Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 326 Tragic War

The moment Jiang Qin collided, a blush appeared on his face, and a mouthful of reverse blood rose from his throat. However, Jiang Qin, who is so strong, looked ruthless, and he swallowed the blood back alive.

After that, keep stepping back to unload the force until the body is stable.

At this moment, Jiang Qin was slightly taken aback, and then smiled bitterly, with a look of helplessness on his face, and a flash of unwillingness in his eyes, he was defeated!

As soon as they came into contact with each other, they all realized that Jiang Qin was defeated!

There is a huge gap between epic-level historical generals and legendary-level historical generals, after their full strength has exploded!

"Gongyi, you lost. For the life of your subordinate Paoze, you surrender! You have already performed your duties, so there is no need to hold on, otherwise, these hundreds of thousands of soldiers may be completely buried here!"

After Yu Jin waited for Jiang Qin to stabilize, he didn't take advantage of the danger and took advantage of the situation. He just stood quietly and stimulated Jiang Qin with words.

The general trend is over, and the defeat is obvious! He lost today.

Hearing Yu Jin's words, Jiang Qin's expression changed. At this moment, he hesitated!

He was not an indecisive person, but faced with such an important decision, he hesitated in his heart.

Although his side was defeated, it was not completely defeated. If they fight hard, there is still hope of victory.

But the price to be paid, as Yu Jin said, may be that hundreds of thousands of soldiers are buried here.

Another advantage is that if you persist, you can also restrain Zhou Tai and prevent them from attacking Zhou Tai with Sun Jian.

The lives of hundreds of thousands of soldiers and the safety of his elder brother are all Jiang Qin has to consider.

As for the so-called Yuyao City, Nanzhao Kingdom and other issues, they were all thrown into the endless sea by Jiang Qin!

Seeing Jiang Qin's expression of hesitation, Yu Jin couldn't help but smile in his heart, and said with a slight smile: "Gong Yi, what you hope and worry about is nothing but your elder brother!"

"You Ping and I have a deep friendship. Although you are the master now, I still value the relationship. In the current situation, Yuyao City will definitely fall."

"Sun Jian's troops may also be attacking the city with all their strength. To tell you the truth, in Sun Jian's place, based on the current situation, if he is willing to pay a certain price, he will definitely be able to break through the northern wall of Yuyao City."

"At that time, Sun Jian, who is known as the fierce tiger in the east of the Yangtze River, and his fierce generals like rain will attack brazenly, and the safety of Youping will be in danger!" Yu Jin continued to persuade.

"To tell you the truth, Yunqi's rebellion this time was based on filial piety. Your current lord actually sent people to plunder Yunqi's hometown and village in private, and even brutally slaughtered the village for treasures. Such an act, just now Cause Yunqi's rebellion!"

"Yunqi's contribution is definitely higher than yours, but he is treated like this. Is Xu Zhao still a wise master?"

"A good minister chooses the master to serve, a good bird chooses a tree to live in, and the prince decides quickly!"

Yu Jin's constant persuasion from loyalty, righteousness, and affection influenced Jiang Qin.

Regarding what Yu Jin said, Jiang Qin believed that it could not be a lie, because Yu Jin had the strength to kill him directly, but he still tried hard to persuade him, presumably because of his affection.

When Yu Jin talked about Yunqi's rebellion, hatred appeared on Jiang Qin's face, but after talking about the reason, there was a flash of sadness and sympathy in his eyes.

The sad thing is that Pao Ze, who fought bloody battles on the front line, and his brothers who worked day and night for Xu Zhao, ended up being buried in Xu Zhao's hands, what a pity!

Compassionate, yes to all! Because everyone is not wrong, what is wrong is only fate!

At this time, Jiang Qin began to feel relieved, and the big knife in his hand slowly fell, and he decided to give up resisting!

After that, Jiang Qin shouted loudly: "Everyone stop!"

The guards, who had been in the upper hand before, stopped immediately under Jiang Qin's shout, and Yu Jin also loudly told the elite to stop.

In an instant, the situation on the city wall turned around.

Jiang Qin began to command the Sheng banner bearer in the high pavilion, raised several white flags, and surrendered!

After raising the white flag, the drummers in the high pavilion also signaled to beat the rather tragic surrender drums. These drums spread slowly and resounded through the entire southern city wall!

After seeing Jiang Qin surrendering neatly, a smile finally appeared on Yu Jin's face, and he relaxed. Gently wipe the blood on the armor and face...

The drumbeat of surrender echoed in the air, and Lin Mu and Yunqi heard it, and the soldiers in the government slowly stopped and stopped charging forward.

Some government soldiers with pale complexions dropped their weapons on the ground when they heard the sound of the drum, and raised their hands to surrender.

The people on Lin Mu's side also stopped, and they won!

Everyone turned their heads to look at the dazzling white flag in the high pavilion, everyone from Lin Mu cheered!

Soldiers, some were crying, some were wailing, some were cheering... All kinds of life were presented on the city wall at this moment.

Lin Mu felt relieved when he saw those white flags. It seemed that Yu Jin's plan had succeeded.

There are three strategies to capture the thief first, and there are three strategies. The best strategy is to persuade Jiang Qin to surrender. The middle strategy is to capture Jiang Qin and attack the momentum of the government soldiers.

If the best strategy and the middle strategy fail, Lin Mu also has other strategies. He has that kind of meteorite meteor talisman in his pocket, and at worst he will use all of them to get rid of these soldiers in one fell swoop.

In the current situation, it is obvious that the best strategy has succeeded.


Before Lin Mu's incident, the defenders of the north city wall, united as one, resisted a large number of elite infantry of Sun Jian's troops based on the Yuyao River, which was about one kilometer wide.

In front of Yuyao City is the Yuyao River, a natural moat. Before the war, a rather majestic stone bridge connected the gate of the North City and the opposite bank.

However, after the war broke out, Zhou Tai made a decisive decision and destroyed the stone bridge to prevent the enemy from directly passing through the stone bridge and attacking the city.

The destruction of this stone bridge brought great obstacles to Sun Jian's attack on the city.

In desperation, only ships can be used to transport troops.


When Lin Mu's side was victorious, the North City Gate was also on fire, and the tragic situation was even worse!

After Zhou Tai learned that the southern city wall had fallen, he wanted to mobilize some troops to assist Jiang Qin. However, as if he had expected it, Sun Jian's troops came out in full force, holding back Zhou Tai's army.

The helpless Zhou Tai could only scruple on this side, preparing to defend this wave of Sun Jian's offensive.

If you can repel this wave of offensive, you can turn your guns and deal with Lin Mu...

On the Yuyao River, densely packed boats filled the entire river channel. After Sun Jian learned of Lin Mu's actions, he immediately launched a tentative attack.

After the two groups of tentative transport ships were repulsed, Sun Jian suddenly changed his formation. Some huge warships were in front, and a large number of high-level transport ships were in the rear. They began to forcibly cross the river to transport troops and attacked the city.

The pawns on the transport ship carried a large number of giant logs, and under the cover of the battleship, began to build a wooden bridge to facilitate the attack of the infantry behind.

When Zhou Tai saw this, he knew that Sun Jian was determined to attack the city!

In the siege battle for so many days before, such a tactic was not implemented. Now that the wooden bridge is forced to be built, it must be settled in one fell swoop.

On the city wall, arrows were thrown densely like rain, buzzing continuously.

Some arrows also carry burning kerosene, which will ignite the wooden ship after being shot.

On the river, many boats burned blazingly because the fire was not extinguished in time, illuminating the river.

On the city wall, some catapults also began to throw huge stones, constantly hitting the battleships and transport ships.

Huge stones fell from the sky and hit the transport ship. Many soldiers on board were directly crushed to death.

Boom! ~~~Boom! ~~~

The river in the dark night, like boiling, splashed countless waves.

Arrows, stones and other materials for defending the city were all poured down, causing great damage to the soldiers who attacked the city.

"Ah..." Countless wailing voices echoed on the Yuyao River in the dark night.

In order to attack the city, Sun Jian paid a very high price.

In Sun Jian's camp, the burly and extraordinary Sun Jian frowned slightly. This Zhou Tai was indeed a good defender of the city. He arranged one after another for the city and tried his best to cause the greatest damage to his side and weaken them!

However, the casualties are casualties, I must break through Yuyao City as soon as possible, enter Kuaiji County, and get a share of the pie!

As time went by, the battle became more and more intense. On the river, there were countless wrecks of ships, broken boards, and even many corpses of soldiers floating densely and frighteningly.

If it was during the day, maybe the whole river would be blood red!

Zhou Tai, who was standing on the city wall, became more and more uneasy as the tragic situation of the siege lasted longer.

The ships of Sun Jian's department, relying on the number of piles, slowly advanced to a distance of 100 meters from the shore!

The artificial rough wooden bridge was also slowly laid to this side.

The battle situation at this time has already aroused the uneasiness of many generals in the high cabinet. Some knowledgeable counselors even trembled and their complexions gradually turned pale.

Sun Jian's background is so profound, and the resources for war preparations are endless, running through the one-kilometer-wide Yuyao River!

After a stick of incense, Sun Jian entered the camp.

"Cheng Pu, Huang Gai, Han Dang, Zu Mao, you lead your troops and follow me. This time, I want to capture Zhou Tai alive!" Sun Jian looked at the rough wooden bridge, roared, and ordered .

It's time for a real siege!

Not long after, Sun Jian took the lead and led the four mighty generals across the Yuyao River, boarded the opposite bank, and began to fight hand to hand.

On the open space below the city, Zhou Tai had already deployed heavy troops, and he only needed to wait for Sun Jian's soldiers to cross the river, and immediately restrain them.

"Archers ready, throw!"

"Throwing, don't stop!" The general of the defending army began to be a little anxious, and kept urging the archers.

And the other soldiers defending the city kept pouring down the materials for defending the city, causing huge damage to Sun Jian's troops!

At the cost of hundreds of thousands of soldiers, Sun Jian captured the opposite bank and began to pound the city gate!

"My lord, the current situation is not good. Although we have crossed the river and occupied the opposite bank, the city gate is stronger than expected, and it cannot be breached in a short time. The defenders on the city wall will attack without life or money. It makes everyone feel overwhelmed!" Cheng Pu reported.

"How about we just use that item?" As Sun Jian's chief general, Cheng Pu's suggestion was very important.

Sun Jian, who was covered in armor, frowned, and felt that this was not the solution, and he needed to use the bottom of the box!


On Lin Mu's side, after Jiang Qin surrendered, he immediately arranged for the surrendered soldiers, confiscated their weapons and equipment, and left only warm clothes and food.

The smoothness of the battlefield made Lin Mu quite relieved. However, after He Yuan counted his own casualties, Lin Mu felt a pain in his heart: 40,000 were killed and 150,000 were injured!

This didn't include Yunqi's troops, his side was even more tragic, with one hundred thousand troops, only twenty thousand remnants remained!

Not counting the casualties of the players, 120,000 people were killed on Lin Mu's side!

With 300,000 people, there are only 180,000 people left, a full 40% loss rate!

What made Lin Mu even more distressed was that nearly 1,000 of his 3,000 elite cavalrymen were killed, and the death rate of the vanguard reached 1/3!

These soldiers, except for a small number of generals who have been bound to Qinglian soul lamps, basically cannot be resurrected and fall forever!

When Lin Mu was saddened by the casualties of the soldiers, Qing Guo Bauhinia and other players came to him, wanting to discuss the next strategy with Lin Mu, whether to continue?

Lin Mu sent them away casually, and the next step was to capture the City Lord's Mansion in Yuyao City. This was easier than capturing the city walls, and no players were needed!

After that, it's time to collect the scratches, and the players are even more cumbersome.

In fact, the players gained a lot from this siege, although they also suffered heavy casualties.

Lin Mu promised these players that as long as they surrendered to their soldiers, they could take them away, including all their supplies.

In addition, they also have a chance to get a share of the gains from killing the soldiers. However, in order not to cause confusion, Lin Mu forbids players to collect the supplies on the ground. This is one of the three chapters of Lin Mu's contract.

The county magistrate's mansion, the county lieutenant's barracks and other important places, Lin Mu must be included in the bag, and the players must not be contaminated. This is another contract!

There is another one, that is, do not disturb the people, otherwise they will be killed without mercy!

Experience, weapons, equipment and other materials have made the surviving players a fortune. Many of these guys still hold wooden guns and sticks before they go to the battlefield!

Qingguo Bauhinia and others knew that it was harvest time, and they were all very excited, ready to do a big job.

There are still many soldiers in the city who were scattered before, and the things on these soldiers can make them a lot of money!

After Lin Mu asked He Yuan and others to handle the affairs here, he took Yu Jin and Zang Ba, and led 30,000 soldiers who were not seriously injured to the county magistrate's mansion in Yuyao City!

The property in the mansion, I hope to make up for part of the loss!

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