Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 821 Guard [Jingyang City], guard one side!

At the gate of the villa, Zhou Zhenya was already waiting.

The sadness on that face disappeared the moment Lin Mu got off the car.

For a few days, she only judged Lin Mu's situation through the information on the Internet, which made her a little worried. After all, most of the information on the Internet carries a strong personal point of view.

Although she knew that Lin Mu was very sure about this trip, the wife who was looking forward to her husband's return would always think too much.

"I made you worry!" Lin Mu gently hugged the beauty into his arms, and said tenderly.

"It's okay, when you're not here, I'm busy in the Muhuang Group every day, and I don't even have time to eat, so I don't care about you!" Zhou Zhenya's sister-like stubbornness warmed Lin Mu's heart.

"The Muhuang Group is important, but Xiao Lan needs to pay more attention!" Lin Mu softly stroked Zhou Zhenya's soft hair.

"Got it!" Zhou Zhenya gently pushed Lin Mu away.

"What's the situation with these anti-gravity speeding cars?" The red color on Zhou Zhenya's face has not faded, making her look very seductive.

"Let's keep these two anti-gravity speed cars for you and the employees of Muhuang Group." Lin Mu secretly kissed Zhou Zhenya and said with a smile.

"If you like blue, you should drive a blue car." Lin Mu said.

"Hey, these models seem to have never been displayed on Speeding Auto's official website, are they the latest ones?" Zhou Zhenya has a good eye and memory, and she immediately saw the key points.

"These are all exchanged with Myth Points, which are not circulated to the outside world." Lin Mu said.

"I also exchanged a lot of things."

Immediately afterwards, Lin Mu told Zhou Zhenya about the Shinhwa points. While talking, Lin Mu moved the materials on the speeding car.

When Zhou Zhenya heard about the Shinhwa Points, her eyebrows were slightly raised, and a look of sadness flashed in her eyes. But the busy Lin Mu didn't see it.

"These are for you and Xiao Lan. You can use them according to the instructions later. I specially asked someone to record the instructions and precautions for all the items. I have sent them to you." Lin Mu carried the supplies , nagging.

Seeing Lin Mu's busy figure, and the warm words that kept coming out of his mouth, Zhou Zhenya was a little obsessed. She longed for an ordinary life.

It's a pity that the guy I chose is not willing to be ordinary!

The world's number one lord player! Shensuke! The new generation of legends! Shepherd king! Waiting for the title, let Lin Mu stand on top of the world.

How could she be behind!

Zhou Zhenya took a deep breath and started to work with Lin Mu.

"Where did you get the document of the exchange rule system?"

"Oh... I picked it up from the city of Ennis, and it can be used as a reference. Many of these materials can be used as benefits for the employees of the Muhuang Group. You can refer to this value scale later to formulate a suitable exchange system. "

"Children's nootropic liquid? Is there such a thing? Will there be any side effects?"

"Probably not! It's worth 5000 myth points!"

"You are so kind to Xiaolan!"


After working for a while, the two finally arranged all the supplies.

And the speeding cars of the two trucks returned intelligently after Lin Mu carried the supplies.

Seeing the truck flying away, Lin Mu felt a little pity: "This guy, Ennis, is so picky. After exchanging so many mythical points, he won't even send a truck to fly!"

"Hee..." Hearing Lin Mu's murmur, Zhou Zhenya laughed coquettishly.

"The materials have been divided into categories, and you can arrange them later." Lin Mu suddenly thought of something, and said in a deep voice.

Hearing Lin Mu's words, the sensitive Zhou Zhenya frowned slightly: "Where are you going?"

The two have a tacit understanding.

"I made an appointment with Sword King Xia Hu to destroy a heinous crime den." Lin Muning said, his words were quite vague.

However, after a pause, Lin Mu thought for a while, and immediately told Zhou Zhenya about the Xinghai Black Tiger Security Company, the situation of Xu Tiandu, the intersection of Sima Ying, the dark forest, and so on.

Zhou Zhenya is the helm of the Muhuang Group. Knowing this information, she will pay attention to the entanglement of some forces in the future development. So confess.

"It shouldn't take long this time, and it should be done within a day or two. With Huaxia's efforts, it will fully bloom." Lin Mu hugged Zhou Zhenya into his arms, and immediately said softly.

Lin Mu said that it would only be a few days, which Zhou Zhenya trusted. Before he said he would go for more than ten days, he came back on the afternoon of the twelfth day.

"Just be careful in everything," Zhou Zhenya instructed.


After arranging the materials, Zhou Zhenya took the materials back to the Muhuang Group. As for Lin Mu, he recovered at home, and when the night came, he took those rare objects to a secret place and settled them, then hurriedly disappeared into the night.

Lin Mu didn't keep those rare objects at home, especially when he was not at home. Although China's law and order is good, those dark wolves are viciously looking for opportunities!

Lin Mu was in such a hurry, there was nothing he could do, time was running out, the original plan had been postponed for several days because of Lin Mu's absence!

Everything is ready, only owed to Lin Mu's shareholder!



Somewhere on the border, Lin Mu finally arrived at the agreed place according to the negotiated information.

And at this place, Lin Mu met his old acquaintance Xu Tiandu.

"I thought it would be good for you to come back alive, but unexpectedly, you played the legendary battle of tearing the city, which is famous all over the world!" Xu Tiandu said with a complicated expression as he looked at Lin Mu who was in a hurry.

After going through a life-and-death battle with Lin Mu, the distance between him and Lin Mu became closer, and he didn't call Lin Mu Wang like other people.

"It's not worth mentioning! Everything is arranged?" Lin Mu shook his head lightly, and said calmly.

"Everything has been arranged. With the mobilization of the Pillar of the Nation, all the major teams have secretly assembled!"

"The transfer of the Pillar of the Nation? Is there a result?" Lin Mu asked in a condensed voice.

"There are results!"

"According to the results of the meeting, as you expected, you were assigned to sit in Jingyang City!" Xu Tiandu said in a deep voice.

"Guarding [Jingyang City] and guarding the Huaxia Maritime City Group, this is me, promoted to [Prefect]!" Lin Mu joked after hearing Xu Tiandu's message.

From a commoner, he was promoted to the prefect of Mushou!

"It took you less than half a year to go from an unknown college student to a big shot!" Looking at the slightly immature and pretty face, Xu Tian was filled with emotion.

"The Spear King Jin Beichao went to Antarctica?" Lin Mu asked suddenly.

"No! This is beyond your expectation." Xu Tiandu smiled boldly, looking quite happy.

"Oh, I would like to hear more about it." Lin Mu was slightly startled and said in surprise.

"Because of his performance in Antarctica, he was impeached by several other titled kings." Xu Tiandu said in a concentrated voice.

The battle to tear apart the city achieved Lin Mu, but killed many people.

"Antarctica is so complicated, there are so many people staring at it, and the interests involved are huge. It is really disappointing for him to act cowardly and stand by." Lin Mu nodded in agreement. Shepherds in Antarctica, it is best to be domineering, and those who sweep the Quartet are the best!

"Let's not talk about the Gun King, what good is it for me to sit in Jingyang City?" Lin Mu asked.

"The specific salary and benefits, you will know in the future." Xu Tiandu put it off.

"However, since you are in Jingyang City, according to the relevant rules, you can set up a law enforcement team. The previous law enforcement team of Gun King was called the Yellow Sea Team." Xu Tiandu specifically mentioned it.

"The Yellow Sea team of Gun King is the seventh team, and yours is the eighth team! Team names cannot be repeated." Xu Tiandu said in a deep voice with unconcealable envy on his face.

He is just a steward of the law enforcement team, not a controller. Forging a law enforcement team of his own is one of his dreams and motivations for many years!

"Oh, I can set up a law enforcement team myself? Tiandu, why don't you come to me, and I'll be the captain of the law enforcement team!" Lin Mu said with a smile.

"You poach Lord Sword King's corner like this, aren't you afraid of him?!" Xu Tiandu said helplessly, his mouth twitching.

Lin Mu recruited him not once or twice.

"The shovel is good enough, there is no corner that can't be dug. You know, I have exchanged a lot of rare materials in Ennis City. If you come, I will give you the qualification to exchange!" Lin Mu seduced.

Xu Tian trembled when he heard the mythical points. This thing is too rare, and he doesn't have many! That's what he earned by accepting temporary employment. Myth points are too difficult to earn!

"No, I'm pretty good in the Central Team, Lord Sword King has been kind to me." It's impossible to say that I'm not tempted. Because his immediate boss, the sword king Xia Hu, also lacks mythical points at hand.

"Forget it..." Lin Mu didn't force it, after all, twisted melons are not sweet.

Although it was unsuccessful, Lin Mu did not give up. He is confident in recruiting Xu Tiandu. After the Muhuang Group explodes in strength, it will definitely attract high-level talents.

"Which team is the encirclement and suppression in this area? The central team?" Lin Mu asked, changing the topic.

"No, the Central Team, under the leadership of Lord Sword King, is attacking from the east. I came here to assist you, in case you are not familiar with the people below, which will affect the efficiency." Xu Tiandu explained.

"We are attacking from the south, and the team in charge is the law enforcement team [Hu Ben team] under General Lin's command."

"General Lin?! Is that General Lin?!" Lin Mu trembled when he heard this.

"That's right, it's that General Lin with outstanding military exploits!!" Xu Tiandu said with admiration in his eyes.

"You are in charge of this operation, and Old General Lin will cooperate with you." Xu Tian was afraid that Lin Mu would get in his way, so he explained.

Lin Mu waved his hand when he heard the words, and said with admiration on his face, "General Lin has eaten more salt than I have eaten. With him guarding, it's fine."

"Siege and suppress the dark forest lair, the Huben team and the Central team together, there shouldn't be too much of a problem."

In the dark night, a suffocating evil spirit rose.

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