Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 817: The Auction Item Appearing Halfway

Lin Mu smiled bitterly when he heard that, if it wasn't for some purpose, he wouldn't want the so-called legendary deeds.

Isn't it delicious to develop obscenely!

"Can you tell me more about the king-building plan and the evildoers in China." Lin Mu asked again.

"At the beginning, the number of people nominated by China was ten! It is the country with the largest number of people."

"Other countries participating in the king-building plan, America, which ranks second, only has six people! Dongying, which is most involved with you, only has two people." Huang Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Those two people from Dongying are the two people you let them go last time!" Thinking of the two so-called monsters from Dongying being easily beaten to the ground by Lin Mu, the corners of Huang Zheng's mouth couldn't help but pumped.

Lin Mu's combat strength is indeed as the person mentioned, and he can afford that reward!

"Oh!" Lin Mu nodded indifferently, without any pride in defeating the two seniors.

"Lin Mu, if Ben Nathan hadn't gone in to persuade you, would you have exploded and killed those two?" Huang Zheng asked curiously.

"No. Since I already have such power, it's fine to deter them, but it's not good to completely confront them." Lin Mu shook his head and said seriously. What Lin Mu didn't say was that there was nothing he was interested in about those two people.

However, Huang Zheng who heard the words had a suspicious expression on his face.

You guys, like those monsters, are all lawless guys! If it weren't for external factors, you would definitely kill those two guys.

It is not unheard of for the top king of China to completely oppose a certain country.

"Speaking of which, who were the ten heroes of Huaxia back then?" Lin Mu asked.

"Ten people who participated in the king-making plan are Dragon King Xuanyuanlong, Sword God Dugu Jiu, Heavenly King Lin Tianya, Fox King Sima Xiangru, Diwang Zhu Huade, Sword King Zhang Hongde, Southern King Ye Tiannan, Northern King Liu Ye, and two others. Heroine, Qingxia Fairy Xu Qingxian and Lianhua Fairy Zhou Ning."

"Oh," Lin Mu heard, his eyes shot out a strange light, and he was quite excited.

The top king of that era must have had a legendary experience!

Lin Mu recited these names lightly, engraving them in his heart. Sword King Xia Hu and Spear King Jin Beichao are not in the sequence, which proves that they are latecomers.

And when he thought of Lin Tianya and Xu Qingxian, for some reason, a strange feeling always rose in his heart.

Lin Mu didn't tell Huang Zheng about this strangeness, but secretly remembered the two of them.

"It seems that most of these ten participants are the children of those big families." Lin Mu asked in a calm voice.

"The selection of participants is not affected by family, status, wealth and other factors." Huang Zheng shook his head and said.

"However, the children of the big family are indeed excellent. The chances of talents appearing are very high, there is no doubt about it."

There is another sentence that Huang Zheng didn't say: None of these ten people are from poor families!

Huang Zheng didn't specify the selection criteria, but it should be very strict, and those big shots need to abide by it and they didn't pass it. After all, who wouldn't want to become a mighty king!

"Can you give me a copy of the information and experience of these people, I want to pay my respects to the seniors." Lin Mu said calmly, concealing his strangeness without any trace.

"No problem! You have already entered this circle, and you will gradually learn about this information. It doesn't matter if I summarize it for you." Huang Zhen said softly.

"Okay! In return, I will also give you some information about the world of mythology!" Lin Mu laughed.

Hearing this, Huang Zheng gave a wry smile. This guy Lin Mu is really tight!

The two continued to chat...

While Lin Mu and Huang Zheng were chatting, the auction was still going on, and precious auction items kept emerging one after another.

Powerful weapons, rare cultivation techniques, rare ores, and rare medicinal herbs such as century-old ginseng and century-old Ganoderma lucidum appeared. There are even two items brought out of the mythical world: a primary weapon dagger and an ancient European style knight gun!

However, these were not very attractive to Lin Mu. During the process, he only focused part of his attention on the outside, and mainly focused on chatting with Huang Zheng, because this guy is an old fritter and knows a lot of secrets. And Lin Mu also needs these secrets.

However, just after the auction of a 600-year-old ganoderma, the next auction item that appeared attracted the attention of the audience, including Lin Mu.

This auction item is not in the auction manual!

Auction items that appeared halfway! !

"This auction item is a set, collectively named [Essential Technology Modules for Forging Sea City]!!" The old auctioneer was still yelling in high spirits.

"For specific information, you can watch the holographic projection screen!!"


"According to the information, everyone knows that this collection of technology modules contains a medium-sized city design map, an anti-gravity engine 1000*1000 module, a medium-sized city water cycle module, a medium-sized city intelligent processor module, and a communication module. It is priceless! !"

"Guests who want to forge a city on the sea, hurry up and don't come again!!" the old man incited.

"The reserve price for this auction item is 80,000 Myth Points!!!"

"Each bid must not be less than 1000 Myth Points!"

As the old man released the information, the Yulong hall was boiling again for a while.

"Why did this auction item suddenly appear? Which family wants to forge a sea city?"

"That's right, there doesn't seem to be any family contacting around recently, so apply to Myth City to build a city."

"There is no rumor." Casting a city on the sea is a big event, a grand event, and the turmoil must be strong.

"Hey, that's not right. Recently, that Shepherd King, didn't he make some moves in this regard? Ennis City has announced its qualifications!"

"Master Mu, that wild boy who doesn't have the support of his family? Hehe...I don't have the qualifications to apply for the construction of a sea city with my family background of hundreds of years, can he?"

"Qualifications are just for eyeballs!"

"It's a pity that the qualification to build a city cannot be transferred, otherwise many big families will come to grab it."


In Lin Mu's box.

"A necessary technology module for a sea city? How could there be such an auction item?" Huang Zheng was a little surprised when he heard this.

As a senior executive of Ennis City, he is absolutely qualified to view the auction items. He had never seen such an auction item in the auction sequence before.

There have also been cases of adding auction items midway.

But obviously, someone suddenly added this auction item midway, and it was aimed at Lin Mu, no, it was aimed at Lin Mu's huge mythical points of 213,000.

Huang Zheng turned his head and said to Lin Mu hastily: "Master Mu, I forgot to tell you something, that is, the exchange times of the Myth Research Institute, there is a certain limit every year, usually three times a year. Like this type If you want to collect a complete set of technology modules, you need more than a dozen exchanges."

"It may take several years for you to collect this collection of modules." Huang Zheng said in a deep voice.

For Lin Mu! ! The appearance of this auction item is definitely aimed at Lin Mu!

Some people already knew that the owner of those two vermilion fruits was Lin Mu, that is to say, they also knew that Lin Mu had a huge amount of 213,000 Myth Points at this moment!

When Lin Mu heard this, his face changed slightly.

This auction item reduces the time for casting cities to some extent.

This... just hit his weakness. Unless he doesn't want to cast a sea city, that quota is just for fun.

"Can I exchange these technological products through other people?" Lin Mu said with a grim expression on his face.

Being led by the nose always made him a little uncomfortable.

"Yes, yes, but technology-related exchange items have a three-year restriction period. During the restriction period, they cannot be transferred, or you will bear the consequences!"

"Then how about I let the employees under my command exchange it?" Lin Mu asked again.

"Forging a city on the sea, only one person can use the technology module!!"

"These conditions are to limit the flooding of the sea city." Huang Zhengning said.

"Actually, these conditions are not too strict. It doesn't take a few years or even ten years to build any sea city." Huang Zheng said again.

A few years ago, at that time, Shenzhou in the mythical world had entered the late stage of the vassal struggle for hegemony.

Lin Mu is always short of time! !

"By the way, these technology modules can only be exchanged through Myth Points, and cannot be exchanged by the outside world. Of course, maybe other families secretly exchanged these technology modules and then traded them. Like this time."

"It seems that I have to buy it!" Lin Mu's dark eyes showed a stern look.

"80,000 myth points, is it expensive?" Lin Mu looked outside for a while, then asked again.

After recalling for a while, Huang Zheng said softly: "The whole set of medium-sized sea city technology modules seems to be 27 modules, and you can get about 300,000 myth points."

"And these modules are all core modules, 80,000 myth points, not too expensive." Huang Zheng explained.

"It's 80,000 now. When I make a move, those guys in the dark will definitely increase the price." Lin Muning said.

"They've already laid out the game, so something like this must happen." Huang Zhen was not a stupid person, and he quickly figured out the key point.

"No matter what, I'll bid first and observe first." Lin Mu said softly, his expression returning to normal.

Lin Mu clicked on the holographic projection screen on the desktop, then tapped somewhere, and said in a deep voice:


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