Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 1975 Carnival Moment

According to what Lin Mu and others discussed, the [King's Sword], one of the three immortal swords of magic civilization, should be the key to unlock the fortune of all dragons in the world!

The United States region or other regions can actually establish a fortune dynasty, but the luck it condenses is not dragon luck.

Most of them are prestige, and very few are the luck of the princes. Of course, it is also possible to establish a fortune dynasty that gathers dragon luck, but Lin Mu in the previous life did not come into contact with it.

In addition, it can be seen from the introduction information that it is not insignificant to be able to extract a trace of original power from the King's Sword and then forge such an artifact.

People in the world should not be underestimated.

"Boom!~~~~" There were streaks of sharpness in the air, and Lin Mu and the others could feel the sharpness even if they were far away.

In the air in the distance, there are bright purple lightning bolts jumping like thunder snakes...

Zeus, the pinnacle god of faith, broke out!

Those holy flames were forced back three feet by the thunder snake that filled the sky.

"Puff!!" Without the blessing of the Holy Flame, several angels were successfully attacked by Hades in a short while.

Some had their arms cut off, some their feet were cut off, some were cut off in half, and even worse, their heads were cut off!

However, for some reason, even though its head was cut off, it did not fall. After it landed, the holy flames wrapped its corpse, and a surge of holy power made the angel intact!

Good guy, this scene stunned Lin Mu, Guo Jia and others.

The head has been chopped off, but it has not yet fallen. This big formation is more terrifying than imagined!

"Damn it! It's as tough as a cockroach in a stinky waterway!" Hades cursed bitterly when he saw this scene. However, he is not surprised by this, because he also knows the terrifying resilience of angels.

"Bang bang!~~~" The surging Thunder Snake, in addition to forcing back the holy flame, also attacked the ground, intending to attack the large formation that had been set up.

However, for some reason, those purple thunder snakes are not as sharp as the pocket version of the giant dragon before, and they do no harm to the formation.

Zeus, who sensed that the ultimate move had not been successful, frowned slightly with his white brows flickering with thunder. This time, the big formation was beyond his expectation!

"Haha! ~~Zeus, aren't you surprised!" Raguel shook violently, with a surge of majestic power, and scattered the gray pocket dragon floating in midair.

This weird creature is not friendly to the big formation, so it must be broken up first.

"Did Metatron predict our arrival a long time ago, and specially arranged this formation?" Zeus asked with a look of evil spirits, staring at his purple eyes.

"Heh... I don't know if you are counted, but he must have predicted that I will come."

"A holy formation with angels at the archangel level is not so easy to break." Raguel said in a flat tone.

"Damn it!" Zeus Hades cursed secretly in their hearts. How did this situation completely deviate from their expectations?

I wanted to be a oriole, but I didn't expect to be a praying mantis... No... Maybe I became a cicada...

Thinking of this, the two became furious, and they looked at each other, as if they had made some decision...


Rumble! ! ! !

On the north wall, in front of a section of the city wall near the northeast, a huge roar came from the depths of the street and echoed in the nearby air.

"The invaders are indeed here, withdraw!!" A group of imperial soldiers sensed the movement on the city wall and in front of a simple city gate, and immediately ordered calmly.

Afterwards, the guards did not resist at all, and directly withdrew from this section of the city wall.

"Da da!~~" Accompanied by a rush of horseshoes, a familiar tall figure appeared at the corner of the street.

Those who came were unexpectedly the captains of Lin Mu's personal guards, Cui Wu and Cui Zichen.

"Huh...these imperial troops retreated without resisting at all? Are they really afraid of us?" Cui Wu looked at the retreating imperial army with his horse back, slightly puzzled.

"Forget it, this is just a very ordinary small city gate, not the core city gate, and it's normal that there is not much defensive force. It would be better if it can be taken without spending any effort." Cui Wu shrugged.

Afterwards, Cui Wu brought his soldiers and horses to a small hillside, and on the hillside stood a city gate seven to eight feet high.

Compared with the majestic city wall soaring into the sky, this city gate seems to be a 'comfort'.

"Spread out, occupy all the important places, and defend well." Cui Wu ordered.

Afterwards, 20,000 soldiers of the Star Legion of the Legendary Legion immediately dispersed, occupied all the strongholds, and guarded the city gate strictly.

This gate is Laszlo's gate, and it is also the gate of heaven in the information provided by Raguel! !

"This is the mountain of heaven?! These guys are really stingy." Cui Wu got off his horse, stomped his feet, looked down at the hillside under his feet, curled his lips, and complained.

The Mountain of Paradise, the name is tall, but it is actually a small hillside, which is really 'grand'.

"Without the information provided by Xizuo, it would be really difficult for us to find this place!" Cui Wu raised his head, took another look at the ancient city gate, and sighed softly.

The task of finding the Mountain of Heaven and the Gate of Heaven was entrusted to the Star Legion. Because the Star Legion can investigate day and night and move fast, it is the most suitable.

Now it's easy to find, and it feels good to let the robes of the Star Legion spend a little less effort.

"When all the major legions are in order, we can start the real plundering war!!" Cui Wu narrowed his eyes slightly and said in a concentrated voice.

After pondering for a while, Cui Wu began to take out some diamond-shaped crystals from the space bracelet, and began to arrange them along certain lines...

Although it's not yet time to open it, you can also prepare first...



"Boom!!!" A burst of huge roar and majestic air waves swept over.

On the spacious street, there was no one there, but it was extremely messy, with all kinds of garbage scattered all over the place.

In some corners, copper coins, silver coins and even gold coins can even be seen, which shows that the people of the empire are evacuating in a hurry.

Of course, Le Jin would not pick up those copper coins and silver coins. At this moment, he led the army and kept busy in the various manors, collecting wealth and resources.

If you see something in the secret room, move it!

If you see ore wood in the warehouse, just accept it!

If you see herbs in the garden, pull them out!

If you see that the jade sculptures in the corridor are valuable, tear them down!

If you see rare fish in the pond, release the water and catch them!

Seeing that the bed in the bedroom is made of rare wood, lift it!


No one stopped, the speed at which the soldiers of the Great Wilderness Territory looted even Lin Mu was dumbfounded when he saw it!

In an hour, the empty space was full again.

This is the carnival moment belonging to the Great Wilderness Territory! !

However, the carnival moment is not unique in the Great Wilderness Territory, because at some point in the city, players from the Huaxia District unexpectedly appeared.

If you observe carefully, you will find that these players are all high-level, unified in action, and well-trained.

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