Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 609 The Last Fortress Falls

However, variables, compared to the weak, are full of uncertainty and an opportunity; but to the strong, they are just a stepping stone. Even if this stepping stone is stronger, it is still a stepping stone!

The description is not short, but the soldiers of the Landu Legion and the Alliance on the battlefield only noticed a flash of golden light, and in a blink of an eye, the golden light dissipated, and then...the strength of the enemy generals has increased a lot!

Although the change of generals boosted the morale of the centurion, ordinary soldiers were terrified when they attacked the cage.

After experiencing several waves of arrow rain, these five cages were unscathed, but the momentum was slightly slowed down.

This is... a special cage, stronger and tougher than the previous cage!

The centurion who unblocked his strength was originally happy, but after he glanced at the impending cage, a icy feeling appeared in his heart. If there are high-ranking generals in these cages, can they deal with them?

Even if Lin Mu, who is at the top of the reward list, is here, he won't be able to deal with it even if he unblocks it once! He is still aware of this.

However, that is just a hypothesis, what needs to be dealt with now is the immediate situation.

"Ten captains, commanding subordinates in twos, in charge of a cage, kill them all for me!" Since the cages are specially made, they cannot be shot down easily, so just wait for them to come.

The ten ten husbands are now the strength of Huang rank generals!

While the centurion was thinking, the five cages were about to fall from the sky like meteorites, ready to slam on the city wall.

And at this time, reinforcements from the defenders rushed in not far away, and 1,003 reinforcements arrived!

The leaders are the three captains of the Landu Legion, with the strength of the peak military generals of the Xuan rank!

Seeing such a situation, he summoned up all his internal strength, held his spear, and rushed towards the shadow first.

The three tacitly chose a cage that was about to fall to the ground, and three majestic blue lights shot out from their weapons.

Plus the centurion before him, four torrential attacks with guns, stabbed fiercely at the cage.

"Boom!!!" Four violent impacts echoed on the city wall.

I saw that the four prison cages that were about to land steadily were deflected a little bit by the blow, not enough, just this, let them fall down the city wall hard.

Ten deaths and no life!

However, this time there were five, no, including Lin Mu's luxurious single room, it was six, six specially made cages were thrown up.

Four were shot down, and the remaining two hit the city wall as expected.

Time didn't wait for me, before the cage fell to the ground, Lin Mu kicked it violently, and the 'luxury single room' cage ended its mission. After the cage door was kicked open, Lin Mu jumped out of the cage lightly.

The unrestrained figure, like a feather, landed lightly and nimbly on the city wall.

The deluxe single room at the back was abandoned. There was only a "boom", and it fell to a corner of the wall. It was severely 'injured' and fell apart.

"It's Lin Mu!!!"

"It's Lin Mu at the top of the reward list! Brothers, kill him at any cost!! Don't let him escape!" A roar resounded through the city wall.

Lin Mu was slightly taken aback when he heard this, and before he could stand still, these guys recognized them, their eyes were really sharp.

As soon as they climbed onto the city wall, in an instant, there were densely packed soldiers of the Landu Legion rushing towards Lin Mu. The momentum was so great that it seemed to block the sky and the sun.

It's better to come early than coincidentally. These soldiers are the thousand reinforcements.

However, this scene reminded him of the group of player raiders just now.

Without Long Qie, if you want to kill him, you must have the consciousness of death!

Lin Mu, who landed safely, held a big knife, stood calmly, twitched his brows, ignored these ordinary soldiers, glanced briefly, and then stared closely at the four generals.

These four military generals turned out to be three generals at the peak of the Xuan rank, and one general at the beginning of the Xuan rank!

When did the Landu Legion have so many high-ranking generals?

Lin Mu's heart skipped a beat, as if he had thought of something.

"Hmph, even if you unblock the strength of the soldiers of the Landu Legion, it's still a drop in the bucket. After the crushing momentum begins, the fall of the last fortress is a foregone conclusion! Besides, I still have a backhand!" Lin Mu With an extremely bright heart, he secretly said proudly.

After Long Qie left the front wall and the green fire archer showed his might, everything was a foregone conclusion!

While Lin Mu was thinking, a general of the Xuan rank came to him, the spear in his hand was not too fancy, it directly stabbed ferociously, making piercing screams, straight to Lin Mu's heart, in order to One hit kill!

Lin Mu was not careless, and the dragon energy in his body surged and permeated his whole body. Immediately, he stomped on the city wall, swiped the big knife in his hand, and met the fierce spear of the Xuan rank general.


After a deafening metal collision sounded, Lin Mu's figure shook slightly, and a surge of counter-shock force came, which surprised Lin Mu.

This military general at the peak of the Xuan rank is stronger than the ordinary generals of the Xuan rank he has encountered! Sure enough, he is worthy of being a soldier from a famous country!

Compared to Lin Mu's easy response, the attacker was quite embarrassed. After the collision, the figure staggered for a while, and took a few steps back before stopping.

On the opposite side, Lin Mu, who is a powerful general of the Huang rank, is even more powerful than him, a peak general of the Xuan rank. Is there any reason?

Is this the so-called proud son of heaven?

After sighing in his heart, the Xuan rank general continued to attack. This time, he and the other three Xuan rank generals attacked Lin Mu together.

Now is not the time for a one-on-one fight, you don't need to hold back, let's fight in groups, don't be ashamed!

After the three generals of Xuan rank joined the battlefield, Lin Mu, who used a knife, finally felt the feeling of being suppressed.

Different from being completely crushed by the dragon, now Lin Mu has the power to fight back, but after the tacit cooperation of these four people, Lin Mu did not cause any damage to them. Protected by the armor, with the blessing of the dragon's power, he was injured and defeated long ago.


When Lin Mu was fighting hard one-on-four, the infantry soldiers who came under the city gate had already bombarded the city gate for a long time after clearing out the soldiers in the dark hole at the city gate. It's a pity that there are only a few shallow scratches on the city gate, and nothing else!

The city gate is too strong, and the weapons in their hands alone are just an attempt to hit an egg against a stone.

"Everyone get out of the way, let our lord break the door!" A player riding a giant black wolf shouted to the player who was slashing at the city gate, his tone filled with a sense of pride.

In fact, it is no wonder that he is proud, because he is a black wolf knight. A well-known super cavalry in the player circle, if he joins it, he is worthy of everyone's admiration.

After his voice fell, the crowd parted ways, and a player with a stately appearance and an extraordinary bearing came up.

The person who came was Zhao Qiyin.

Those ordinary players didn't exchange greetings with Zhao Qiyin, but just stared at him closely. After all, this domineering player is a super lord, so he can't climb high!

If Lin Mu were here, maybe there would be a different situation.

Zhao Qiyin also ignored the ordinary players next to him, walked directly to the city gate, and took out a black clay pot. A thick black liquid was flowing inside the pot.

Then he took out a huge black talisman pen.

Using the black talisman pen to dip the black inside the pot neatly, Zhao Qiyin began to paint on the city gate like a painter.

painting? Now is the time of war, are you drawing pictures on the city gate? For a moment, countless muddy horses flashed in the hearts of ordinary players.

Although this super lord is not a painter, the handwriting of his paintings is quite vigorous and powerful, and he has a style of everyone. It's okay...

However, before these ordinary players finished appreciating Zhao Qiyin's handwriting, a harsh sound came from the handwriting.

The players suddenly discovered that the extremely strong city gate was corroded!

The city gate is about to be broken! !



"Slash Huashan!" Lin Mu roared, straightened his sword, and then slashed fiercely. The sword, filled with dark blue dragon energy, turned into lightning, and slashed fiercely at the general at the beginning of the Xuan stage.

"Pfft!!" Lin Mu's so-called force-slashing Huashan attack broke through the inner force shield of this black general, and slashed hard on his shoulder, followed by a long and narrow knife wound followed by an ear-piercing sound.

When Lin Mu was beaten by the group, he finally found the right opportunity, found a breakthrough point, and injured the general at the beginning of the Xuan stage.

And at this moment, a system prompt came from Lin Mu's ear:


"——The system prompts, Lord Lin Mu, because you commanded the player alliance to break through the wall of the last fortress, you will get a random opportunity given by God."


"——The system prompts, Lord Lin Mu, since the chances of gods you have obtained are random, they have been refreshed randomly. Please check carefully."

After Lin Mu heard the system prompt, he was slightly taken aback. The city is broken? Fallen? Random god-given chance?

Random refresh? Refresh what? Why is there no prompt?

While thinking about it, the other three Xuan rank peak generals continued to beat Lin Mu in groups.

Lin Mu felt a lot more relaxed after the harassment from a mysterious general was absent.

During the battle, Lin Mu didn't care about other Lin Mu, and quickly checked all the items in his body, and finally checked the heavenly treasure armor he was wearing. A's fifth attribute [Longyuan Asylum] has just been refreshed!

[Dragon Source Protection]: Due to the use of special materials for casting, the armor inherently possesses this attribute. If the owner of the wearer has the power of a strange dragon source, this attribute can be activated. After being activated, it can form a shield of dragon origin. The duration and strength of the shield are determined according to the power of the owner's unique dragon origin. At present, the duration of the protective shield is two hours, the recovery (cooling) time is one day, and the strength is sky-level.

Originally, when Lin Mu hadn't worn it, the duration was one minute, and the strength of the protection was ground level, but there was no cooldown time. But after he wears the thirteen dragon luck, the duration and strength become the above attributes, which is amazing.

God-given God-given, originally thought how tall and powerful it was, but it turned out that it was just refreshing the cooldown time of a skill.

Not bad, not bad! Lin Mu muttered in his heart.

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