Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 845 ? [Blood-patterned Dragon Gunslinger] (Spiritual State)

Chapter 845 [Blood-patterned Dragon Spear] (Spiritual State)

In fact, after Lin Mu appeared, the players in Dongying District wanted to spread this information, but because the communication system was limited after the national war started, they didn't spread it immediately.

However, this is not difficult for players who escaped. The offline method is a magic weapon to deal with the epic battle or the restricted communication system of the national war!

In some previous virtual games, there were similar settings, so players kept coming up with various methods.

Some guilds even set up such professional departments called [Offline Communications Department].

This department was also set up in Linmu's territory in the previous life, because it was so easy to use in some special cases.

There are such players in the player group in Dongying District. However, when the player was about to go offline, a system prompt sounded in his ear:


"——System prompt: Player I and Hashi-Ben-Huan-Nai, because you are in a special scene: a temporary national war scene, you cannot go offline as usual. If you are forced to go offline, your character will stop at the current state , unable to move, and after being killed, return to the resurrection point. After being forced offline, you cannot log in to the mythical world again within one day in the real world!"

"Grass... This is the setting again, speechless." As a professional player of the [Offline Communications Department], he is very familiar with this kind of situation.

One day in the real world is 10 days in the mythical world. After 10 days, maybe the national war will be over.

However, he is not a full-time fighter, so don't be afraid of these. Immediately prepare to be forced offline.

But just one second before he was forced to log off, he happened to see a dragon-shaped object appearing as oppressive as a giant beast.

"Boom!!" A huge explosion sounded beside his ears, and a burst of severe pain suddenly appeared. Then his eyes went blank, and he was killed and returned to the city.


"—System prompt: Player I and Qiao-Ben-Huan-Nai, since you were killed by player Lin Mu, you return to Nagawa Town where the resurrection point is bound to resurrect."


"——System prompt: Players I and Qiao-Ben-Huan-Nai, due to special reasons, your level has been reduced by 10 levels. In addition to deducting the 10-level origin point from your basic attributes, your basic attributes will also be randomly reduced by 5 points."


"—System prompt: Player I and Qiao Ben Huan Nai, due to special battlefield conditions, your level has been restored to level 10."


"—System prompt: Players I and Hashi-Ben-Huan-Nai, due to special reasons, you cannot enter the mythical world within 5 days of the real world!"

A series of system prompts blinded the support staff.

"I have the blessing of our mysterious Great God in the Dongying District. After death, my level will not change, and the resurrection time will not change. How can this happen after being killed by Lin Mu? 5 days of real time, isn't it that 50 days have passed in the mythical world? Is it? Randomly lowering attributes! This guy Lin Mu really can absorb attributes or reduce attributes as the players in Huaxia District said!"

"According to the routines of previous online games, this kind of situation should be caused by the artifact. In the early stage of the game, Lin Mu really obtained the artifact!!" The player named me and Qiao-Ben-Huan-Nai finally realized that Lin Mu had been forced by Lin Mu. After the animal husbandry kills the taste.

"By the way, now, spread the information quickly!!" The Japanese player has not forgotten his duty.

Like him, the Japanese players who were killed by Lin Mu also started to spread the news about Lin Mu.

Soon, all the players in the Dongying District knew that the opponent in the national war turned out to be the King Mu, who dealt a huge blow to the Dongying Kingdom!

"Our opponent is Lin Mu??? The world's number one lord player?!"

"The world's number one lord player, the number of soldiers participating in the national war has reached more than 800,000!! It can be seen how profound its heritage is!!"

"Not necessarily!! There may be other players involved!"

"Yes, yes!! Just received the latest news. After being killed, the soldiers led by Lin Mu also turned into white light and disappeared, leaving only some equipment. These soldiers are definitely players!!"

"Is the information upstairs true?"

"The soldiers under Lin Mu's command are composed of players? Or are those soldiers just united?"

"Hehe, according to the speculation of some organizations, isn't it normal that Lin Mu is the superficial spokesperson of a certain big family and has some loyal player soldiers?!"

"But there are players, why didn't any information come out, these players are so loyal? The coordinates of his territory are rewarded in the world, but it can make a player rich!"

"Hehe... Isn't it normal for a big family to cultivate loyal retainers? Isn't it easy to control the contacts, social interactions, etc. of those retainers?"

"Yes! Yes! Our Dongying Kingdom can have five virtual e-sports cities, all of which are loyal fighters of the Dongying Empire!"

"That's right! In China, there are five e-sports cities inland, and three e-sports cities in the sea. It is still very easy to cultivate some loyal players in private."

For a while, the channel in Dongying District was very lively.

And this information, like the speed of light, also spread to Huaxia District.

"Lin Mu received the epic confrontation mission in Huaxia District?"

Players Lin Mu is familiar with, such as Ji Beiqin, Jiang Chenglong, Hua Nao, etc., also started to contact Lin Mu. Because, this is the first national war in the world after the opening of the mythical world! !

The opponent is still the old rival Dongying District! !

However, when these players contacted Lin Mu, they all got the same system prompt:

The player you contacted is temporarily unavailable in a special scene.

Great God Lin Mu, I also want to follow you as a Japanese warrior! ! ! Why don't you take us with you! Many Huaxia players wailed.

However, because of the broadcast of information on the battlefield of the national war, the whole world finally knew part of Lin Mu's situation: participating in a mission, he had 800,000 troops, which shows how militarized his territory is!


The din of the real world did not affect Lin Mu at all.

Lin Mu, who was a military general in the middle of the mysterious rank, started to kill the players in the Dongying District like a hungry tiger entering the sheepfold. And the miraculous Dragon God Spear also began to drink blood!

Lin Mu deliberately chose this direction, because there are the most players from the Dongying District gathered here.

It is something Lin Mu is quite willing to do to kill players in the Dongpu area. The blood-patterned dragon gun in his hand can absorb attributes.

He wanted to kill players from other servers rather than players from the Huaxia region. After all, this sharpshooter attribute that absorbs attributes is too perverted.

When he killed Huaxia players, he didn't have any fluctuations in his heart, but when he killed players in other regional servers, he did have fluctuations in his heart, that's cool! ! !

Can kill recklessly! ! !

For a moment, Lin Mu's tiger eyes were scarlet. After this national war, Dragon God Spear should be able to improve a lot of growth progress. After Yuan Shu's raid and siege last time, the blood-patterned dragon gun has changed a lot:

Name: [Blood-patterned Dragon Gun] (Spiritual State)

Level: ground level

Features: growth type personal exclusive weapon


1. [War of King's Bloodline]: Attributes can be upgraded, commander +8, force +9, intelligence +4, and the upper limit is 90.

2. [Spiritual Blood Breaking the Sky]: The attribute can be upgraded, ignoring 60% of the enemy's normal defense, and ignoring the enemy's strange rune defense that can resist 12 points of destructive power;

3. Additional special skills: [Blood Spirit Power], an active skill, cannot be upgraded, after being activated, combat power +1500%, and the duration is 50 minutes. After using this skill, you will fall into a short-lived state of weakness.

4. Attached special skills: [Dragon God Majesty], a passive skill, cannot be upgraded, the dragon's power dominates the world, after equipped with the dragon gun, the player condenses the invisible dragon's power, like a dragon descending, with mysterious abilities.

5. With special skills: [Spiritual Blood Melting Furnace], passive skill, cannot be upgraded, every time a person is killed, the value of spiritual blood will increase by 1 point, and the value of spiritual blood can be upgraded to the peak of Dragon God Gun, the current value of spiritual blood: 8900051/100000000;

6. [Soul Spirit]: The attribute can be upgraded. The spirit of the Dragon God Spear begins to awaken. It can be fully awakened after accumulating 10,000 spiritual points. The current spiritual value is 6000/10000. (Note: At this stage, spirituality points can only be obtained by killing generals above Xuan rank.)

Introduction: With [Yinglong's Reverse Scale] as the head of the Dragon God's spear, [Nine Heavens Black Iron] as the body of the Dragon God's spear, and with the hero's [Original Essence and Blood] as the spirit, the rare treasure of heaven and earth [Earth Center] The marrow] is the carrier of the inscription, and the [nine-color ice dragon silk] is used as the tassel of the dragon spear, which is cast by the power of sacrifice and blessing, and the blood of the dragon is used to start the front. Naruto! After absorbing special blood, this dragon gun has undergone strange changes.

Since the last time it fell into the strange state of Naling where it was impossible to check its attributes, Dragon God Spear finally entered the state of Yunling, and in this state, its attributes can be checked. However, the spirituality value has gradually changed from killing ordinary soldiers at the beginning to junior generals and then to yellow-rank generals. Now, after breaking through 6000 points, it can only be increased by killing black-rank generals.

He hasn't killed the Xuan rank general yet.

Although killing players in the Dongpu area did not increase the spiritual value, it could still increase the spiritual blood value.

"I used to think that these guys' fearless state was quite tricky, but now, why do I feel so happy!" Seeing countless Japanese players rushing up one after another, Lin Mu felt relieved for a while.

Now he is afraid that these Japanese players will take a detour when they see him. However, after letting these Japanese players experience this cruel reality, they will definitely take a detour next time they meet him.

No matter what the future holds, this time, let's have a good time! !

"Boom!!" Lin Mu swept across, and the Dragon God Spear, which was blessed with supernatural dragon energy, was even sharper, killing all the players in front of the gun.

And just when he was ready to kill, a huge black shadow suddenly enveloped him, and immediately, a roar came not far away.

Feeling something in Lin Mu's heart, he stomped on the ground, and his figure disappeared in place in an instant.

"Boom!!" The moment Lin Mu disappeared, a huge snake stick hit the place where he had just stood.

With a huge roar, it has a more destructive range than his earlier Dragon Blow.

For such a situation to happen, it must be something that was expected!

Shikigami strikes! !

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