Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 601 The first layout game, the dragon loses

Putting down the 'ruthless words' and parting ways with Long Qie, Lin Mu walked back calmly.

But under the indifferent expression, the corners of Lin Mu's mouth twitched slightly, and there were bursts of soreness from his tense body.

Although the shield of the Yuanlong ring was impenetrable, its anti-shock power gave Lin Mu a good meal. The tiger's mouth holding the handle of the knife was burning like a fire.

If you want to pretend to be aggressive, you must first have strength.

Under the soreness, Lin Mu was extremely vigilant.

Negotiations broke down, and the two parties unable to cooperate will fall into an endless situation. Then, the murderous opportunity on the city wall may come at any time.

However, Lin Mu still tried his best to conceal his situation, and returned to the player camp calmly and calmly, because there were countless eyes on him from the player camp, making him attract the attention of the world as if being illuminated by countless lights.

There are those who are envious, and there are those who are jealous, Lin Mu doesn't care about these.

Although he was physically unwell, but in terms of mental feeling, at this moment, Lin Mu truly realized the benefits of power and power, cutting off the lives and deaths of millions of people with a single word; attracting the attention of the world, everyone is looking forward to it!

No wonder so many people are intoxicated by such power.

Lin Mu's thoughts flickered as he walked, and soon returned to the player formation. Female players such as Wan'er, No. 1 Qingmu, and Fenghua Juedai surrounded him, and some nearby players also swarmed up, looking like curious babies. .

Everyone was very interested in the meeting between Lin Mu and Long Qie. Although Lin Mu is slightly inferior in the battle, he still has the demeanor of the first person.

Facing the questions from these players, Lin Mu smiled lightly, and just wanted to explain, but at this moment, Lin Mu's heart trembled suddenly, his hair stood on end, a fatal crisis pervaded his heart, and he shuddered.

Crisis, fatal crisis!

Without hesitation, Lin Mu's whole body was agitated with dragon energy, and then he stepped on his feet suddenly, turning into a blue shadow, and shot to the side.

At the same time, Lin Mu yelled, "Run away, the enemy's arrows are coming!"

Lin Mu guessed the source of the fatal crisis without turning his head.

However, these beauties had just heard Lin Mu's warning sound, and before they started moving, they saw a flash of light, and then their vision blurred for a while, and they realized that they had been eliminated from the Bloody Wasteland.

And just after Lin Mubiao shot out of the original position, a strong yellow light pierced the sky like lightning, blasting towards Lin Mu's original position.

"Boom!!!!" There was a loud noise, and after hundreds of white lights shone, billowing smoke and dust filled the air. Under the smoke and dust, a huge pit appeared, and in the huge pit, a thick crossbow bolt that was still humming and glowing with endless evil spirit was deeply inserted into the ground.

Lin Mu, who had avoided the fatal crisis, looked at the huge pit dumbfounded. Several stunning beauties were eliminated from the competition due to unreasonable disasters!

Lin Mu did not expect this.

However, it's not Lin Mu's fault. To Wan'er and the others, he had already warned that it would be very dangerous to stay by his side. For the defenders, he was the key target to kill first!

It is reasonable for the defenders to sneak attack after the negotiation between Lin Mu and Long Qie.

The nine giant ballistas on the city wall are sharp weapons. Lin Mu has been on guard against them.

Originally, he thought that after separating from Long Qie, the enemy would attack immediately, but unexpectedly, the enemy did not attack until Lin Mu returned to the crowd.

Those who don't know the truth may have thought that this attack was aimed at those stunning beauties, to destroy flowers with one hand.

Lin Mu, who couldn't be ridiculous, glanced at the crossbow arrow deeply inserted into the ground, and a flash of horror flashed in his heart.

These heavenly ballistas are really ferocious! If it weren't for his so-called "sixth sense", he would definitely be on the way.


When Lin Mu was attacked, Long Qie, who was returning to the fortress, was also attacked by hostile players. The rain of black arrows was deadly and spectacular.

But for Long Qi, the rain of arrows was blocked with just a slight twist of the dragon gun, a piece of cake.

The ballistas and catapults of the player camp had no time to attack Longqi, because breaking the city was the first goal at this time.

He easily returned to Longqi on the city wall and regained control of the entire army. However, his first order was not to command the defenders to resist the attack of the soldiers who attacked the city, but to let the bannermen fight a strange battle in the most conspicuous place. cyan banner.

The cyan flag was very conspicuous among the bright red flags. Maybe the players who were immersed in the attack did not see it, but the lord players who had been observing the movement on the city wall noticed the abnormality at a glance.

The enemy army is changing its tactics, but what it is is still unknown.

Longqi is starting his first layout. He took the lead in starting his own layout.

This meeting, for a while, caused Long Qi a lot of surprises, and it also made him a lot of scruples. It's a pity that he is just a general, he has no advisers around him, and the authorities are confused, so he can't see Lin Mu's layout clearly.

Since you can't see the enemy's layout clearly, let's attack first!


"I'm going to fuck him, these defenders, I don't know if they were injected with chicken blood, their bodies are glowing red, and their physical strength is infinite. They are actually several times stronger than the defenders of the outer fortress before!"

"That's right. In the past, when hundreds of arrows passed, one or two unlucky ghosts would definitely fall. Now, dozens of waves of arrows have passed, and not a single enemy was killed. It's too difficult to attack."

"The last fortress must be a tough nut to crack!"

Many players participating in the siege kept complaining.

while in

"Boss!! Boss, the blue flag is standing on the city wall, and we can start a riot!" A sharp-eyed player saw the blue flag, and said to the lord player beside him with a low shout.

"Use the name of Qingqi, rebel and defend! It's time!" The lord player murmured. A look of excitement flashed across his face, but under the excitement, there was still a trace of uneasiness.

"Tie the green cloth on your right arm, and prepare to stab the coalition army's ass from behind! Cooperate with the defenders and defeat the coalition army!!" The lord suppressed the anxiety deeply, and quickly ordered.

Following the lord's order, those bottom-level players who don't know why can only follow the order.

And after they tied up the green cloth, the order they got was: All players with green cloth tied on their right arms are allies, other players, kill what they see! !

Kill allies? ? One moment they were still friendly forces, but the next moment, they became enemies?

Many players didn't understand why, but the military order was like a mountain, and these players began to shift their attention from the siege to the 'friendly army' not far away.

Killing the defenders is killing, and killing 'friendly troops' is also killing!

That being the case, kill it!


"Lord Jiang, the flags on the enemy's wall are lit! What should we do now?" A player who was always watching the flags on the city reported excitedly to Jiang Chenglong.

Hearing this, Jiang Chenglong didn't respond. With a grin, he immediately summoned the communication system and sent out several messages. Then, he ordered murderously: "Pass my order, turn the guns around, and give up the siege for the time being. Now, our The target is the player with the green cloth tied on the right arm in the back, no matter the enemy or us, kill them all!"

Like the rebel players, many coalition players don't know why, but the military order has been issued, even if they are asked to commit suicide, these sergeants will not blink.

For a time, the siege army under the city wall was surging.


"Lord Jiang, could it be that those players with green cloths tied to their right arms will rebel against the alliance?" The players observing the banner realized at this moment that their army, which pretended to be attacking the city, was on guard against spies! !

"That's right! According to inside information, a total of 750,000 players have joined the defenders!" Jiang Chenglong said with a grin without hiding anything at this moment.

Although there was a smile on his face and his tone was calm, the evil spirit permeated in it was awe-inspiring.

However, when the players observing the banner heard the words, they were full of doubts. How did they know that a total of 750,000 players had rebelled, and the number was so accurate? The flag is so accurate? The layout is so deep?

Who is in charge of all this?

Also, inside information? Who is the insider?

Jiang Chenglong will not answer all these doubts. In fact, Jiang Chenglong couldn't answer it. He is also ignorant of the details.

The dominant person has just completed an achievement, negotiating with a super historical figure!

Thoughts flashed, Jiang Chenglong raised his head slightly and looked at the rear camp.

There, there was a group of 'friends' with green cloths tied on their right arms, staring maliciously at the 'friends'.

Before these players are upright and formally rebel, they can only be described as bad factors hidden in the dark. They are still 'friendly troops'!

Because these players can use many reasons to refute, to justify themselves, to prove that they are allies.

However, when they officially rebelled, they were no longer bad factors, no longer friendly troops, but real traitors, rebels!

At this time, the last fig leaf has been lifted, and there is no need for a reason, and the word "kill" is enough to show your attitude!

The long-prepared rebel army and the equally long-prepared ambush army ignited the most tragic hand-to-hand combat!

However, the first to attack was the party with advanced information, Jiang Chenglong's army.

Under the military order, 200,000 well-organized players turned their guns like a tsunami, swept everything, and rushed towards the rebel army.

The long battle line vaguely surrounded these rebels.

"What's going on? I haven't given the order to attack yet, I just said preparation!!! Why is there a fight ahead? Some allies are not ready yet, and the formation has not been opened yet!" The lord in charge looked at the The situation of hand-to-hand combat not far away looked bewildered.

How did those 'friendly troops' launch an attack earlier than these rebels? Some players were still burying their heads in tying the green cloth, but they didn't expect that the beacon fire would burn on them all at once.

At this moment, they felt the deep malice of the 'friendly army'!

There is no need for other information to support the conjecture. The information about their rebellion must have been known by the coalition forces, and everyone is waiting for it!

At this moment, the rebel army seemed to see a huge shadow covering them.

Long Qi's first layout was broken by Lin Mu!

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