"Brothers, don't worry, wait for Lin Mu to speak."

"Yes, don't be impulsive. If you die once, you will have to return to Shenzhou. Come back again, the price will be too high." One after another shouted in the camp.

Obviously, Lin Mu's prestige and prestige have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

As for those who smeared Lin Mu on the Huaxia Channel and forums, where is the capital to send them here.

Those who can come are all people of insight! They all have their own judgments.

Hang out with Lin Mu, have soup to drink and meat to eat.

Among the more than 400,000 troops, there are still many lord players. Their pursuit of the peak chat room is even more crazy, and their level of confidence in Lin Mu is also very high.

Of course, the matter of persuasion depends on the major issues. Usually in the Huaxia District, occasionally he would act as a black fan and mess with Lin Mu, causing Lin Mu some trouble. After all, everyone is a competitor in the regional server.

At this moment, Lin Mu, as the player is talking about, took Zhao Yun to the mountains, and met Guo Jia, Tang Zhou and others.

"How's the situation?" Lin Mu asked.

"The plan is going on as usual. Those villages have been mirrored, and the teleportation array has been completed." Guo Jia said softly.

"My lord, the top combat power in this big state seems to have a lot of ways to escape." Guo Jia said again.

He was in charge of the battle, and he already knew the battle situation of Yu Jin, Huang Zhong and others. It is learned that their results in killing high-end combat power are very unsatisfactory.

In this regard, Lin Mu was not surprised at all. Those guys have more random teleportation scrolls, fixed-point teleportation scrolls, or related items than him.

"Try to attack and kill him head-on, even if you crush him, they will escape if there is a gap." Lin Mu shrugged.

"Hush!!" At this moment, several whistling sounds came, and Huang Zhongyu Jin Lejin and others also rushed over.

Expedition warriors, gather again!

"Military division, how is the situation here?" Huang Zhong asked out of breath after driving a long way.

"The two sides are confronting each other." Guo Jia spread his hands.

"Oh! A principality has fallen, and these people have no impact?" Yu Jin was puzzled.

"Maybe he was overwhelmed by the tyranny of the military division!" Le Jin laughed.

When Guo Jia heard this, he smiled and said nothing.

"No impact, hehe...that means they are not too stimulated."

"Wait for me." Hearing this, Lin Mu raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and a playful smile appeared.

After that, he opened the property panel, found the permission property panel, and found the area server announcement setting option.

There is such a description above:

It is possible to set one announcement for the Huaxia District, three announcements for the temporary national war in the Huaxia District, and ten announcements for the battlefield.

This explanation is part of Lin Mu's current authority.

After pondering for a while, Lin Muhu's waist shook, and he edited quickly.


"—— Huaxia District Temporary National War Announcement (Lin Mu): Are you tired of the ordinary life? Do you want to find the true meaning of life? Come on, enter the American District, here is what you want! Huaxia District Both the American District and the American District are server servers of the new game. There is no hatred or intersection. Our Huaxia District expedition to the American District is not for hatred, not for profit, not for resources, land, treasure, and not to kill the American District. Players seize prestige, treasure bag drop and national war points, but to find the true meaning of life, find the future, and work hard for peace. Players in the American area, please understand, don’t resist, and enjoy it with peace of mind.”



At this moment, such an announcement sounded in the ears of all the players in Huaxia District.

The previous world announcement represented the official invasion of the American region by players from the Huaxia region. But this announcement completely offended the American players.

Although the players in the American region did not hear it immediately, it spread in the region through various channels.

That last sentence is simply murderous!

Sure enough, not long after the announcement came out, the camp that was originally as quiet as Gujing suddenly boiled.

"Kill!! Kill those arrogant Chinese players!!"

"They plundered us, why didn't we plunder them! Friends, let's fight the enemy bravely!"

"Go to Huaxia District, snatch their women, and burn their territories!"

"Boom boom!!!" The beating drums sounded in the American camp.

Those artisans and players who were still secretly building the city wall also dropped their tools at this moment, took out their weapons, put on their equipment, and prepared to do a big job to avenge their shame.

"Boom!!!" The huge movement made the mountains tremble a little.

As soon as this situation came out, the corners of Guo Jia, Huang Zhong and others' mouths twitched.

As expected of the lord, the means are fresh and refined!

"Huh!" At this moment, Lin Mu, Guo Jia, Huang Zhong, Zhao Yun, and even Le Jin, Yu Jin, and Zhou Tai all sensed an abnormality.

"Hehe, this should be sent by the empire." Guo Jia said softly.

"The unit that can hide its figure is not from the Otomi Empire, it should be borrowed." Lin Mu also said.

Obviously, just now, some powerful characters entered the battlefield of the national war!

And Lin Mu and others came here to wait for them.

"Han Sheng, Zilong, you two, do your best to kill them! Hurt them, Wen Ze, Wen Qian and You Ping, you are there to assist, Feng Xiao Tang Zhou, you assist the aliens and legions, slaughter these alien enemies .” Lin Mu said sonorously and forcefully.

"No!" Everyone responded in a concentrated voice.

"If you can hurt them this time, it will attract the attention of some people. If you can attract some angels, it will be much easier." Lin Muyi pointed out.

"Hehe... My lord, according to the previous information, there may be internal turmoil in heaven..." Guo Jia said with a gleam in his dark eyes.

"Hey...that's even better." Lin Mu smiled.


"Ahaha!!!! It's really you, Mr. Lin Mu!!"

"Damn it, I laughed so hard that even my third uncle crawled out of the grave...haha!!"

And those gathered Huaxia District players and all Huaxia District players from other places raised their heads and laughed when they heard the announcement.

Lin Mu's high-end sarcasm made them very comfortable.

We came to you not to burn, kill, loot, but for peace, to find the true meaning of life, to find the future!

Don't resist ha...enjoy it!

"Buzz! Buzz!!" The next moment, with the sound of the drum, black clouds suddenly appeared in the sky, and immediately pressed on the Huaxia camp.

That was not a black cloud that suddenly appeared, but a rain of arrows formed by countless arrows!

The enemy has exerted strength, how could Huaxia not move.

"Hoo!!" All of a sudden, twelve huge golden rays of light suddenly appeared in the midair, and immediately turned into huge streamers of light, spread out, and flew straight towards the arrow rain.

"Chi Chi!!!" Countless arrows rained directly into powder. Arrows farther away were shaken by huge fluctuations, and fell straight down like raindrops.

In the face of absolute strength, ordinary arrow attacks are not enough! !

Now that it's all started, don't let it go.

Lin Mu also took out his bow and arrow, attacking frantically with the power of the Earth Dragon.

The war is about to start! !

(Thank you for your support!! Thank you bosses for your rewards! Thank you! Because of the typhoon and wind, the code words are a little less, everyone forgive me.)

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