After that, another three days later, the grand (noisy) noisy and solemn (absurd) court meeting began.

After some 'conversational battles among scholars' and 'fights between dragons and tigers', the court actually rewarded Guo Jia, Huang Zhong, Tai Shici and others without the presence of Lin Mu, the core hero.

Even Huang Xu, Cui Wu and others who came back with him were rewarded.

And the only one who is rare is Lin Mu.

Cai Yong and others were silent in the audience, and did not speak out to fight for Lin Mu. Guo Jia and others also did not speak out to ask for credit for their contributions to the coach. As for He Jin, Yuan Kai, etc., it is even less likely to speak out for Lin Mu.

In this way, in a very strange atmosphere, Yizhou Mu and Lin Mu, the general who conquered the East, who went on an expedition to the United States and contributed 18% to the fusion of Shenzhou, were selectively ignored, as if there was no such person in the Longting system of the Han Dynasty.

However, there was one incident that made Dian Wei almost release the [Desolate Blood Sea God Realm] at the court meeting. Without him, Liu Hong actually asked the soldiers of the Great Wilderness Territory for ten angel hearts!

That's right, Liu Hong didn't know where he heard that their mission this time was to kill angels and snatch their hearts.

In court, Liu Hong directly confirmed the rumor.

Guo Jia and others couldn't refute it at all, because they made up the so-called mission goals for the sake of excuses.

At that time, they did not expect that Liu Hong would use this as a target to attack and defend.

However, Guo Jia, Xi Zhicai and others are all wise people. They immediately reacted, figured out the key point, and directly said that the mission was not completed, and only an angel heart was plundered.

Afterwards, other ministers used this as an excuse to attack and defend these generals in the Great Wilderness Territory frantically, suppressing their contributions.

As for the angel heart, Zhang Rang gave it to Liu Hong and put it in Liu Hong's pocket.

Of course, there is no great merit, but there are still small rewards. Huang Zhong, Tai Shici, etc. were even named the magistrate of a county, while Guo Jia and Xunyou were originally prefects, and their positions did not change, but they were promoted to Tinghou.

Conferring marquis and conferring titles is only due to great merit. This can be regarded as making up for it, but it is not known whether it is to make up for Lin Mu or what.

The unusually peaceful court meeting came to an end with absurd decisions one after another.

In the same dilapidated barracks, Guo Jia and others sat in the hall one by one.

"I really didn't expect to use the mission of ten angel hearts as an excuse to suppress us." Le Jin said with a depressed face.

"Heh... If you don't use this excuse, you will use other excuses. For example, our expedition is too long and other issues are all reasons for attacking and defending."

"The core problem is that he has overwhelmed the Lord with great achievements, and he wants to suppress the Lord." Xun You sighed.

"The general He Jin is so disgusting. He even said that the soldiers in the army are weak, and he wants to change a group of soldiers in the army of the general, and wants to drag Wen Ze's subordinates over. It's too irritating."

"Fortunately, His Majesty did not agree, otherwise..." Zhou Tai blushed and said indignantly.

In the court hall, apart from this, there are many, many people and things that are bothering them. This court meeting, they finally felt disgusted.

"Those ministers are also eyeing Huang Zhongtai Shici and the others. They even said that there is a lack of government officials and want to go there, but His Majesty didn't agree. They all rewarded us to go out of Luoyang and not to be angry here." Yu Jin also said in a buzzing voice.

"Mr. Feng Xiao, Zhang Rang, why is there no movement this time?" Huang Zhong looked at Guo Jia and asked in a low voice.

"We also gave what we should give. It's not like there is no movement. This time we can all leave this vortex safely and complete the plan as scheduled. He will also help." Guo Jia picked up his glass and took a sip of wine.

At this moment, Guo Jia was in a slightly bad mood, not because of the treatment the lord Lin Mu received, but because of the way up to the emperor and down to the ministers made him feel very chilled.

Longting, which seems to be bustling and bustling, is actually decayed.

This is what he experienced firsthand.

"No wonder Wen Ruo went back to his hometown to study directly..." Xi Zhicai shrugged and said with a playful smile.

After that, the three of them looked at each other and smiled...

Depression is depression, enjoyment still has to go on, and then everyone cheered up and drank and ate meat...


In an official residence in Luoyang, the capital of the gods, several players gathered together.

"Xing Lie, did you see these names clearly?" A player asked, frowning and pointing to the font on a document.

"It's strange, I can't see clearly, it's strange."

"We... seem to have met a famous historical general!" A rather handsome player sitting at the top said in a concentrated voice.

If Lin Mu would recognize this person here, he is Liu Feng, the prefect of Youzhou Daijun!

The document in their hands was the circular to reward Guo Jia and the others.

"Young master, really? But they seem to be soldiers under Lin Mu's command, could they have been recruited by Lin Mu?"

"No! Absolutely not! Although a few people's names are also restricted by the system, there is one person whose name I can hear, and that is Xun You!!"

"Xun You, would he submit to Lin Mu's command? I have inquired and found that Xun You was recruited by Lin Mu after he became the general who conquered the East, but it was only temporary."

"My lord, you are all officials at the prefect level now, why are the names of many officials restricted by the system, even if you talk face to face, none of them are revealed..."

"The reason for this has been preliminarily guessed by the staff department. Perhaps, one is the system limitation, which prevents players from finding historical famous generals so quickly; the other is that I lack something, and Lin Mu may have that kind of thing, after all, he has won so many achievement rewards."

"My lord, are you talking about the special power reward in the announcement?"

"Maybe. It's a pity that I originally wanted to use the official side to calculate and find out what the special power is from Lin Mu, but I didn't expect that Lin Mu would not get in." Liu Feng regretted.

"My lord, what is that angel heart? Can you get the angel heart with your efforts behind the scenes? People in the American region and other foreign regions are willing to pay a price to know its attributes."

It turned out that it was not the minister of the court but the player lord Liu Feng who was behind the push.

In fact, most of the current situation of the national war in the American region is circulated in the player circle.

"That old guy Zhang Rang refused to show me, saying that he had already collected it into the national treasury." Liu Feng's expression changed slightly.

"Jie Jie, no matter what, Lin Mu will be able to bear it this time. His achievements are overwhelming, and everyone from top to bottom wants to suppress Lin Mu."

Liu Feng said regretfully: "At first, I thought that the suppression would be more severe and I would directly remove him from his official position, but I didn't expect to just ignore him."

"My lord, why didn't Lin Mu show up? Isn't it rumored that he has returned to Shenzhou?"

"I am not sure as well……"

"Forget it, let's do this calculation this time, and continue to work on the affairs of the American region. I have a hunch that the transmission channel may be closed." Liu Feng waved his hand.

After that, several people dispersed to work.


In the dense forest, a figure was hidden under the cover of heavy branches, revealing a pair of eyes, staring closely at the sky, its aura was also completely hidden under the permeation of a strange force.

" could there be a ground-level giant eagle's eyeing me, and I didn't steal your eggs!" The figure was speechless.

This figure is Lin Mu.

When he passed nearby, he just happened to encounter a furious giant eagle hovering around. As soon as he saw him, he swooped down madly to tear him apart.

Lin Mu, who didn't want to make any noise, could only hide.

At this moment, four days have passed since he walked alone.

He already knew everything that happened in the temple of the Han Dynasty.

He knew there would be suppression, but he didn't expect it to be so absurd. Don't even want to mention the name. What's even more frightening is that without even asking about his whereabouts, he almost said that there was no such person.

After hiding for a while, the enraged giant eagle had disappeared. Lin Mu continued to walk through the trees.

After a while, when Lin Mu came to a valley, he saw a group of players slinking forward slowly.

These players were all covered in black mud, as if trying to cover up some smell.

What caught Lin Mu's eyes was not the mud on their bodies, but the giant egg carried by the two players!

You don't need to ask to know that this group of people stole the giant eagle's egg, and he just entered the giant eagle's territory, and he was directly attacked as an egg thief.

"Huh, they turned out to be players from Huaxia District?" After observing for a while, Lin Mu found that these players were not local players.

At present, the attention of the American district is basically on the front lines of heaven and recovered land, and there happens to be no war in the east.

As for the players in the Huaxia District, they basically retreated, but there were also 'fish that slipped through the net'. It's just that I didn't expect the 'fish that slipped through the net' to come here.

In fact, it is true that the players are so escaping. After entering the American region, many players from the Huaxia region not only hang out in the war zone, but also many adventure players directly travel to farther places to explore.

Some Huaxia districts even went to the north.

This situation happens every time a national war starts. However, after the countdown to the national war, the system will release tasks according to the situation, and even notify the coordinates.

Otherwise, it would be very bad for a player to hide in the deep mountains and wild forests, causing the state of the national war in the entire district to be unable to end.

(Author's note: I originally wanted to wait for Lin Mu to come back to write this part of the reward of the imperial court. It is estimated that I will write three or four chapters. After thinking about it, I will revise it. I will just sketch it like this and finish it in one chapter.)

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