Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 489 Six Meridians of Heaven and Earth!

Lin Mu here.

"Wen Ze, take this document, go back to the mountain stream, and give it to the digital lieutenant Mojin, ready to open the tomb!" Lin Mu handed a treasure map to Yu Jindao.

"Yes!" Yu Jin took the treasure map and turned around resolutely.

Yu Jin has a mission, so he has no end to fight. Moreover, he is in the middle of the heavenly rank, and has not yet reached the edge of breaking through the high rank. There are very few opportunities for combat breakthroughs.

Among the legendary historical military generals, only Li Dian and Jiang Qin are still at the peak of the earth level, and they need to improve!

In these few battles, Lin Mu also discussed chips with Zhang Bao in Zhou Tai's match, but it was only 3,000 gold coins, and there were no other rare items, which disappointed Lin Mu.

For other matches, he didn't discuss other bargaining chips with Zhang Bao, and followed them.

"Zhicai, I have a doubt, can you answer it for me?" Looking at Yu Jin's leaving figure, Lin Mu gently asked Xi Zhicai who was beside him with the old god.

"What doubts?" Xi Zhicai asked with interest.

"It's about the tenth day of the lunar new year. He is a master-level geomaster, and he is as proficient in things as Wu Ba, such as formations, talismans, mountains and rivers, rivers, etc., but why can't he open the tomb?" Lin Lin Mu frowned slightly and asked.

"Hehe, Daojiu, haven't you personally asked the tenth day?" Xi Zhicai asked instead of answering Lin Mu's question immediately.

"I asked. I just asked him if he knew how to rob graves. He replied that they couldn't rob tombs! He didn't say the specific reason." Lin Mu said.

"You are proficient in strange ways, you should know the specific reason!"

"I know! In fact, to put it simply, Xu Yuan is the one who erected the tomb, while Wu Ba is the one who broke the tomb!"

"They're two kinds of people!" Xi Zhicai said pedantically.

"Two kinds of people?" Lin Mu, Feng Zhong, Cui Wu, Huang Xu and others next to him asked in confusion.

"That's right! A person's tomb is arranged by a geomantic geomancer, who can determine the pulse, so people like Xu Yuan are the ones who set up the tomb! And people like Wu Ba are the ones who destroy the tomb. Opposite! To put it in common terms, in fact, Xu Yuan and Wu Ba are essentially enemies!" Xi Zhicai said eloquently.

"Oh! What the military adviser means is that people like Xu Yuan and Wu Ba are in the opposing camp! People in the same camp won't destroy the tombs built by their fellows, but people in the opposing camp don't have such behaviors. Taboo?" Cui Wu suddenly realized.

"That's right, what Zichen said is right! Kanyu Fengshui masters have an unspoken rule, that is, they will not rob tombs casually! And Captain Wu Ba, who touches gold, also has an unspoken rule, and will not set up tombs casually!" Xi Zhi Only then nodded.

"In addition, there is another point. The geomancer who goes to rob the tomb will be punished ten times more severely than ordinary people! If an ordinary person goes to rob the tomb and is deprived of a fortune by the rules of heaven and earth, then they will be deprived of ten times." A blessing!"

"I see!" Lin Mu nodded.

Before Lin Mu learned that Xu Yuan was a master-level geomaster, he also privately asked if he could rob the tomb, break the traps of the tomb palace, eliminate bad luck, and so on.

Xu Yuan just gave a wry smile, and said that their lineage would not go to robbing tombs. He thought it was Xu Fu's lineage that would not rob tombs, but it turned out that the entire profession of geomancy and geomantic omen masters must not fight!

"Military Master, I have another question." After everyone was silent for a while, Huang Xu asked, who had been silent on the side.

"What's the matter?" Xi Zhicai smiled slightly, looking at the curious Huang Xu.

"Why do some big families, royal families, etc. always like to build tombs and palaces? They waste money and people wantonly, just to let themselves rest in a splendid palace after death? To satisfy vanity?" Huang Xu asked.

Everyone was slightly taken aback when they heard the words, right? Why do those nobles always spend money and people building tombs before they die?

Lin Mu was also slightly taken aback when he heard the words, isn't it out of vanity? He always thought so.

"Hehe, Dao Jiu, do you also think they are doing it out of vanity?" Xi Zhicai asked in a concentrated voice.

Hearing Xi Zhicai's words, Lin Mu's heart moved. Does the tomb in the mythical world have any other functions? He really doesn't know this!

Lin Mu nodded slightly, and looked at Xi Zhicai with a hint of expectation, expecting his answer.

"Actually, this tomb palace needs to involve the veins of heaven and earth! The Dragon Veins and Culture Veins have been opened in the Great Wilderness Territory. It doesn't hurt to talk about this information. I'll just talk about it here." Xi Zhicai frowned slightly , said in a deep voice.

When everyone heard the words, they all looked at Xi Zhicai, and they didn't even go to watch the fierce fighting on the battlefield.

"There are many veins of heaven and earth, the most important of which are six major veins! [Dragon Vein], [Tiger Vein], [Spiritual Vein], [Martial Vein], [Wen Vein] and [Human Vein]!"

"The first three veins are said to be the veins of the Dao of Fortune, which represent the way of the dragon, the way of the tiger, and the way of the green forest, which is also the way of the knight. The spiritual veins in them are all-encompassing. The dragon veins and the tiger veins are more specific and run through one. !"

"Dragon veins, everyone knows that the Great Wilderness Territory has been opened, so I won't go into details. As for the tiger veins, this will not appear until the establishment of the national system. For example, everyone knows the tiger veins of the Han Dynasty. It is Long Ting's soft official position, Dao Jiu, your seventh-rank rebellious general is in the shape of a tiger's veins!"

"As for the all-encompassing spiritual vein, it can be a blessed land, a spiritual vein, a mountain, a sect, or even a house, a medicine cauldron...!"

"Lingmai feels more ethereal, but also more real! The wise see the wise and the benevolent see benevolence!" Xi Zhicai said with a chuckle.

"The last three veins are said to be the veins of humanity. The veins support reading, study the Confucian classics, etc., and the Dahuang Territory opens the veins, which is beyond my expectations. In fact, as long as this information is spread, it will definitely attract many literary talents. In the Great Wilderness Territory, the teacher problem that Dao Jiu was worried about will definitely be solved. However, it is better not to announce this information for the time being, the thirteen states in the world still belong to the Liu family!" Xi Zhicai had a mysterious expression on his face, meaning Long way.

Lin Mu nodded when he heard the words, Guo Jia had already told Lin Mu about this information.

When Lin Mu opened the context, he also had a certain idea in his heart. After all, this context is actually a competition with the aborigines, not a competition with the players. It must involve very important things.

After glancing at Lin Mu, Xi Zhicai continued:

"As for the martial arts, it is to enhance the martial power, eliminate the shackles of the heaven and earth ranks, increase the potential of martial arts, etc."

"Aren't the soldiers in the Great Wilderness Territory only able to reach level 60? Is the maximum strength of force only up to 60 points? This is the sign that the martial arteries have not been activated." Xi Zhicai said.

"I know this!" Feng Zhong, an authoritative person beside him, nodded.

As for the restrictions on soldiers' grades and force, Feng Zhong knew about them, and other generals also knew about them.

The reason for the restrictions on the level of military strength of soldiers in the Great Wilderness Territory is because the Great Wilderness Territory did not really join the Han Dynasty, and the martial arts of the Great Han Dynasty did not bless them.

Lin Mu already knew this information in his previous life.

In the later period of the previous life, the player's strength has been greatly enhanced, and there are more and more areas to explore. Some players even left the thirteen prefectures of the Han Dynasty, left the native place of the Han Dynasty, and went to open up wasteland in other regions of China. At that time, the player's force and level were actually limited to 60!

The martial arteries of the Han dynasty are the fire arteries!

"Well, the matter of the martial arts is the next priority for our territory! After preparing the Taimiao and completing the Jinghu project, it is time to engage in the martial arts!" Lin Mu said confidently.

"Oh, Dao Jiu, do you have a specific clue about this martial art?" Xi Zhicai was slightly taken aback and said in surprise.

"Hehe, yes! Good luck, I got a treasure map about it. After we open this treasure, we may open the primary martial arteries belonging to our Great Wilderness Territory!" Lin Mu said calmly.

He remembered the mysterious treasure map, full of confidence!

"Sure enough, the source of blessing is profound, with dragon veins, cultural veins, martial veins... and human connections, ha ha..." Xi Zhicai smiled slightly, it seems that Lin Mu still has a lot of things hidden!

"Military division, what about the last connection?" Cui Wu, who was impatient, asked.

"People's connections are related to the problem of Zixing." Xi Zhicai said.

"Relationships can be understood as what we usually call family, blood relatives, etc."

"Dao Jiu, didn't you arrange for your men to establish the Lin family? This is the beginning of having connections!" Xi Zhicai said softly.

"Oh, I established the Lin family to open up contacts?" Lin Mu was slightly taken aback. For this, he is really a blind cat and a dead mouse!

"Then how do I specifically open up contacts?" Lin Mu asked.

"Daojiu, you are a different person. Heaven and Earth may have different restrictions on this aspect from ours. I don't know how specific families are recognized by Heaven and Earth for the time being."

"Then how did you establish your connections?" Lin Mu asked again.

He hadn't noticed the information before.

"When we establish a family, as long as we build ancestral halls, ancestral tombs and other related buildings, we can be recognized by heaven and earth. As for you aliens, I don't know!" Xi Zhicai shook his head first.

Hearing this, Lin Mu felt a little helpless. He knew nothing about the establishment of the clan. Before establishing the Lin family, he just wanted to expand a channel, and the purpose was not to open up contacts. Now it seems that the problem of the Lin family is also the key point!

"As for what Zixing asked earlier, why the nobles spend so much manpower, material and financial resources to build a tomb is because of the prosperity of their connections."

"A clan actually has its source of blessings. If its connections are prosperous, its clan's source of blessings will be profound. For example, if you become an official, your official career will be prosperous; if you study, your academic career will be smooth; if you practice martial arts, your martial arts will be smooth..."

"If a clan's connections are declining and weak, although it will not reach the exaggerated situation where everything goes wrong, it will definitely not have such a good source of blessing to protect it! Therefore, the issue of prosperous connections is very important to the clan."

"Building a tomb is one of the ways for the dead ancestors and descendants of the Mengyin clan to increase their connections! It is also the most effective way! That's why those nobles are so keen on building a tomb."

"Building a tomb, according to the rarity of the burial objects in the tomb, different levels of protection will be given to the clan members!"

"This is the reason why the ancestors sprouted after death!" Xi Zhicai said.

"Then people from small families like us are inherently disadvantaged compared to those big families?" Huang Xuning said.

"Ahem, that's true!" Xi Zhicai said.

Lin Mu widened his eyes when he heard the words, and immediately asked, "Will the existence of the tomb palace increase the prestige of the clan's children?"

"Indeed, according to the genealogy, different degrees of prestige will be added!" Xi Zhicai said in a concentrated voice.

Isn't this tomb palace, like the Taimiao, a territorial building that gathers luck? Build a tomb palace and increase your reputation every day!

Lin Mu discovered another way to increase luck!

"So, we don't want to touch other people's family tombs casually, otherwise, it is equivalent to forging a mortal enemy with them! In addition, if the person who opened the tomb is not a professional such as Mojin Xiaowei, it will cause serious injuries. Lucky."

"Hey, those nobles built tombs in the wild, will it have the same effect as clan tombs?" Lin Mu asked after thinking for a while.

"Hehe, Dao Jiu's question is on point. Tombs in the wild will be built in some geomantic treasures. It will increase the source of blessing for the blood relatives of the clan!"

"No wonder those guys always build tombs outside!"

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