Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 2328 Crazy Exchange

The entire battlefield was quiet at the moment, except for occasional bursts of roaring in the distance.

The Star Ghost God will execute Lin Mu's orders meticulously and guard the heart of the city.

The shadow of the tower above exudes a faint light.

In the tower, Wu Ba and others collapsed on the ground, panting violently, unwilling to move a finger. The role played by the captains of Mojin was not small this time, and they managed to survive until the end.

"Legion Commander, it seems that the Lord has not arranged for us. What should we do next? Continue to search for the tomb?" Yang Tu asked weakly.

"Have a good rest first...and once you get over it, let's help the Forbidden General and the others first."

Lin Mu's battle with the Demon Ancestor Soul also indirectly affected other players.

In the Protoss Imperial City, a hundred undead generals were brutally born. Although there were not so many in the cities guarded by other players, there were still one or two.

This suddenly put an even heavier burden on the players who were already under great pressure. Many of the already crumbling cities were destroyed, the main mission failed, and they were all sent back to China...

In a certain city, a raging undead frenzy impacted the player formation. The players' defensive front was constantly being defeated, and countless players were killed.

Later, the resurrected players rushed forward again regardless of the cost, guarding the city wall.

However, in the most important battlefield, two huge skeletal god generals collided. The players were no match for each other and were directly overwhelmed.

This kind of situation also occurs in other cities. Even if it is not within the Protoss Dynasty, the cities guarded by players in other regions are experiencing emergencies.

In the eyes of players, this is the main mission [The Final Test]!

Many forces have begun to use underhanded methods to deal with the undead generals. Many cities even directly killed the undead generals.

"Everyone, an emergency has arisen. There are still 47 minutes left to complete the main mission, but at this last moment, the real challenge arises. It is these two undead generals. If they cannot be held back during this time, They will destroy the heart of the city and the main mission will fail."

"Now, we have to carry out plan D and a new plan at the same time." Ji Beiqin's voice sounded on the wall of an extremely dilapidated city.

"We know Plan D, what is the new plan?" Zhao Qiyin asked in a deep voice.

"In the first phase of Plan D, the players in my first town can be the first to die." The tall and handsome First Shinhwa said generously.

Fortunately, Ji Beiqin, Zhao Qiyin and others were assigned to defend the city together. Of course, next to Ji Beiqin are players such as Hua Yao and Zhang Xinlai.

Not far away, beautiful players such as No. 1 Qing Mu Li Qingyu were also there, and they were also fighting the enemy bravely at this moment. Originally they wanted to follow Lin Mu, but Lin Mu didn't take them, not even Ning Xinhua and other key members of the Muhuang Group.

"The new plan was proposed by Hua Yao and the others, which is to exchange supplies in advance. If we cannot resist the footsteps of the Undead God General, we will have to spend all the campaign points and reputation before the Heart of the City is destroyed. Otherwise, we may not be able to redeem it. "

Ji Beiqin's meaning is obvious, that is, to pave the way out.

"The God of Exchange will not appear in the land of China?" Zhao Qiyin's first myth said in unison.

"According to the information from Brother Mu, it won't happen." Hua Yao said.

"By the way, there is another trick, which is to concentrate the campaign points on one person to redeem items..." Ji Beiqin added.

"The skill of concentrating battle points on one person was also provided by Lin Mu?" Zhao Qiyin's first myth showed a tacit understanding and asked in unison.

Lin Mu is really an endless treasure that cannot be exhausted even if he digs it out.

Hearing this, Ji Beiqin looked at the two of them with a smile. After pondering for a while, he added: "This plan must be accelerated. Presumably at this last moment, many players will start to redeem their campaign points, and many treasures will be lost." ”

After that, they began to add up, and then quickly gathered at the Exchange God Envoy...

Lin Mu quickly came to the exchange envoy.

The God of Exchange was not affected by the undead craze, and he stood there unharmed as if he were invincible.

The shop opposite had been affected by the terrifying energy fluctuations and had long since turned into a pothole. The surrounding area was still filled with a faint power of rules, and a faint squeaking sound echoed in the air...

"I want to redeem it. Spend 1 billion battle points to help me redeem the 9903rd divine weapon [Frost Sword]!" Lin Mu said quickly.

It can be redeemed through the operation panel, or directly communicated verbally with the exchange envoy.

"Sorry, the divine weapon [Frost Divine Sword] has been redeemed!" However, what surprised Lin Mu was that other players had already redeemed it.

Obviously, at the last moment, many players had already accumulated terrifying campaign points.

Because the Great Wilderness Territory had been tight in order to protect the heart of the city, there was no time to come over to redeem it, and as a result, someone was able to get there first.

"It seems that some Lord players have figured out a little trick to concentrate campaign points on one person." Lin Mu understood.

One billion battle points is not a small amount. Even top lord players in China such as Zhu Xuan and Jiang Chenglong will never be able to collect 1 billion battle points based on the strength of their own territory alone. Some small means must be used to achieve the goal.

"Exchange for the god-level weapon [Qingtian Golden Dragon Spear]!" Lin Mu was not depressed and continued with an indifferent expression.

"Sorry, the god-level weapon [Qingtian Golden Dragon Spear] has been exchanged!"

The responses made Lin Mu frown slightly.

"Exchange for the god-level weapon [Shocking Wind Divine Spear]!"

"Sorry, the god-level weapon [Jingjingfeng Shenqian] has been exchanged!"

But the next scene left Lin Mu speechless. All the god-level weapons have been exchanged...

"Damn...if I had known if Star Ghost God General would help, the exchange strategy would have changed, and it wouldn't be like this." Lin Mu sighed secretly.

He exchanged most of the battle points for consumable supplies. He thought it would be very difficult, but he didn't expect that Star Ghost God General would be controlled by him as a guard and he passed the guarding mission safely.

"You had so many battle points before, why didn't you exchange them for god-level weapons? A god-level weapon can greatly improve a general, and it is the most direct way. Why didn't you choose? Instead, choose those elixirs that improve the cultivation of ordinary generals. Medicine and magic?" As if sensing Lin Mu's helplessness, the exchange envoy couldn't help but ask.

"It's just a foreign object... If you don't have the strength to possess a divine weapon, it's hard to say whether it's good or bad." Lin Mu smiled slightly and said meaningfully.

"You are very special..." Exchange Mythology said faintly.

Lin Mu's purpose was so strong that even if he was tempted, he could not change it.

The conversation between the two was as light as water.

"Exchange item 9897 for the god-level armor [Xuanwu Qingtian Armor]!" Lin Mu said immediately.

"God-level armor [Xuanwu Qingtian Armor] can be redeemed. It consumes 1 billion battle points. The redemption is successful!"

A piece of good news appeared, the God-level armor was successfully redeemed.

"It seems that players' first choice is not armor, but weapons." Lin Mu suddenly realized.

Many players prefer to attack rather than defend. So they all like weapons, not equipment.

"It's a pity that there are only three pieces of armor..."

"God-level armor [Dragon Elephant Prison Suppressing Armor] can be redeemed. It consumes 1 billion battle points. The redemption is successful!"

"God-level leather armor [Feng Ling Xuanling Armor] can be redeemed. It consumes 1 billion battle points. The redemption is successful!"

Three billion battle points were consumed in one fell swoop.

Compared with weapons, the value of armor and leather equipment is indeed a bit lower, but it's not bad. He still has 7 billion battle points on him, it's a joke.

"Since there is no goal, we can only choose good food and materials..."

The illustrations, drawings, etc. have all been exchanged for a long time.

All the earth-level and heaven-level talismans, elixirs, etc. were also exchanged. Most of them were exchanged by Lin Mu and used in the guardian battle.

Originally, if it was only exchanged for players in the Huaxia region, the materials for exchanging the envoys would definitely be sufficient. However, due to the interference of the American District and the Japanese District, many redemption items were sold out, and the competition was too great.

"[Star War Bear Meat], after cooking, can increase the original attribute points. 600 battle points per unit, it needs an expert chef or above to process it. It is good, it can be used as a new food for the celebration banquet. There are only 200,000 units left out of 10 million. The unit... is too cruel, I have all exchanged it..."

Spread out 120 million points.

"It's a pity that all the drinks and supplies have been exchanged..." Lin Mu looked at the list and sighed.

"[Star Spirit Rice], consumption can increase the special night state... It should be good, 50 points per unit, 20 billion units... There are still 1.5 billion left... Damn... it's too cruel."

"You can try changing it... 2 million units is 100 million points. Change it."

Another 100 million points are gone.

Lin Mu kept looking for exchange items, and gradually he discovered that many of the exchange items were related to the astral spirit world, just like the materials used to exchange for the gods... were plundered from the astral spirit world...

"[Xingyang Peach], a new variety, should taste good, and can be used as a fruit for celebration banquets. The special effect is...increasing the original attribute, damn, what a good thing! 200 points per unit, not expensive, rely on... 10 million units There are only 30,000 units left, damn... there are still more than 20,000... exchange them all for me!" Lin Mu's voice echoed in the ruins.

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