The wilderness massacre plan is not only carried out on the side of the Star Legion.

Huang Zhong, Yu Jin, Le Jin, Zhou Tai and others also led the army out of the city wall and took the initiative to ignite the flames of war.

The dark night of the Terenas Principality was stained red with blood, and howling broke through the sky.

With the end of this battle, the Great Wilderness Territory has completely digested the results of the battle.

In the Great Wilderness Territory, the next step can be made.

After this battle, the Principality of Terenas fell completely.

The fall of the Principality of Terenas was not just as simple as the collapse of the national power of the American region, nor was it as simple as the casualties of millions of civilians. For other principalities and empires, the power displayed by the invaders of China is the most important. Let them worry.

I thought they couldn't even fight the Principality of Terenas, but they didn't expect it to be destroyed so soon. It also spread the flames of war to the two principalities next door.

Underestimated the strength of the invasion.


Under the walls of Max City, Lin Mu led his troops back in triumph.

After entering the city wall, repair it.

"My lord, the military newspapers from all over the country have reported. Our first strategy [Lightning Project] in the Great Wilderness Territory has succeeded." Cui Wu said slowly.

"However, according to the collected data, the number of soldiers we died in battle exceeded expectations, accounting for 30% of the soldiers who went out."

"The death rate has reached 30%? It's a bit high!" Lin Mu frowned when he heard this.

"It's also because our attack intensity is too high and the enemy's resistance is not small, so there is such a loss." Zhao Yun analyzed from the side.

In fact, the first battle in the Great Wilderness Territory was to take down the major cities with lightning speed regardless of the cost.

"It's okay. Compared with the harvest, our results in this battle are very rich." Lin Mu encouraged.

"Okay, let's inform the major legions to repair for ten days first, and wait for the wave of aliens to surge before taking action."

"My lord, there is a message from Guo Jia's military division, saying that the offensive of the Otomi Empire seems to be coming." Cui Wu said again.

"Oh...the plan of the Owl of the Empire is about to start? Hehe...then play with them while you are resting." Lin Mu grinned, showing his snow-white teeth, and said with a smile on his face.

For this situation, the Great Wilderness Territory had already expected it.


In a certain mysterious space, rich light power fills the space, making it look extremely holy.

This space is vast and boundless. The earth is a peaceful scene.

Some strange flowers and plants, with a faint white mist, are growing everywhere. Huge cities are distributed in the space.

In some cities, there is a strange portal standing on the castle square.

These cities are all scattered and standing, vaguely built around a certain location.

According to statistics, there are a total of twelve cities with such portals. Miraculously, on the crack of the door, streams of pure crystal energy like white mist continuously spread, making it look like a bright light source behind the door.

The size, height and width of each portal are exactly the same. If you look closely, you can see that the construction materials of each portal are different.

The foundation of the first portal is jasper; the foundation of the second portal is sapphire; the third is onyx; the fourth is emerald; the fifth is onyx; the sixth is ruby; the seventh is topaz; the eighth is beryl. the ninth is red tourmaline; the tenth is emerald; the eleventh is amethyst; the twelfth is amethyst.

In addition to the different materials, there are different strange lines and some characters carved on it, and in the middle, there are mysterious faces embossed one by one.

They are the twelve archangels!

And the names of these cities are impressively named after the twelve archangels.

This space is like heaven! !

A place where angels live.

Except for some buildings, most of the city's structure is the same.

The walls are made of jasper and white stone, and the roads in the city are made of pure white jade, like clear glass. The foundations of the city walls are adorned with all kinds of precious stones, which is very luxurious.

If Lin Mu saw the jade materials all over the road, he would be stunned, because they are all sixth-order ice jade!

Extravagant, too extravagant! !

In addition to the cities of the Twelve Great Angels, there are many other cities in Paradise that have their unique functions.

For example, in the middle of the city of the Twelve Archangels stands a collapsed city.

That's right, in the paradise of luxury, there is actually a city full of ruins.

Taking a closer look, this city has been deserted for a long time.

On the remains of the city gate, a huge plaque with the name of the city broken into seven or eight pieces is scattered.

After careful inspection, you will find that the name of the fragments is "Eden Garden"!

In the depths of this city, there is a huge pothole. The hole was bottomless, like an abyss.

Not far from the pothole, a strange space passage stood.

Above this channel, a strange square crystal crystal wafer floats.

And at the side of the passage, figures glowing with strange lights are gathering, as if they are discussing something...

Another example is in a huge city called [Faith City], where strange diamond-shaped spiers are built all over the city.

Above those spiers, there is a strange light rising into the sky, as if connected to something above the sky.

Each minaret is inlaid with rhombus-shaped strange crystals.

If Lin Mu were here, he would definitely recognize that these are crystals of faith.

Compared with the Faith Crystal he had collected in the Castle of the Dark Dragon Knight before, it was just a drop in the ocean.

Looking down from a distance, this place seems to be the Crystal Forest of Faith! A sprawling crystal forest.

In the middle of the crystal grove, figures are busy.

"What's going on? Why is there so little power of faith in the faith crystals of the Principality of Terenas this month?" A figure asked in surprise as he pulled out some dim faith crystals.

In the middle of this month, the power of faith in the Principality of Terenas began to decrease sharply.

Obviously, either the Principality fell into war, or some pagans destroyed the Faith Church and Faith Sculpture.

"Let's report up." A figure said softly.

"Captain, we have already reported it, but Lord Lucifer told us not to worry, he will handle it."

"Oh? Master Lucifer handles it himself? That's all right."

"That event is about to start recently, have you signed up for it?"

"I didn't sign up, so let's work quietly in [City of Faith]."

"I haven't signed up either. I'm planning to go to [God War City] to participate in the battle next month. The wave of small void beasts is about to start. Earn the power of faith there faster."

"Hey... I have accumulated enough power of faith, and I am going to [Angel City] and enter [Angel God Pool]!"

"Wow, you guy, you have earned enough power of faith secretly, you can enter the pool of gods, condense the heart of the original angel, condense the wings of the angel, and transform into a god-level angel. It's too powerful."

"Hey... I just rely on some inheritance left by my father to meet the entry requirements."

"Hey, with so much power of faith, when will it be enough!"

"Ahem... I have a task to accumulate the power of faith here, do you want to do it?"

"Oh? What?"

"Hmm... Lord Lucifer recently recruited some ordinary angels, saying that he will carry out a secret operation. Those who join and can persist until the end will be directly eligible to enter the [Angel God's Pool]!"

"What? What kind of mission is this? Why is the reward so rich? After the Lord disappeared, there was no such lucrative mission!"

"What is Lord Lucifer going to do? Do you want to go deep into the underworld and snatch that thing back?"

"Didn't we just sign an agreement with them, so we can't go to war? Why do we have to..."

"Hehe... It's just that large-scale battles and confrontations cannot be carried out. Small-scale operations have not broken the agreement between heaven and earth."

"This operation is more dangerous than participating in that operation..."

"Forget it, I'll be an angel salted fish..."

Several angels collected belief crystals and talked about daily life.

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