The howling cold wind blew on Lin Mu's face like a knife, making him tremble slightly. Antarctica was really too cold. Even wearing extremely high-quality scientific research cold-proof protective clothing, there is still some exposed skin.

"Xu Tiandu and the others go west, they can directly return to Huaxia's city, and return to the mainland quickly, there shouldn't be much problem."

"And the news that I'm going north must also spread. Those who besiege me should rush to the north of Antarctica. Then I will avoid their edge for the time being, and I will go east!" Lin Mu's dark eyes flashed A touch of light.

As he was going east, he actually had another plan, which was to visit that place.

In the new era, the world's first sea city, Antarctic City! !

According to the information he learned in Kyoto, Antarctic City was built on the extremely cold sea of ​​ice, and it was a real sea city.

Lin Mu, holding a black knife, went to witness the mysterious place that ordinary people or he didn't even know in his previous life!


An hour later, the Chinese king team returned to the ice city [Ice Spring City] under the noisy Chinese jurisdiction.

[Bingquan City] is a tourist city and a transit city entering the depths of the Antarctic continent.

With the return of the Huaxia team, news of Lin Mu spread like wildfire.

[Ice Spring City], which appears to be noisy and orderly, is actually undercurrents.

"According to the information from the China King's Squad, Lin Mu did not return with the team!" In a hidden courtyard, a group of people hid in the darkness, discussing Lin Mu.

"Didn't come back with the team?! It's a pity, wasting our arrangement on Bingquan City."

"Hehe... Our arrangement is just a matter of convenience."

"It's obviously not that easy to do it overnight."

"Lin Mu is a man with a deep city, and he will definitely think of what will happen next."

"Captain, what do we do now? Assassinate Huaxia's weak king team? Or leave the city and go deep into the ice field to find Lin Mu?"

"Assassination of the Huaxia team is no longer possible. The top kings have already come from Huaxia, and maybe they have already laid a net for us to drill."

"But, Kato Akazo-sama's head..."

"Hmph...the anger of the Kato family is not as important as that of Lin Mu, the thief."

"Temporarily give up other things, and fully implement the second plan! Specially publicize Lin Mu's situation to attract more wolves, tigers and leopards to hunt Lin Mu!! We are praying mantises, cicadas and orioles."

"Also, pass the information to Kanzhao-sama and Kanzo-sama!"

These guys are the kings of Dongying Kingdom.


"Captain, if the two adults go abroad together, will they be attacked in the country?"

"Even if you are attacked, don't be afraid. Now that the whole country is mobilized and people are in a state of turmoil, once the enemy comes, they will bear the anger of our whole country!!"

"In the world, there is no team or individual that can withstand the wrath of our great empire!"

"Long live the Empire!"

"Long live the Empire!"

"Long live the Empire!"

If there are other insiders around, they will definitely scoff. The brainwashing in Dongying Kingdom, except for the Vatican, can be called the best in the world.

Soon, under the special exaggeration of Dongying Kingdom, Lin Mu who left the team was a weak lone wolf!


In the central sea area of ​​the Pacific Ocean, the mirror-like blue sea water is rippling, gently beating against the steel-like gray-white wall.

From a distance, behind the huge wall is a huge sea city. In the city, there are many flying cars floating on the well-arranged buildings, and even a huge sky international train floating in the air, transporting people.

The huge sea city is like a giant beast lying on the boundless ocean.

This huge sea city is the famous third sea city: [Anis].

Its owner is Ennis Snord.

As the third city built on the sea, its representative meaning is obviously not a tourist attraction as it appears on the surface. It is given a meaning that only the global elite can know.

In the deliberation hall of the city center, Ennis Snod and the management are listening to their subordinates' reports.

"How's the situation?" Ennis Snod asked in a concentrated voice. However, what is surprising is that he speaks Chinese.

"My lord, as you expected, the Antarctic continent is the center of the storm!" The language his subordinates used to report was also Huaxia. Others took it for granted and were not surprised.

"Huaxia and Dongying, because of the strange objects floating out of Antarctic City, there was friction."

"And the key person is Lin Mu, who is making waves in the mythical world."

"For this friction, Huaxia dispatched..."

"Don't talk about the details, let's just talk about the key points. What is Lin Mu's whereabouts now? Can he be contacted?" Ennis Snod waved his hand impatiently.

Normally, when he heard such news, he might regard it as an entertainment and pastime, and would listen to it patiently. However, because of some orders from above, he had to be distressed.

"Lin Mu has lost track now! However, he probably did not return to Huaxia quickly, and the speeding car he was riding in has been found in the north of the Antarctic continent."

"On the vast ice field, what are the chances of finding Lin Mu?" Ennis Snord asked bitterly, frowning thickly.

"Only 10%."

"Okay, go down and continue to inquire about the news."


"My lord, why are you so concerned about Lin Mu's whereabouts? We don't seem to have accepted the reward!" After the reporter left, a high-level person asked.

"Nuwa-sama sent an order, and the space conversion pattern on Onimaru Tsunakuni's body has successfully exerted its effect!" Ennis Snod glanced at his left arm and right arm, shook his head and said, flashing in the depths of his eyes A touch of indifference.

He doesn't care about Lin Mu's troubles. What he cares about right now is other things.

"And the key thing, the virtual and real sword, is now in Lin Mu's hands, and we need to take it back."

"That experiment was successful!?" A black-haired executive sitting next to Ennis Snod was pleasantly surprised. Obviously he knew the inside story.

"The pattern of space transformation? Onimaru Tsunakuni is actually the subject of the experiment? No wonder he grew up so fast."

"Hehe...Maybe Lin Mu is also the subject of Master Nuwa's experiment..."

"My lord, that experiment was successful, so we don't have to choose a king to enter the crack every year? That's great!"

"The specific situation is not clear yet. Our first task is to carry out the orders of Master Nuwa."

"The experiment can't be considered a success, nor can it be considered a failure. Borrowing strange objects is obviously not a long-term solution."


"Compared with the mass-produced Nutrient Pod's Virtual Reality Transformation Pattern, the gap is indeed too great."

"What order did Master Nuwa send?"

"There are two instructions this time, one is to recover the magic knife; the other is to give the contents of this box to Lin Mu." Ennis Snod pointed to a conspicuous white box on the table, and said quietly. soundtrack.

"What, give this to Lin Mu? Isn't this the finale of our auction? So easy to give to Lin Mu?"

"Lin Mu's strength should have broken through the fourth limit. It is reasonable for Master Nuwa to give him treasures."

"I see! No wonder Onimaru Tsunakuni didn't even have a chance to escape."

"Huaxia is truly blessed, and the four boundary rewards are all in its pocket."

"Unfortunately, if the arrogant guy of Huaxia Dragon King is still there, he might have already won the reward of the fourth boundary."

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