Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 1897 Restarting the state pastoral system

"Hiss! What's going on? Why are there so many things!" Lin Mu was shocked.

[Spirit Goddess Statue]!

[Casting Blueprint of the Elven Goddess Temple]!

[Illustrated Book for Making Potion of the Goddess' Gift]!

A title is longer than a title.

And they are all related to the elf goddess.

Obviously, the existence that secretly manipulates is probably [Elf Goddess]!

The belief of the elves.

Lin Mu has no way to compare the specific strength of the God of America. But he felt that it shouldn't be as good as Long Chu Taishan's spirit and so on.

It is very likely that it is only the level of the gods and generals!

However, the way they walked was the way of faith.

Those who take this path do not have the highest desire for territory, but the belief of the population is the highest pursuit, because the more people who believe in it, the more pious they are, the stronger their strength and the deeper their background.

If not...that's just a weak god.

After pondering for a while, he had a thought, immersed himself in the Yuanlong ring, and looked at the potted plant.

There are only elf warhawks on it, nothing unusual, and there is nothing under them lying on their stomachs.

Lin Mu looked at the soil at the bottom and found that some parts were slightly raised.

With a thought in Lin Mu's mind, the soil was pulled away, revealing a one-foot-sized exquisite and lifelike miraculous sculpture. Below it is a blueprint and a picture book.

He hadn't noticed this before.

Who would have thought there were so many good things hidden underneath?

"Take two and get three free...hehe...what are you doing?" Lin Mu muttered inwardly.

In fact, Lin Mu had already thought of a possibility in his mind. And this possibility is unique!



In 186, at the end of the third year of Zhongping, the capital of God, Luoyang, the imperial palace, and the imperial court.

Another early court, Liu Hong came to the court early today and sat on the dragon chair.

Looking at the familiar but unfamiliar figure below, Liu Hong was in a daze.

Today, a system that is very important to the Han Dynasty will be promulgated!

Liu Hong was in a trance, while the officials below were also tense at this moment. Because none of the officials from the clan of the Han Dynasty was absent, and even the people from Zongzheng and Shaofu came.

Obviously, today is a big battle.

Seeing this, some officials in the crowd were secretly delighted. Their goal is finally coming true!

Today will be the prelude to the opening of a new era in China!

Among the crowd, Xun Shuang, Cai Yong, Yangxu and other officials who were close to Lin Mu all had serious expressions on their faces.

Today, for them, it may be a storm.

Several people secretly looked at each other and communicated silently.

After some complicated procedures, the court meeting officially began.

Various places began to report various turmoil information, some successfully wiped out the bandits, and some were driven out of the city by the bandits to ask for help...

Anyway, they discussed it for more than an hour.

Generally speaking, the states are in chaos, and thieves and bandits have sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

Hearing these reports, Liu Hong was very upset. However, he still listened patiently, and asked the supervisors to deal with some officials.

After that, they discussed the military, political and people's livelihood issues around Luoyang, the god capital.

Slowly, the officers in the queue began to quiet down. They seemed to feel the tranquility before the storm.

"Anything else please play?" Zhang Rang shouted, pulling his throat.

"Your Majesty, please play if you have something to do!" At this time, Zongzheng Liu Yu stood up and said.

"Your Majesty, there are frequent chaos in the states, the government's military weapons are neglected, and the soldiers are not killed. This is a leak in supervision. My minister boldly proposes to abolish the governor system, restart the state pastoral system, and use the state pastoral power to guard one side. !” Zongzheng Liu Yu played solemnly.

Hearing Zongzheng and Liu Yu's invitation to play, the others began to quarrel as usual.

However, this time, the emperor Liu Hong, who was sitting on the dragon chair, was waiting intently at this moment, which was different from usual.

This situation made many people sink.

His Majesty finally agreed to the state pastoral system! !

"My dear friends, I want to restart the state pastoral system." Liu Hong finally made his decision.

"Your Majesty! The state pastoral system is the root cause of cholera, it cannot be restarted!!"

"Your Majesty is holy! Now that thieves from all over the world are disturbing the world, and the people are suffering from cholera, if there is a state shepherd sitting in the town, supervising military, political and other powers, it will be able to quell the chaos in the states in one fell swoop, and bring peace to the world!"

"That's right! The resumption of the prefectural pastoral system, with the clan of the Han Dynasty as the core, and the power to rule the Kyushu, is a holy move. Your Majesty will be famous in the future!!"

"Your Majesty will stand shoulder to shoulder with the Ancient Emperor!"

As soon as Liu Hong's words came out, the ministers of the DPRK and China immediately became noisy like a vegetable market.

However, many people know that Liu Hong is not discussing with them, but notifying them!

"Your Majesty, we are in favor of restarting the state pastoral system, but the candidates must be candidates with both ability and political integrity, and who have a distinguished status."

"Yes! Only those who have both ability and political integrity can rule a state, share the worries for His Majesty, and share the worries for the world!"

"Since this is the case, Mu Linmu of Yizhou does not meet the conditions."

While talking, the wind blew onto Lin Mu unexpectedly.

"That's right! Abolish Lin Mu Zhizhou Mu and let Yizhou Island implement the governor system. After all, it is a special case."

"Your Majesty, don't move Yizhou Mulinmu! Don't move!" Zhi Jinwu Xun Shuang immediately stood out of the queue and remonstrated loudly.

Good guy, you want to touch my son-in-law and closed disciple again, why don't you just slap me in the face!

You didn't make a sound before, you really think we are sick cats!

"Hehe! I didn't expect Mr. Shuoru to be so partial to his relatives and forget His Majesty." An elderly man said quietly.

Everyone followed the prestige, and saw a white-haired, ruddy and energetic official standing proudly.

This person is obviously a member of the imperial court, Huang Wan! !

Huang Wan, a famous official in the middle and late Eastern Han Dynasty, the great-grandson of Shang Shuling Huang Xiang and the grandson of Taiwei Huang Qiong.

Because of the party's imprisonment, he was imprisoned for more than 20 years, and was recommended by the former Taiwei Yang Ci during the Yellow Turban Rebellion to return to the Longting Center.

Currently, his position is You Fufeng. (prefect)

When Cai Yong, Xun Shuang and Yangxu saw that it was Huang Wan who made the sound, they couldn't help being shocked.

This one, in fact, is similar to Yang Ci and others from the Yang family, and did not intervene in the struggle between their family and the Yuan family, which is a faction of many powerful officials.

Now suddenly stand up and speak out, is there another change in the camp in the court? !

Some people are happy and some are sad.

The battle between the Han courts has heated up again.



Lin Mu, whose face was full of thought, was rushing on the road, and at the next moment, a familiar voice came:


"—Announcement from the Huaxia District: Thousands of sails pass by the side of the sinking boat, and thousands of trees spring in front of the diseased tree. The emperor Liu Hong, the ruler of the Shenzhou land in the Huaxia District [Dahan Dynasty], promulgated a new national fortune policy: [Tianzi State Pastoral System]!"



Three vast system announcements suddenly appeared.

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