Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 576: The Sacred Blood

The battle line with nearly 2,000 combat positions has almost accommodated all the fighters.

With the sword and shield holding the giant shield in front, he kept using his long knife to harass the blood beast that came on the attack. The other battle positions are all groups of warriors leading blood beasts to fight.

Moreover, their combat efficiency is still somewhat low. Killing a blood beast either takes a little longer, or requires the lives of one or even two fighters.

Even if a warrior can contain one blood beast, there are still tens of thousands of blood beasts left that no one can beat!

However, with the tenacity of the sword and shield and the green fire archer, the advance of the blood beast was very slow.

Slow is slow, but also constantly advancing is not.

In the constant battle, the front line slowly pulled down the valley.

Many blood beasts could only howl behind the battle line, as if applauding, as if complaining...

As the commander, Shan Gong stood on a high ground and commanded the entire battlefield. At this time, his solemn face had gradually turned livid, and he was not happy about defending the first front.

Because there are too many blood beasts. This situation is somewhat different from the master's plan.

That little tree has attracted too many blood beasts in advance!

According to the plan, the blood beasts will be attracted after the secret hiding is started, not earlier.

I heard from the lord that after the secret storehouse is opened, there will be a steady stream of blood beasts joining the battlefield. They need to wipe out some of the blood beasts as much as possible before the distant blood beasts arrive, so as to reduce the number of suppression.

However, these blood beasts seemed to have gathered before the secret storehouse was opened.

Tens of thousands of blood beasts rushed forward like covering the sky and covering the sun. If there were no obstacles from the previous traps, maybe their battle line would have been washed away.

Shan Gong slowly turned his gaze to Lin Mu's battlefield. At this time, Lin Mu had already killed the last leader, and entered the harvesting state like grinding meat.

Although Lin Mu, the protagonist with thighs, can be used as a battlefield killer and reap enemies to his heart's content, it does not mean that he can become a hero who can turn the tide.

At this moment, Shan Gong misses Yu Jin, Zhou Tai, Huang Zhong and other super generals quite a bit.

Maybe, with them there, they can turn the tide.

He didn't underestimate the protagonist Lin Mu, it's just that Yu Jin and others had too much influence on him, which made him think so.

Although Lin Mu had great strategy before, but his combat power gave Shan Gong too little impression. The bright moon light of several super tiger generals in the Great Wilderness Territory completely covered Lin Mu's firefly-like light.

Epic-level historical military generals and god-level historical military generals are the real power to define the universe!

After these thoughts flashed through his mind, Shan Gong immediately came back to his senses. At this time, it is better to ask for others than to ask for oneself.

Shan Gong took out a talisman with a strange light from his bosom, and there was hope and confidence in the tiger's eyes.

This talisman is called [Six Pivot Meteorite Summoning Talisman], a special earth-level talisman!

Its function is to summon a wave of meteorites, impacting down from outside the sky, using the power of the six pivots, to lock the target's aura, and guide the meteorites to crash down.

This is a summoning talisman for group attack.

In the words of players, it is similar to group attack skills such as Meteor Fire Rain.

Lin Mu had previously arranged that if the battle line was about to be defeated, then use this talisman to summon a wave of meteorites to kill those hateful blood beasts!

Looking at the densely packed blood beasts, Shan Gong had the urge to use this talisman immediately, but he resisted it.

The bottom card must be used at critical moments in order to exert its maximum effect.

Although the current situation is not very favorable for them, the battle line is still holding on, let's consume a few waves slowly!


After Lin Mu threw his gun to kill the leader of the fleeing green soul blood wolf, there was no obstacle, and he easily killed the leader of the mountain-piercing blood rock beast who also turned and fled, but was a beat slower.

After killing the three blood beasts, Lin Mu ushered in a more violent siege of blood beasts.

The green soul blood wolf kept pounced, the mountain-piercing blood rock beast hit it without stopping, the swamp blood crocodile opened its huge crocodile mouth and bit...

Lin Mu stabbed at it, and a swamp blood crocodile was directly nailed to the ground.

At the same time, Lin Mu continued his strength, turned slightly, and kicked hard on a green soul blood wolf that was flying towards him.

Boom! !

The blood wolf blasted towards the blood beast behind like a broken kite.

Then with the power of rotation, Lin Mu turned an angle, and then kicked the abdomen of another green soul blood wolf with both feet.

At this time, Lin Mu's feet are not idle!

Being under siege, he could only use his hands, feet and fists together. A dragon gun cannot kill all the attacking blood beasts at the same time.

Lin Mu will also be constantly attacked, and Lin Mu has already used three shield-type talismans!

After killing a circle, Lin Mu jumped out of the encirclement, and then continued to kill the blood beast, and then, a new encirclement quickly formed.

In this way, Lin Mu, the battlefield killer, continued to play his role, harvesting blood beasts.

Circles of corpses covered the muddy ground, and the blood-red rain was filled with waves of disgusting blood.


At some point, the rain of blood in the sky had stopped.

But at this time, for some unknown reason, the blood beast that was originally raging like a tide became even more violent after the blood rain stopped.

With the red eyes of the beast, the blood beast became irritable.

"Hey, what's going on, why didn't the blood beast attack?" A sword and shield hand held a somewhat broken giant shield, looked at the blood beast that had stopped in front of him, and exclaimed in a uncertain tone.

At this moment on the battlefield, an embarrassing scene appeared, that is, the blood beast did not attack. They turned around slowly, roared in Xuepan's mouth, and looked in a certain direction.

From the sky, all the blood beasts looked at a certain position like worshipers.

And this position is impressively where Lin Mu is.

Lin Mu was puzzled after the blood beast stopped attacking. At the same time, a different feeling rose from his heart.

No, no, not the feeling, but the smell. A strange smell emanated from him.

He was the first to smell this smell, so he had a special feeling.

As if, it was emitted by something on him!

When Lin Mu thought about it, he immediately knew that it was Kui Zun's divine blood!

"Damn it, I'm wondering why those blood beasts didn't charge directly at me earlier, but fought with other fighters. It turns out that this temptation was covered by the blood rain!" The key is to understand.

Kui Zun's divine blood was born, and it is impossible not to attract blood beasts.

In the previous life, Kui Zun's divine blood was not taken by him, so he didn't know many details, such as when it will emit a strange fragrance and when it will be emitted.

For a time, he thought it was only after the enlightenment, but he didn't expect it to be covered up by the blood rain from the sky.

"Ma Dan, in the previous life, millions of players directly crushed these blood beasts, and there were no emergencies. Now, I only have 30,000 elites, and there are too many emergencies!" Lin Mu said helplessly in his heart.

At this time, Lin Mu was shining like a lighthouse in the dark.

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