No matter you stir up the wind and clouds, I will stand still.

After purchasing those things, Lin Mu still has more than 3 million copper coins, so he needs to look at other resources.

Iron ore, no more, no less, 5 copper coins per unit, bought...

Black copper ore, yes, 10 copper coins per unit, I want it...


Qinggang stone, a grade 1 stone, yes, 3 copper coins per unit, also want...


Zhang Qingmu, 1st grade wood, 4 copper coins per unit, very good, it's a second...


Lin Mu kept harvesting all kinds of resources in the market, and spent millions of copper coins, which led to the prosperity of the market in Dongye County. There were sellers and big buyers, sellers and buyers, which led to the circulation of the market. Players play a certain stimulating role.

And because of Lin Mu's great generosity, many player teams have been attracted. Many player teams have left their hometowns and come directly to Dongye County. , Soft tools, all brought over here, raising the population of this county to a new level!

With these changes, Dongye County seems to be full of business opportunities, and some players who have changed their professions to businessmen are also attracted here, which further greatly promotes the prosperity of the county.

Countless market demands have inspired players' enthusiasm for collecting resources. Countless players began to form groups, single knights, etc., all went out of the city to explore and collect resources in the dangerous wilderness, and sold copper coins for money and weapons!

Now many players are talking about [Black Iron Fine Steel Spear], [Black Iron Fine Steel Knife], [Black Iron Fine Steel Sword], forming a trend.

Do you have [Black Iron Fine Steel Spear]? No, do you have the skills? What is the grade? What, only level 2, fuck off...

Do you have 【Black Iron Fine Steel Knife】? Yes, come, come, let's make friends, and form a team to fight monsters together in the future!


You want to be my boyfriend, okay, do you have a [Black Iron Fine Steel Spear] weapon? no, fuck off...


Oh, you have a car and a house, then do you have [Black Iron and Fine Steel Sword], what! You don't know this thing, you are too out, we are not from the same world...


Husband, I want [Black Iron and Fine Steel Sword], buy me one! Bought it, unlock a new pose tonight!

I rub it, it’s gone on the market now, where can I buy it, my new posture!


The black iron and fine steel weapon has attracted countless attention, and it has also attracted countless pursuits. It is a trend to own it. Unfortunately, it is out of stock now, and countless players are crying in their hearts. Boss, when will you sell it again? I will buy it even if I go bankrupt!


Lin Mu bought some relatively rare iron ore, stone and wood, which cost more than 1 million copper coins. These can bring more development opportunities to the territory and bring the development of the territory to a higher level.

At the beginning, Lin Mu slowly loaded the materials into the warehouses of the territory, and used the 8 elementary and 4 intermediate warehouse construction drawings purchased in the market, and built many elementary warehouses and intermediate warehouses. The elementary warehouses can store 100,000 For the materials of a unit, the intermediate level can store 1 million units of materials, and the warehouse in its own territory is currently enough.

In addition to food and other materials, the production illustration book of [Canglang Iron Shield] has been handed over to the blacksmiths in the middle and high-level blacksmith shops:

Name: [Wolf Iron Shield] Crafting Guide

Grade: Yellow

Ability: Shield

Attribute: Allows blacksmiths above the intermediate level to learn how to make [Canglang Iron Shield]

Introduction: The shield is engraved with ferocious patterns like a wolf, hence the name. It needs more than one grade of ore to forge. It is tough and durable, and is the first choice for a powerful meat shield. If you add the wolf's tooth, then you can become a real wolf iron shield, reaching the level of the mysterious level! A shield requires the cooperation of 3 intermediate blacksmiths to complete.

With the illustrated book, Lin Mu told them to learn as soon as they met the conditions, and to make as many shields as possible.

The blacksmiths began to learn and forge shields, but Lin Mu still ordered them to forge black iron and fine steel weapons as the main task. The manufacture of shields can satisfy the soldiers in the territory first, forging 1,000 faces first.

Lin Mu is going to arm 1,000 soldiers and let them transfer to sword and shield soldiers. It may be useful when the territory is upgraded.

In the mythical Three Kingdoms, there are many weapons, such as knives, spears, swords, halberds, bows, etc., which are relatively commonly used. In Chinese culture, there are countless cold weapons, and there are also in the mythical Three Kingdoms.

However, in Lin Mu's heart, the most important thing is the gun, which has always been his main weapon.

Knives, swords, etc. are not bad either.

The sword is the tyrant of a hundred soldiers, also known as the courage of a hundred soldiers, the sword is like a tiger, fierce and domineering, it can cut Huashan Mountain with force, its fierceness can cut off water and cut rocks, open mountains and land, and swallow the world!

The spear is the king of all soldiers, also known as the king of the battlefield, if the spear is the god of the battlefield, its power can pierce the sky and shake the world!

The sword is the gentleman of a hundred soldiers, also known as the ornament of virtuous virtue, the ancient sacred product, the most noble and noble, the emperor's ministers, heroic merchants, and ordinary people are all proud to hold it.

Because of the lightness of the sword, its spirit, and its quick use, in the Eastern Han Dynasty, many generals and literati wore a sword in their daily social activities, symbolizing the meaning of being a gentleman. You can also use the sword to defend yourself.

Most of the swords are worn on the left hand side. When not in use, the left hand is pressed on it, and the look is chic. When it is needed, the right hand can be pulled out, which is very convenient.

In the arena of green forest knights, most knights wear swords, so people call these light knights swordsmen! And a knight with a knife is a swordsman!

There is another sentence, that is: the sword of the moon and the year of the sword, the gun of a lifetime!

Among them, Yuedao describes that one can learn how to use a knife in one month. Its moves are open and closed, fierce and domineering, quite simple, if you study hard, you will be able to learn it!

Furthermore, Nianjian expresses that one year can learn to use a sword, enter the room, and the swordsmanship is light and elegant, weird and changeable, killing a person in ten steps, leaving no trace for thousands of miles! And the sword style is also ever-changing, it is more difficult to master, so it takes a long time.

In the end, a gun for a lifetime, that is, a gun, can be enough for you to study for a lifetime. Some people, who have studied for a lifetime, may not even have the first glimpse of the method, which shows the difficulty. For many people, it is difficult to enter the school without three or five years, but if you want to reach the level of proficiency, it is needless to say hard work. What is more important is to look at aptitude. If you don’t have the talent to use guns, it is easier to give up it and learn other things. weapons!

The marksmanship is changeable, the apotheosis is endless, advance can be struck, retreat can be blocked, pointing a gun is like water, and the magic is endless!

The gun is long and sharp, the most effective in actual combat, and it kills fiercely! On the battlefield, the vanguard troops are basically spearmen, which cause huge damage and are very beneficial to the battlefield situation.

Therefore, many players use guns as their main weapons, but if they want to become a master of guns, or even a higher realm, they need high-quality exclusive talents.

Lin Mu has no talent for the time being, and his aptitude is pitifully low!


After handling all kinds of affairs, Lin Mu listed the 500,000 copper coins on the black market platform for sale, but in order not to attract the attention of interested people, Lin Mu divided the 500,000 copper coins into more than 50 groups, some with 10,000 copper coins, and some Less, a few thousand copper coins, some more than 10,000, so the pending order will not attract attention, I need to be cautious, after all, I still need to be cautious in reality.

100,000 copper coins = 200,000 soft sister coins, sold in more than 50 groups. Thanks to the sale of weapons, many players do not have copper coins in their hands. Copper coins in the black market are very hot. Soon, Lin Mu’s real fund account got 1 million soft sisters Coins, the money is really fast, the lord is worthy of being a local tyrant.

In the previous life, lord players have always been the envy of players. Generally, as lord players, they have small family property, develop well, and have richer family property. Although many players want to be lords, it is a pity that this is not an ordinary player. I can afford it. In my previous life, I got the territory by accident, and the development of the territory was not bad, and it also brought me a lot of income. Unfortunately, I left later...

No matter what, the current lord players are synonymous with local tyrants. With the development of players, there will gradually be more lord players, which also lowers the average background of lord players. But slowly, the market is cruel and wars break out. , Players began to fight openly and secretly, attacking chaos, big fish eating small fish, whales swallowing fish, some territories with low background began to be eliminated, began to be annexed or vassalized, slowly disappeared or transformed, so that the later stage gradually stabilized, and the lords Players began to reflect the authenticity of real local tyrants.

Lin Mu still has more than 1.4 million copper coins left, which can be regarded as the working capital of the territory, otherwise there would be no money to pay the leaders.

Although there is no commercial atmosphere in the territory at present, the payment of money is only an incentive method, and it can be used when the business develops in the future. In China, no matter in ancient times, modern times, or new times, hard-working Chinese people like to save money, and only when they have savings can they feel at ease in case of accidents. The money will be used in advance for future wages.

At present, the citizens of the Linmu Territory are all serving Lin Mu. They eat a big pot of rice, and the territory also distributes some copper coins as wages. Closed, this is also a problem that Lin Mu worries about.

Lin Mu also discussed with Chang Yin, but it is impossible to change this situation for the time being, it needs to be done slowly, and it cannot be done overnight, leaving even greater hidden dangers.

Now that he has money, everyone who works for the territory can receive wages, and a [grocery store] in his own territory can also be established, which is also included in the architectural blueprints purchased by Lin Mu.

After the junior grocery store is established, the system will refresh a junior merchant inside, and the products in the store will also be refreshed by the system. Both players and citizens can buy them. Although this junior grocery store is a territorial building, it belongs to the system. This is the real system mall. Those shops in the official government of the Han Dynasty were only wealthy merchants, official merchants, or imperial merchants, that is, shops run by prominent families, high officials and royal families.

There are no rare items for sale in junior grocery stores, but some daily necessities, such as salt, rapeseed, quilts, linen clothes, ordinary brocade clothes, etc., which can be regarded as bringing some new looks to the territory.

If there is a product, you need money to buy it. In this way, the wages paid to the people are indispensable, and it can be regarded as the initial prototype of the territorial business.

After using the [Junior Grocery Store] architectural blueprint, Lin Mu received a system prompt:


"—System prompt, congratulations to the lord Lin Mu, the establishment of a junior grocery store, the popularity of the territory will increase by 3 points, and the business of the territory will be slightly improved."

The establishment of a junior grocery store can increase the popularity of the people by 3 points. Lin Mu also knows this. Other buildings will not improve the popularity of the people. Even if they do, they will be hidden and will not be prompted by the system. This shows the importance of the junior grocery store to the territory. .

Today is a good day.

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