Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 287 Upgrading [Monument of Myriad Shadows]

Lin Mu would of course agree to the request for a ban. This Great Wilderness Territory is nothing more than the Yinglong Valley. As they have the treatment of heavenly guests, they have the opportunity to visit it.

"Of course there is no problem! Tomorrow morning, we will enter it from the Nether secret passage, and I believe that this unworldly garden will satisfy you!"

"Oh? A garden outside the world!" Zang Ba said softly.

"Yes, surrounded by mountains on three sides and facing the sea on one side, it is very secret! The land there is fertile, full of spiritual energy, and it is extremely magical. It is a pure land!" Li Dian raised his wine glass and said.

Yu Jin and Zang Ba looked forward to it.

After that, they continued to drink and talk about the news of the world! Talk about the skills of guns, and when it comes to excitement, you still hold weapons and go outside to play a trick!

Lin Mu is also very curious about Yu Jin's experience and knowledge, especially his mysterious master. Unfortunately, when Yu Jin mentions his master, he always mentions it in one word, which makes Lin Mu quite disappointed.


Early the next morning, Lin Mu and the others bid farewell to Huang Wen, and rushed to the Great Wilderness from the Nether Secret Road together.

When Lin Mu passed by the Huangquan trail, he told them all about the Huangquan River and the secrets of the underworld that he had heard from Xu Yuan.

Hearing such a secret, the faces of the two warlike generals showed eagerness instead of worry, which was the same as Lin Mu and Li Dian back then!

After visiting the vortex where the green dragon water absorption array was arranged, the group returned to the right path.

After an unknown amount of time, the four of them came to the end of the Nether secret passage. It has been carefully repaired here, and a rammed earth road and a stone road for transportation have been built at the entrance of the cave, which is very considerate.

Walking back dozens of steps, it suddenly became clear that there were several wooden buildings built next to the cave, and there were patrol soldiers stationed on the wooden buildings at this time.

Outside the wooden building, the land is flat and lush with green shade.

The flat land is divided into regular fields, and farmers are constantly busy in the fields.

Seen from afar, the winding stone roads interspersed in the fields are full of dignified houses, standing in the field like a pile of stone mushrooms.

It was a place for farmers to rest, which was set up by civil officials such as Chang Yin for the convenience of the people.

Children are playing on the side of the road in the field. The clothes on the children are neat and neat. Some children are still reading poems in their mouths, as if they want to tell their parents what they have learned in school.

A scene of harmony and pleasure!

Li Dian and Lin Mu were very familiar with the territory. Farmers kept seeing them and greeted them warmly without any sense of belonging.

Yu Jin and Zang Ba who were next to them were shocked when they saw this scene.

What a paradise!

The playfulness of children, the enthusiasm of farmers, and the conscientiousness of patrol soldiers all present a healthy and sunny feeling, full of vitality, like the rising sun, which makes people feel at ease!

Yu Jin and Zang Ba watched with satisfaction, while Lin Mu and Li Dian accompanied them with smiles on their faces!


"Boss Lin!!" A joyful cry broke the silence of several people observing 'Taoyuan'.

Lin Mu looked along the prestige, and it turned out to be [I am a legendary businessman], Chen Donghai, and his daughter Chen Wanmu.

According to Lin Mu's plan, the legendary businessman successfully entered the legendary mysterious ghost city [Fengdu City]. And also successfully obtained the right to trade. Now he accompanied Xu Ying back to the territory to see his daughter.

"Boss Lin, long time no see!" The legendary businessman Chen Donghai approached him and greeted with joy.

"Mancheng, you continue to take Wen Ze and Xuan Gao to visit our territory, I'll talk to him!" Lin Mu apologized slightly, and asked Li Dian to greet Yu Jin.

In fact, there is no need to greet, Lin Mu saw the change in Yu Jin's expression after entering the Great Wilderness Territory, and he basically had no problem, he was considered one of his own.

Li Dian and Yu Jin Zang Ba continued to look around, and Lin Mu turned to answer Chen Donghai.

"Legendary businessman, seeing your happy face, your daughter's matter is settled." Lin Mu still likes to call him legendary businessman instead of his name.

"Yes, my girl's current practice [Ming Shuijue] in the mythical world has reached the third level, and her physical condition has greatly improved in reality. The condition of her body absorbing the cold air in the air has weakened. If the cultivation method continues, Maybe the coldness of reality can be completely eliminated by entering the body, and you can recover like a normal person!" The legendary businessman said with a happy smile.

"Xiao Mu, come and meet your savior, Boss Lin Mulin!" The legendary businessman turned his head and whispered to a girl behind him.

When Lin Mu heard the words of the legendary businessman, his heart was shocked. Chen Wanmu has already practiced Ming Shui Jue to the third level? !

In "Mythical World", there are many kinds of exercises, each with its own strengths.

For example, the basic battlefield skills [Strong Niu Mo Gong], which is dedicated to killing on the battlefield;

For example, the system-rewarded basic exercises that Lin Mu obtained after subduing Li Dian, the intermediate-level [Qingfengjue*soul], are good at maintaining health while taking into account the cultivation of internal strength;

For example, the [Ming Shui Jue] obtained by Lin Mu in the Longlingying Cave, is good at energy control;

Such as Lin Mu Tailong's Good Fortune Code, which has all of them!


Unexpectedly, Chen Wanmu's ice physique is so powerful, and this kung fu has already reached the third level!

Chen Wanmu logged into the world of mythology using the exclusive nutrition cabin, and her physique has a huge manifestation in the world of mythology, which can cause huge changes! This is the so-called innate physique, extraordinary aptitude!

The shy girl behind Chen Donghai slowly appeared in front of Lin Mu.

To be honest, Lin Mu has never met the legendary merchant's daughter. After he obtained the exercises, he directly asked Chang Yin to hand them over to her.

Chen Wanmu was a little shy, and slowly raised her head, revealing a delicate and fair little face.

With a light smile, two red dimples dotted her cheeks.

The big round eyes are like two springs. In the clear eyes, the eyelashes are long, like thin willows, gently brushing over Wang Quan.

Her jet-black hair had been meticulously groomed, giving her the feeling of a little jasper next door.

The legendary businessman is middle-aged, and his daughter should be about 17 years old, and she should be a high school student!

"Boss Lin..." Chen Wanmu said shyly after seeing Lin Mu.

Uh, Boss Lin? To be honest, this title is the most frustrating. Lin Mu has always wanted to let the legendary businessman change it, but he insisted on this title, which made Lin Mu quite helpless.

Now that he still let such a cute girl call him such a frustrating name, Lin Mu couldn't help it this time: "Wait a minute, Xiao Mu, it's okay for me to call you like that. You can call me Brother Lin Mu, or Lord Lin, etc. It’s okay to wait, don’t call him Boss Lin like your old stubborn father, it’s too...frustrating...too natural!" Lin Mu immediately corrected the so-called frustration and said instead.

Hearing Lin Mu's sophistry, Chen Wanmu lowered her head, pursed her lips, and smiled lightly. Lin Mu's words reminded her of her mother, and she also called her father that way, old stubborn!

Afterwards, Lin Mu asked Chen Wanmu to see if there was anything she didn't understand about her cultivation. However, Lin Mu was disappointed. With systematic assistance, Chen Wanmu's practice of Ming Shui Jue was as easy as drinking water, without Lin Mu's guidance at all!

After exchanging greetings with this immature high school girl, Lin Mu turned to ask the legendary businessman.

"Did everything go well there?" Lin Mu asked the legendary businessman, Fengdu City was there.

"Everything is going well. According to the boss' strategy, I... found something good in that mysterious shop! A mysterious businessman has a [Huangquan Mingxin Pill] in his inventory, a heavenly-ranked pill that can improve his cultivation level by one level. At present, it has been fully funded by us, and it has been won, Master Xu Ying has already taken it, and has reached the early stage of cultivation!"

The legendary businessman probably told Lin Mu about his experience, and the most important thing was to mention the [Huangquan Mingxin Pill]!

"Improved cultivation to one level, Xu Ying has already reached the first stage of cultivation! Good!" Lin Mu said in a deep voice.

He knew that Xu Ying's strength would explode after leaving the Yinglong Valley, but he was surprised that he had reached the early stage of the heavenly stage now. If it was in the past, he would be ecstatic, but with Li Dian, After the existence of Yu Jin, Zang Ba, etc., he just decided in his heart.

With such a general in the Yeying Department, you can rest easy in the future!

"Boss, is there something important to call the busy Mr. Xu Ying back this time?" The legendary businessman is considered a core member, and he knows about the existence of Xu Ying, Qiankunzimushu and so on.

"I asked Xu Ying to come back this time because I want to upgrade the [Monument of Myriad Shadows] in his hand! I got a scroll of earth-level gods bestowed on me earlier, and I want to try to see if I can upgrade it." Lin Mu said softly.

"Oh, it's the earth-level god-given scroll on the announcement! Boss, I have seen several scrolls of this in Fengdu City, but they are all relatively expensive. The last time I bought that pill, I have basically used up all my wealth. .It needs to be supplemented." The legendary businessman said at last, slightly embarrassed.

As a subordinate, he should think about the boss, make money for the boss, and share the boss's worries, but now he reaches out and asks for 'money', which makes him quite embarrassed.

Seeing his embarrassment, Lin Mu didn't say much, and smiled lightly: "Now I don't have any luck gold cakes anymore, I only have hundreds of thousands of reputation, but I still have an important role, and I can't assign it to you for the time being, you first Try to develop the materials in the yang world and resell the materials in the underworld."

Lin Mu was also quite helpless, he didn't expect that those luck gold cakes would be consumed so quickly.

These things are not available.

Seeing that Lin Mu didn't look worried at all, the legendary businessman felt relieved, nodded, and then bid farewell to Lin Mu, and took his daughter to find his wife.

Lin Mu hurried back to Zhenlong Pavilion immediately, and saw Xu Ying who had been waiting for a long time.

"My lord, long time no see!" Xu Ying greeted Lin Mu with a bright smile.

Although he is studying a relatively gloomy technique, his personality is sunny and cheerful.

"It's been a while since I saw you. Thank you for your hard work! Thank you everyone!" Lin Mu patted Xu Ying on the shoulder and said in a deep voice.

"No hard work! No hard work!"

"By the way, congratulations on advancing to the heavenly rank, condensing the aura of the heavenly gang, and entering the room from now on!" Lin Mu happily praised.

"My lord, in order to buy that elixir, I disturbed my master's layout, I..." Xu Ying was a little ashamed, and wanted to explain the situation to Lin Mu, but was interrupted by Lin Mu.

"It's okay, the sudden increase in your strength will do no harm to the territory. Those commercial layouts can be delayed, but your strength will increase. A point earlier will be of great help to other layouts in the territory!" Huang Quanming, who was used by Xu Ying Xindan, Lin Mu didn't ask much, he believed in Xu Ying.

"Before we met Liu Pi in our territory, we wanted you to come back to deal with him, but Mancheng's joining greatly boosted my confidence, so I didn't ask you to come back. I still don't want you to come back for the military operations in the territory now , because two more generals will join us!"

"In this way, you have plenty of time and your strength reaches the standard, so you can carry out the planned layout in advance!"

"Today, I asked you to come back because I wanted to upgrade the [Monument of Myriad Shadows], so I had no choice but to let you come back in person." [Monument of Myriad Shadows] is very important. rest assured.

"So that's it! My lord, here it is!" Xu Ying gently took out the [Monument of Myriad Shadows] from his army bag and handed it to Lin Mu.

"Okay! I'll use the god-given scroll first to see if it works!" Lin Mu didn't say much, and directly took out the scroll rewarded by the system, tore it open, and used it!


"—The system prompts, do you want to use the ground-level [God-given scroll] on the [Monument of Myriad Shadows]?" The voice of the system came from the ear, and Lin Mu confirmed.

The scroll turned into a vast expanse of white light, covering the [Monument of Myriad Shadows], and there was a sacred and ancient atmosphere in it.


"——The system prompts that the earth-level [God-given scroll] has been successfully used, and the [Monument of Myriad Shadows] has been upgraded! Please check the attributes yourself."

Lin Mu held the [Monument of Myriad Shadows] that had dissipated all the white light, and checked the changing attributes:

Name: [Monument of Myriad Shadows]

Tier: Wonder

Features: Kung Fu carrying utensils


1. Allow 150,000 people to learn the Huang-rank exercise [Ye Ying Zhen Jue]. (57809/100000)

2. Allow 30,000 people to learn the Xuan-level exercise 【Hundred Shadows Xuan Gong】. (9896/30000)

3. Allow 300 people to learn the earth-level exercises [Thousand Shadows Earth Scripture]. (100/300)

4. Allow 3 people to learn the Heaven-ranked Kungfu method [Myriad Shadows Heavenly Scripture]. (1/3)


Attributes at the ground level and below have increased the number limit, and now they can train 180,000 night shadow elites.

"Okay, the upgrade is successful. Although the number of Myriad Shadows is still three, the others have been upgraded to a higher level, which will be of great help to the future construction of the Yeying Department." Lin Mu handed the Myriad Shadows Monument to Xu Ying, Easy to say.

Xu Ying looked at the attributes and was also very happy. In the future, the rewards for the heroes of the Yeying Department can be raised to a higher level.

After having a secret talk with Lin Mu, Xu Ying disappeared into the Great Wilderness Territory and merged into the vast Divine Land.

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