Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 1879 [The Rod of God], the real murderous intent (Part 1)

Lin Mu is like a big mountain, pressing on the body of the American district!

No... not only the American District, but other areas such as the Dongying District, the Buddhist District, etc., and even the Huaxia District are all suppressed by Lin Mu.

Whether it is Salid Rockefeller, who built the world's first village, or Jiang Chenglong, Xuanyuan Changying, etc. in Huaxia District, they are all suppressed by the world's number one lord—Lin Mu...

In the past, Lin Mu's halo and glory were too dazzling, and those who coveted secretly were easily shattered even if they tried their best to make trouble.

Now, if there is such a battle against Lin Mu, let's try our best to promote it...

In this way, even if there was a live broadcast, the careerists used various editing and staged shots to vividly show Lin Mu's "fiasco"!

In this way, Lin Mu's disastrous defeat, which was dubbed by the players in the American region as the "World's No. 1 Lord Flo's Defeat Battle", was crazily supported on the world channel and forums.

On the surface, the players in the American district kept advocating, but in fact, those leading lord players were looking at the battlefield with frowning eyes.

"How come there are no corpses?!"

"Could it be that the legions under Lin Mu are all players?" After some searching, the players found that the corpses of the soldiers killed by Lin Mu had disappeared strangely except for the treasure bags.

This is not an example, but all!

You know, they observed and directed them secretly, but they saw tens of thousands of cavalry archers killed by magic and other means.

In fact, not only the players in the American region are confused about this question, but also the players in the Chinese region.

At the beginning, many people guessed that Lin Mu was the spokesperson of the great power, and even now, some people think that Lin Mu is the spokesperson of the great power.

Those tough soldiers are all from player soldiers.

However, what they don't know is that Lin Mu has the props to revive the NPC!

This situation was also collected by the players in the American area and added to Lin Mu's faction profile report.


After Lin Mu and the others had retreated for a cup of tea, Zhao Yun and Huang Zhong had basically figured out the information of God's restricted zone, and they stuck to the ground and began to break through at the corners of each other.

Although the angels are powerful, every time they attack, they are crushed by the tacit cooperation of the two, and they don't even have a chance to cut a wound on the two of them, which shows how strong the fighting qualities of the two are.

"Hold! Hold!!" The six-yuan god-level angel kept waving spears to attack, but was blocked by both of them, and roared angrily.

He knew that the adults were not far from here! As long as you hold on, you can bury these two people here!

Even if the siege couldn't suppress the two of them, how could they hold them back who wanted to escape!

The two continued to retreat close to the ground, and soon broke out of the restricted area.

And those six angels were all floating in mid-air at this moment, watching the two leave helplessly.

"A radius of one hundred and thirty feet!"

"Angels can't break through the restricted area in a short time..." The two looked at each other and said in unison.

This is the last information they found out.

Afterwards, the two men who regained their strength glanced at the approaching bright light in the dark sky, looked at each other, and silently entered the darkness, disappearing.

"Boom!!" After a cup of tea, there were bursts of cracking sounds in the sky.

Soon, a bright cluster of light came galloping.

They are the other twenty-seven god-rank angels!

Except for the leading clerk Archangel, the others were divided into small teams and prepared to ambush Lin Mu.

"Master Metatron, this subordinate failed to hold back the enemy! Please punish me!" the leading six-yuan god-level angel lowered his head and looked frustrated.

"One six-level angel, two five-level angels, and three four-level angels, can't hold back a group of enemies who are suppressed at the level of a general angel?" In the brightest light and shadow, Meta came out. Tron's voice. His voice was full of anger.

"Where is that alien from Lin Mu?!" Metatron asked again, suppressing his anger.

"That Lin Mu is very cunning. I don't know if he sensed the crisis or what, but unexpectedly left the battlefield quickly, pulled out, and didn't stay."

"His cultivation level should only be the level of the generals in the Divine State, not the level of the five yuan gods as the hexagram says!" Shen Shenghui, the angel of the six yuan gods, reported.

Upon hearing this, Metatron turned around, looked in a certain direction, and fell silent.

"Since the sneak attack is unsuccessful, let's kill it head-on! Execute the [God's Rod] plan!" Metatron shouted in a low voice after pondering for a while. There was a strong murderous intent in his voice.

"Yes!!" All the angels responded sonorously when they heard the words.

After that, the angels spread their wings and flew away from this place.


In the dark night, in terms of the speed of withdrawal (escape) retreat (death), among the current player group, the Star Legion is second, and no other player can be the first!

Very easily, the Star Legion disappeared into the night according to the route planned in advance.

In the early morning of the third day, the Star Legion rushed to a canyon filled with white mist.

"Buzz!!" After the white mist rolled for a while, a strange fog portal slowly appeared.

Then the legions filed in.

"My lord, I thought you wouldn't come here!" Xu Yuan stood on a boulder and smiled.

This place is the hiding place arranged by Xu Yuan in advance. It is set just in case.

"I encountered a change this time, so I had to retreat." Lin Mu wiped the morning dew off his face, and said softly.

"Have Fengxiao, Gongda, and Zhicai arrived?" Lin Mu asked quietly.

"It's all here..."

"Okay! Let's go to discuss military affairs. Zichen, go down and settle down with the soldiers." Lin Mu instructed Huang Xu.


After that, Lin Mu led Huang Zhong and Zhao Yun into the marching tent in the middle of the camp. Zhao Yun and Huang Zhong caught up halfway.

"My lord!" As soon as he entered the tent, he saw a bright light.

Inside the tent, the strange map of heaven appeared again. Obviously these three military divisions are constantly discussing the map.

"Fengxiao, Gongda, Zhicai, this time there is a change...Han Sheng, Zilong, tell me." After sitting in the first seat, Lin Mu's expression froze, he looked at Huang Zhong and Zhao Yun and said.

"It's like this. This time we encountered an attack from angels. They used a strange God's Domain Scroll, God's Forbidden Zone. The situation..." Huang Zhong and Zhao Yun began to explain the situation in a complementary manner.

"God's Forbidden Scroll, God's Forbidden God's Domain, God's Domain with multiple rules... No flying, no angels leaving..." After hearing Huang Zhong and Zhao Yun's report, Guo Jia raised his eyebrows slightly, and suddenly appeared in his deep eyes. There was a strange light, as if planning something...

Xun You and Xi Zhicai also fell silent at this moment.

They started to make plans!

After pondering for a while, the three military advisers all expressed their views... In the camp, they fell into an intense discussion...

Time passed slowly, and soon it was evening...

"Feng Xiao, isn't your plan too's crazy!" Lin Mu heard the new plan that the three of them came up with after summarizing, and a look of madness and bloodthirsty appeared on his face.

There was a rush of passion and excitement in his chest... If their plan was successful, it would have a terrible impact, but for some reason, he was very excited and wanted to carry out the plan.

"Anyway, it's up to us to play freely. The bigger the movement, the more resources we'll harvest. What are you afraid of? As long as you get the Heart of the Sky, it doesn't matter if the rest is successful or not. Why don't you make it big!" Xi Zhicai grinned. laughed.

Guo Jia and Xunyou nodded when they heard the words.

Zhao Yun and Huang Zhong, who were beside them, were silent, but the shock on their faces showed their mood at the moment.

"Okay! Let's do it! Anyway, we invaded heaven, and we have already offended them to the death. So what if there is a bloody storm!" Lin Mu pondered for a moment, then stood up suddenly, and said decisively.

The three military divisions all smiled slightly upon hearing this. The protagonist Lin Mu is still very courageous, and he also believes in them. It is comfortable to assist such a protagonist.

At this moment, a strange fluctuation suddenly came.

After Lin Mu sensed this fluctuation, a bone-piercing chill suddenly rose from his spine.

As for Guo Jia, Huang Zhong and the others, their complexions also changed slightly.

It seems that some great horror is about to come! !

"Go, go and have a look!" Lin Mu said with a look of fear on his face, waving his big hand.

unprecedented! That's right, just now, he sensed an unprecedented murderous intent!

Even in the vicinity of Sanyuan City, facing the transcendent Demon Emperor, he didn't feel this way.

"Heaven, it's time to bring out the real killer!"

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