Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 534: The Ancient God General, Long Qi!

"Heaven-rank exercises can allow one of you to gain a qualitative improvement in strength in the mythical world. The other four soul-based exercises, although not much improved the body of the mythical world, can still be regarded as first-hand. Lay the foundation." Lin Mu had expected the reaction of the five brothers, and when they were shocked, he still spoke calmly.

"Let Brother Hua learn the heaven-level exercises, and distribute the other four mysterious-level soul exercises according to your own preferences."

"I will send you the information about the exercises later. I will also send someone to send you the exercises at that time."

"Boss, don't you personally send the exercises? Such an important thing, don't be robbed!" Hearing this, Xu Jun exaggerated as if thinking of something.

"Don't be afraid, the people I sent are all very reliable people!" The person Lin Mu sent to deliver the exercises was a member of the Yeying Department, and he was extremely reliable.

"Why don't we use the teleportation array to rush to Dongye County and get the exercises in person?" Zhang Xinlai was also a little worried, and rarely changed his face.

"Yes, we will go there in person. There is a teleportation array, so it doesn't take much time. There is still one day left in the Ten Thousand Cities Contest, so don't be afraid of delays!" The same is true for Hua Nao

In fact, it's not surprising that Xu Jun and the others made a fuss, as if they had never seen a big snake diarrhea.

Soul-based exercises are really too important, and they are one of the ultimate pursuits to enter the world of mythology!

"You don't need to do this, after the Ten Thousand Cities Competition, you will naturally get the exercises! You can't come to Dongye County, there are still tasks."

"Okay! I have paved the way for you on the source of the exercises. It requires you to practice slowly before reaching the peak." Lin Mu said softly.

"After you have learned the exercises well, you must spare time to study every day, don't slack off!" Although Lin Mu understood the temperament of the brothers, he still couldn't help but mention this sentence.

These five brothers are important partners of Lin Mu in running the player circle in the future, and Lin Mu has no secrets about their training.

"No problem, we will definitely study hard."

"By the way, Boss, when we practice the exercises in real life, isn't the level change different from that of the first-tier and second-tier divisions?"

"Yes! Those divisions in reality are different from the system of exercises you will practice. You can distinguish them according to the divisions of the mythical world." Lin Mu said softly.

Everyone stared at Lin Mu closely, as if they found a strange light flashing in their eyes, as dazzling as diamonds.

When they heard this, their hearts couldn't help being shocked. They were about to come into contact with the mysterious veil of the mythical world.

Follow Lin Mu, perhaps, they will go further!

Everyone looked at each other and nodded without any trace.

Afterwards, everyone asked a lot of questions about the exercises. Lin Mu, a pioneer with full experience, told them without any secrets.


"For the question of exercises, come here first, after you learn it, you will understand it slowly. Next, let's talk about the question of the Ten Thousand Cities Competition!" Lin Mu said in a deep voice.

"According to the system announcement, although there are only two parties in the Huaxia District of the Ten Thousand Cities Contest, they are not two camps, but are divided into ten thousand and one camps!" Lin Mu said something that shocked them all. information.

"Ten thousand and one camps?! Doesn't that mean that lords and players can also attack? Isn't that a mess?" Hua Nao heard the words, his mind turned very fast, and he quickly reacted and asked in a calm voice.

In Hua Nao's tone, there was a hint of turmoil.

chaos! If the players know that there is this unspoken rule, there is only one word to describe it.

"That's right, players can attack each other, and there are even rewards!" Lin Mu nodded.

"After we enter the bloody battlefield, isn't there a 1000 reputation reward? Isn't this rule the origin of chaos..."

"Every time you kill a player or NPC soldier, you will get 1000 reputation points and 1 bloody battlefield point."

"If you kill the lord player and eliminate a faction, you will gain 10,000 reputation points and 100 bloody battlefield points."

"These are the deadly existence of the player side!" Lin Mu narrowed his eyes slightly and said.

In the previous life, the players in Huaxia District were defeated in the first Ten Thousand Cities Contest, and were harvested like grass by the enemy. In addition to being weak, disunity was also a fatal reason.

Unity is a commonplace issue. Solidarity becomes a very complex issue whenever interests are involved. This is the iron law!

"Boss, what shall we do then?"

"Should we go directly to harvest those weaker forces? Or engage the defenders?" Hua Nao asked.

When Lin Mu heard this, a hint of bitterness appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Hua Nao's words also indicated the decision of most players. As long as you know those unspoken rules, there will definitely be chaos.

The law of the jungle has not changed since ancient times!

"It depends on the situation. If we encounter weak forces on the way, we are sure to eat them without causing huge casualties!" Lin Mu restrained the bitterness at the corner of his mouth, and his face changed suddenly. , with a murderous look on his face.

Just kidding, he is not the Virgin, so why not reap the benefits!

Unity is a relative issue and depends on the situation. Unite as long as you need to be united, if you don't want to unite, take advantage of the fact that other players don't know, let's talk after harvesting a wave of benefits!

"Hey...yes, let's get rid of those unwitting and weak domain masters first, and harvest a wave of resources!" Xu Jun's eyes were also bursting with murderous aura, and he laughed.

"In addition, didn't you want to come to Dongye County in person earlier? Now I will tell you another message, that is to take the army, go to the county town, go to the Temple of Nuwa, and apply to the envoy of the temple to enter the Scarlet Battlefield in advance!"

"Application to enter the bloody battlefield in advance?! Is there such an operation?" Everyone stared and asked.

"Hehe, why can't there be such an operation? The system doesn't have this rule, right? You have to learn to break the rules and think about problems. Learn more..." Lin Mu said with a look of a magic stick.

"Cut..." Everyone looked disgusted.


After spending an hour in the virtual room, with a thought, Lin Mu's perspective returned to the Nuwa Temple in Dongye County.

Later, Lin Mu sent another message, made an appointment, and stepped into the Nuwa Temple.

Earlier, Lin Mu came to Dongye County with his army in a mighty way, with the intention of entering the bloody wasteland of the bloody battlefield early through the Nuwa Temple.

The Nuwa Temple is a special existence in every system city.

It appeared only after aliens came to the mythical world.

This Temple of Nuwa is the Temple of Resurrection in the player's mouth. After the player dies, he will be resurrected in the Nuwa Temple.

In the later stage, after the mysterious areas of the underworld were opened, the players reincarnated and resurrected from the underworld, and they also appeared in the Nuwa Temple.

Lin Mu has never had the opportunity to come to the Nuwa Temple because of the affairs of the Great Wilderness Territory. Of course, Lin Mu is quite familiar with the Nuwa Temple.

Because, in the later stage, many players had large-scale conflicts in front of the temple.

The Nuwa Temple is sacred and inviolable, but the square in front of it has become a place of blood!

Lin Mu led the army, went straight through the stairs, passed through the huge gate of the temple, and entered the very spacious hall.

In the main hall at this time, although the flickering white light is not particularly frequent, it still happens constantly.

What the white light represents is the sign of the resurrection of the player after death.

Lin Mu ignored the shock of some players who had just been resurrected, and went straight to the temple envoy on an altar on the east side of the temple!

"Master Angel, I want to enter the Scarlet Wasteland of the Scarlet Battlefield ahead of schedule." Lin Mu said indifferently.

For these envoys, in his previous life, he might still be quite respectful, but in reality, he should take it lightly.

"Huh..." The envoy of the temple was slightly taken aback when he heard the words.

He didn't expect that this player was so different. Normally, those players would either come to ask him if he had any missions, or ask him if he would accept disciples, and respect him like a god... Now, this player is so indifferent.

Moreover, this player's request is so strange.

Extraordinary! The envoy of the temple thought of these two words to describe the person in front of him.

"Is this the legendary Inhuman Dragon Lord?" The envoy of the temple asked in awe, as if thinking of something.

"If you want to enter the battle area in advance, you need to pay 3000 reputation points!" The temple envoy said straightly.

"Okay!" Lin Mu stared slightly at the envoy of the temple, and said strangely on his face.

3000 reputation? Isn't it 5000 points? Is this the case in the first Ten Thousand Cities Competition?

In the previous life, the player discovered this function of entering the battlefield in advance, not the first time in the Ten Thousand Cities Competition, but the second time!

No matter what, Lin Mu waved a magic sword in his hand at the envoy of the temple, and the altar under his feet suddenly burst into a dazzling white light.

These white lights enveloped Lin Mu's soldiers, and in an instant, the thousand people in front of the altar disappeared.


"Damn... that, it seems to be the national treasure of our Dongye County, Lin Mu! Why is he going to find the envoy of the East Temple?" There is no shortage of knowledgeable players in the Resurrection Temple.

"It's him! It's him! Is there any hidden mission? God-level mission? Follow and see!" In the Resurrection Temple, there is no shortage of gossip players.

"Wow, this white light, the 24K titanium alloy dog ​​eyes that blind labor..."

"That mysterious Lin Mu disappeared, is there really a mysterious mission?"

"Damn, buddy spent countless hours trying to curry favor with the envoy of the temple, and he didn't even give a shit. Now that Lin Mu came over, he made a big move. It's really pissing off!"


Regardless of the people outside, after the strong white light shone, Lin Mu's body suddenly felt swaying, as if he was floating in the air. After a moment, his feet sank again, as if he was standing on the ground.

At this time, a system prompt came from Lin Mu's ear:


"—The system prompts, Lord Lin Mu, you have entered the bloody battlefield."


"——The system prompts, Lord Lin Mu, the area you entered is the battle area, the Scarlet Wasteland. In the current battle area, there are already defenders stationed, and the leader is the god general Long Qi!"

The ancient god general, Long Qi! !

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