Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 2002 Five million players sell area! !

The turbulent crowd poured into the city gate like flood water.

On the city wall, Lin Mu and the others looked at the dark crowd indifferently.

And this side of the city gate was as quiet as if the air had condensed, without any sound. Just separated by one side, they are completely different.

The corps of the Great Wilderness Territory had already entered the heaven, leaving only some high-level officials and some soldiers who were raiding the imperial capital.

"It's a pity that this time the invasion did not obtain special seeds such as corn, potatoes, tomatoes, and golden spirit magic tree." Lin Mu sighed as he looked at the dark and turbulent crowd.

Except for Heaven and the other places in the imperial capital, there is no chance to plunder the current American region.

The villages in the Great Wilderness Territory have been destroyed, except for [Loos City], which sent players from the Huaxia District.

Except for the Principality of Terenas, which is still in the hands of the Huaxia District, all other places have been recovered by the American District at an extremely fast speed.

Of course, one of the reasons is that most of the Huaxia players did not try their best to defend the city, and they all had the mentality of delaying their retreat.

Many top power lords called on General Lin Mu to take the lead, organize a united front, and lead the legions of the Han Dynasty to resist the enemy's recovery, but Lin Mu simply ignored it.

Lin Mu, the greatest commander in chief and the initiator of the invasion, ignored it, so helpless, he could only be like a mess.

Players thought that Lin Mu was able to attack the imperial capital so quickly and capture so many kingdoms because of the support of the Han Dynasty, and those terrifying soldiers should be soldiers of the Han court.

However, what the players don't know is that the soldiers under his command are all soldiers from the Great Wilderness Territory, and none of them are soldiers from the imperial court. It was announced to the outside world that it was the Hundred Wars Legion of the Han Dynasty.

Reluctantly, the players in the Huaxia District with big pockets began to evacuate from the American District.

However, while Lin Mu and the others were waiting quietly, a 'selling area' event occurred in the contact area between the Huaxia District and the American District, which shocked players all over the world! !


In a canyon outside a city called [Rods City] in the Principality of Artem, players from six legions gathered.

According to its distribution, this is the army of three forces.

Moreover, these legions are all distant legions, such as magicians, archers and so on.

"Three lords, everything has been arranged!" A burly black player reported to a tall and burly blond player.

There are two lords standing next to them, one is black, and the other is a player with characteristics of the Arab region.

"Not bad! Not bad! Our three consortiums worked together and planned for more than two months, and finally we can reap the fruits!" The blond player was overjoyed.

"How many traitors from the Huaxia District are gathered in [Rode City]?" the black lord asked in a concentrated voice.

"five million!"

"Their average level has reached level 46!" The black player who reported was determined.

"These are the results of the joint efforts of the eight guilds we established in Huaxia District." The player of Middle Eastern origin grinned.

"Level 46, you can kill 46 times! Great!! Although it costs a lot, it will definitely allow us to gain a lot of national war points, and can greatly increase the value of national power."

"I hope to overtake the Huaxia District in one fell swoop!! Pull it down from the altar!" Looking at the dazzling and far ahead Huaxia District on the world national power rankings, they felt a toothache.

"Let's go, the large-scale killing array is time-sensitive, cleanse this group of people as quickly as possible!"

"Jiejie... the average level has reached level 46, 5,000,000, how many national war points! These are Huaxia-pigs, they should be killed!"

After that, with an order, hundreds of thousands of player legions rushed towards the city.

On the walls of [Rods City], only sporadic Huaxia players were defending.

This city is still under the occupation of Huaxia District.

And in the city, millions of players stayed noisy, as if they already knew what they were going to face next...

"Here we come! The employer is here!" On the city wall, a Huaxia District sighed with a complex expression when he saw the roaring sound coming from afar.

"Old Liang, are we doing this... a traitor?" After sensing the movement, a tall player turned his head bitterly, looked at the scene in the city, and said with emotion.

"Fart! We're just doing business with players in the American region."

"Old Zhang, our guilds are all for the benefit of the members. Now, who doesn't have a house, a car ticket in your hands... millions of nutrition cabins, nutrition solutions for millions of people, this cost , But an astronomical figure! Who can provide it? Officials? Several big chaebols in China? Lin Mu? It’s impossible to get it... Only these chaebols can provide it.”

"We are here to benefit everyone!"

"Wealth is considered wealth when it is in everyone's hands..." Lao Liang kept talking about the truth, bewitching several partners.

"Hey... Let five million compatriots stand up and let the enemy collect the national war points and national power, I feel ashamed!"

"It feels like an enemy!" Lao Zhang still has a psychological burden.

"Think about it, don't Lin Mu and the other big lords also make deals with the chaebols in the American district... Isn't it a capital enemy?"

"Since they can do business, why can't we?" Lao Liang said with a look of resentment.

"Old man, don't be burdened. We have already explained it to everyone, but everyone accepts it, so don't worry about other things."

"Everyone doesn't have any equipment, weapons and other items, and their prestige is basically exhausted, so there will be no loss."

"Old Zhang, think about it, there are 5 million players, 5 million mouths, but none of them exposed this behavior, which shows that everyone accepts it." Lao Liang suddenly came over and said.

Old Zhang opened his mouth when he heard the words, but didn't say anything more. Indeed, five million people gathered in this city, and they also knew the result, but they still followed, and nothing was exposed... It can be seen that they really approved the deal... What else could he say...

"Here we come! Open the city gate."

With a bang bang, the six long-range firepower corps entered the city without hindrance and even welcomed by the players in Huaxia District.

Not long after, a streak of blood spewed out from the city.

The next moment, one after another wailing sounds continued to come from the city, and it lasted for a long time...

And this scene, no player reported or broadcast live...

However, paper cannot contain fire.

Due to the disappearance of the major armies of the Great Wilderness Territory on the overall battlefield, players in the Huaxia District continued to evacuate, and there happened to be a team of a thousand people withdrawing from other cities.

After sneaking around and finding out the secret, the players directly revealed the matter... It caused an uproar in an instant.

[Five million Huaxia players selling area! ! 】

[Is it the distortion of human nature, or the loss of morality! Why are they doing this? 】

[It's so sad to be killed as a pig! 】

[Eight traitor guilds! ! 】


Big melons are constantly being exposed.

Everything that happened in [Rode City] spread quickly.

The actions of the eight medium-sized guilds, including the [Guardian Guild] and [Taoyuan Guild], were exposed.

In the real world, they used nutrition cabins, nutrient solutions, house and car tickets, high salaries, etc. to lure their guild members to gather together, and let the players in the American area kill them.

What's even more disgusting is that the American District set up a resurrection circle, and the killed players in the Huaxia District continued to be resurrected in the city... Killing and resurrecting so repeatedly, five million players were directly whitewashed! !

This matter shocked the whole world! ! !

Many foreign players simply can't figure it out, players in the Huaxia region have given up national honor and regional server honor for money, and let others slaughter them like a pig... no... it was slaughtered 46 times! ! !

There is another thing that players in the Huaxia District hate even more, that is the national strength of the American District, which keeps rising! !

Five million, each person was killed 46 times, each time a variable amount of national war points were given to the enemy, and the increase in national war points was terrifying!

According to the rules of the inspired National Fortune Order:

For every 10,000,000 national war points earned by players in the American region, the national power of the American region will be +1, and every time a player in the American region kills 100,000 players in the Huaxia region, the national strength will be +1!

After a little calculation, the increase in the data... directly made the ranking of the national power list of the American region, which had already fallen to a corner of Java, reappear in the field of vision, and it was growing at a terrifying speed!

These five million Huaxia players are definitely selling area thieves! !

This is simply absurd! !

Huaxia District was pushed to the forefront.

Whether it is the mythical world or the reality, the storm is swept away in an instant! !

In the world of mythology, many enthusiastic players from the Huaxia region rushed towards this side spontaneously, trying to rescue the five million compatriots who were 'besieged'. Unfortunately, they could not form a combat force at all, because most of them had evacuated from the American region.

On the entire or forums, various opinions emerged crazily. There are hateful comments about sellers, and there are rebuttal comments.

The one involved was obviously Lin Mu.

"Selling area, it's ridiculous! We are just trading with players in the American area. The trading items are just our prestige and level."

"When it comes to selling areas, the most important thing to say is Lin Mu, the world's number one lord!!" The participants finally began to show their heads and brought Lin Mu out.

"He also trades with players in the American district, trading precious troop blueprints and other items to strengthen the outer district. What we are doing now is also trading, why not?!"

In this way, whether it is the forum, the world channel, the local channel, or other media channels, this matter is reported and discussed frantically.

And Lin Mu, who was waiting for the enemy to arrive on the city wall, turned dark when he knew about this.

He worked hard to fight around, killing god-level figures, dukes, kings, emperors, angels, etc., all of which continued to weaken the national strength of the American region, making it sluggish for a period of time, and, in order to reduce the national strength of the American region. He also asked Ji Beiqin and the others to lead the players from the Huaxia District to advance and retreat together, and also brought the players from the American District to play together, planning for local NPCs, but unexpectedly, all efforts were wiped out in half a day!

Lin Mu knew that such things happened frequently, but when it happened, there was nothing he could do.

Because everyone has different pursuits, different experiences, and different worldviews and values, it is impossible to overcome others by oneself.

But there were five million players participating quietly, which really chilled him.

This is definitely premeditated, and even the use of the National Destiny Order may be paving the way for this matter!

"Sigh... I have been focusing on the aborigines, ignoring the player group..." Lin Mu sighed softly.

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