Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 462: Seventh Column Seal

Yingchuan County, in a quiet courtyard of Yingchuan College.

"Ziwei star shines on the stars again! It seems that Ziwei's lineage has also begun to prosper!" An old man with silver hair looked up at the stars in the starry sky and whispered, his expression was calm.

"It's just that, how can the phenomenon of this king star be so majestic, it is even better than those of the previous king stars." The old man Gu Jing Wubo's rosy face showed a touch of surprise, and said to himself.

Although this old man has silver hair all over his head, he is full of energy and has a ruddy complexion. His eyes are slightly squinted, and his right hand keeps fiddling with a strange Nine Palaces hexagram plate.

This Nine Palaces hexagram plate is very magical, the grids of the side palaces are full of runes flowing with lavender glow, while the middle palace is like a small pool with ripples on it.

In the waves of this 'small pool', a row of small characters suddenly appeared: "The purple star appears in the east, Kuaijichang!"

After this line of small characters appeared, the pool water began to ripple again, and gradually, this line of characters disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

And after the small characters disappeared, the middle palace of the Nine Palaces Diagram suddenly fixed and turned into an incomparably smooth mirror surface.

After expressing emotion, the old man immediately lowered his head and picked up a small and delicate carving knife, and carved the row of small characters in a row of bamboo strips in a roll of bamboo slips. The old man is engraved from top to bottom.

And on the right side of this line of characters, there are rows of other small characters. If you look carefully, you will clearly see what these small characters say, from right to left:

"White Tiger Appears, Wei Huasheng!"

"Qinglong Beiyao, Qingjin chaos!"

"Suzaku is soaring, Jiang Huai is special!"

"Xuanwu overturns the river, nobles hold it!"

"Tai Yin binds Bo, Long Ting is dark!"

"The kylin is just exposed, and the sun is red!"

"The purple star appears in the east, Kuaiji is prosperous!"

The last column is impressively newly engraved, the seventh engraving.

"Huaijichang? Kuaiji?" After the old man engraved it, he read the last three words softly twice.

"This Kuaiji is this Kuaiji, and it may be that Kuaiji!"

"Is the world's dragon way gradually recovering?" The old man kept whispering to himself, and then, with a little nostalgia, the old man fell silent.

The vision in the sky gradually disappeared.

Tranquility returned to the courtyard.


Jizhou, Guangzong City.

"This time, the vision can't be counted as a specific feeling? It's only vaguely azimuth, East?! It seems that there may be some great power that has covered up the secret of heaven, or the rules of heaven and earth have covered it up, or my way is not deep enough!" A tall and straight middle-aged man in a blue Taoist robe said softly.

"Brother, could this be something happened to the Kuaiji? After you recover, forget it, Ziweixing is his destiny!" said a rather younger man in a yellow Taoist robe.

These two people are the two of the three soul figures of Tai Ping Dao, Zhang Jiao and Zhang Bao!

"Earlier, I thought Ziwei Xingyao was Xu Zhao, but I didn't expect it to be him! Now that the vision reappears, it must be him!" Zhang Jiao said firmly.

"Then how do we deal with it? Are we still targeting him?" Zhang Bao frowned slightly.

"Although they are people of the same way, after all, there is already a gap, and it is difficult to make up for it. Let's continue to target. There is not much more." Zhang Jiao narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with a fierce look.

"Hey, that's right. Those diehard gentry in Shenzhou have been targeting us. The assassination has happened countless times, and they are still so persistent." Zhang Bao chuckled, and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

"Ah... most of the gentry, in the face of the general situation, turned into a royalist faction. After all, the current environment is the best breeding ground for them." Zhang Jiao said with a look of regret on his face.

"Hmph, that's because they don't know the background of our Taiping Dao. When we get together, we can sweep the world and aspire to the top! At that time, those gentry will come to them one by one to settle accounts!" Zhang Bao looked solemn, He snorted coldly.

"Is the third brother's plan going well?" Zhang Jiao asked after pondering for a while.

"Except for some areas, the others have been fully closed! This time our plan went smoothly." Zhang Baoxin said happily.

"Okay! Everything is going well! The oracle that General Dianwei snatched back has activated the dragon veins. My dragon fortune has reached twenty-eight dragons, and it is extremely prosperous! Coupled with the prosperity of the teaching fortune, the foundation of everything has been forged ! Just wait until the preparations for armaments are completed, and you can rule the world!" The corners of Zhang Jiao's mouth curled up slightly, with a touch of joy in his mouth, and he said sonorously.

"Brother, can we cast armaments on a large scale?" Zhang Bao said pleasantly.

Entering this step means that the time for the uprising is not far away.

"With the blessing of the divine order, I think we can get twice the result with half the effort, and we can start with great fanfare!" Zhang Jiao nodded heavily.

"Okay!" Zhang Bao replied, but he paused for a moment, and then complained slightly: "God's order! Unfortunately, the god's order has some flaws, and it's not as recorded in the ancient books. There will be two exclusive talents accompanying it."

"The exclusive talent was erased by those princes with special means. But it doesn't matter. It only needs to have the attribute of divine order." Zhang Jiao shook his head and said.

"The first attribute of the divine order is useless, it only increases the concentration of the spiritual energy of the territory. Our earlier order of the sky also has this function, which is considered a tasteless attribute. As for the second and third effects, it is more practical and has a huge impact on our cause. Auxiliary role." Zhang Baodao.

"Increased resources and increased aptitude are indeed miraculous attributes! But the fourth attribute is somewhat incomprehensible. [The Power of Mirror Reality], condensing images to be true! What attribute is this? Is it a combat attribute? What did Zhang Bao think of, and complained.

"Each attribute of the divine decree has its special purpose, but we can't comprehend it for the time being. When we have the opportunity in the future, we will slowly comprehend it." Zhang Jiao also frowned slightly, but he softly comforted Zhang Bao, just like comforting myself in my heart.

"Second brother, how is the cultivation of our Taoist captain Mojin? Will it be available when the tomb of the living dead opens in six days?" After thinking for a while, Zhang Jiao turned to look at Zhang Bao and asked.

"Using strong support from the resources in the teaching, there are already three Xuanshi-level Mojin captains, and thirty-seven are Huangshi-level Mojin captains. They can fully cope with the tomb in Kuaiji County." Zhang Baoying said.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Bao asked: "Brother, is that tomb palace really packed with heavy weapons like the treasure map says?"

"It should be. We didn't pay much attention to this thing earlier, but let Liu Pi, a small Qushuai, carry it out. At that time, our Taiping Sect had a teaching altar to gather incense, so that thing was not important to us. But now we have God After the decree, we can build the [Tai Temple]! Gather the luck of the territory, so this thing is decisive for us, and we need to go all out." Zhang Jiao said decisively.

"After the establishment of the Taimiao, the luck of the generals and counselors can be resolved! At that time, we will advance together with the dragon luck incense and aspire to the top!"

"This trip, you go to supervise the leaders yourself, and bring General Dianwei with you! Well... gather the five commanders of Daqu from other states and go together!" Zhang Jiao said solemnly.

"Okay!" Zhang Bao knew that this trip was a long way to go, so he didn't refuse, and nodded his head in agreement.

"Also, on this trip, see if you can snatch Wu Ba back!" Zhang Jiao said again.

"Snatch it back? Brother, didn't you think that there would be great danger over there? Can you snatch it?" Hearing this, Zhang Bao was startled suddenly, and said bitterly.

"I'm not asking you to go to Dongye City to rob it, but to rob it from the Tomb of the Living Dead." Zhang Jiao said quietly.

"Lin Mu has great ambitions. Wu Ba has a little understanding of the tomb palace, and has some guesses. As long as he tells Lin Mu, he will definitely not let the tomb of the living dead go. Didn't he already arrange for the vanguard to be stationed there?" There, I will show up with Wu Ba at that time."

"Dian Wei is going to deal with that mysterious general Feng. If you lead other people to fight, as long as it doesn't kill Lin Mu, then the existence should not intervene." Zhang Jiao said solemnly.

"Okay! I will definitely bring Wu Ba back!" Zhang Bao said with confidence after hearing the words.

"En! Wu Ba's title is really important to the development of Lieutenant Mojin. If..." Zhang Jiao paused when he said this.

"If the opponent's strength is not weaker than ours, then use other materials in exchange." Zhang Jiao reminded with a flash of worry in his eyes.

"Brother, our Taiping Dao Society can't defeat a small general of the Seventh Grade Dispute General?" Zhang Bao said proudly.

"There is a lot of fog, so prepare more plans." Zhang Jiao calmed down his worries and said calmly.

Immediately, Zhang Jiao raised his head slightly again, looking at the starry sky that had returned to deep and bright.


"Boss, the starry sky in this mythical world is so brilliant! From time to time, the sky is filled with purple air, and the golden light shimmers, which is incomparably magical." A player raised his head, looking at the purple stars in the sky, and murmured.

"The game world, that's it. If you don't make it fantasy and magical, how can you attract players?" A player said casually, staring at the starry sky.

"Maybe there is something profound about the change of the stars? Maybe it's the vision of some super generals obtained by those princes! Didn't those aborigines spread such information?"

"Even so, it's none of our business, let's go to sleep! It's our turn to be on duty in the second half of the night!"

"Okay, brothers, everyone, rest well. Everyone has worked hard today. With everyone's hard work, our pig-tooth team has advanced to the halfway up the mysterious and dangerous mountain, and is about to reach the top of this peak. When the time comes, maybe we will What a big discovery!" A player with a determined face looked at the changes in the starry sky and said loudly.

"Hey, I hope so, such a remote place, such a dangerous place, probably no other players have visited it. We are opening up wasteland, so we must have discovered something."

(Pigtooth Squad reappears.)


In the Great Wilderness Territory, in an ordinary school yard.

"Report to the general, Zhong Limu asks to see you." A messenger reported loudly to Yu Jin who was sitting on the high platform.

At this time, Yu Jin raised his head and looked at the vision in the starry sky.

Yu Jin, whose thoughts were interrupted, was not angry. Instead, he was overjoyed when he heard the words, and said, "Oh, Zhong Limu is here!! It should be that he came back to the family secret storehouse to get the blood soul stone."

"Please! No, I'll go to meet him in person." After thinking about it, Yu Jin got up and went to meet Zhongli Mu at the gate of the school grounds.

"You guys continue to practice!" Before leaving, Yu Jin shouted to the soldiers under the high platform in a deep voice.

"Yes!" Under the high platform, the shirtless and robust soldiers continued to train, practicing in the firelight on the school grounds.

The soldiers in the Great Wilderness Territory are training even at night.

As for the vision on the stars, although these soldiers saw it, they didn't say much, and they continued to train hard.

At the gate of the school grounds, Zhong Limu and several guards were waiting for news from the messenger.

The order of the Great Wilderness Territory is on the right track, the school grounds are important, and the laws and regulations are strict.

(The engraved information in this chapter, everyone should be able to guess who it represents..)

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