Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 1829 Headline: Expedition to the Buddha Kingdom!

After discussing for a while, Guo Jia took Fan Shun and left in the teleportation array.

After waiting for a while, the teleportation array continued to emit white light, and an armored soldier teleported over.

These are the soldiers who guard the Vanguard Village from the skeletons.

Swish! ! ~~

Soon, 10,000 elite soldiers came to Qianfeng Village, and the five million destiny gold coins were gone...

After setting up the soldiers, Cui Wu asked, "My lord, what are we going to do now?"

"You take these master masons to build the territory and build a large number of residential houses and quarries."

"Remember, everyone must return to the residences in the territory before dark." Lin Mu instructed.

"Come back after dark? Don't work overtime?" Cui Wu asked using a modern technical term. This technical term was heard from Lin Mu.

"You can't work overtime. You will know tonight." Lin Mu smiled helplessly.

Because Qianfeng Village has its particularity, there are skeletons attacking the city every day, which is very annoying. It directly weakened the time for the Great Wilderness Territory to collect resources in the American region.

Without these, he would be ready to become a vampire capitalist and let the leaders work for eight hours!

"Shh! Shh! Shh!" At this moment, three figures flew over quickly, and it was Le Jin Zhou Taiyu who banned them. The three quickly came to Lin Mu's side.

"How's the situation?" Lin Mu asked directly.

"My lord, because the distance is quite far, there should be no movement from our side. I explored the southwest. There are a group of ghosts and some strange creatures guarding a huge black castle. It is the territory of a great undead lord." .A little deeper, there should be a great undead lord. These two undead lords did not move." Le Jinhui reported.

Good guy, Le Jin actually probed so deeply into the southwest corner near here.

"Hmm! I have learned from other places that the one closer is a dark lich lord, who has skeleton mages, ghosts, liches, death knights and other units under his command." Lin Mu nodded.

"My lord, I checked the southeast, and there is also an undead force. There is a huge undead mountain over there. I haven't approached it, so I can't investigate it. There is no movement over there, and everything is recovering quietly. I think , they all participated in the epic battle in this state before." Yu Banhui reported.

"I explored the south, and there was a dark forest filled with black wood. Inside the forest, there were a group of strange creatures. They had dark skin, pointed ears, and strange lines on their bodies..." Zhou Tai put his The news got out.

"Night elves?! You said there are a group of night elves in the south?" Lin Mu was shocked when he heard Zhou Tai's message, and fell into deep thought.

Players who are familiar with western magical civilization know that after an elf falls, it becomes a dark elf. When angels fall, they become fallen angels, also called dark angels.

The little elf actually didn't know much about the elf ruins, she just knew a little more about the Lich Lord and the Dark Dragon Knight Lord. For more detailed information, Dahuang Territory needs to dig by itself.

"My lord, this is the teleportation array?! Mirrored successfully?" At this time, the three of Yu Jin found the teleportation array constantly rippling with white light, and they were pleasantly surprised.

"Well! It's successful, and we will be able to pass through unimpeded in the future." Lin Mu frowned slightly. He has a headache for night elves.

"My lord, since everyone can establish a territory and open a teleportation array, let's come here!" Yu Jinlejin and Zhou Tai also advised with one voice.

There are only four words in the minds of the three of them at the moment: [Expand the territory]!

Good guy, like Guo Jia, they all want to come here in full force!

[Beidou Yuheng Tower] can accommodate the resurrection of 2.4 million soldiers, plus the 210,000 amount of the seven-story Qinglian Star Soul Tower that has reached the master level (an increase of 30,000 for each floor), it can make the territory two hundred Six hundred and ten thousand soldiers have the chance to be resurrected.

The Yeying Legion occupies 200,000 places, and the soldiers of the garrison regiments in some important subsidiary territories occupy 300,000 places, and the important figures in the Great Wilderness Territory are allocated another 100,000 places, so the places allocated to the attacking army are full. Only two million.

This is the amount that was saved only after some civil servants were unbound after the fact. After all, they stayed in the territory and there was no danger.

There are quite a few attacking legions in the Great Wilderness Territory, plus sailors and other special arms, the two million is not enough. Every quota is very rare, and every legion leader must fight for it.

Coming to America, it would be very dangerous if the soldiers on the battlefield were not revived. Lin Mu didn't want to spend too many troops in America that couldn't be revived.

Looting is the main purpose, killing enemies and completing missions is the way!

Lin Mu informed several people of the results of the discussion with Guo Jia, which made them feel a little more at ease.

After that, Qianfeng Village entered a state of rapid development.


While Lin Mu was busy with the elf ruins, a few players met in a forest outside the elf city.

"Hi, I'm Hua Nao, and this is Xu Jun." Hua Nao introduced to the two Chinese American players in front of him.

"Hello, I'm Mo Ran, and he's Tang Ming." Mo Ran smiled politely at Hua Nong.

"Welcome to the America District."

"Ahaha!! Yes, welcome, welcome." Hua Nong laughed loudly upon hearing this.

Several people looked at each other and smiled.

According to the original plan to meet Mo Ran and the others, Lin Mu came in person, but because of a change in the plan later, he stayed in the elf ruins and would not come out for the time being.

Let Hua Nao and the others come over early to meet Tang Ming and the others.

"This is the specific information about the [Otomi Empire]." After several people laughed inexplicably, Mo Ran handed a stack of information to Hua Nang.

"This is the specific information on the [Silver Empire] in the southwest region, and this is the information on the [Jalod Empire] in the southeast region..." Tang Ming handed the information in his hand to Xu Jun.

"Boss Hua, why does the boss want information about two nearby empires?" Tang Ming asked curiously after handing over the information.

"I don't know the details. Before that, our plan was to wreak havoc in the [Otomi Empire]. Our main target was this [Terenas Principality]. Ten days ago, Brother Mu said that we might have to change the plan. I want you to provide information about the two nearby empires." Hua Nao was also at a loss.

A principality is actually equivalent to a kingdom in the Dongying area.

"Hehe, maybe the boss wants to make a bigger battle!" Xu Jun guessed casually.

However, Xu Jun really guessed right...

When Lin Mu and others were busy with the expedition, a hot post appeared on the Huaxia District's forum.

Expedition to the Buddha Kingdom!

That's right, it's an expedition to the Buddha Kingdom in Asan District!

This post was quickly spread and became today's headline.

The reason why it became the headline is because the details of the expedition were planned in detail in the post, which was much more perfect than the details of the previous expedition to Japan.

It is because it is too detailed that all Huaxia players think it is true.

"Ah, it's not copper coins or gold coins this time? Lin Mu has already started playing destiny gold coins?" Some players saw some details on the headlines of the expedition and began to complain.

"Needless to say, as long as you go on an expedition, you will go bankrupt!"

"Jie Jie! We're going on an expedition again, and we're going to get rich again?"

"I have purchased the pill, talisman and seal, waiting for the horn!"

In this way, chat rooms continued to be established one after another, and many lords in China began to pour in.

As for whether it is really an expedition to the Buddha Kingdom, only certain people know.

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