Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 730: Eight Ancient Soul Talismans! !

As the founder of Huaxia's Ninth Village, Liehuo God of War trembled all over at this moment. With a big wave of his hand, he recruited extremely loyal guards, and then asked him to summon a thousand elites from the core army of Zhanshen Town [Zhanshen Legion] to prepare for the expedition.

During the interval between the personal guards going to Wu Dun's elite, the God of War, Raging Fire, thought about it, and with a touch of ruthlessness, he returned to the tight warehouse in the back hall, and brought out three sets of props.

If Ji Beiqin was here, he would definitely recognize one of the props, and it was astonishingly like the [Famous General Recruitment Order] he just got, which was ground-level.

As for the other two props, they are all talismans. One of them is surrounded by a faint yellow light, while the other one is surrounded by a fierce red light, which makes people feel awe-inspiring.

This is the property of God of War to suppress the bottom of the box.

Based on the word Huang Zhong, the God of War, Liehuo, gritted his teeth and took out these few family properties.

After quickly getting everything ready, the Raging Fire God of War waved his hand, and everyone rushed to the county seat, to Sili Youfufeng.

"Boss, Fufeng County? Huang Zhong is in Fufeng County? Impossible, could it be the same name? According to some historical traces, he might be looking for a doctor for his son." During the march, the staff of the Raging God of War condensed his voice. asked.

"Uh... there is a possibility, but I have reconfirmed that this person should be a historical general. Regardless of whether it is the real arrow god Huang Zhong, we have to attack him! There is no historical general in the town of God of War, so I always feel unsafe Ah!" Raging Fire God of War is not stupid, he knows what's wrong, but the precarious sense of security makes him very uneasy, so he puts all his strength into attacking this undetermined 'Huang Zhong'.

"General Zhonglang under Liu Biao's command, we have found out that there is no general named Huang Zhong at all. Now this general, according to the report of the search team, definitely has the strength above the earth level. Their deputy captain is Xuan of our territory. He is an NPC of high-level military generals, and he is not his enemy. In order to find out whether he is a historical military general, we spent a lot of money, and finally found out. He is a historical general!" said again.

"Historical generals! No matter what, we've made money." The staff officer nodded.

Indeed, whether it is Huang Zhong or not, as long as he is a historical general, Zhanshen Town must be attacked. The lack of historical figures has caused great panic among the player lords in many towns. In this mythical Three Kingdoms, before the players have fully grown up, historical generals are too important.

A group of people in Zhanshen Town hurried on their way full of expectations.



"Fufeng is not too far from Luoyang. I don't know if something unexpected will happen. I'd better take a general with me." Lin Mu was also on his way, and he was also calling for reinforcements.

However, Lin Mu was summoned through the letter from Qian Kun Zimu, and the general he summoned was Li Dian who guarded Wenyuan Town and formed an army by the way.


In front of the teleportation array in Chencang County.

"My lord, where is Han Sheng?" As soon as he left the teleportation formation, Li Dian saw Lin Mu who was alone. This was the first time he saw the lord who was alone without a personal guard.

"Mancheng is here, let's go first." Lin Mu patted Li Dian on the shoulder, beckoning him to go on the way together. They were going to a pavilion outside Chencang County.

"Han Sheng went to work on other important things." Taking advantage of the gap in the rush, Lin Mu told the core general Li Dian about Huang Zhong's work.

"The third legion order for the territory? Then my lord... how to arrange it?!" After Li Dian knew the reason, his eyes were full of envy.

That's right, he can only envy him. His wild dragon cavalry is not an exclusive unit, but a heavy cavalry built on the basis of dragon scale horses in the Great Wilderness Territory. There is no such advantage as other legions, such as General Zhou Tai's Qingming Navy and other legions, but they are still waiting for the legion order.

The wild dragon cavalry is not eligible to use the legion order.

Lin Mu knew Li Dian's thoughts, and patted him on the shoulder again, encouraging him, saying: "Your legion will have a chance to be recognized by the world, come on!"

"This legion order, if it is a special legion order, it will be assigned to the legion with its own arms according to its attributes. Of course, if its attributes are suitable for your heavy cavalry legion, then I will fight for you. First build the legion , and slowly try to prove it to the world!" Lin Mu said in a deep voice.

For the first historical military general recruited from the Great Wilderness Territory, Lin Mu still thinks highly of it.

"If it's an ordinary legion order, then give it to the First Legion [True Dragon Legion]." Lin Mu said in a deep voice.

There are currently ten legions in the Great Wilderness Territory:

The First Legion: Feng Zhong, the True Dragon Legion;

Second Legion: Yu Jin, Qinghu Legion;

The Third Legion: Li Dian, the Wild Dragon Legion;

Fourth Army: Zang Ba, Taishan Army;

Fifth Legion: Zhou Tai, Qingming Legion;

Sixth Legion: Jiang Qin, Sea King Legion;

Seventh Legion: Le Jin, Thunder Legion;

Eighth Legion: Lin Mu, Star Legion;

Ninth Legion: Huang Zhong, Nine Suns Legion;

Tenth Legion: Feng Zhong, Legendary Legion;

The first of them is the [True Dragon Legion], the others are the legions prepared by the tiger generals, and the tenth is the [Legendary Legion] established by Feng Zhong with the Legendary Legion Order.

Originally, Lin Mu wanted the Legendary Legion to replace the True Dragon Legion as the First Legion, but after discussing with everyone, he re-established the Tenth Legion, the Legendary Legion.

This is the result of discussions with the high-level leaders of the Great Wilderness Territory. The establishment of the first legion, the True Dragon Legion, will be retained, and Feng Zhong will be the main one for the time being.

"Hey, then I would like to thank the lord for your concern for the wild dragon cavalry!" Li Dian said excitedly with his eyes brightened.

Although the Great Wilderness Territory is harmonious, there is still competition. He also didn't want the Huanglong cavalry he formed to be a dragging existence.

"By the way, my lord, I heard Lord Chang say that the lord had harvested eight historical soul charms in the tomb of the living dead last time. Is it true?" Li Dian thought of the one that Chang Yin mentioned when chatting with him Information, raised the weapon in his hand, and asked eagerly.

"Yuanjian has such a big mouth..." Lin Mu cursed with a smile.

"That's right, in the last battle, after the enemy was eliminated, the treasure bag obtained from it was very rewarding. In addition to Fengjin's legendary legion order, there are other rare props, and the eight soul charms are also treasures " Lin Mu didn't deliberately hide it, and smiled.

The ancient dragon master was very well prepared. In addition to preparations such as the legion order and the village building order, he also collected eight soul talismans of famous historical generals, which may be prepared to allow the soldiers under his command to receive the protection of heaven and earth again after his resurrection.

"Why, you want to find a soul talisman for your soldiers?" Lin Mu raised his brows.

For these historical military generals blessed by heaven and earth, they have their own pride, and there is no need to use other soul symbols to advance, otherwise, it is killing their potential. When Li Dian asked this question, it meant that he was seeking resources for his soldiers.

"Yes, I have a young general under my command. He has good potential and talent. I want to find a good foundation for him." Li Dian said in a deep voice.

"Yo, it seems that this young general is well recognized by you!" Lin Mu said happily. It is not easy to get Li Dian's approval. It seems that the new generation of the territory still has general talents.

"However... those soul talismans cannot be used for the time being." Relieved, Lin Mu shook his head slightly.

"Can't use it?" Li Dian was slightly taken aback.

"Um, it's practical and useful, but it's not worth it." Lin Mu frowned and said, "Those soul charms, one is an epic-level historical counselor, and seven are legendary-level historical generals. However, it may be because they were passed down from ancient times , Heaven and Earth have huge restrictions on it, if it is used now, it will be lowered by one level."

"In other words, if you use an epic-level soul talisman, you are just seeking a legendary position from heaven and earth as a historical counselor. A legendary general is a first-class historical general. It's too unworthy." Lin Mu said in a deep voice .

The eight soul talismans, Lin Mu regarded them as trump cards for the military development of the territory, and did not announce them to the generals. Their use is also not at the right time.

"So that's how it is..." Li Dian looked stunned.

Downgrading to one level would cost too much. They are different from first-rate, second-rate and third-rate, and there is no huge gap between first-rate and second-rate.

Changing an epic into a legend is like changing Li Dian from Yu Jin, that is a drastic change.

"Hehe, when the time is ripe, there will be no restrictions on heaven and earth. You wild dragon cavalry, as long as you accumulate more meritorious service, you will be able to surpass the soldiers of other legions. One or two soul charms are no problem at all." Lin Mu Familiar with the way of motivation and encouragement.

Lin Mu guessed that these soul talismans were not always restricted. When the world was in chaos, heroes rose, and monsters and monsters appeared, there should be no restrictions. The time of the ancient dragon master's resurrection should also be the time when the world was in chaos, but Lin Mu and others destroyed it.

Everything has a cause and effect.

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