Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 1979 Blood Soul Crystal

Still in that secret office, several directors of Huaxia gathered together again.

Today's topic is hundreds of thousands of players who are unconscious.

Six hundred thousand players, plus the families behind them, could number in the millions, which is no small feat.

Coupled with some people's fanning the flames, it might cause a huge storm.

This is not what they want to see.

"Everyone gathered here urgently today. You should know what happened. In addition to discussing that matter, let's also discuss the latest major event." An old man said in a fit of anger.

"This incident has been defined as [the first soul-shattering incident]!" The old man said a name slowly.

[The first soul-shattering incident]? ! Why is it called this name?

Many people were slightly puzzled, but they didn't ask, because there should be an explanation later.

"What's the specific situation?" the old man asked, looking at the people next to him.

"The staff department has collected specific information and submitted it."

"Those 600,000 players, after being whitewashed, all fell into a coma in the real world. Before and after coma, some vomited, some trembled, and some had abnormalities in their hearts...Among them, a few elite soldiers died in the previous minute. She was still awake, but later she also fell into a coma."

"We also learned about the situation from these elites." A slightly younger middle-aged man reported.

"This matter...has a big impact." The old man said in a low voice.

"I didn't expect that the mythical world is so dangerous, and it directly affects the real body."

"What's the current situation of these players?" Another old man asked in a concentrated voice.

"They are currently in a coma, and the signs of life are still strong. Some players can still absorb nutrient solution."

"Can you find out the specific reason?"

"According to the information provided by Ji Beiqin, it may be that the soul was injured suddenly and caused problems with physical functions. At present, they should be in the process of slow recovery. It varies from person to person. They may be in a coma for more than ten days, or it may take longer .”

Is this the so-called [Soul Wrath]? !

"That's good!" The others breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this.

"Since it's all right, it's easy to deal with."

"I'm most afraid that someone else will take the opportunity to make trouble..."

"Hmph! Warn those who want to make trouble, let them not act rashly, otherwise violent machines are not so easy to fool!" Xia Hu said loudly at this time, sonorously.

"Well, let other agencies know and focus on this recently. If there is a sign, kill it immediately."

"How about the aftermath?"

"Well...the guilds and territories they belong to have been properly arranged."

"That's good. We also need to sum up our experience, and continue to send people to track those unconscious players and record various situations, so that we can summarize our experience later."

"I named this [the first soul-shattering incident] because there may be a second or third incident! We must be prepared." The old man in the first seat said in a concentrated voice.

"Okay! I will continue to follow up on this matter."

"Then Lin Mu, how to deal with it?" An old man asked the core question.

"Since there is nothing wrong, and no irreversible accidents have been caused, let's ignore it for the time being... Lin Mu and those guys agreed to let them handle it." Xia Hu said slowly.

For Lin Mu, he is still very supportive.

The others fell silent when they heard the words. Lin Mu has made great contributions to China in the mythical world or the real world, and he has already been crowned king, so he will not deal with it so easily.

"I agree with Xia Hu's opinion."

"Me too……"

"Hehe, you all think that if you don't care about Lin Mu's affairs, then it's none of his business..." Several other people also expressed their opinions.

"Although it didn't cause a huge casualty accident, it also caused social impact. As one of the principals, and even one of the insiders, Lin Mu, I think he still has a certain responsibility."

"If you don't agree with dealing with him, then you can secretly warn him not to be so unscrupulous." A slightly rich old man said slowly.

Obviously, this guy is hostile to Lin Mu.

Lin Mu didn't let those lords send players to go to mine, but just let their cannon fodder go. It's okay to send NPCs!

" can give me a little warning." Xia Hu unexpectedly agreed to the old man's proposal.

This made the old man also stunned.

"Let's use this matter to ask Lin Mu to help with the handover of that place." Xia Hu followed along.

Good guy, isn't it rumored that Lin Mu has already agreed to help deal with it? Let's talk about this now, is it a warning?

However, the old man did not refute, Lin Mu is not a character to be manipulated at will.

In this way, the results of Lin Mu's treatment came out.

"Jie Jie... Lin Mu's unscrupulous guy's conditions are not so easy to fulfill, those little guys stepped into this pit so easily."

"Hehe...Compared to the harvest, that little compensation is nothing."

"In addition, I have a hunch that within 10 days, there may be another big event!" Xia Hu expressed his guess.

Lin Mu must be planning something bigger.

"Contact the Institute of Mythology, it's time to play a role." The head old man said suddenly.

"Um... good!" The others were slightly taken aback when they heard this.

"In addition, the handover of that place is about to begin." The old man said again.

"Well...according to the information from the lurking personnel, Dongpu has secretly arranged, and some situations may happen."

"There are five specific guesses:..."

After that, several people began to discuss other state affairs.



Regardless of the forum, China Channel, World Channel or the real world, Lin Mu didn't care about it. He is recovering quickly and preparing for the battle in heaven!

On the battlefield, the battle between the two sides became more and more fierce, and various methods were used frequently. Lin Mu and others enjoyed watching it very much.

However, at their level, the battle will not end in a short while, which just gives the Great Wilderness Territory time to prepare.

Guo Jia, Xi Zhicai, Xun You and others were discussing the plan in low voices, and they were constantly improving the plan.

As for Zhao Yun and Huang Zhong, the energy stored in their bodies has already begun to move...


And Zhou Tai and Cui Wu are also taking action.

They are waiting for the 600,000 soldiers to be gone, ready to move. However, the terrifying bloody hands slowly gathered at the formation barrier, staring at the outlawed Zhou Tai and others.

But the next moment, they sank into the ground, as if they had disappeared.

Good guy, if it wasn't for the restriction of the formation, those bloody hands might have attacked already.

"Tsk tsk, you are interested in us, and I happen to be interested in you too."

Zhou Tai also thought about the formation.

Immediately, he led the troops on both sides and began to dig along the foundation of the formation.

"This is the crystal of faith... Hey, it seems to be an elf moonstone. How could such a large formation use such a material?" Zhou Tai held tightly a crescent-white ivory-colored crystal filled with a faint holy white glow. Shi wondered.

"Does it have something to do with the elves?" Zhou Tai harvested a lot of elf moonstones after digging out some basic materials from the nearby formation.

For this kind of spar, the Great Wilderness Territory has obtained it long ago, so he knows it.

At this moment, Zhou Tai didn't know that the name of this large formation contained the word "elf".

Although some large array materials were dug nearby, the huge blood-colored screen did not disappear because of this, obviously it cannot be destroyed in a short time.

However, as Cui Wu's excavation proceeded simultaneously, the bloody barrier of the large formation gradually faded and slowly disappeared.

The Legion of the Great Wilderness Territory, which has no worries about the future, can finally take over this area.

However, the major legions are currently taking over in other places and have not yet reached this area.

"Awww!~~" When the barrier slowly disappeared, there was a strange howling sound in the formation.

"Ding ding!~~" Immediately afterwards, crisp voices came.

Strange spars popped up from the ground.

Even at Zhou Tai's feet outside the formation, several blood-red crystals bounced out of the formation.

Zhou Tai frowned slightly, and picked up the blood ruby ​​in a low voice.

"Could this be the result of the formation that killed hundreds of thousands of soldiers?" Zhou Tai said to himself.

"It seems that those gathered blood hands are the key to the birth of this thing."

"Put away all the blood red crystals!" Zhou Tai ordered loudly.

After that, everyone started to put away the nearby blood spar.

"Boom!~~~" With continuous digging, the bloody formation finally collapsed at a certain critical point.

After that, Zhou Tai stepped into the formation alone, and found that there was no bloody hand attacking him.

Zhou Tai, who continued to go deeper, could feel that the smell of blood in the air had long since disappeared.

Soon, he came to a street, and saw treasure bags and some armor randomly scattered on the ground on the broken street.

And among them, blood ruby ​​stones can be seen randomly.

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