Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 1981 Titan Protoss, Invasion of Heaven

"Boom!!!" The gate of heaven was activated, but not only was there an abnormality on the side of the empire, but also a huge vision on the other side.

In the mysterious paradise, there is a huge canyon. The canyon is surrounded by low and strange shrubs. Standing on a high place, you can have a panoramic view of the valley at a glance, and it is basically difficult to hide your figure.

At the bottom of the canyon, there is a flat green grassland, and the breeze blows, and a wave of grass ripples.

On a wall deep in the canyon, there is a huge gate covered with grass and vines, and everything seems to be deserted.

Obviously, there are few people here.

However, just today, a violent energy fluctuation surged in mid-air, and the next moment, the outline of the huge door frame suddenly burst into bright white light.

Those grasses and vines instantly turned into powder, revealing the delicate textured gate frame.

"Boom!!" The next moment, a huge beam of light rose into the sky, breaking the silence of the valley.

"Boom, boom, boom!~~~" And the entire heaven, as the energy was stimulated, also made a low vibration sound.

However, for some unknown reason, not many angels knew about this shock... as if a certain existence was missing...

However, the soaring beam of light attracted the attention of an angel from a nearby city.

And this city of angels is named [City of Faith]! ! !

"What's going on?! How did the gate of heaven in the south activate at this juncture? Could it be that the believers came to support them?" An angel stationed on the tall city wall of Faith City looked at the soaring beam of light and said to himself.

"The south was invaded by China, and Master Metatron was presiding over there. It should be sending reinforcements in to encircle and suppress those dark demons!" the angel thought.

However, what he didn't know was that Metatron had already retreated to the seaside, and currently he was in charge of Raguel who went down secretly.

After pondering for a while, for the sake of safety, he still sent an angel apostle to check the situation and receive reinforcements by the way.

After making the arrangements, there was a look of worry on his face, he turned around and looked at the sky behind him.

And in the sky far away, there was actually a dark and thick layer of clouds floating in the sky, and an evil aura filled the sky and covered the sky.

You know, heaven is a holy place of light, and there will be no evil spirit at all.

But now...the evil has gathered into a sky!

And under the thick black cloud, huge ferocious ghost faces floated, making shrill roars.

And further below, there is a city where the holy light is still shining tenaciously.

But as time went by, the holy light of this city gradually went out...

"Pious City, it has completely fallen!!" The holy light of the city was extinguished, and he knew the meaning very well.

"Damn it! These thieves dare to invade our heaven, the Lord will punish you!" The angels and apostles next to them were furious.

"Those demons are evil, but what makes us even more sad is the inner ghost! I don't know which angel dares to let the demons in!!"

"Yes! It must be thoroughly investigated! Against the will of the Lord, it must be crucified and burned to create a resurrection cross!!" An angel and apostle actually revealed the core method of a certain item!

"Buzz!~~" At this moment, a token on the waist of the angel guard vibrated.

He picked it up and saw a flustered but familiar voice: "Munir, hurry up, send out the Angel Legion from the City of Faith! There are more and more demons coming in from outside, the second sequence The Devil Legion Satan Legion has come in!"

"Hiss!!" The angels gasped when they heard the voice.

The demon legion of the second sequence - Satan's legion, actually came in! !

This is a quasi-epic historical unit! ! !

In heaven, only those legendary legions of the highest order can compare!

But that's just a legend. In today's paradise, there is no legion of quasi-epic historical arms at all.

"How? How? Didn't Satan's Legion die in the torrent of history? It still exists?" The Angel Guard Chief looked in disbelief.

"Lord Lucifer, the Satanic Legion really still exists?!" the Angel Guard Chief asked again.

It turned out that it was Lucifer who sent the letter!

Good guy, this guy hasn't been exposed yet.

"Whether it's the real Satan's Legion or not, the front line can't stand it now, so continue to deploy troops to resist. First block the enemy's offensive, and slowly encircle them!" Lucifer's voice came quickly.

Knowing that the front line was urgent, the Angel Guard Chief had no choice but to send 90% of the remaining troops in Faith City to support.

As for the last point, it was just for vigilance. As for defending the city, it was impossible. Once the enemy invades here, it is basically irresistible.

After thinking about it, the Angel Guard Chief used his authority to contact Metatron and reported the recent events.

However, there was no reply over there, so I don't know what happened...

However, the Angel Guard Chief firmly believed that when the gate of heaven in Paradise Valley opened, reinforcements must have arrived, because he believed in Metatron!

It's a pity... some things are simply not conceivable and trustworthy...


"Crack!!!!" In the center of the Ottomi Imperial Capital, violent roars continued to be heard.

"Hoo hoo!~~" One after another sounded through the air, and the giants of the Great Wilderness Territory surrounded them.

Raguel, who is an archangel flying in mid-air, is also very dignified at this moment.

The war is about to start!

Both Lin Mu's side and Zeus' side broke out.

However, their angel side couldn't break out. They had already tried their best in the previous battle.

They have already used the hole card of soaring combat power. Now the hole cards they have are only some rare props...

For example, God's forbidden scroll, etc...

"咻咻!~~" Zeus and Hades' explosion caused everyone in the Angel team to back off and slowly flew to the other side of the King's Sword.

For some unknown reason, the three parties unexpectedly formed an encirclement circle, enclosing the King's Sword.

At this moment, everyone in the three parties understood that the final battle had begun!

The winner will dominate the battlefield!

Once the decisive battle begins, the many hole cards that have been kept can give one's side an advantage.

Fight for the sword of the king! !

"Roar!!!" A huge roar shook, and two huge figures, one white and one black, suddenly appeared on the battlefield.

Those two huge figures are even bigger than the previous mountain giants, like giants who are up to the sky, powerful and powerful!

However, they are not as bulky and violent as mountain giants.

The two giants were filled with magical runes, and the surrounding air was filled with majestic energy, overwhelming the pressure.

Even Lin Mu, who is far away, can feel the turbulent aura of that power.

"Nimma... As expected of the Titan Protoss! It's too oppressive!" Lin Mu kept stepping back, surprised.

Even though he kept retreating, the huge figure still occupied most of his field of vision.

"My lord, let's go to the Gate of Heaven and have a look. Leave this place to Feng Xiao, Han Sheng and Zilong!" Xun You said to Lin Mu.

"Okay! Let's go." Afterwards, Lin Mu took Xun You and the others away from the battlefield and headed towards the North District.

And Guo Jia's drama talents Huang Zhong and Zhao Yun have already joined the battlefield.

Just as Lin Mu and the others left, a huge black shadow bombarded the place where they were standing before.


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