord Lin Mu, those soldiers have not yet formally attacked your subordinate territory, and cannot use authority to mark them as wanted criminals of the Han Dynasty."

The system responded to Lin Mu's question.

You can't mark it if you don't attack it. If you attack it, you can list those guys as wanted criminals.

The people who participated in the secret didn't think of it... It's not that Lin Mu didn't want to use this trick before, but he couldn't.

"The person who is marked in this city, can I issue the wanted mission to the player through authority?" Lin Mu asked secretly again.


"—System prompt: Dragon Master Lin Mu, do you want to issue a mission to the player?" The system responded.

"Yo... yes, release it now!"


"——System prompt: Dragon Lord Lin Mu, you can set the task details. Note that the rewards for this task can be selected from the reward pool of the Han Dynasty, and you don't need to pay for it yourself."

Yo... Now it's all right, whoring for nothing!

Lin Mu began to set up tasks.

When Lin Mu set up the task, many players rushed over.

"Damn! Didn't some brothers say that Lin Mu appeared in Lin Lu City? Didn't they say that someone intercepted and killed Cai Yan? Why is there no one? It's over so soon?"

"That's the battlefield... Damn, the streets are smashed."

"Hey... There are two people there."

"Go over and ask." The players rushed towards Lin Mu.

Seeing this, Lin Mu lightly jumped onto the roof and disappeared from the player's field of vision in an instant with Huang Zhong.

And at this moment, all the players in Lin Lucheng heard an announcement:


"——Announcement in the area of ​​​​Lin Lu City: The second-rank Yizhou Mu of the Great Han Dynasty, and the third-rank General Lin Mu issued a heaven-level mission: [Catch the murderer]. The details of the mission are as follows:

Task name: [Catch the murderer]

Mission Level: Heavenly Rank

Task requirements: Because the thieves attacked the relatives of the Longting officials in disregard of the law and morality, and committed an unforgivable crime. Now, the participants are all marked with the red blood of the big man. Any NPC that finds the mark can be killed and rewarded.

Task rewards: find the marked person, reputation +1000; kill the marked mastermind, kill and get rewards: Tian Rank [Red Blood Suit], Tian Rank [Breaking Gang Pill], a Tian Rank Puppet, National Legendary Degree +10 , Reputation +500000. Kill other participants, according to the contribution, you can get rewards in the following reward pool: reputation +1000000, Xuan-level [Blood Tiger Suit]*300 sets, Xuan-level weapons*300 handles, and 20,000 original attribute points.

Task penalty: none"



"Hiss!!" Hearing the three regional announcements, the players in the city went crazy.

Lin Mu even issued a task for them! And the rewards are so generous.

And Lin Mu, because he was a whore for nothing, so he maxed out the rewards to the maximum.

As soon as this mission came out, the players began to desperately walk through the streets looking for the marked characters. Needless to say, the power of the player is great, and many marked characters were found in a short while.

"Those people are in a hurry, their bodies seem to be covered with red blood...fuck...that's the goal of the mission!!" A team of players screamed when they saw seven people walking out of a corner.

"Really, go!"

"Grass...they separated and went all the way alone."

"No matter what... go!"

"We also divide our troops..." The players flocked frantically.

"Damn... Are these people crazy?" In a hidden corner.

Wei Zhongdao's face was gloomy. This is already the fourth wave where the guards are used to distract the aliens.

Those strangers were so crazy that they searched all over, whether it was a residential house or a latrine.

He was originally hiding in a thatched hut, but was found, so he had no choice but to continue hiding.

There is no place for them in such a huge city.

"Young master, our guards are divided into four groups to lure away the enemy. Next time, if we encounter strangers or officers and soldiers, there will be no more." A heavenly general said hoarsely.

The inability to use props meant that they had to evacuate the county step by step.

Don't think about the teleportation array, it must be heavily guarded.

"Young master, in fact, we should follow Yuan Shao. With him around, Lin Mu might be afraid."

"Let's go! We're almost at the city wall." Wei Zhongdao's face was gloomy at the moment.

Didn't he want to follow Yuan Shao, but that guy didn't take him on purpose. He even vaguely felt that Yuan Shao also had the idea of ​​killing people with a knife, and wanted Lin Mu to strangle him, a core member of the Wei family, here, and then the Wei family and Lin Mu would never die.

This is also the first time he felt Yuan Shao's unfathomable city.


"My lord, according to Feng Xiao's analysis, it is likely to be the Yuan family and the Wei family. Because they have been transferred a lot recently." Huang Zhong said to Lin Mu on the city wall.

"En!" Lin Mu nodded calmly.

"Feng Xiao said that there will definitely be a mastermind here, so let's wait."

"My lord, if we meet Yuan Shao, shall we kill him?" Huang Zhong asked suddenly.

"Can't be killed, this person is involved in too many things." Lin Mu said meaningfully.

The Yuan family had a dispute between Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu, but they did not integrate the resources of the entire family. If Yuan Shao was gone, Yuan would try his best to cultivate Yuan Shu, even if it was a pig, he would be taken away by Yuan!

"Puff!" At this moment, two dull voices sounded.

I saw two figures shrouded in red blood mist rush out from a corner and came under the city wall.

"Hmph! So it's you! Wei Zhongdao!!" Lin Mu suddenly realized when he saw one of them.

"Wei Zhongdao must have known something about Wen Ji, otherwise he wouldn't have taken such a risk." Lin Mu thought to himself.

While pondering, the two quickly boarded the city wall by means.

"Hey! Who are these? Are they two street mice?" Lin Mu led Huang Zhong out of a dark place, sarcastically.

"Lin Mu, why are you here?" Wei Zhongdao was shocked.

The entire city, surrounded by walls, is so long, how could it be such a coincidence to meet here.

For some reason, when facing Lin Mu, Wei Zhongdao always felt like kneeling on the ground. This should be the effect of authority.

"You led someone to rob Wenji, right? I never thought that Mr. Yuezhang's student would do such a crazy thing. If he knew, he probably wouldn't recognize you as a student. The dignified young master of the Wei family did such a sneaky thing." It's easy to laugh!" Lin Mu continued to sarcastically.

Wei Zhongdao blushed when he heard Lin Mu's words.

It's really disgusting to have the hatred of taking away his wife, but to mock him like this.

"Lin Mu, if you catch me, my people will definitely tell Cai Yan's secret!" Wei Zhongdao took a deep breath, and said this chip.

"Oh? You want me to let you go as a price?" Lin Mu said slowly.

Hearing Lin Mu's words, Wei Zhongdao and the celestial general were surprised, because not long ago, Yuan Feng was hanged by him while talking and laughing.

(To make up for yesterday's.)

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