Liu Feng led his troops, captured the soldiers who surrounded Wenyuan Town, and attacked Dongye County overnight. They used the equipment they had taken from the soldiers they captured before, disguised themselves as soldiers, sneaked into the county seat, cooperated with each other, and easily occupied the south of the county. City gate, and quickly pulled out the county captain's camp in Dongye County.

After that, it was a matter of course, Dongye County was captured, and Xu An, the magistrate of Dongye County, and Xu Hu, the county lieutenant, were captured in the county magistrate's mansion.

After Liu Feng occupied Dongye County, he immediately implemented the [Three Lights Policy], [Moving Lights], [Receiving Lights], and [Shifting Lights] according to Lin Mu's strategy.

[Remove] means to remove all the reserves of Dongye County Magistrate's Mansion, County Weiying and other government agencies! Liu Feng, who implemented this policy, gained a lot! Because Liu Pi and other Taiping Taoists wanted to use Dongye County as the main body to attack Xu Zhao, they would have enough supplies to arm 400,000 government soldiers, and the military reserves are certainly sufficient!

[Receive light], of course, is to subdue all the sergeants in the county's Weiying, and then subdue some of the guests and bodyguards of the gentry and wealthy families in Dongye County. As for the gentry, Liu Feng didn't harass them too much, he just asked them to hand over part of the family's armed forces.

According to Lin Mu's strategy, Liu Feng led tens of thousands of soldiers, and majestically came one by one to beg for bravery. In the face of the elite sergeants who were flickering with knives and armor, the gentry and nobles did not resist too much. As long as their wealth is not taken away, these so-called guests and servants can have as many as they want.

The big families in Dongye County were quite helpless in the face of the sudden appearance of the army. They didn't know if they would rob them of their wealth and capture them, so they temporarily flattered Liu Feng with the policy that peace is the most important thing. Therefore, it went very smoothly. In just three days, Liu Feng recruited 70,000 strong men. These are Dongye County's brave men with a strong foundation in military force, and they are the elite with the most potential!

This plan to coerce the gentry into handing over their armed forces was conceived by Lin Mu. If it is simply to recruit soldiers, it will cost a lot of manpower and material resources, plus training, equipment, etc., which is an astronomical figure. Instead of doing this, it is better to just grab ready-made ones .

The guests and knights raised by the gentry, the guards and servants, etc., are all good players, much better than ordinary farmers and merchants. Those who rob them are the best strategy.

After some so-called "friendly" exchanges, the gentry preserved their families, Liu Feng got a strong man, the wind was still calm, and the waves were still gentle.

This is the turmoil that Lin Mufang brought to Dongye County!

The third item, the [Shifting Light] policy, is the core policy of Lin Mu, and it is also the policy that he pays the most attention to! Try to persuade the millions of urban residents in Dongye County to go to sea and move to Yinglong Valley!

This core policy is very difficult to implement, and the implementation is not so smooth. Because the soldiers from the Great Wilderness Territory captured Dongye County, it was a blitzkrieg. After the people woke up, they found that Dongye County had changed hands.

The people in the city didn't see the bloody battle scenes, and they didn't feel the shocking scenes, so they didn't pay much attention to the soldiers who went door to door to persuade them!


In the county camp of Dongye County, Liu Feng sat at the top, surrounded by a group of soldiers.

"General Liu, the 70,000 strong men from the "Friendly Aid" of the gentry have moved back to the Dragon Valley and have begun to receive training from Master Feng Zhong. They must soon become an army and become an elite!" A mid-level general reported.

The help of friends was the glamorous excuse when they went to beg for a strong man.

"Okay! These 70,000 people are brave, and they can increase the military strength of our territory!" Liu Feng laughed.

"My lord general, are we really not going to move those gentry and aristocratic families who are so rich and tyrannical in the countryside?" A mid-level general next to him asked softly.

"My lord told us not to use knives on them for the time being, so please don't disturb the people!" Liu Feng said quite dignifiedly.


"Lieutenant Wang Sheng, how is the completion of the "Hundreds of Autographed Letters"?" Liu Feng asked Wang Sheng who was next to him.

"Hundreds of families signed a joint letter" is also a layout of Lin Mu. He intends to let hundreds of noble families in Dongye County jointly write a letter to the governor of Yangzhou to report the county magistrate Xu An and the county captain Xu Hu to secretly betray Longting and seek refuge. Xu Zhao!

This is a nomination certificate!

Xu An and the others did not take refuge in Xu Zhao, but under Liu Feng's coercion and lure, the gentry and nobles had no choice but to frame Xu An and put him in the name of rebellion. He will bear the name of rebellion, and will be rewarded for his merits in the future, and Lin Mu will also be credited for the restoration of Dongye County!

On the other hand, the framing of these nobles also made them reluctantly board Lin Mu's thief ship, and they could only advance and retreat with Lin Mu!

"The "Joint Letters Signed by Hundreds of Families" has been completed. I am dazzled by all kinds of crimes. These wealthy families are really good at finding crimes to frame them. They are easy to come by. Let me know the truth, but I can see these crimes and tell them. I thought it was true." Wang Sheng said with a playful smile.

"Hehe, no matter what, all the current arrangements in our Dongye County, except for the unsmooth migration of the people, have been completed, and it is considered a success! Everyone's credit is recorded one by one, and the merits will be judged at that time. Reward, my lord will definitely reward everyone!" Liu Feng concluded and encouraged.

The generals present are all smiling! Doing things for the territory can also make meritorious service, killing two birds with one stone, everyone is very happy!

While they were discussing matters, a soldier suddenly ran in.

"Report! There is an urgent report!" The soldiers rushed in. Liu Feng and the others did not shout, knowing that these disciplined soldiers would only be so flustered when they encountered an emergency situation.

"What's the urgent report?" Liu Feng asked calmly.

"Report to the general, the aliens in the city formed several armed forces to attack the nobles in the city. At the same time, they also looted blacksmith shops, tailor shops, rice shops and other big shops in the city."

"The soldiers stationed at the moment have begun to suppress, but there are so many of them, we can't take full effect for a while! Please make a decision, the general!" the soldier said.

"Damn, these strangers, hmph, want to take advantage of the fire!" Wang Sheng shouted angrily.

Most of the powerful men in the city were 'borrowed' by them, allowing these strangers to take advantage of them. The players are in turmoil!

To say that these alien players are actually tragic. The thieves and bandits in Kuaiji County have all concentrated in Wushang City because of Yan Baihu's subjugation. The rest of the thieves are half-baked thieves, Yan Baihu despises them. After being looted by the players, these thieves disappeared for a while, making the players want to kill the Quartet and accumulate meritorious points. The plan fell through. up.

The helpless players could only fix their eyes on the rich families and big shops in the city.

After a so-called [Top Players Meeting in Dongye County], an eight-way player army was formed to gather 400,000 players to attack the aboriginal forces in Dongye City!

The strategies implemented by these players are similar to those of Lin Mu. They are also the [Three Alls Policy], stealing, moving, and killing!

Among them, killing all is for experience, and killing aborigines also has experience, and if you kill some generals, the experience will be even richer!

Dongye County, to be honest, wouldn’t have so many players. It’s just a small city. There are no special historical talents, and no special families have made their fortunes here. It is ordinary and the resources are barren , placed in other important cities and capitals in China, like rural villages.

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