Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 2175 Another crack, [Yuanyuan City]

Taking the flying car, Lin Mu and others soon arrived at a very high-end nursing home. This sanatorium is built according to the architectural style of ancient southern courtyards in Xiaoqiao and Liushui. Each customer has a courtyard.

Zhou Zhenya led the way and found the courtyard of Chen Donghai's wife.

The first person to see it was Chen Donghai, who looked slightly tired.

In the world of mythology, Chen Donghai is a truly legendary player and businessman, but at this moment, he is just an ordinary husband and father.

"Boss? Why are you here?!" Chen Donghai shouted excitedly when he saw Lin Mu.

"Come to see you." Lin Mu patted Chen Donghai on the shoulder and said.

"Thank you for your hard work during this time." Lin Mu glanced at Chen Donghai, then at Zhou Zhenya and said.

During his absence, all kinds of monsters and monsters appeared, and the pressure was understandable.

"I just saw the boss's impressive deeds in the West on the Internet, and you suddenly appeared in front of me." Chen Donghai said with a smile.

"It's not a hard time. It's endless fun to fight those disgusting guys who want to steal our foundation." At this time, Chen Wanmu's voice came from behind.

I saw her hobbling on crutches. Her foot was injured and was covered with a plaster.

The real world is not as rich in materials as the mythical time. There is an urgent need for ordinary healing pills here. There is no other way but to use technology and ordinary practical drugs to treat it.

"Hey!~ Our new [Ice King] is out!" Zhou Zhenya saw Chen Wanmu and said with a teasing smile.

"Sister Ya will laugh at me...hehehe..." Chen Wanmu was extremely shy.

"During the time you disappeared, Chinese officials had already named her the [Ice King], and held a very lively ceremony here. It's not as simple as you." Zhou Zhenya explained with a smile.

"Let's go and see your mother first." Lin Mu smiled and looked at her for a few times, nodded in affirmation, and then said.

"Boss, are you a heavenly general now?" Chen Wanmu suddenly said in shock.

You know, more than ten days ago, the boss Lin Mu was just an earth-level military general.

After disappearing for a period of time, she advanced rapidly through several small stages, and even broke through a large stage, which was simply stronger than a person with her special physique.

"After killing that angel, I obtained its angel heart. After taking it, I was promoted directly."

"The heart of a god-level angel is the original thing and the most valuable thing in an angel. It allows people to cross lower levels without losing their potential and be directly promoted to god-level." Lin Mu popularized this secret to everyone.

The people here are the people he trusts the most, so to speak.

Everyone's eyes widened when they heard this. There is such a thing that can make people reach the sky in one step!

At this moment, they had the same desire that Lin Mu had when he knew this secret.

"Boss, there is really a god-level angel manifesting in the real world. Isn't this too exaggerated?" Chen Donghai asked in a solemn voice.

"Is it like what netizens said, maybe even Diao Chan can manifest into the real world in the future?" Chen Wanmu also joined in the fun and said.

"I can't say for sure...but the appearance of god-level angels should never happen again, or it won't happen so easily." Lin Mu shook his head.

Even if he comes into contact with a lot of worlds in this life, there is no way to determine whether this possibility is true or false.

Everyone talked and came to the ward.

Lin Mu expressed condolences and showed concern for Chen Donghai's wife's condition, then he did not disturb her rest and took everyone to the living room to answer some questions.

Lin Mu was a busy man. This was the first time they caught him and asked him. All kinds of weird questions came up, and Lin Mu patiently answered them one by one.

Two hours later, Xu Tiandu arrived and Lin Mu escaped.

"King Mu, the official side wants to buy some study places for Zhou Tianlijue." Xu Tiandu went straight to Huanglong and asked.

"What price can you pay?" Xu Tian is an acquaintance, so there is no need to beat around the bush.

"Isn't Muhuang City under construction... We can help you shorten the construction period to 10 days, and we've covered all the materials and so on. There are 50 places... How about it?" Xu Tiandu asked hesitantly.

"Yes! If the time is shorter, I can give up more places." Lin Mu agreed decisively.

In fact, the value of the Ten Mysterious Level Original Skills was more than this. It was just a favor that Lin Mu wanted to do to smooth things over.

"It's done, let's go out with all our strength!" Xu Tiandu was overjoyed when he heard this, and then said proudly.

After returning, we must use various large-scale flying vehicles to transport supplies, mobilize all the skilled workers we can, and work hard day and night.

If you can't do it to death, do it to death!

"Lord Sword King said that you would agree directly, and it is true." Xu Tiandu said with emotion.

"After you go back, help me publicize it. I am going to release 150 places this afternoon. Anyone who is interested can come and trade." Lin Mu thought for a while and said softly.

"Uh... why don't you promote it through the channels of Muhuang Group? Instead, let me promote it?" Xu Tiandu asked in confusion.

"Go if you are told..." Lin Mu scolded with a smile.

Xu Tiandu left in a hurry.

What Lin Mu did was actually a favor to some people.

Zhou Zhenya walked in at this time and said softly: "The news has been sent out. I think those famous Chinese medicine families will definitely flock to us and be used by us."

"Yeah! You just need to make sure of it. Just tell me if you need anything. Anyway, you can learn infinitely from Zhou Tian's Moving Art." Lin Mu nodded.

"Five billion national war points... The top lord players outside feel that they may not be able to get enough in another fifty years. It is indeed a miracle!" Zhou Zhenya said with emotion.

"There will be better things in the future..." Lin Mu smiled.

In this way, on the day Lin Mu returned, he began to frantically sell out the study places for Zhou Tianyi Jue.

Countless talents needed by the Muhuang Group also gathered and began to be injected into the big ship of Muhuang City.

The busier person than Lin Mu was not Zhou Zhenya but Ji Shiting. After she obtained enough rare and medium-grade spiritual stones from Lin Mu, she began to arrange various formations in Muhuang City.

Because the middle-grade spiritual stones brought back by Lin Mu are available in all types, she can arrange many attribute-based formations, such as water-based formations to cultivate and protect the specialty products [sea indica corn], ocean leyline fruits and other products, blessing the world. There are countless earth spirit formations on the Riling soil, spirit gathering formations in the training room used for cultivation, and medicine garden protective formations where the star spirit gathering trees are placed, etc.

Others also began to work hard, adding bricks and tiles to Muhuang City.

After two days and two nights of non-stop hard work, Lin Mu sold 15,800 study places for the Zhoutian Moving Art. And what he gained made countless people jealous, especially those Western forces who regarded Lin Mu as their bloody enemy. They wanted to tear Lin Mu apart and replace him.

It's a pity that I can't beat them. They have no choice but to join. Take out the rare items from the bottom of the box and trade them with Lin Mu.

Lin Mu would accept anyone who came, as long as it met his psychological price, he would accept it.

In the secret room of Jingyang City, Lin Mu sat cross-legged, looking at the various strange objects piled up in front of him, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

Most of these things must be of low value, and items such as the Eternal Ring and the Beidou Yuheng Tower are definitely not available.

Even ordinary items can fall out of that crack. However, there was a faint strange aura surrounding those items, which Lin Mu, who had been promoted to Heaven level, could already feel.

This is also his method of identifying whether it is a strange object.

Putting down these strange objects for the time being, Lin Mu left the secret room and came to a conference room.

People from the Huya team were already waiting in the conference room.

"Boss!" When everyone saw Lin Mu, they all stood up with solemn expressions.

When they first met this legendary Shepherd King, they were still in their infancy, but they didn't expect that in less than a year, they would have grown to such an extent.

"How is the situation?" Lin Muyi asked pointedly.

"We have secretly transported a large amount of supplies and have begun to build a base. The basic facilities have been completed, and Madam can set up the formation." Li Hu reported in a condensing voice.

"We use the construction of Muhuang City to secretly transport some supplies. No one outside will notice except our people. And boss, you are so powerful that you can beat those guys so hard that they can't even hide from us. You won't come to monitor us at all now. .”

"Okay. If I don't reveal your whereabouts, not even the Sword King and others can find you. Well done."

"Are you all familiar with the information I gave you?" Lin Mu asked in a low voice.

"Familiar!" everyone responded.

"Okay. Although this crack is not big, its value is definitely not low. We must control it in our hands." Lin Mu said forcefully.

"Swear to protect [Yuanyuan City] to the death!" Everyone responded sonorously and forcefully.

"Okay, I will continue to deliver the follow-up support. You go back first."

"Li Hu, you stay." Lin Mu said loudly.

The meeting lasted only a short time, but the secrets involved were shocking.

That's right, another crack has appeared in the Antarctic continent.

And this crack appeared after Lin Mu jumped out of the fragmented continent.

Of course, after he jumped out, gravel continued to fall with him.

After checking it out, he knew that the gravel belonged to that continent. After all, he had been digging it for a long time and he was familiar with it.

Afterwards, he waited for several hours and found that the crack did not disappear.

In other words, a second crack appeared in real time!

There are one, two, maybe three... there may be more in the future...

However, since you discovered it yourself, you should take it as your own and add more information to the Muhuang Group.

To this end, Lin Mu is planning to build a secret city here called [Yuanyuan City].

Later, Lin Mu took Ji Shiting to the Antarctic continent.

However, the first place they went to was not [Yuanyuan City], but Antarctic City. Lin Mu, who was promoted to the heaven level, arrived at Antarctic City very quickly. After a short visit, they disappeared into the vast snowfield and left people's sight.

The two of them appeared again two days later.

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