Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 42 Population Explosion, Tradition!

With anticipation, Lin Mu soon arrived at the destination.

Standing outside the high-level rebel camp, Lin Mu walked around and found that there were no rebel patrols, so there should be no sneak attack.

Lin Mu stood still, his face expressionless, his heart agitated, and he activated the ancient art of summoning surrender. Suddenly, an invisible majestic aura emerged from the bottom of his heart and flew into the sky, like the power of heaven and earth. Covering the entire camp, there was a moment in the sky as if a huge hand wiped out some of the rebels in the camp.


"——The system prompts, player Lin Mu, you have successfully launched the ancient surrender technique and obtained 600 level 30 rebel soldiers. The soldiers are automatically refreshed in the refugee camp in your territory, please pay attention to check!"

There are 20,000 level 30 rebel soldiers in the high-level rebel camp, 3% is 600, haha, these recruited people will become their own citizens!

It is really overbearing to increase the population by 600 at once.

If it is used in a large cottage like Qinglongzhai, with a population of more than 100,000 and 3% of the number of surrenders, it will be even more enjoyable. Lin Mu has already decided to conquer Qinglongzhai, and it has been more than a few months since he took the task.

With the ancient technique of recruiting and surrendering, I have it in the world! Haha... Lin Mu saw the system prompt that he successfully recruited 600 people, and the population of the territory will increase to 760 people every day. With the bonus of god-level attributes, the aptitude of the people will be better. Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes. It is the experience of the ancestors!

Hehe, the technique of recruiting and surrendering is really cool!

Instead of entering the rebel camp to level up, Lin Mu got up and returned to the village to see how qualified the 600 people were.

Generally, the qualifications of NPCs who can be transferred to soldiers are not too bad. Generally, ordinary soldiers are around level 3 or level 4, and elites may be level 5 or level 6.

If these 600 people are all Tier 5 qualifications, after the addition, they become Tier 6 qualifications, then there will be more soldiers with high qualifications! All soldiers!

Lin Mu hurriedly rushed to the refugee camp.

Chang Yin also already knew about some special situations in the refugee camp, and he was dealing with them. The rebels refreshed by these systems, after being recruited by themselves, seem to have flesh and blood souls.

According to the past practice, Chang Yin would give the villagers refreshed from refugees or refugee camps a mouthful of hot porridge, a mouthful of hot rice, and a bowl of hot clear soup.

These things are all ordered by Lin Mu to Chang Yin. It can be regarded as giving benefits to these people who are going to become their leaders, and it can be regarded as a way to buy people's hearts.

This approach has also been approved by many residents. After all, they are hungry when they come out of refugee camps or refugee camps. If the weather is cold, they will be shivering.

Suddenly, they can have a mouthful of hot porridge, a mouthful of hot rice, and a bowl of hot clear soup, which brings them careful care and makes them very grateful. This territory may be their future home. With such a move, the lord should be a virtuous person who loves the people.

Through these small actions, Lin Mu gave these newcomers a huge and far-reaching initial impression!

In his own territory, Lin Mu needs to establish some fine traditions to become the characteristics of his own territory, even if it is not the only one, but if it is done well, it will also let the people know that his homeland will not owe them anything!

Establishing a food camp in front of the refugee camp can fill the stomachs of the refreshed citizens in time, and it will become a tradition in the territory in the future!

As for the pension of the martyrs, it is necessary to arrange for professionals to appease the past one by one. Whether it is material, the care of the lord, or spiritually, try to do it as much as possible. This is also a territorial tradition. Lin Mu attaches great importance to these traditions, because in the future these will be The most powerful act of kindness to the people.

I believe that when the territory develops bigger, stronger and more prosperous in the future, some citizens praised it from the bottom of their hearts: "My child, look, that is the tradition established by the lord himself, which is good for the people!"

Tradition is a kind of strength, respect tradition and carry forward tradition!


600 rebel soldiers, with tattered leather armor and battle armor hanging on them, some straw sandals or worn-out cloth shoes under their feet, with wooden sticks or iron knives, iron guns in their hands, the equipment is very dilapidated, ugly, shabby, It is more than one level worse than the equipment of the rebels who were refreshed by the rules of heaven and earth to attack their own territory before.

It seems that the conditions for the recruited rebel soldiers are also very difficult.

However, what Lin Mu valued was not their equipment, but themselves, people, who were the most scarce in his territory.

600 people, although they are not yellow and thin, but judging from their complexion, they are not doing very well. Lin Mu knows the situation of the rebel camp, and their background is bandits who rebelled against the government. They just went through simple military training, equipped Dilapidated, with low-end skills, but those who can be selected as soldiers have good aptitude.

600 people, many of them were confused and didn't know what happened.

However, seeing someone serving steaming hot food and light and fragrant clear soup at the door, the soldiers swallowed involuntarily, their stomachs growled, and their eyes kept staring.

When they were in the rebel camp, they seemed to hear a god saying in their minds that they should be loyal to Zhenlong Village and their future homeland! Then you will be able to have enough food, clothing and comfort, live and work in peace and contentment, if you work hard, be sincere and sincere, you will have a bright future!

Then suddenly, a ray of light flashed, and in the blink of an eye, they appeared in this place, this place is better and warmer than the camp, is this the future home!

The soldiers began to accept the hot food that Chang Yin gave them, and they lined up to receive the food in an orderly manner, with strict discipline. These are soldiers, different from those chaotic refugees.

Even without Chang Yin presiding over the order, there would be no chaos. The middle-level refugee camp covering an area of ​​3 acres was crowded with 600 people.

At present, Chang Yin is still in charge here, and when the junior civil servants in the territory are trained or refreshed, then there is no need for him to do it himself.

There are only two guards at the gate of the refugee camp, just for simple monitoring. If these rebel soldiers suddenly rebelled, they would not be able to resist effectively, and it would really cause a lot of damage to the territory. All loyalty points are 60 points, as long as the points are not lower than 50 points, there will be no rebellion without reason, and they have hot food to eat, those who are grateful to cry and snot, and eat with their heads, and will not cause chaos casually, they are all very quiet , as if he had accepted his fate.

Lin Mu asked Chang Yin to naturalize these 600 people, and also wanted to see how their qualifications were.

Naturalization was very simple for Chang Yin, and soon Lin Mu knew the situation of these 600 people:

15 people have Tier 6 qualifications, 38 people have Tier 5 qualifications, 365 people have Tier 4 qualifications, and 182 people have Tier 3 qualifications.

After being naturalized and adding god-level attributes, the qualifications were raised by one level. Lin Mu harvested 15 people with level 7 qualifications, 38 people with level 6 qualifications, 365 people with level 5 qualifications, and 182 people with level 4 qualifications.

The qualifications of these 600 people are better than those villagers refreshed in the refugee camps. As expected, they are enlisted soldiers with high qualifications. Lin Mu was ecstatic to get so many people with high qualifications at once!

Thirty-eight people can be added to the army in the village for training by Feng Zhong, while the rest of the recruits have been disarmed and returned to the fields, and have been assigned to the production affairs of the territory.

Talents with level 7 aptitude have master-level potential. If they are trained well, they will be master-level talents in the future! Do not place them casually as soldiers. And those with other aptitudes do not conform to the military policy, well, let's go and add bricks and tiles to the territory for the time being.

There are 600 soldiers like this in the account every day, why worry about not having talents, haha!

Finally, apart from the fact that the refugee camp can refresh the population, it has a source of population again. However, this skill is only available to Lin Mu himself. If something happens, Lin Mu can't use the skill every day, so it can be regarded as a defect.

Lin Mu finally came out of the sadness of the dozens of soldiers who died in battle. The soldiers with Tier 6 qualifications are the mainstay of the territory, and Lin Mu attaches great importance to them.

It seems that I have to come here every day if I have time, it is healthier to masturbate!

"Yuanjian, when we killed the King Beast Xiaoyue Silver Wolf King in our territory, we were rewarded by the Great God. We were rewarded with a copy of the ancient surrender technique. We can surrender the enemy once a day. In the future, the population of our territory will explode compared to before. Thank you for presiding over the work!" Lin Mu happily said to Chang Yinxin who had finished her work.

"Haha, congratulations, my lord, for learning such a thaumaturgy. I've heard about this kind of thaumaturgy from my predecessors before, but it's very difficult to obtain. It seems that my lord is really blessed with a lot of luck and auspiciousness!" Chang Yin said happily. I wonder why so many refugees suddenly appeared in the refugee camp today. It turns out that the lord has acquired thaumaturgy, and the population of the territory will increase in the future.

"My lord, I suggest that you recruit camps with higher qualifications every day. There are five high-level rebel camps in our territory, and the qualifications of the soldiers in them should be different. It is best to go to the camps with better qualifications after trying many times. , so that it can maximize its role, and with the attribute bonus of our god-level territory, it can multiply the potential of our territory!" Chang Yin suggested.

"Haha, okay, you are indeed my right-hand man. Your suggestion is very good. I was pleasantly surprised by the aptitude of the soldiers who were recruited before. I didn't expect it to be so detailed. Just follow your opinion!" Lin Mu accepted Chang Yin's suggestion humbly, and clicked Headway.

The camp where Lin Mu went to surrender has not been cleared by the army, and the number is full, and there are only 600 people.

"It seems that in the future, the soldiers who are going to clean up the camp will arrive earlier and activate the Surrender Technique, so that they can enter the cleanup. I have to follow Feng Zhong to mention it." Lin Mu thought to himself.

After Chang Yin and Lin Mu exchanged some affairs about the territory, Lin Mu also arranged some affairs for Chang Yin, after which Lin Mu went to practice.

Now Lin Mu's level is 31, which is about to reach the bottleneck. Level 10 is Tier 1, Level 10 to 19 is Tier 1, and Level 31 is Tier 3 creeps!

Lin Mu has not yet learned internal skills, and has not changed his job to become a general. Recently, Lin Mu seems to have sensed that he should have an adventure, and he should learn extraordinary skills. Chang Yin and Feng Zhong also mysteriously suggested that Lin Mu Mu can go to the Dragon Temple for a stroll. For unknown reasons, Lin Mu also often went to the Dragon Temple, but it was still so mysterious, unfathomable, and contained nothing... Lin Mu once mistakenly thought that Chang Yin and the others were entertaining him...

Moreover, as the biggest boss in the territory, he needs the best skills, the best skills, the best specialties, and the most beautiful can he just learn those general skills casually? With the support of the resources of the entire territory, believe it or not, there are no earth-level or sky-level exercises.

Lin Mu looked at the population of the territory: 21689/10000, very satisfied. It has only been four months since the game started, and the pure aboriginals in his territory have reached more than 20,000, and their qualifications are also high. All walks of life are developing vigorously. The copper coins in Lin Mu's pocket There are more than 500 million coins. If you use the current price of copper coins on the black market, it will be no problem to exchange more than 1 billion soft sister coins.

However, the development of your own territory also requires the circulation of copper coins, which cannot be exchanged casually. It has been exchanged for 1 million soft sister coins before, which is enough for a while.

In addition, large-scale exchange may cause others to peep, and I am temporarily afraid that someone with a heart will know my information, and it would be a tragedy to kidnap or even kill myself.

Lin Mu is very satisfied with the development of his territory. With the assistance of Chang Yin and Feng Zhong, Lin Mu can rest easy.

Lin Mu summoned his attribute panel, checked the information announced by the system, and counted carefully. There are currently 37 territories in the Huaxia District, and they are basically representatives of the big consortium and the Great Guild.

37, not far from 100 territories. Judging from the difficulty of obtaining village building tokens in the entire "Mythology World", there are such a large number in Huaxia District. This is all thanks to Lin Mu's crazy sales of weapons. .

Since the announcement after the establishment of the territory of Huaxia District did not announce the location of the territory, Lin Mu didn't know how many there were in Yangzhou, but if you look at it from the experience of the previous life, there should be only one of the top ten guilds in Yangzhou. National Allure】The guild has established a territory.

Lin Mu's territory was established in Yangzhou. If he wants to control Yangzhou in order to fight for world hegemony, then he must have a fight with this [Overwhelming Country and Overwhelming City] guild.

[Overwhelming Country and Overwhelming City] The guild's president is Beitangxue.

Beitangxue, the dream lover of many homeboys or social elites, and she is also the president of the top ten guilds in Huaxia District [Qingguoqingcheng] guild, her martial arts strength is also very strong, and she is ranked 18th in the [Tianlong list] , the heroine of women, no number of men can compare to her, known as [Northern Valkyrie], there are countless celebrity endorsements and advertisements, her net worth reaches billions, and her guild members have millions of members. Don't dare to refuse, there are rumors that she is also the heir of the [Dongcheng Consortium] Zhongbeitang family.

Proud body, beautiful appearance, prominent family background, and glorious achievements, all of these are extremely domineering, just like a pig's foot in a novel.

This kind of person seems to be loved by thousands of people, and many men would feel ashamed when standing in front of her.

The real Bai Fumei! Wealthy and expensive.

In addition, this Beitangxue is also the school belle of Xinghai University, ranking first in the list!

Xinghai University is the school where Lin Mu is studying.

In his previous life, Lin Mu had seen Bei Tangxue in person. He was rarely seen at school, and when he met, he watched her from a distance, because when she appeared, a pack of wolves surged up and surrounded her tightly.

And in the game. I saw it at a high-end lord's gathering, but as a small person, I didn't have the possibility and status to talk to her.

Now I have the capital and self-confidence to stand on the same level as these heaven's favorites, maybe I am even better!

Looking at the bustling and busy territory, Lin Mu couldn't help arousing a majestic aura in his heart, and he began to look forward to meeting those talented heroes.


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