Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 2079 The Most Popular Competition Starts

Especially Shan Gongliu, Feng Wangsheng and others, their aura was surging, and waves of spiritual energy inexplicably rose around them.

A few people didn't care about saying goodbye to Lin Mu, they just jumped away and went to retreat to practice.

In addition to that, others were also immersed in that horrible efficacy.

In the field, only Lin Mu and Xun You were sober.

"Gongda, your primordial spirit..." Lin Mu looked at Xun You and asked with a hint.

"It doesn't matter, destroying the Yuanling to become a Yuanling is a Yuanling, and it's not a Yuanling." Xun You sighed.

He can have that strange divine domain because of the particularity of his primordial spirit. It can be seen that he made Yu Jin and others quite afraid and even fearful.

"Ordinary items can't be boosted, so we have to find some more special items." Lin Mu said with emotion.

"Hmm... Maybe there is a place of darkness." Xun You was as indifferent as ever.

Immediately, he took another sip of [Jiuhua Qingli Niang], enjoying the incomparable taste brought by the divine wine.

And Lin Mu put away the divine wine.

The remaining divine wine can no longer be used as ordinary wine to quench thirst, it must be used wisely.

"My lord, have another cup." Xun You asked with a smile, holding up the empty cup.

Lin Mu was not stingy, and poured another glass for Xun You directly.

Xun You, in fact, also has pain in his heart...

"The chance of Zhicai to get the divine wine has completely secured the eleventh place in the world's magic list." After drinking another glass of divine wine, Xun You was already slightly drunk, and murmured.

Lin Mu nodded when he heard the words, and immediately poured Xun You a glass of wine without thinking too much.

"Daojiu knows my heart..." Xun You didn't refuse, drank the third cup directly, and passed out immediately afterwards.

Although Xun You is also good at drinking, he is not as addicted to alcohol as Guo Jia and the others. He has a good capacity for drinking, and three drinks is the limit.

This time, he was the only one in the audience who had nothing to do.

After that, he carried Guo Jia and Xunyou into the wing room to settle down, and let the others experience the efficacy of the divine wine in the open air.

After all, the first time is the most effective.

After thinking for a while, Lin Mu put the wine glasses back in order, and refilled them himself.

This can be regarded as a benefit for everyone as the protagonist.

"If there is still a god-level treasure chest, I have to pray for more god wine. This thing is too good." Lin Mu murmured.

"With the help of the divine wine, perhaps Tao Wen, Jiang Yuan, Zhang Huo, Gao Hai, Lu Hao, etc., can all step into the way of divine masters more smoothly." Lin Mu glanced at Tao Wen and others, and said to himself.

After digesting the gains from these few times, the peak power of the Great Wilderness Territory will develop qualitatively!

There are more and more god generals and god masters.

Zhang Zhongjing and the others did not come to drink the divine wine, they were busy establishing a sect. Reserve the divine wine for them.

After waiting for a while, he found that everyone was still immersed in that strange state, so Lin Mu didn't care anymore, let the guards guard him, and he left the courtyard.

Afterwards, he used Kun Stone to return to Zhenlong Pavilion, practiced all night, and went to do the daily task again at noon the next day.


"——System prompt: Dragon Master Lin Mu, player [Qing Lin-Wang Xiao] successfully submitted task item No. 190012 [No. 10012 Xuanyan Arena], the world-class task you set [Wanchaolaibang, Shenzhou Fengshen] All preparatory tasks have been completed."

A system prompt suddenly shocked Lin Mu who had just returned to Zhenlong Pavilion with the Kun Stone.

The preparations for the player's battle of the Conferred Gods are all done!

Because of special circumstances, in terms of share, Lin Mu 3%, Zhang Zhongjing 10%, Han Dynasty 87%, and Lin Mu is a player, so the preparations are all set by Lin Mu.

He didn't care about the arena, rest places, etc., and directly arranged for players from all over China to build through the mission channel.

The prestige, coins, weapons, equipment, and props of mission rewards are all issued by the system.

Originally, he wanted to let the Muhuang Group and the Dahuang Guild "contract the project" so that the fat and water would not flow to outsiders' fields, but because of the huge scale, it was simply impossible to complete it with that little manpower.

Afterwards, Lin Mu could only 'subcontract' out.


"——System prompt: Dragon Lord Lin Mu, because the preparatory tasks for the world-class mission [Wan Chao Lai Bang, Shenzhou Fengshen] have been completed, you need to set the last two requirements: Tribute Lord player country restrictions, Wan Chao Lai Bang The number of special teleportation arrays. Note: Wanchaolaibang special teleportation arrays must not be set up in dangerous places, and must not be destroyed intentionally."

Hearing this system prompt, Lin Mu pouted. Is he the kind of sinister and cunning person? How could he set the Chuan Song Formation in a dangerous place, and let the beasts eat those players who came towards them? Those who came here brought tribute from the court, and the Great Wilderness Territory has a 13% share of dividends.

While complaining in his heart, Lin Mu quickly opened the attribute panel and map, and skillfully made a series of settings.

"Good guy, there are 236 countries, each country has 10 teleportation arrays, a total of 2360 teleportation arrays, set up one-ninth of them here!" Lin Mu had already planned everything.

And the place where it will be held is [Cangwu County]!

That's right!

Lin Mu placed the venue of "Wan Chao Lai Bang, Shen Zhou Feng Shen" in "Cangwu County" in Jiaozhou. And it just so happens that Xun You is the prefect here.

This decision was made by Chang Yin, Guo Jia, and the others, because [Cangwu County] had already been designated by them as the territory of the Great Wilderness Territory.

Therefore, if you want to develop the slightly wild [Cangwu County], you need the injection of external force.

This pre-quest of Conferred God brought countless players to the construction of [Cangwu County], making it prosperous in an instant.

Other lord players in Huaxia District learned that the Battle of Conferred Gods will be held in [Cangwu County], and they also came here early to establish sub-bases, build various shops, and prepare to harvest a wave of "foreign exchange"!

Of course, as the 'host' of the Great Wilderness Territory, everything has been prepared in advance. The best locations there are basically the territorial shops of the Great Wilderness Territory. In particular, tents, inns and other places to stay and eat have invested a lot of reserves.

"The rest of the teleportation array will have to be placed in the outskirts of Luoyang, the capital of the gods. At that time, they will have to go on pilgrimage. Without the teleportation array, it will be too inconvenient to give gifts." Lin Mu laughed.

Soon, Lin Mu took care of everything.


"—System prompt: Dragon Lord Lin Mu, you have completed all the preparations, do you want to issue a world announcement?"

"Release!" Lin Mu announced the announcement that had been set long ago:


"——World Announcement: The four seas are dressed in nine layers of worship, and the sage is like a flying dragon. Looking at the place where the pheasant fans are open, the long live is full of auspiciousness. The world-class task [Wanchao Laibang, Shenzhou Fengshen] The pre-task has been completed, Ten days later, a time-limited cross-border teleportation formation will be opened, and all ranger players can come to participate in the battle of the Conferred Gods."



Three vast world announcements echoed in the ears of all players around the world.

The world-class event that players are looking forward to the most has finally started!

Players all over the world are excited, and they start to call friends and prepare to come to Huaxia District, the first district in the world.


"——World Announcement: The flower path has never been swept by guests, and Pengmen is now the king. I am the lord player Lin Mu. Welcome everyone to come to my Huaxia District to participate in the competition! Here, I need to specifically explain: Lord players, you can According to the preciousness of the gift, there will be different system task rewards. This is the task feedback of the system, and the gift of worship is also collected by the Han Dynasty. Next, let me talk about the specific details: 1. Lord players can only Bring 300 guards; 2. The venue is Jiaozhou [Cangwu County]; 3. ...; ... 99. Registration for this competition requires on-site registration; 100. The number of players accepted by the competition venue is limited. Quota."



Three more vast world announcements appeared.

But this time, it was the announcement set by Lin Mu, who made a full 100-point setting, and these settings were all formulated by the Great Wilderness Territory, but they were approved by the system. Players must not violate them, otherwise they will be punished.

Of course, the restrictive conditions are not targeted, otherwise they will not be able to pass the system level.

China Channel:

"Damn it... how come this world announcement is longer than my thesis, it makes my ears go numb."

"Hey, no matter what, I will definitely have a place as a frivolous scholar in this battle of the Conferred Gods!"

"My son, Wang Teng, has the qualifications of a great emperor, and he will definitely be at the top of the list of gods!"

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