Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 37 The Terrifying Benefits of Specialty Products

The emergence of [Qingniu] special product is one of the high-end performances after the initial development of the forest and animal husbandry territory. I believe that more and more specialty products will appear in the future.

In "Mythical Three Kingdoms", specialty products are one of the very important territorial indicators.

Specialty products, as the name suggests, are special industries and special production.

Some specialty products are unique, and some specialty products are not unique, but there are not many of them. They must be rare in the world, so that they can be called special products.

Lin Mu knew many special products in his previous life, such as some wine special products. Due to the limitation and secrecy of the wine making process, very precious wine will become a unique special product, and only the territory with the relevant brewing technology can produce it.

And there are also widely used crops such as sweet potatoes, which can be regarded as a special product. Many lord players or aboriginal forces will grow sweet potatoes. Their high yield and strong environmental adaptability make sweet potatoes a special food. rations.

Although sweet potatoes will be available in many player territories in the later stage, it is very difficult to obtain sweet potatoes, which basically involves many later scene battles. At present, there is no such crop in the land of China, and it is slightly rare, so the system calls sweet potato a special product.

There are also other special products, such as pearls, gemstones, special fisheries, special poultry, special mounts, special utensils, etc., which can all become territorial specialties.

Since the properties of special products are relatively rare, their value is high, and the benefits brought to the territory are very rich. To a certain extent, it can be said that special products are a kind of monopoly, doing monopoly business, making money every day!

In the previous life, there was a saying to describe special products like this: one special product feeds a territory!

It can be seen how attractive the benefits of specialty products are.

However, Lin Mu already knew that his specialty [Green Bull] would not have a huge money-making effect for the time being, but it would be of great help to open up wasteland. Cultivating land and opening up wasteland requires manpower or horsepower. If these types of power are strong, the land reclamation will be smoother and faster.

It can be regarded as solving the urgent problem of opening up wasteland in the territory.

"Okay, okay! Thank you for your hard work! For the sake of these thousands of cows, you have worked hard for more than a month to tame the herd! It can be described as untold hardships! I credit you with great merit!" Lin Mu said happily to Jiang Yuanjiang Idle moral way.

"This is what my subordinates should do! With such special products, I believe there will be more land in the territory, and there will be no need to worry about the food after the territory. It is a great event for the benefit of the people! A meritorious deed! I am also very happy. "Jiang Yuan said happily.

"If our territory has more talents like you, why not develop and grow!" Lin Mu praised.

Talent above the expert level is very rare in the early stage.

"From now on, this animal pen will be managed by you more, thank you Xiande!" Lin Mu patted Jiang Yuan's shoulder lightly and said excitedly.

"It will definitely solve the Lord's worries and problems!" Jiang Yuan was also very happy.

"—The system prompts, Lord Lin Mu, because of your appreciation, Jiangyuan's loyalty has increased by 10 points."

Haha, what a surprise, Lin Mu and Jiang Yuan talked a lot afterwards, and Jiang Yuan was also happy to explain some domestication experience to Lin Mu, but since Lin Mu didn't change his job to become a beast trainer, there is nothing to explain the experience personally at the expert level Harvest, otherwise the system might prompt: Obtain the expert level and give it all, and the animal trainer level +1! That would be great.

Afterwards, Lin Mu and Jiang Yuan talked about the development of the green cattle stables and the number of colorful golden pheasants. The green cattle stables have been put into use, but this colorful golden pheasant is a problem because its number has not been developed.

After Jiang Yuan has dealt with the domestication of the green cattle, he will take care of the broods of golden pheasants when he has free time. Unfortunately, even with the bonus of the god-level territory attribute, the number of these golden pheasants has been growing slowly and cannot be scaled. , is the biggest obstacle to making it a specialty of the territory.

However, now that Jiang Yuan has finished the green cattle, he will devote himself wholeheartedly to the domestication and breeding of colorful golden pheasants. He believes that these colorful golden pheasants will be developed and grown as soon as possible, so that they will lay more eggs and hatch more colorful golden chickens.

However, most of Jiang Yuan's energy was spent on the green cattle before, and for the time being, he just placed the 100 or so three-color chickens in the simple yard of the village.

When Jiang Yuan freed his hand to domesticate these colorful brocade pheasants, the territory would have colorful brocade eggs to eat.

Caijin eggs are very popular among the upper class of the Han Dynasty. They are rich in nutrition, delicious egg juice, and the chicken is also a must!

When the colorful golden pheasant has formed a large scale, it will be able to collect the money from the aborigines. That is the big head. 90% of the wealth in "Three Kingdoms of Myth" is in the hands of the aborigines.

As expected, Yinglong Valley is rich in products, and it brought Lin Mu a series of surprises.

Lin Mu began to have greater expectations for the side opposite Longhe.


There is a specialization in the art industry, so I, a half-baked person, should go to leveling. After bidding farewell to Jiang Yuan, Lin Mu ran to level up again.

Recently, due to the increase of soldiers in the territory, the division of labor has begun slowly. In addition to the fighting soldiers, Feng Zhong also trained 50 scouts, responsible for inquiring about the situation around Yinglong Valley.

According to some information from the scouts, Lin Mu began to have a general understanding of this seemingly familiar but actually unfamiliar valley.

I am familiar with it because I have been here many times in my previous life, including leveling up to find bosses to kill and so on.

Unfamiliar, but because I used the god-level village building order to build the village, it seems that there has been a huge change here, and it may be the early stage of the previous life. No one has explored here, so many changes in the early stage here are unknown. However, such a change seemed to be of great help to him, Lin Mu had a premonition in his heart.

[Dragon Temple] I haven't encountered it in my previous life, and I haven't touched it because of Chang Yin's suggestion.

[Fate Merchant], I have no prestige for the time being, and I didn't pay attention to it.

At the beginning, Lin Mu was still worried about the threat of the four large cottages, but with Feng Zhong's guidance and efforts, there should be no problem, but there are no traces of the other two large cottages, which made Lin Mu feel a little worried.

Lin Mu guessed that the other two large cottages should be opposite the Yinglong River, because the scouts had already explored all the places north of the Yinglong River.

At present, Chang Yin, a god-level scribe, is managing his territory, so he can rest easy.

As for the monster camp, this is what I should pay attention to at present. Training 3000 soldiers into elite soldiers is the current top priority.

The development of the territory is orderly.

The years go by, like the water of the Yangtze River, which never stops, and just one month has passed.

In the past month, Lin Mu has armed his own soldiers with all the weapons and shields produced in the territory, and sold the rest at high prices. He also upgraded the primary trading market to the intermediate market. Although the tax rate has increased a lot, the harvest is also very good. big.

Lin Mu bought rare blueprints from the market, such as elementary mulberry garden architectural blueprints, elementary winery architectural blueprints, elementary martial arts architectural blueprints, elementary cemetery architectural blueprints, elementary bluestone city wall architectural drawings, etc.

The number of buildings in the territory has increased a lot, with wind and rain, persistence in the rain, and the growth of architects. After a month of hard work, an expert-level architect finally appeared, who can build expert-level buildings on a large scale.

Take a look at the properties of the territory:

[Zhenlong Village] (The second village in the world: a slightly famous village, which increases the attraction of special refugees, but the village is built in a closed area, and the effect is not good.)

Level: Junior Village

Village properties:

Special attribute 1: [Earth Virtue of Auspiciousness] (activated): The yellow dragon belongs to the earth, which symbolizes auspiciousness, thrives on the veins of dragons, and needs them to be born. The land of dragon veins, the land of blessed spirits, can become a primary spiritual land. The territory that needs to be occupied is the dragon veins. The dragon veins have already been occupied-Yinglong Valley. This valley is a primary spiritual land.

Special Attribute 2: [Humanistic Glory] (activated): Giving benefits to the sky, cultivating virtues together, practicing benevolence, peace in the universe, and increasing the overall work efficiency and training efficiency of the territory by 100%.

Special Attribute 3: [Humanitarian Blessing] (activated): Everyone is like a dragon. The qualification of naturalized citizens increases by one level.

Special attribute 4: [Nuwa's pity] (activated): The great god Nuwa hopes that people will be able to transform into nine heavenly dragons, cross the world, and gather the luck of heaven and earth. The overall attribute of the resources occupied by the territory is increased by 100%.

Current Residents: 16468/100

Current Army: 2450

Popularity: 96

Security: 82

Tax rate: 10% (this tax rate is only levied on the resources obtained by players within the territory, and the tax rate is 10% of the total obtained. The system will automatically count and pay for the players. This tax rate is fixed)

Existing resources: 6895060 units of grain, 147680 units of iron ore, 524504 units of stone, 607850 units of wood, 14290 units of coal mine, 450556400 copper coins (1 unit of grain is 1 catty, 1 unit of stone or wood is 1 cube), 147 iron guns, 42 iron knives, 3000 black iron fine steel knives, 3000 black iron fine steel guns, 3000 black iron fine steel swords, 2000 red sandalwood bows, 130 iron tire bows, 124 fine steel plain knives, gray wolf Iron shield 1000 noodles, primary hemostatic powder 1690 copies, intermediate hemostatic powder 890 copies.

Existing building:

Village-level meeting hall (1), junior residence (1257), junior mine (3), junior blacksmith shop (24), intermediate blacksmith shop (19), senior blacksmith shop (5), junior tailor shop (12), Intermediate tailor shop (3), advanced tailor shop (1), expert tailor shop (1), junior grocery store (2), junior medical center (2), intermediate medical center (1), intermediate trading market (1), Primary Logging Camp (6), Intermediate Logging Farm (2), Advanced Logging Farm (1), Primary Dockyard (3), Intermediate Dockyard (2), Advanced Dockyard (1), Primary Barracks, Primary Mulberry Garden (3), Primary Graveyard (1), Elementary Bluestone City Wall, Elementary Martial Arts Hall (1), Elementary Fishing Ground (6), Intermediate Fishing Ground (3), Advanced Fishing Ground (2), Elementary Barracks (7), Intermediate Barracks (3), Advanced Barracks (1 ), Senior Green Bull Beast Pen (1), Junior Private School (1), Junior Brickworkshop (16), Intermediate Brickworkshop (12), Advanced Brickworkshop (9), Expert Brickworkshop (1), 265,445 acres of farmland

[Dragon Temple]: Special building, not activated.

Village area: 9 square kilometers (3000X3000)

Territory area: Unlimited (the conventional territory is a village with an area of ​​10 square kilometers, this village was established by a god-level village building order, and there is no limit on the scope of the territory).

God-level City Heart: Durability: 100w/100w, each attack is forced to 1 point.

To upgrade a village to an intermediate level, resources are required: 5,000 units of grain, 5,000 units of stone, 5,000 units of wood, 100,000 copper coins, 8 basic building types, and the number of villagers must reach or exceed 100.

The village has a lot of resources, and there are hundreds of millions of copper coins, and these are saved after scrapping the materials on the market. It can be seen how huge the profit of this arms monopoly is, and the current arms business of Lin Mu can be said to be a specialty to some extent. Yes, it can be seen that the benefits of special products are terrifying and coveted.

The territory has sufficient funds, the population has gradually increased, the development of the territory has also become vigorous and noisy, the supplies are very rich, and the buildings in the territory have begun to have various types and complete functions. However, there is one thing that Lin Mu deserves to pay attention to, that is, the system rewards The special ore vein has been mined. Most of the ore has been cast into weapons and sold. There are only some ore stocks left. The ore in the territory needs to be found. Unfortunately, the special professional talent [Prospector] has never appeared.

I believe that there should be Hua Tianbao in Yinglong Valley, and the Qilian Mountains are rich and rich, and there should be some mineral veins.

The army also began to develop slowly. With Feng Zhong, the military god, in charge, the development of the army can guarantee the development of the village.

The level of the village is still elementary, and Lin Mu has not been upgraded. It is not a problem of resources and population, but that Lin Mu has no time to upgrade for the time being.

When the village is upgraded to the middle level, the system will let the nearby monster camp attack the village once. Lin Mu guessed that the Xiaoyue Silver Wolf King will also appear. To be on the safe side, Lin Mu and other soldiers will be upgraded in one fell swoop when the number of soldiers reaches 3000. Guaranteed success.

And Lin Mu is also planning to compete with the king beast Xiaoyue Silver Wolf King when upgrading the village.

Of course it was Feng Zhong who made the move, Lin Mu definitely couldn't beat him, and Xiaohu couldn't beat him right now either. According to Lin Mu's visual observation, the wolf king entrenched in the King Beast's camp should be at the level of a mysterious general, powerful, fierce and brutal.

To be honest, it is fortunate that there is such a general as Feng Zhong, otherwise, Lin Mu's territory would have already been buried and wiped out by monsters. Always relying on Feng Zhong made Lin Mu feel unstable.

However, there is nothing to do!

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