Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 2023 The Incomparably Precious 【Archangel Feather】

Another Archangel-level powerhouse appeared!

Lin Mu watched Dian Wei fight against the two archangels with one man's power, and he was still able to handle it with ease, so he was determined.

Immediately, he looked at the big pothole far away, and found that it had been shrouded in a terrifying energy storm, and he couldn't see what was happening inside.

However, there was a steady stream of loud roars and deep shouts.

"Zilong, everything is going well in Angel City... What did you encounter?" Lin Mu was very confident in Guo Jia and the others, so he didn't care about that, but looked at Zhao Yun standing on the stone bar and asked.

"After I searched for an opportunity to enter the city, I went straight to the core hall. That hall should have guarding power. I don't know if it was Lucifer's strength. There wasn't even a guardian angel, so I went in very easily."

Although there is no teleportation method in the Qiankun Domain, Zhao Yun's speed is also one of the best, and he is the most suitable for this task.

"Please describe the situation of the hall." Lin Mu asked curiously.

"In front of the main hall are strange and huge angel sculptures, placed in a strange formation. According to my observation, those angel sculptures do not seem to be the appearance of the archangels described by the lord, they are all strange angels. ...uncommon." Zhao Yun paused, a gleam of brilliance appeared in his eyes, and said in a concentrated voice.

Hearing this, Lin Mu frowned slightly. Looking at the background of heaven, it is not as it appears on the surface.

The legendary Heavenly Father, that is, Jehovah, and his son Jesus did not know where he went.

In addition, the situation about the Garden of Eden is also very weird.

According to the actual "Bible·Old Testament·Genesis" records, the God-Yahweh created the ancestors of mankind in his own image: the man Adam!

Later, Eve was created from Adam's rib and placed in the Garden of Eden.

Adam and Eve later gave birth to Cain and Abel.

These characters are all legendary existences, presumably they should be extraordinary in the background of the mythical world. But I don't know what happened, it didn't show up...

In addition, the legendary Garden of Eden is full of rare things such as red tourmaline, diamond, beryl, onyx, jasper, sapphire, emerald, ruby, etc. Did not see.

In short, this paradise is not as he expected.

As soon as he entered heaven, he was already disappointed.

Except for the thick light energy and vigorous vitality here, other rules are very thin. Obviously, this is an environment that is not conducive to the cycle of heaven and earth.

Although it can cultivate a family of angels with terrifying recovery speed, their combat power is very single.

"If I were the Lord of Heaven, I would definitely not develop Heaven in this way. Then, what about the controller? He shouldn't be a stupid person... Maybe he wouldn't develop Heaven in this way at the beginning, but I don't know why later, Is the road going crooked?" Lin Mu was full of thoughts.

Lin Mu asked Dian Wei to protect him before, but now he does not object to Zhao Yun protecting him, because he is actually afraid that the legendary person will appear.

After all, this is the Garden of Eden. It is not surprising that Adam or Cain and Abel suddenly appeared.

"Passing through the front hall, you will find the apse. There are no redundant buildings here, only a huge angel pool."

"Its length and width are about ten feet..."

"The energy inside is the power of light, extremely pure."

"Can you see the bottom clearly?" Lin Mu asked.

"I can't see clearly..."

"There are no angels around the Angel Pool?"

"No...not one at first."

"What about the surrounding situation?"

"Well... beside the Angel Pool, there are also many angel sculptures, which are half-soaked in the Angel Pool. These angel sculptures are different from others. There are various things carved in their hands, mouths, and even their backs. Like pearls and jade, some are like hearts, some are like wings, some are like balls of light... there are many more." Zhao Yunhui reported.

Listening to Zhao Yun's narration, Lin Mu couldn't help but outline the appearance of Angel Pool in his mind.

"By the way... Those angel sculptures are not white, but pure black, very weird!" Zhao Yun said suddenly.

Lin Mu was shocked when he heard the words, a black angel? !

"A pool of reincarnated angels, the sculpture is not white? How is this possible?" Lin Mu was quite surprised.

The angel race seems to have extreme cleanliness, and they are quite close to the color of gold other than white, and feel that they are regarded as heresy for other colors!

"And after that?"

"After I put Lucifer's wings into the pool of angels, those black angels kept gushing out strange black energy, washing the white wings. The whole pool of angels boiled..."

"Some white angel feathers were washed out by the black ability, and I picked them up, and that's it." Zhao Yun said, and took out a stack of white feathers about the size of goose feathers from his bosom.

Name: [Archangel's Feather]

Tier: God Tier

Features: Props


1. [Angel Resurrection]: Passive attribute, after the owner activates this attribute, he can be revived without damage under no special circumstances, the number of times is 3/3; this attribute can be recharged, and it needs to be recharged with the energy in the special building [Angel Pool] .

2. [Blessing of Lucifer of Light]: Professionals of light class wear this item to recover magic power +200% and skill damage +20%;

3. [Angel Wings]: Owner's speed +50%, flying skill effect +100%;

4. [Power of the Bright Priest]: The feather of the Archangel contains a power of light, which allows the player to become a Bright Priest. Players can change their jobs to different bright clergymen according to their occupations, such as changing from a knight to a hidden job [Bright Paladin], from a priest to a hidden job [Temple Priest], from a ranger to a hidden job [Bright Ranger] 】. After the power of light is used, this attribute will disappear permanently.

Introduction: The conditions for the birth of this Archangel Feather are very harsh, and it is only possible to be born when there is an extreme switch between light and darkness. This is what a certain person with great perseverance transformed into the ultimate fallen angel and left behind in the world, and it is unique.


When Lin Mu saw the attributes of the feather, he gasped.

The attributes are so perverted!

Rechargeable recycling props!

A prop that can be transferred to a hidden profession!

Extreme! ! It is indeed the word "extreme"!

"Looking at Lucifer, this guy got a great chance!" Lin Mu had a look of envy on his face.

Although he didn't see Lucifer again, he could feel that Lucifer had obtained the opportunity that belonged to him.

Even if such a terrifying item is discarded, can we not gain more!

"That guy has transformed into a four-winged fallen angel..." Lin Mu joked.

However, what Lin Mu didn't know was that Lucifer really did what he expected in a joke!

"And this." Zhao Yun took out another red thing.

Lin Mu was shocked when he saw it: "What is this?"

What Zhao Yun handed to him was a spar like a ruby. Although he didn't know it, the power contained in it made him a little startled, as if he was holding a fire spar in the palm of his hand!

Name: [Gem of Salvation]

Tier: Wonder

Features: Disposable props

Attribute: [Power of Redemption] This item allows the owner to resist the power of fate to change once.

Introduction: It is a companion creature born after a certain person with great perseverance realized the power of redemption and changed his life against the sky.


"Good stuff!" Lin Mu was overjoyed when he saw the properties of this thing.

"Are you easily harvesting these things after you put your wings into the Angel Pool?" I feel that Zhao Yun would not have gotten these items as easily as he said.

"Ahem... It's not very easy. When the wings were put into the Angel Pool, some angels found me. They attacked me frantically, and jumped down the Angel Pool frantically, trying to get Lucifer's wings back."

"However, the pool of angels changed later. The holy water in the pool turned black, and the wings turned completely black. After that, these items appeared."

"After that, I snatched these items back."

"There are also some feathers, some red crystals, an angel heart and an epic historical soul charm... They robbed them." Zhao Yun regretted.

"What? An angel's heart and an epic historical soul talisman? Could it be Lucifer's? Good guy, not only the angel's wings, but he has also transformed into an angel's body, angel's heart, and even the blessings of heaven and earth?" Lin Mu Shocked.

At this moment, he really admired Lucifer, and he really deserved to be the perseverant described by the system!

"I don't know if I helped Lucifer, right or wrong..." Lin Mu sighed with emotion.

"No matter what...will we be afraid of him?" Zhao Yun said confidently.

"Hey... yes. Just another dark race and dark lord." Lin Mu nodded emphatically.

"Bang!!" At this moment, a crisp cracking sound came.

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