Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 1968 Who is the Oriole (Part 2)

"Shua!!" Without hesitation, Hades turned into a cloud of black smoke, disappeared in place in an instant, escaped from the siege of the angel team, and appeared directly above the big sword in the blink of an eye.

However, when he was about to grab the big sword, a white flame that seemed to have no temperature suddenly burst forth, trying to wrap Hades' figure.

"Damn it!" Hades withdrew his right hand, turned into a puff of smoke, and dodged away.

He knew the horror of this flame, so he didn't force himself to grab the King's Sword.

"Hmph! You so-called gods also want to covet the rules of humanity!" Raguel's figure unexpectedly appeared behind Hades at some point, and he stabbed directly with a strange spear, trying to penetrate Hades. Si figure.

"Spear of Destruction!!!" Hades was shocked when he saw the spear in Raguel's hand.

The quaint spear was stained with black blood, and its surroundings were filled with an aura of destruction.

That's right, this is the real version of Spear of Doom!

"Clang!!!~" When the Spear of Destruction was about to attack Hades, a flash of lightning flashed, blocking it away.

"Raguel!" The figure of Zeus also appeared in midair.

"The third generation king of the Titan Protoss..." Raguel gave Zeus a cold look, not afraid of this famous god king at all.

The Titan God Clan and the Angel Clan are not friendly nations, and the relationship between the two is very complicated.

"We covet the rules of humanity, aren't you the same?!" Zeus glanced at Hades and said slowly.

One of the most important values ​​of the King's Sword is that it contains the rules of humanity and can establish a fortune! !

This is one of the few treasures in their civilization that contains the rules of humanity!

In fact, there are many treasures with humane rules in the land of Shenzhou, but even if they plunder them, they cannot be used, and they don't know why.

As for the people in Shenzhou, as long as they have Dragon Fortune, they can use it, even if they are ordinary people or even strangers!

Raguel heard the words, but did not speak.

Indeed, the sword of the king, which contains the rules of humanity, is actually extremely important to the plan in his heart.

"At the beginning, I secretly helped the invaders to seize the veins of gods and demons and started to lay out. It has been so many years since it entered Shenzhou, and it should have absorbed enough luck from heaven and earth. As long as I get it back, I can create my fortune!"

"This is not in vain of my plan many years ago!" An ancient memory could not help but appear in Raguel's mind, and his thoughts turned sharply.

It turned out that Raguel actually committed a traitorous act back then! ! !

If the archangels such as Metatron and Michael knew about Raguel's situation, I don't know how they would react! ! Even Lucifer, who had already rebelled, might not have thought of Raguel's behavior.

"Shua!" During the conversation, the angel team surrounded them again.

Their goal is still Hades.

Hades swung hastily, and a jet of black smoke enveloped them, blocking the spears of those angels.

"Puff!~~" Before the angel could react, streaks of black air shot out like thin needles, directly piercing the wings of several angels.

Those angels instantly fell to the ground.

"Damn! Die!!!" Seeing this, the other angels stared at Hades viciously, and continued to attack with their weapons. The bright rays of light and the black lights collided continuously in mid-air, and the roar was endless.

Feeling the full efforts of these angels, Hades' face was gloomy. These guys really let the two Chinese gods go.

Although the Chinese God General doesn't seem to be very powerful, he is still qualified to be a target to attract firepower. I didn't expect these angels to catch him and bite him like a mad dog.

The plan of the praying mantis to catch the cicada and the oriole behind him has failed again!

They were originally Orioles, but they were forced to go to the front line by mutation and became praying mantises, and Orioles seemed to be the Shenzhou Army!

This change is too dramatic, I don't know if it is the ancient hatred of the race or what...

Zeus is now confronting Raguel.

Zeus's face is not good at the moment.

Metatron didn't know why he disappeared, but he didn't expect that there was still a top combat force, and he set his sights on them.

"Buzz!~~" Zeus's body was full of thunder, and his fighting spirit rose.

And Raguel was not to be outdone, and a force that destroyed the rules permeated the air.

Immediately, he glanced at Hades' battlefield and saw several angels fall to the ground, but because of the blessing of the large formation, they were wrapped in flames, and they recovered in the blink of an eye, and then continued to join the battle.

However, this did not bring out the greatest advantage, and then said in a concentrated voice:

"Weapons soaked in holy flames and then attack!"


Huang Zhong got rid of the entanglement of several god-level combat forces, and assisted Zhao Yun to get rid of the siege of several angels. The two cooperated with each other and brought the battlefield away from the center.

The angels after that all returned to the vicinity of the big sword and did not chase them any more.

And those god-level magicians and sword masters didn't know what orders they received, and they didn't even go after Huang Zhong.

"The military advisers are really good at predicting things..." Huang Zhong murmured in a low voice, looking at the mid-air in the distance.

"Huh!" Zhao Yun took a deep breath and nodded.

"These winged guys have a lot of background. Apart from the God's forbidden zone, they even have ways to restrict my divine spirit." Zhao Yun gently rubbed some rare medicinal powder on the wound, and said in a low voice.

"It's a pity, I thought they would use the God's Domain scroll... In that case, we can kill more angels and plunder more angel hearts." Huang Zhong said with emotion.

"Han Sheng, the attention of these angels is on the King's Sword, we can get close to the heart of the castle now!" Zhao Yun said again.

"It's really strange, why did those god-level magicians and swordsmen retreat?" Huang Zhong didn't answer Zhao Yun immediately, but looked into the distance.

In the distance, I saw the god-level combat power of those empires retreating slowly, disappearing at the corner of the broken street...

"The lord of the empire fell, and the new emperor ascended the throne, and they retreated!" At this moment, a familiar voice came to the ears of the two.

Huang Zhong and Zhao Yun turned their heads in surprise when they heard the words.

Guo Jia and Xi Zhicai did not know when they appeared next to them.

"The operation of the Gongda military division was really successful?!" Huang Zhong asked impatiently.

"Yeah!" Guo Jia smiled and nodded.

"How about the battle of generals?" Zhao Yun asked about this.

"A little accident happened, but it's under control." Xi Zhicai replied to Zhao Yun.

"Both goals have been achieved, then we will officially take down this imperial capital?!" The two tiger generals were overjoyed.

"It's officially taken! Those angels and the two targets that attract firepower will not fight us for the heart of the castle and the resources here." Guo Jia said confidently.

"Where's the new emperor?" Zhao Yun asked again.

"Those retreating god-level combat power represent the attitude of the new emperor."

"Everything is going well." Xi Zhicai's deep eyes revealed a gleam of brilliance.

"Huh!" At this moment, Huang Zhong, Zhao Yun, Guo Jia, Xi Zhicai and the four of them were surprised at the same time.

Immediately, the four of them looked at a dilapidated courtyard.

In that courtyard, at some point, a white figure appeared. Taking a closer look, it was... Raguel! ! !

Zhao Yun suddenly raised his head and looked at the battlefield in the distance, then turned his head and found that both were actually Raguel.

The unique destructive aura on his body was not concealed at all.

"The person in charge is here!" Raguel looked at Guo Jia and said slowly as if he had been waiting here for a long time.

"Are you going to make a deal with us too?" Although Guo Jia was a little surprised, he responded very calmly.

"As expected of the person in charge, he is very smart." Raguel said with a smile.

"Give me back all the spears of destruction, how about I let the angels no longer stop you from attacking the heart of this city?" Raguel paused, and slowly stated his purpose.

"You made the Spear of Destruction, right?" Guo Jia asked rhetorically, neither agreeing nor refusing.

"That's right!" Raguel didn't hide anything, and said frankly.

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