Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 330 Zhou Tai's generosity, 【Eternal Legion Order】!

Lin Mu was not surprised when he saw Sun Jian's actions. It would definitely not work to exchange 300,000 soldiers from the government for a volume of divine books.

"Brother Wentai, I have a secret message here, and I am willing to share it with you. Moreover, I will do my best to do what Brother Wentai asks for, and I hope to exchange for this rare classic!" Lin Mu said eagerly.

Lin Mu was not too surprised that this god-level Art of War appeared in Sun Jian's hands. Lin Mu would definitely not agree to the exchange of Zhou Tai, but he still wanted to win it with other conditions.

Lin Mu is very enthusiastic about this god-level military book!

"Haha...Lin Sima, what if I want these two generals next to me? Do you want to?" After Sun Jian knew that he had no chance to recruit Zhou Tai, he returned to a determined expression. Hearing Lin Mu's words, he joked boldly.

Sun Jian is a rather domineering person who doesn't care about trifles, and he doesn't have much dislike for Lin Mu's rejection, he just regrets it.

To be a majestic man, to fight bravely and win the three armies, this is Sun Jian!

If it were a person, he would definitely use force to force Lin Mu to hand over the captives. After all, his current status is deeper than that of Lin Mu, the newly promoted Sima of the other tribe.

After Lin Mu refused, Sun Jian didn't bother too much.

To a certain extent, Sun Jian admired Lin Mu's ability to resist the temptation of the God-ranked Art of War and not betray Zhou Tai, a general.

"Brother Wentai, don't make things difficult for me. They are all my right-hand men, and they are indispensable. They are like the rain under Wentai's command!" Lin Mu praised rather affectionately.

Regarding Lin Mu's evaluation of the generals under his command, Sun Jian also laughed proudly. Indeed, he has more generals under his command than Lin Mu.

He is very proud of his few sons who have not yet become officials!

Not to mention Cheng Pu, Huang Gai and others under his command, they are all ferocious generals who can defeat ten thousand people!

Sun Jian admired Zhou Tai not because of his military strength, but because of his ability to command the army and his handsome talents. So far, Sun Jian has many strong generals under his command, but he lacks counselors and generals.

If Zhou Tai can be recruited, he will be even more powerful.

However, Sun Jian only had some regrets for not being able to recruit, but he didn't get too entangled in the past.

"Brother Wentai, why don't we sit down and have a good chat, anyway, Yuyao City has been subdued to the Han camp, and the subsequent matters can be handled by the generals under his command!" Lin Mu invited.

After finishing speaking, Lin Mu looked around the small yard that was already vacant by the street, and found a relatively elegant yard. Lin Mu invited everyone to go there together.

"Lin Sima, let me put down the flag and arrange the soldiers!" Zhou Tai said softly.

Lin Mu nodded, and some thoughts flashed in his mind.

So far, the Battle of Yuyao City has officially come to an end.

Zhou Tai immediately took out a one-foot-high blue Sheng flag from the space equipment, and waved it vigorously several times.

The soldiers in the distance, after seeing Zhou Tai's semaphore, stopped and stopped moving forward.

The same is true for Lin Mu, who took out the Qiankun Zimu book from his bosom, and sent a message to let the soldiers who retreated before come back.

After thinking for a while, Lin Mu sent some more messages, asking He Yuanyun, Wu Yunqi and others to prepare to deal with these surrendered soldiers.

After finishing it, Lin Mu had a thought, and said softly to Zhou Tai: "You Ping, the soldiers under your command have gone through a night of hard fighting, and they need to replenish their physical strength and eat in their stomachs. You can direct them to the county camp. I have already instructed them The soldiers under your command, start preparing hot food, let everyone pack a meal and have a rest!"

"However, the army under your command must be dismantled, and the elites must be re-selected to form a new army. You have no objection!" Lin Mu laughed.

Zhou Tai shook his head, expressing his understanding.

In fact, by doing this, Lin Mu is a qualified and prudent general.

Although Zhou Tai had already surrendered, the army under his command was still intact. If there was any dissatisfaction, the consequences would be very serious. Given Lin Mu's current situation, he certainly could not bear such consequences.

Lin Mu turned around and asked Zang Ba to rush to the county camp to preside over the affairs. There needs to be a tiger general guarding it in case of accidents.

Afterwards, Zhou Tai played the semaphore again, and the wave-like soldiers moved slowly westward. To the west was the county captain's camp in Yuyao City. There were ten school yards, which were very spacious.

Hundreds of thousands of government soldiers, dragging their tired bodies and carrying heavy armor, marched slowly.

They have already learned from the leaders that there is no need to fight anymore and they have already surrendered!

Facing the light of the rising sun, the fierce battle that lasted for a night and dozens of days was finally over. Although they were the losing side, they did not sleep here forever like other robes!

Everyone looked at the hopeful morning light with joy and nostalgia, and what greeted them was a new journey.

Seeing the government soldiers leaving as if the tide was ebbing, Sun Jian's eyes were deep, and he felt a little emotional. Unexpectedly, in the Yuyao City offensive and defensive battle, the one who gained the most profit in the end was indeed Lin Mu, who had always been underestimated!

Breaking through the southern city wall, capturing Jiang Qin, one of the guarding generals, capturing the county magistrate's mansion, conquering Yuyao City, conquering the guarding general Zhou Tai, and conquering hundreds of thousands of government soldiers... etc., very dazzling!

It seems that he is really like what Cao Cao said, a little different, with a profound background, a little mysterious, and he can become a fellow man!

The great changes that may occur in the future, surging and mighty, sweeping the world, need such a like-minded person to resist, it seems that we have to make friends with him!

Sun Jian recalled the night he talked with Cao Cao about the situation in the world...

Thoughts ran through my mind...

After arranging all the affairs, Sun Jian, Lin Mu, Zhou Tai, and Yu Jin sat down slowly in a quiet small courtyard.

Lin Mu was not polite, and immediately took out the specialty wine of his territory, Shangqing Yongzhen Wine, from his backpack. As soon as this wine appeared, everyone's noses twitched involuntarily. It seemed that everyone was quite sensitive to wine.

"Some light wine, let's drink a jug." Lin Mu was not stingy, and all the jars he brought out were fifty catties.

Four full altars were placed in front of the four people.

Everyone is a bold person, without the etiquette of a Confucian scholar, just pick up the wine jar and drink it!

The mellow wine was slowly poured down the throat and poured into the stomach, and an indescribable joy appeared, making the four of them roar loudly.

"Good wine, it's really good wine!" Sun Jian felt that the fatigue left by the fierce battle before was slowly disappearing, and his energy was slowly recovering. This wine is extraordinary.

"Lin Sima, what's the name of this wine?" Sun Jian asked loudly after taking another sip.

"Shangqing Yongzhen wine is a special product of our small village!" Lin Mu was also bold and generous, and poured it several times in one go, and a little of the overflowing fragrant wine splashed on his strong chest, showing a sense of surging heroism.

After drinking for a while, Lin Mu found that the effect was even better than the previous promise to transfer 300,000 government soldiers, and it shortened the distance with Sun Jian.

After feeling about the same, everyone started talking.

"Brother Wentai, to be honest, the god-level military book you took out earlier really shocked me. I am a country boy. When I saw such a fetish, I couldn't help feeling anxious. What I mentioned earlier, I took it as my own." Just make a joke!" Lin Mu said with a wry smile.

Before, it was indeed a bit reckless to exchange the government soldiers as the price. It did not consider Zhou Tai's feelings at all, nor did it consider Sun Jian's position.

"Haha, it's okay, Lin Sima is a real gentleman, a tiger general! There's no need to do that." Sun Jian said with a hearty smile.

Zhou Tai on the side, when he heard Lin Mu's words, also smiled lightly, then fell silent, and continued to drink, the effect of the wine also shocked him.

If every soldier can carry some and drink a little before the battle, it will be more powerful than fighting chicken blood!

The relieved people continued to drink, and Sun Jian had an in-depth discussion with Lin Mu on the issue of Shangqing Yongzhen wine. It turned out that he had taken a fancy to this special wine and wanted to buy it in large quantities.

It is a special product that even the super prince Sun Jian can fancy. No wonder the Shen family got it after they tried their best to frame the Tao family.

Afterwards, the conversation between Sun Jian and Lin Mu gradually turned into a conversation between merchants, not at all like a conversation between princes.

Sun Jian, who is informal, and Lin Mu, who is more open-minded, are eagerly discussing. Lin Mu also gradually learned about Sun Jian's channels, and prepared to establish a business relationship with him to sell some more sensitive materials, such as salt, paper, some unnecessary minerals, and so on.

Facing Chen Hui, Sun Jian and Lin Mu reached many verbal agreements, and both of them were satisfied.

After finalizing some last details, Lin Mu's goal returned to the god-level military book.

"Lin Sima, this fetish is my ancestral thing. If I didn't covet Zhou Tai's handsome talent, I would definitely not show it to others easily." Sun Jian also valued the fetish very much, and he didn't let go.

In Lin Mu's mind, he kept recalling the things he owned. After estimating, he felt that there was really no special item in his hand that could arouse Sun Jian's interest.

Lin Mu was quite frustrated, it turned out that his background was still very thin!

Zhou Tai, who had been silent on the side, also deeply felt Lin Mu's eagerness. After struggling for a long time on his face, finally, he lightly touched a ring on his left hand, and a simple and wild token suddenly appeared. Its appearance, other All three of them sensed it, and their eyes focused on this.

"Lin Sima, this is an ancient legion order that I accidentally obtained before, if possible, let's exchange it for a book of war!"

Lin Mu was shocked. Unexpectedly, the last hope fell on Zhou Tai, a general who had just surrendered.

[Eternal Legion Order]? ? ?

This was the first information Lin Mu saw.

(Thank you for your votes, thank you [Regional PHS] for the reward of 2,000 coins, and thank you for the reward of [Hun Shanghao]!)

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