Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 184 Bauhinia Overwhelming the Country (for Subscription)

Of these five things, Lin Mu's eyes were only impressed by [Nine-story Building Architectural Guide] and [Canglang War Drum Production Guide].

Lin Mu knew both of these two things. The Nine-story Building was a style of Han Dynasty architecture in the mythical world. With such an illustrated book, the architects under his command could learn the skills of building nine-story pavilions.

This is an illustration book of mysterious ranks, which requires expert-level architects. During the temporary meeting before, Lin Mu had already had a detailed background on the situation of architects in his heart. At present, there are about seven master-level architects in the territory, and expert-level architects. Twenty-two architects, about 700 senior architects, and other low-level architects are also remembered, but they are too low-level to mention.

Master-level architects are in charge of seven master-level masonry workshops, and expert-level architects are in charge of 22 expert-level masonry workshops. Architects below the senior level are assigned to assist in the construction.

As for the previously established masonry workshops below the advanced level, like other basic buildings, when Xu Bao sorted out the business in the territory, he had already contracted them to some capable and time-honored citizens, allowing them to develop themselves.

In the early stage of development, Chang Yin built many elementary, intermediate and advanced basic buildings to meet the initial development. However, after conquering the four towns, the population exploded and the talents also soared. The previous basic buildings were not enough to adapt to the rapid development of the territory, so decisive changes were made, and the current effect is good.

In a healthy territory, there will inevitably be private business transactions. The former territory, to put it bluntly, was a private manor, Lin Mu's private manor, and those leaders were all long-term workers of Lin Mu.

Private manors are an unhealthy development model that needs to be changed. After having a business talent like Xu Bao, Lin Mu decisively changed the development model of the territory and initially tried the private contracting development model. Contract out all those basic buildings, let the citizens who have spare time serve other citizens who have money and need to improve their lives, forming a good cycle and harmonious development.

The people in the territory, Lin Mu will not treat them badly, and they will be paid for working for Lin Mu.

After working for more than half a year, the leaders have various copper coins and silver coins in their arms. The products in the territory are rich, and food is not a problem in Yinglong Valley. They will gradually have more pursuits when they are full and fresh. This is the essence of being human.

With their pursuit, the business of the territory will develop.

During that difficult early stage, Chang Yin arranged the work of the leaders: go out at dawn and return when night falls.

But now, the work of the leaders is basically done at sunrise and returned at sunset.


[Nine-story building] can make appropriate adjustments according to its actual function. If you want to build a restaurant in the style of nine-story building, then you can design the dining habits of the guests to make the dining environment warm and comfortable.

If it is an inn restaurant, then you can build as many rooms as possible, increase the capacity, and form a large-scale function...

Lin Mu has long wanted to build a special kind of restaurant, that is, the restaurant of the Martyrs Army.

This kind of restaurant, Lin Mu is going to regard it as a kind of welfare protection function, as a kind of territorial tradition!

The territory will encounter more and more battles in the future, and casualties are inevitable. The soldiers have relatives behind them, the heroes who died in battle, and the heroes of the territory. They fought for the territory and died for the territory. Their relatives and children are the relatives of the territory !

The old has something to depend on, the young has something to teach, Lin Mu is going to build this into a territorial tradition!

Lin Mu found a remote pavilion, sat on a stone chair, and kept thinking with the pages of the Qiankun book...

Canglang War Drum Production Guidebook, this is Huang Jie's guidebook, Lin Mu knows that this guidebook appears very often, it can be regarded as a regular battle drum production guidebook. But now it should be rare to see the wolf drum illustrations. During the Xu Zhao Rebellion, try to be equipped with war drums and other equipment so that you will not fall behind when attacking or defending the city.

By the time of the Yellow Turban Rebellion, the general player army always had wolf drums. This is a yellow-level morale-inspiring battle drum. When the battle drum is stirring, the morale of the legionnaires increases by 10%.

[War Drum] and [Golden Stem] are two very important utensils on the battlefield. Beat the drums and advance, and the gold will be collected.

[War Drum] is used to boost morale when attacking, and [Jinzheng] is a utensil that is sounded when troops are retreating.

With the war drum, Jin Zheng will not be far away.

For the other three things, the Martial Arts Hall is a good place to train individuals with special skills in martial arts. It is different from the barracks school, which focuses more on the growth of personal force, while the barracks school focuses on the training of army formations, teamwork, etc.

There is one in Xufu Town, Zangshuge, but there is nothing to see about this one, so Lin Mu ignored it. The sixth-grade blood spirit fruit should be helpful for refining medicine, and it is a kind of material for refining medicine. Lin Mu didn't have much study on refining medicine in his previous life and this life. In the future, if you have time, refining medicine is also good.

After reading Xu Bao's information, Lin Mu told Chang Yin of his idea of ​​building the Yinglie Restaurant, and when Xu Bao arranged for his men to bring back the items this time, he would carry out this traditional construction.

When Chang Yin and Feng Zhong saw Lin Mu's message, they both agreed with this traditional construction very much, and it will be of great help to build up the morale of the army in the future.

Good deeds of a country are national virtues! It is human virtue to do good deeds! The Lord's good deeds are Mingde!

When Lin Mu and Chang Yin were discussing the establishment of Yinglie Restaurant, the mother page of Qiankun was like a chat group, immediately blasting Xu Ying, Xu Bao, Feng Zhong, and Xu Yuan who were "diving".

The owners of the six pages of the Qiankun book are all 'bubbling'.

Although it is more troublesome to discuss affairs on the pages of the book, this situation is still very good for them who are divided into different parties. There is a feeling of players opening a team channel.

Fortunately, the subpage cannot see the main page, otherwise the information would be endless.

The six people, without the slightest estrangement, are united as one territory, which is why Lin Mu gave them such important pages.

The 'remote meeting' was held for the first time without knowing it...

When Lin Mu was discussing with them on the pages of the book, a sweet female voice suddenly sounded, making the pavilion feel like a spring breeze.

"This chivalrous man, the little girl is a different person named [Qingguo Bauhinia]. I don't take the liberty to bother you. I just want to discuss something with you. May I sit down?" The owner of the sweet voice pointed with his slender index finger. Looking at the stone chair opposite Lin Mu, he said softly.

Overwhelming Bauhinia? The elders of the Overwhelming Country and Alluring City Guild? Lin Mu's heart skipped a beat when he heard the woman's voice.

In fact, when the Qingguo Bauhinia approached this pavilion, Lin Mu already knew her approach, and silently put the pages of the Qiankun book into his arms.

"Yes, I'm also a player, so beauties don't need to be so polite." Lin Mu said calmly, "I'm a girl's little match. You can call me a match."

"Little Match for Selling Girls, it turns out that you are also a player, amazing!" Qingguo Bauhinia said with a loud voice, and then floated to sit opposite Lin Mu.

"Oh, the elder of the super guild, Qingguo Bauhinia, would praise me as an unknown person, what's the reason?" Lin Mu said with a smile. When they came out, they should have reported their abnormal situation to the public. They wouldn't ask the county magistrate and county lieutenant, but they could just ask themselves.

When I and the county lieutenant entered the magistrate's mansion, they walked side by side with smiles on their faces, and they were very familiar at first sight. In the eyes of these player spies, they were either people of the same level as the county lieutenant, or people related to them.

At this stage, most of the player forces will attack officials at the level of county magistrates and county lieutenants, accumulate official background, and lay out for the future.

In Dongye County, Qingguoqingcheng should also have a layout, and Qingguoqingcheng is the person in charge.

Lin Mu intercepted Hu Qingcheng's treasure map of green thorns, so the situation of the Qingguo Qingcheng Guild in Dongye County must have changed.

Overwhelming Country and Overwhelming City Guild is a super large guild, which is very eye-catching and dazzling in the international virtual circle.

The Grand Guild, of course, has a strict management hierarchy with clearly defined responsibilities, and its members are divided into sections, which are distinguished by several colors.

Green, blue, blue, purple, increasing in order.

In the previous virtual game world, they were also named like this. For example, the [Qingcheng Green Thorns] that Lin Mu met in Dongye County before is a member of the second level. And this [Qing Guo Bauhinia] is the fourth, the member of the top level, it can be said to be the elite of the elite. Its name is different from other members, and it has the word "Qingguo", which is more noble.


"At this stage, players who can talk and laugh freely with the level of the county captain, not to mention other states and counties, but our Kuaiji County, you must be among the top three. We alien players, with shallow foundations, descended into the mythical world like rootless duckweed, If it wasn't for the system's favor, I think it would be no different from those refugees." Qingguo Bauhinia said softly.

Lin Mu looked at Qingguo Bauhinia, who was wearing a classic but lively blue leather armor. She had a super-good figure, slim, fair complexion, bright eyes and white teeth, firm eyes, and a hint of heroism in her beauty.

Both beauty and wisdom are important, and he is one of the most important elders.

"It turned out to be this. I was also lucky. I received a mission and needed to deal with them. In addition, I spent more than half of my private money and treasury in order to bribe them. These vampires!" Lin Mu acted and complained.

As soon as Qingguo Bauhinia heard it, he knew that Lin Mu was talking nonsense. If a person who could deal with the county magistrate on an equal footing could do so only by relying on wealth alone, how many players in the world could do this?

"Mr. Match, I will go straight to the point. To be honest, I can come here because I want to get in touch with the county lieutenant. It is because there is a hidden mission that requires the use of the county lieutenant. So I would like to ask you how to get the county lieutenant. If you tell the truth, sir, our Dongye County Branch will definitely repay you." Qingguo Bauhinia is not a flattering person, and her straightforward temperament is her essence.

"Oh, hidden missions, I don't know if you can tell me so that I can also participate. I've been so busy recently that I haven't received any ordinary missions." Lin Mu raised his brows and said.

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