Of course, there are also people who are heading for other places.

For example, Le Jin from the Great Wilderness Territory, his target is the distraught Wang Fen.

Fortunately, it was much better than expected. At this moment, Wang Fen was not in the state where the oil lamp was exhausted. After breaking away from Akasaka Sword and the sword holder, his state has recovered.

Although the dragon lord he supported is gone, the royal city he occupied is gone, and the soldiers and horses are gone, but he is standing on Suiling Mountain at this moment, and he is the mountain lord.

However, Le Jin is not the only one rushing towards Wang Fen.

Xia Houyuan, who had been disguised, also rushed towards Wang Fen.

Good guy, Cao Cao has the same plan as Lin Mu!

Wang Fen sensed everything around him, and a complex feeling of anger and helplessness suddenly rose up. As soon as his head swelled, his consciousness blurred for a while, and then he fell down directly, unconscious.

This situation did not affect the speed of the two in the slightest.

However, Le Jin who rushed over did not panic, because faster than him was a bright golden arrow.

That was the attack of Arrow God Huang Zhong! !

The recipient of the arrow was obviously Xia Houyuan.

"Damn it!!" Xia Houyuan, who was about to rush up and drag Wang Fen down, turned around helplessly and dodged the arrow.

Because of this, his speed suddenly fell behind Le Jin. When he adjusted his figure, he saw Le Jin clamping the unconscious Wang Fen around his waist.

Seeing this, Xia Houyuan didn't force himself, snorted coldly, and walked towards the other two robbing circles.

"Huh!" Le Jin, who had completed the task, exhaled lightly.

Don't look at the short time of just one round, the danger hidden in it is very powerful. If the opponent had the chance, he would definitely not let him go easily. The danger to his life was just a thought. This crisis situation is always accompanied by...

Le Jin stomped his feet suddenly, turned into a ray of light and quickly left the battlefield.

As for Guan Zhang and the others, what they rushed towards was the Scarlet Firmament Sword.

Liu Bei didn't covet Chixiao Sword, even his third brother Zhu Xuan didn't believe it.

However, Liu Bei did not show up. After all, who is weaker than him in the field?

As for asking Tian Guling, besides Zhou Tai from the Great Wilderness Territory, several other figures rushed over.

One of them is Zhang Fei and the other is Xiahou Dun.

"Boom!!!" The three of them didn't snatch the Heavenly Ancient Token immediately, but set their sights on others.

I saw Zhang Fei suddenly swung the Zhangba Snake Spear, and a jet-black air wave crossed a semi-circular arc, bombarding the two people on the opposite side.

Zhou Tai and Xiahou Dun were not ordinary people. Facing the blast from the bombardment, they didn't back down, and they just stood firm.

I saw two beams of bright light bursting out, colliding with the black air waves.

"Boom!!" A huge roar sounded, and a strong hurricane suddenly stirred up on the mountain.

On the other side, the Akasaka Sword snatched the scene, which was even more dangerous. Staring at all do their best to attack other pretenders.

Among them, Wang Yue and Li Yan were the most elegant. Because they have the emperor's order on them, they have to do their best.

As for Guan Yu, Yan Liang, Wen Chou, Tai Shici and others, they were suppressed by the two heroes.

"Boom!!!!" As the power of the gods raged, terrifying cracks appeared on the huge mountain.

Good guy, as soon as everyone exerted their strength, such a commotion erupted that even the mountain was cracked...

When the battle started, Chen Yi, Xu You and others had long since disappeared...

"Damn, these guys are walking too fast..." Yu Jin, who was staring at these guys, cursed secretly.

It turned out that Le Jin was staring at Wang Fen, Yu Jin was staring at Xu You, Chen Yi and the others, Zhou Tai was staring at Tian Guling, and Tai Shici was staring at Chixiao Excalibur. Huang Zhong, on the other hand, swept the formation.

Huang Zhong's existence is to ensure that everything the lord wants is in his pocket, and he begins to end.

Yu Jin, who had nothing to gain, rushed to Zhou Tai's battlefield, and the two brothers joined forces to deal with Zhang Fei and Yan Liang.

It may be because of the addition of a general in the Great Wilderness Territory, Zhang Fei and Yan Liang separated tacitly, and dealt with each other one by one, targeting Zhou Tai and Yu Jin.

However, as Le Jin left, Huang Zhong saw that there was nothing wrong with Tai Shici, so he put away his giant bow, held his big knife, and charged towards Zhang Fei.

That's right, he had his eye on this black-faced villain.

The relationship between Liu Guanzhang and the Great Wilderness Territory is 'unreasonable and chaotic'. If you don't target it, how can you live up to your master's entrustment.

"Hoo!" A fierce golden saber aura rushed to Zhang Fei before Huang Zhong.

Sensing the danger, Zhang Fei suddenly gave up attacking Zhou Tai, and held his spear to meet Huang Zhong.

"Dang!!" A loud clang sounded, and then Zhang Fei was bombarded and flew into a mountain.

Because everyone in Shenzhou is suppressed by heaven and earth, and they are all generals of one soul, so everyone does not have that overwhelming advantage to burst out.

However, although the cultivation base is the same, the combat power is different. When Huang Zhongyi, who had a deeper background, faced Zhang Fei, there was a kind of suppression.

"Whew!" Zhang Fei, who was blasted away, was not injured, and turned into a black lightning and continued to attack Huang Zhong.

The battlefield is in full swing.

Fortunately, there were no players nearby, otherwise such a fierce battle would have opened the eyes of countless players.


When everyone was vying for Wang Fen and the Chixiao Excalibur to ask for the ancient decree, in Hefei City, Jiujiang County, in front of Hefei Houwangfu, a group of elite soldiers who had been prepared for a long time surrounded the palace.

Such a situation made some existences hidden in the dark slightly startled.

"It's interesting that someone is coveting the resources and wealth of the Hefei Palace."

"Commander, look quickly, it's Zhu Xuan, the prefect of a foreigner!"

"Hey, it turned out to be him. He didn't go to Wei County, but came here silently. It's really surprising."

"It seems that some people have followed the master's thinking... I don't know if there will be changes in the second scene of the burial..."

"Hehe... My lord said that the plan is rigid, we are alive, and everything depends on the living person... There will definitely be variables in the future plan... Our existence is not just about execution, we still need to control it .”

"Let's go, let these guys attract the guards, let's go find the secret vault."

I don't know how long it has passed, in the Hefei Palace, there was a sudden roar of shock and anger: "Who is it!!! They moved everything away!!!"

"Ah! There is also a sneak attack, hate it, hate it!!"

"Another teleportation scroll is wasted... who are you guys!!"


In the American District, in the temporary camp of the Great Wilderness Territory.

"Everything is over! Everything I imagined is anticlimactic." Lin Mu has already understood all the process through the pages of the book of Qian Kun Zi Mu.

Wang Fen's dethroning Emperor Han is just a joke...

It's a stupid move to publicize the act of treason and keep pulling people in, but Wang Fen never thought that he would be proud of it.

I really don't know what this guy's brain circuit is thinking, and the colleagues under his command are actually following along as always, and none of them have any good hints, which is really speechless.

Perhaps, this is the case, and it is in the interest of some beings.

"When I get back to the Great Wilderness Territory, I must ask Wang Fen... This guy shouldn't be stupid... Well-governed, well-controlled, but it's too bad to be a treasonist. Hmm... I still like this kind of person." I like it." Lin Mu murmured.

"My lord, how is the situation?" Cui Wu, who had arranged the affairs, hurried over.

"The result came out..." Afterwards, Lin Mu told Cui Wu the details of the situation.

Of course, some of the details were fabricated by him to tell this guy a story.

Cui Wu listened to the 'story' with great interest.

"We got both Wang Fen and the Tianguling. We also took away a lot of property from Yecheng, and took more than half of the property from the princes of Hefei... It's a pity that we didn't get the Chixiao Divine Sword."

The sword of the emperor's way, the Akasaka Excalibur, is something in legends. It was heard in legends before, but now it has appeared.

"It's okay. The Scarlet Sky Excalibur is a hot potato after all. It attracts too many people's attention. It may not be a good thing if you get it." Lin Mu waved his hand.

He never thought of snatching the Akasaka Sword. After all, Liu Hong is still alive at this time...

This mountain is gone... maybe he can let go of his hands and feet.


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