Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 572: The Sovereign Falls, The World Is Sad!

Bloody wasteland, in the valley of blood.

The hard ground was cracked and dusty.

Regardless of the dirt and dust, Lin Mu frantically swung his shovel and dug down along the place where the young trees had grown.

He couldn't help but be crazy, the earth-shattering roar of blood beasts from outside the valley, the wailing of the players seemed to echo in the ears, it was very terrifying.

He had to find the blood when the blood beast started to charge into the Taniguchi trap, and put it in his pocket, so that he could deal with various situations with peace of mind.

Even though he knew in his previous life that there were no blood beasts with earth-level strength, or even peak-level blood beasts, Lin Mu was still quite dignified.

"Come here alone, even with support, it's still a little bit reluctant." Lin Mu felt a sense of helplessness in his heart.

This is impossible, this blood of Kui Zun, judging from the various situations in the previous life, should be a treasure of the god class.

He never considered the situation of getting a share of the pie.

"If the battle situation is really tragic and we are at a disadvantage and it is not good for us, let's sacrifice all these soldiers!" Lin Mu felt ruthless in his heart, quite resolutely.

He has decided that if the worst happens, he will flee with Shan Gong and others, and those reinforcements will be sacrificed to delay the blood beast.

As for Kui Zun's blood, Lin Mu also prepared to carry it himself.

After all, here, the most powerful combat power is himself.

There is no Yu Jin, no Zhou Tai, no Huang Zhong, and no other thighs to rely on. Instead, he is the thigh.

The movement of waving the shovel in his hand did not stop, but Lin Mu still cautiously looked around the unmoving valley for a week, in case a blood beast suddenly appeared to attack him.

Feeling a little at ease, Lin Mu continued digging the blood-colored soil. As the excavation deepened, he had a hunch that the blood of Kui Zun was right below! !

Because he saw that in the blood-red soil, there were countless small holes the size of index fingers that were like snake paths.

It was a small hole, and there were some ashes, like the ashes of a dead tree.

Obviously, these are the earth holes drilled by its well-developed roots!

With hope in mind, Lin Mu dug harder.

Soon, Lin Mu, who was physically strong, dug a hole two meters deep.

At this time, a crisp "ding" sound echoed in the pothole just like the system prompt.

Found something! Everything is going well!

Lin Mu was overjoyed suddenly, moved his left hand, put the shovel into the space ring, Lin Mu was ready to dig with his hands.

Gently peeling away a thin layer of blood-red soil, a diamond-shaped blood spar the size of a palm came into view.

The diamond-shaped blood spar is crystal clear, glowing with a soul-stirring blood-red light.

When Lin Mu saw this diamond-shaped blood spar, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he was overjoyed.

This diamond-shaped blood spar is [Kui Zun's Blood]!

Finally, this blood of Kui Zun belongs to him!

For the rest of my life, I must personally bring it to the bloody battlefield!

Lin Mu was cautious, and gently pulled out the diamond-shaped blood spar from the soil, with an astonishing look in his eyes.

It has no strange fragrance, and no towering treasures appear.

Caressing carefully the diamond-shaped blood spar glowing with thrilling brilliance, it is extremely delicate, as if caressing the thigh of a stunning beauty.

Treasures are worthy of being treasures, and the sense of touch is so perfect.

Lin Mu seemed to be stroking a peerless beauty.

There is no need to use too much Long Wang Qi, its attributes are displayed immediately, which is very attractive:

Name: [Kui Zun Divine Blood]

Rank: Acquired spirit

Features: special ore


1. [Inheritance of supernatural powers]: Divine blood contains a mysterious supernatural power, which can only be known after spiritual enlightenment;

2. [Sacred blood washing marrow]: After using this divine blood, it will wash the essence and marrow of the user, and it needs to be enlightened before it can work.

Introduction: Kui Zun, formerly known as Zhou Kui, is a township figure in a certain super mysterious fortune dynasty. Because of his strength and transcendent status, he is honored as [Kui Zun]. However, due to unforeseen circumstances, Kui Zun fell in a certain tragic battle. After falling, some of its residual essence and blood dripped on the bloody battlefield. One of the blood essence drops in the bloody wasteland. Baoguang is restrained, and after a long period of time, it has gradually formed a special acquired spiritual ore! As an acquired spirit, it is also a source of origin. This ore requires [Enlightenment] before it can be used.


It turns out that this piece of Kui Zun's blood is originally called [Kui Zun's Divine Blood].

He didn't bother with the name issue, anyway, he could tell it from hearsay. What needs to be tangled up now is its rank and attributes.

"Is the level of the acquired spirit? Is this a higher classification than the god level?" Lin Mu was puzzled when he saw his level.

Acquired spirit? Innate spirit?

This was the first time he had seen such a treasure of the same rank. Even in ancient books, there is no such class division. The reason for this situation may be that the level of ancient books he has come into contact with is too low, or that he has read few books.

"And what is [Enlightenment]? Is it a different kind of unblocking?" At this time, Lin Mu found that his knowledge was too narrow, and he couldn't understand many contents of Kuizun's blood.

"Zhou Kui? A super-mysterious fortune-telling figure?!"

"The strength is as high as the sky. The status is supernatural? The title of Kui Zun?"

"Lost in a certain tragic battle?!" Lin Mu's brows twitched violently.

From its introduction and attributes, he got a lot of questions and a lot of information, and some vague guesses gradually became clear!

"Could it be that this bloody battlefield is the battlefield of these venerables? After going through a world-shattering battle, [Scarlet Battlefield] really formed?"

"Since the powerful Kui Zun can also be damaged, it means that there is a stronger existence than him! Could it be that he surpassed the god-rank general?"

"That era was really cruel!!" Lin Mu suddenly felt a bit of astonishment and envy.

In that era, heroic heroes emerged in large numbers, creating the world!

That era was magnificent and earth-shattering!

In that era, there were true legends of immortality...


I just read the attributes at a glance and ten lines, and after a quick sigh, before I put away Kuizun's blood, the breath of heaven and earth suddenly changed.

A solemn and quiet atmosphere filled the air.

"Crash!!!" Suddenly, a rush of blood-colored rain poured down.

It turned out that at some point, the entire Scarlet Wasteland sky was filled with blood clouds.

The blood cloud on the blood-colored wasteland seemed to know that the god was born, showing the vision of heaven and earth, and finally rained blood.

However, it feels as if... it is mourning, it is pity, it is regretting. it's crying...

"The Supreme Being has fallen, and the world is sad!"

Lin Mu, who was drenched in a majestic rain of blood, involuntarily popped up these words in his mind.

At the same time, a sense of sadness suddenly rose in Lin Mu's heart, the corners of his eyes were sour, and his nose twitched.

"What's going on? Why do I feel like crying?" Lin Mu kept controlling his emotions with willpower, and shouted in his heart.

At this time, it seemed that the world suddenly became quiet, without a trace of other sounds.

Even the earth-shattering roar from outside suddenly disappeared, which made Lin Mu uncomfortable for a while.

Lin Mu in the pit couldn't see the situation outside, didn't know the situation of the tens of thousands of soldiers at this time, and didn't know the situation of the rushing blood beasts.

Forcibly opening his eyes and raising his head, Lin Mu looked at the sky with blurred vision.

There, there is only a cloud of blood, a cloud of blood that keeps crying...

After a while, the sadness in Lin Mu's heart slowly faded, and then, Lin Mu's mind suddenly cleared up, and his spirits were uplifted, as if he had been blessed with some kind of buff attribute, but there was no system prompt.

All of this was like riding a roller coaster, with sudden ups and downs, making Lin Mu fall into a state of chaos for a while.

Lin Mu, who had a peaceful mind, had no other thoughts, lowered his head slightly, and stared at the spar in his hand.

After looking at the attributes, Lin Mu was not overjoyed at this time, but calmed down, just like an ordinary player looking at an ordinary iron gun.

It seemed that supernatural powers were not important anymore, as if washing the essence and cutting the marrow was not important, as if the original things did not surprise him anymore.

"Kui Zun's blood has no information about the 'Supreme fall, the world is sad!'?" The first thing Lin Mu thought of was the sentence that suddenly appeared in his mind before.

However, after that sense of sadness subsided, there was no other information.

Lin Mu took a deep breath of the extremely moist air with a little water vapor, and suppressed the unforgettable feeling.

Perhaps, he is not yet qualified to explore this level of secrets in the world...

He is still weak and his status is still very low.

The supreme fall, the heaven and the earth are sad! If I am lost, what will happen to the world?

An emotion called ambition rose in Lin Mu's heart.

Stand shoulder to shoulder with the sky, hehe...


After pondering for a few breaths, he wiped his face vigorously with his right hand, patted it, and recovered his state, temporarily forgetting the previous experience.

Now, what he was about to face was the turbulent onslaught of blood beasts!

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