Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 298: Meeting at the Peak (Part 1)

After Dian Wei, Lin Mu and others entered the Governor's Mansion, the players outside suddenly became lively.

The players couldn't hear Lin Mu's conversation with Dian Wei and the guard before. If you hear it, you will definitely think about it, and maybe you will know the truth. At that time, Lin Mu and Dian Wei may both encounter entanglements.

"Those people may have historical generals, maybe there are legendary historical generals! It's a pity that I don't know which historical generals they are!" A player said.

"Yes, the historical generals in the mythical world are completely different from the appearances in previous games. In the previous virtual games of the Three Kingdoms, the historical generals of the Three Kingdoms all have a uniform appearance. It is a pity that the mythical world does not use that standard." players complained.

The Three Kingdoms type of game has always been the focus of the Huaxia Kingdom's historical type of game, so there is a set of appearance standards. Once you see such an appearance, you will know the person.

For example, with a white horse and a silver gun, wearing white fine armor all over, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, and handsome and extraordinary, it must be Zhao Yun and Zhao Zilong! Other NPCs will not be set like this by the system, this is the player's experience.

However, in the mythical world, there are countless generals dressed up like this, and there is no one at all, so many jokes are often made.

In the group of players, some players rolled their eyes and thought of something, and immediately ran to the guard cautiously, wanting to inquire about the news.

However, they were all expelled by the guards, and unwillingly, they continued to return to their original camps.

Those who can enter the governor's mansion must be extraordinary.

They all felt that the previous generals should have historical generals, and they all contacted them to report the situation here.


Lin Mu and others walked into the Governor's Mansion, and felt the vitality of the Governor's Mansion first-hand, with pavilions and jade pavilions, carved beams and painted buildings, small bridges and flowing water, and rare flowers and plants planted on some gardens, filled with bursts of fragrance, refreshing.

Good place! Everyone was shocked, and their suppressed minds slowly recovered. At this time, Cui Wu, Yun Wu, etc. were surprised, but they didn't cry out. After experiencing Dian Wei's suppression, they seemed to have grown a bit.

In fact, most of Dian Wei's aura at that time was suppressed on Lin Mu, and the others were just incidental.

Lin Mu kept his mind on his feet, walked steadily, and rushed to the middle hall.

He was looking forward to this meeting.


Before Lin Mu walked to the gate of the middle hall, Lin Mu saw several people standing at the gate.

Lin Mu took a closer look and knew who these people were!

Liu Yao, the governor of Yangzhou, is in the middle, Cao Cao is on the right, and Sun Jian is on the left. Behind them, there are several followers.

Cao Cao has two attendants, Cao Ren who met once, and Cao Chun who appeared for the first time.

And the heroic Sun Jian stood behind three generals: Zu Mao, Huang Gai, and Han Dang!

Lin Mu was familiar with the information of these people.

Jiangdong tiger, Sun Jian!

Super prince, Cao Cao!

A group of famous historical generals who are quite famous in history also appeared together!

Lin Mu was shocked when he saw such a scene.

Sun Jian, Cao Cao, Dian Wei, Yu Jin, Zang Ba, Zu Mao, Huang Gai, Han Dang, Cao Ren, Cao Chun, Zhou Cang, Cheng Yuanzhi, etc., the appearance of so many historical generals made Lin Mu feel a surge of excitement feel!

This is the background of Huaxia District! This meeting belongs to the Three Kingdoms era, the meeting of the most peak group of people.

Lin Mu took steps, as if he could feel a storm blowing up beside him, and the wind was blowing on his feet!

Concentrating on his heart and full of confidence, Lin Mu slowly approached.

Cao Cao stepped out of the crowd first, met Lin Mu, laughed and said, "Sima Lin is really extraordinary. With only 50,000 soldiers, he took back the five coastal cities of Kuaiji County. He really deserves to be the tiger of the five mountains, the tiger general!"

"Now it should be called [Tiger of Five Cities]!" Sun Jian, who was beside him, was also a bold man, and laughed.

I don't know if it's because of the national legend, Cao Cao and Sun Jian both know Lin Mu's previous folk title [Tiger of Five Mountains].

"Yes, the tiger of the five cities!" Cao Cao agreed with Sun Jian's words.

"Come, let me introduce to you, this heroic man is Liu Yao, our parent official, the imperial relative of the Han Dynasty, and Lord Liu Inspector!" Cao Cao pulled Lin Mu and introduced the protagonist Liu Yao to Lin Mu.

"This is one of our great Han super generals, Sun Jian, Sun Wentai, the Sima of Wu County, who is known as the Jiangdong tiger!" Cao Cao raised his hand slightly, introducing the handsome and handsome Sun Jian to Lin Mu.

Lin Mu's performance has always been humble and respectful.

"This time everyone can gather together because of the thief Xu Zhao. In this regard, he has done a good thing! Hahaha..." After Cao Cao introduced it, he burst into laughter. Cao Cao is a person who likes to laugh. , And it's that kind of hearty smile.

"Our gathering this time was summoned by the governor."

"The governor is honest and upright. He serves the country and the people. He is a rare official in the world. He is an example for us to learn from." After introducing Sun Jian, Cao Cao praised Liu Yao.

Regarding Cao Cao's words, Liu Yao didn't take it seriously and smiled. It seems that the relationship between Liu Yao and Cao Cao should be quite close now.

In the court, Cao Cao was Yilang, who was in the top position and had little real power, but he had a clear understanding of the world's officials, and he dared to accuse the eunuchs of harming and scouring eunuchs in the Dragon Court.

With the eunuchs in power in the DPRK's character of vengeance, outsiders dared to accuse them, and they were all dealt with under various names. Even Sangong Jiuqing is no exception.

One of the three princes of the Han Dynasty [Situ] Chen Dan, like Cao Cao, denounced the eunuch, was held grudge by the eunuch, and was finally falsely imprisoned and died tragically in prison. One of the three princes died like this, which shows that the eunuch's power is overwhelming.

The fact that Cao Cao was safe and sound also shows that his backing is strong!

What Cao Cao did was what the nobles in the world wanted to see. Even though his ancestors were eunuchs, Cao Cao had a great reputation among the nobles.

Now in Yangzhou, even though his position is inferior to Liu Yao, Liu Yao still treats Cao Cao very respectfully and treats him with equal status.

"Meng De is amazing! My ability is still very small." Liu Yao shook his head and said helplessly.

After finishing speaking, Liu Yao looked at Lin Mu, quite surprised, and said, "You just used 50,000 elite soldiers to take over the county minister Lin Mu of the five coastal cities of Kuaiji County?"

When Lin Mu heard Liu Yao's words, he respectfully paid an audience, and said, "My subordinate, Sima Lin Mu of the other department of Dongye County, has met the governor!"

The governor, in modern terms, is the existence of a high-ranking official. Lin Mu, a small county official, must salute.

"I'm taking the liberty to visit today, I hope I don't disturb the governor." Lin Mu lowered his head and said, looking at his nose and heart.

"Lin Sima is being polite and humble. I have read the greeting post and the war briefing you submitted. You have made great contributions. This is the first news that our imperial camp has won after Xu Zhao rebelled against Longting." Liu Yao doesn't know why, but he has a good sense of Lin Mu, and Lin Mu can also feel this.

Is it because of Cao Cao? Or was it because Lin Mu brought news of victory?

"Your Excellency, the governor, is over-rewarded. It was a coincidence that he was able to take Juzhang and other counties, and the other counties were assisted by nobles in the county. They saw clearly that Xu Zhao was a future that would be defeated, so they abandoned the darkness and turned to the light, dedicated the city, and returned to Longting!" Lin Lin Mu threw all the credit for the city on the nobles in the county.

"Well, you have also explained it in your briefing, and there are even letters written by hundreds of families in the city. It can be seen that Lin Sima's actions are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people!" Liu Yao praised.

"Hmph!" At this moment, Cao Cao snorted coldly behind his back.

Dian Wei appeared.

But it wasn't him who snorted coldly, but Zhou Cang.

When Liu Yao and the others saw Zhou Cang's expression, they were a little surprised. The tiger general Dian Wei they all wanted to recruit had always been kind. How could he be unhappy with Lin Mu who appeared for the first time today?

Lin Mu didn't show any timidity when he saw Dian Wei. Yu Jin and the others behind Lin Mu were also slightly shocked, returning to their high spirits.

When I saw Dian Wei outside, it was because he had no support, so he was a little afraid. Now, here, with the Jiangdong tiger Sun Jian, Cao Cao and other super existences, Lin Mu is not afraid of him suddenly violent.

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