Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 323 [Cow Tendon Ballista]

Time goes back to the time when Yunqi opened the city gate with the token.

Yunqi's 100,000 elites quietly put on their white hemp belts, and silently drew their weapons.

As for Lin Mu, he was staring at the huge city gate closely, ready to act if there was any movement!

Looking from a distance, Lin Mu frowned, until the huge and heavy city gate slowly opened a little, Lin Mu was overjoyed, it was done!

"Wen Ze, if the plan is successful, the city gate should be opened inside. We don't care about other things. We will go straight to Huanglong and enter along the city gate. After that, according to the plan, we will first go up the city wall to destroy the defenders, and then fight the ambushing soldiers according to the situation of the city wall. !" Lin Mu happily said to Jin.

"It's so good, we're sure to capture Yuyao City!" Yu Jinhao said with arrogance.

This was the first time he used a real gun to attack the city. Although many of the layouts were not planned by him, his contributions were indelible.

The hundreds of thousands of troops were all carefully selected and arranged by him, and the final victory still needed force to solve it!

Yu Jin held his sharp spear high, his whole body was filled with dazzling green lights, like a blue pilot light in the dark night!

The surging green light slowly ascended to the sky, forming a huge beam of light. After seeing this pillar of green light, hundreds of thousands of soldiers in the audience, who had been sharpening their knives, tensed up and began to march in an orderly manner.

This beam of light is the horn to sound the march!

Jiang Qin on the city wall also saw this dazzling beam of light, and suddenly a fear of danger rose in his heart, the hairs all over his body stood on end, and his scalp felt slightly numb.

not good! However, he couldn't tell what was wrong. Until now, he still doesn't know that Yunqi is a traitor.

Hundreds of thousands of troops, like a tiger out of a cage, are orderly but murderous.

Taking advantage of the darkness, they marched in the dark. The whole team was like a fast-swimming dragon.

Yu Jin, Zang Ba, Lin Mu, and He Yuan rode tall dragon-scaled horses and led 3,000 cavalry who also rode dragon-scaled horses. As the vanguard swords, they charged first!

Behind, Zhang Xiaohu, Shan Gong, Yun Wu, etc. led the troops from the headquarters to take over.

With the advantage of the dragon-scaled horse, Yu Jinlin, Mu and the others swept past like a black gust of wind and quickly approached the gate of the city.

Jiang Qin's sharp face was full of solemnity, his tiger eyes slightly stared, and he looked at the vanguard team from a distance with a cold light.

When he saw the extraordinary mounts under the command of these 3,000 people, he felt even more uneasy.

Jiang Qin said softly to the general next to him, and then there were bursts of buzzing from the city wall, and countless arrows pierced the night like black waves, shooting fiercely at the cavalry.

However, this team of cavalry was so fast that most of the black wave-like arrows missed, and the archers couldn't grasp their speed well.

The other rare arrows were easily blocked, and the three thousand cavalry were unscathed.

Jiang Qin frowned even deeper, and said something softly.

Afterwards, there was a bang bang sound from the city wall. It was the sound of pulling the [Ox Tendon Bow Carriage]!

[Beef tendon bow and ballista] is one of the necessary equipment for siege and defense. Its level reaches the ground level, and it can be regarded as a high-quality equipment.

Its craftsmanship is relatively complicated, and it consumes a lot of materials, and Xu Zhao's forces don't have many sets in total.

Because he was worried about the southern city wall, Zhou Tai deliberately pulled sixty frames over. These sixty are the entire Yuyao city defenders!

The beef tendon crossbow cart, which was the size of a car, showed a ferocious look, and there were six soldiers operating it beside it.

The crossbow arrows shot out were as thick and round as an arm, and there were mysterious inscriptions on them. The whole body was like a fine gold casting, shining with a frightening metallic luster.

Sixty tendon bow carts were fired at the same time, and sixty crossbow bolts pierced the night sky at the same time, and the momentum was even stronger than when the archers fired in volley.

Yu Jin ran quickly, and with a slight sense, he 'saw' sixty fine gold crossbow arrows, knowing that these crossbow arrows carrying surging evil energy were very difficult to resist.

Yu Jin shouted: "Attention everyone, there are huge crossbow arrows fired from the city defense equipment, which are extremely fierce. My lord, Xuan Gao, He Yuan, let us resist these powerful city crossbows!"

Hearing Yu Jin's words, Lin Mu and others immediately activated their internal energy from their dantians, slightly raised the weapon in their hands, and stared at the dark night sky.

The moment Lin Mu raised his weapon, he saw dozens of crossbow arrows piercing the night. The dragon energy in his body shook, and Lin Mu kicked off the little Qi under his seat, and suddenly lifted into the air, holding the dragon gun tightly with both hands. , with a blatant wave, Long Yuanli turned into a wave of air, meeting the ferocious crossbow.


Dozens of deafening metal collisions resounded in the night sky, and the soldiers behind them saw that most of the dozens of crossbow arrows were blocked by four people.

Yu Jin was the fiercest, he solved 25 of them by himself, and Zang Ba was not bad, he managed 17 of them. After He Yuan used the historical soul talisman, he can be regarded as a third-rate historical general in terms of name and strength, and his strength has reached the Xuan level. The high-end is also extraordinary, and it took a little effort to get rid of seven.

Lin Mu's record was terrible, he blocked three of them, and only one of the three was blocked head-on, the other two were just deflected by him and shot to the ground.

But even so, Lin Mu's tiger's mouth, which was holding the Dragon God Spear, was already aching.

This crossbow arrow is really fierce! With the strength of his high-ranking military general, combined with Long Yuanli, he even got this dismal result.

The other eight crossbow arrows that could not be resisted passed through the formation, causing huge casualties!

After landing on the ground, Lin Mu caught up with Xiao Qi and re-mounted his mount.

As soon as he turned around, he saw the casualties: eight crossbow arrows, with three soldiers bloodied on them, pierced fiercely into a dragon-scaled horse, forming a consistent tragic scene.

These eight crossbow arrows killed twenty-four elite soldiers and eight rare dragon-scaled horses.

Such loss made Lin Mu feel a little heartache for the first time.

And then there were incidental casualties, because the dragon-scaled horse was fast, and some cavalry behind failed to stop in time, causing a "horse accident", hundreds of soldiers were injured, and seven or eight soldiers who were unlucky were trampled by the dragon-scaled horse died! This is secondary damage!

Seeing such a tragic situation, Yu Jin frowned slightly. Yuyao City is really powerful with such casualties before the war started!

After that, leaving those wounded soldiers to deal with the scene, Yu Jin and others continued to rush towards the gate of the city.

After this offensive, they were very close to the gate of the city.

The thick gates of Yuyao City cannot be opened or closed casually, and it will take a long time.

When they just approached, they had just opened more than half of it, which shows how difficult it is to open the city gate.

After the city gate was opened, Yunqi's face was full of anger, his star eyes closed slightly, and he said silently: "Brother Gongyi, I'm sorry!"

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