Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 863 ?? Yu Jin and Zang Ba return

Chapter 863: Yu Jin and Zang Ba Return

"At the moment when the Dongying beast died, Han Sheng, Feng Jin, and even Feng Xiao were all teleported away." Lin Mu looked at the resolute faces of Le Jin and Li Dian, and said in a concentrated voice.

"Even the guards in the city have passed away?!" Le Jin asked again.

"That's right!" Lin Mu nodded.

"It seems that their disappearance is related to the disappearance of the city's mysterious shield!" Le Jin thoughtfully.

"Wen Qian just seized this opportunity, taking advantage of the absence of the enemy general, unable to quickly organize and deploy defenses, and killed tens of thousands of enemy troops for a while!!" Li Dian praised.

Le Jin is worthy of being an epic-level historical general with high commanding ability, and his overall view of the battlefield is also very strong and courageous enough.

Lin Mu also laughed heartily when he heard the words, Le Jin did not have a commanding army to follow Yu Jin Zhou Tai and the others to rush up, it was for this reason. Because both Huang Zhong and Feng Zhong had to deal with other people and could not be distracted from commanding the troops, the burden of the battlefield fell on Le Jin.

That guy Xu Zhao possessed Le Jin, but he didn't put him in the most suitable position, so he buried Le Jin's talent.

You know, in the history of the real world, Cao Cao's five sons, Le Jin and Le Wenqian, are very awesome! Although it is not as good as Zhang Liao, the first of the five good generals, but it can be called together, which shows that his ability is very outstanding.

Le Jin shook his head slightly when he heard this, and sighed softly: "Although the defenders suffered 40,000 battle losses, our soldiers suffered even more!"

"It's just 40,000 ordinary soldiers. When we attacked the city, it was unlucky to find Tokugawa crossbowmen. Of the 50,000 Tokugawa crossbowmen stationed there, they killed more than 20,000!" Li Dian smiled boldly. .

"1 for 2, big profit!"

"That's right, Wen Qian acted bravely, took advantage of the situation to attack the city, and beheaded more than 20,000 Legendary Legion soldiers, which is a great achievement!"

"'s okay!" Being praised by Lin Mu, Le Jin smiled slightly.

"At present, what is the damage of the soldiers?" Lin Mu asked after pondering for a while.

"Currently in our battlefield, there are only 70,000 soldiers left in the four legions, the Wild Dragon Legion controlled by Mancheng;"

"The Thunder Legion I command only has 100,000 soldiers left."

"The Nine Suns Legion controlled by Die Wu only has 90,000 soldiers left."

"The Star Legion ruled by Zichen Zixing has the smallest number of soldiers, with only 20,000 soldiers left."

"In the entire battlefield, we only have 280,000 soldiers left." Le Jinhui reported.

Lin Mu nodded solemnly upon hearing this. Indeed, the battle damage of the Great Wilderness Territory began to fluctuate enormously.

With a thought, Lin Mu glanced at the data on the national war panel:

Attacking side: Dongying District, number of people: 270003.

Guardian: Huaxia District, number of people: 489287.

There are more soldiers in the Great Wilderness Territory than in the Dongying District. However, the data in this list counts the soldiers led by the player or the player's lord, and does not count the soldiers of the Tokugawa family.

Most of the 300,000 troops killed by Yu Jin, Zhou Tai and others occupying the fifth floor and the soldiers on the fourth floor were Japanese players or soldiers under their command. Because of this data, Dongying District dropped 500,000 not long ago!

"There are 280,000 left on the first floor, and Yu Jin's soldiers are only about 200,000. The average of the four legions is 50,000. It seems that they are still fighting fiercely!"

"With the collection of the dragon pillars in Jiulong Town, the strength of Dongpu's soldiers is getting stronger and stronger. The bonus is almost 200%, which is 3 times the strength." Lin Muning said, a dignified expression began to appear on his face.

3 times the strength is not a simple superposition of 1+2=3!

Take Japanese players and ordinary soldiers in the Great Wilderness Territory for comparison. At the beginning, the Great Wilderness soldiers might be 1v3, but now, the Great Wilderness Territory is 3V1.

With the deepening of the attack, the enemy will become stronger and stronger!

Moreover, there are still 170,000 legendary soldiers left on the enemy's city wall, and that is the existence of the ten-man enemy. Lin Mu guessed that these guys might have the strength of junior military generals after the subsequent bonuses.

170,000 junior generals, it's scary to think about it! ! After three years of vigorous development in the Great Wilderness Territory, the number of generals accumulated is simply not so many, even if it is of the order of 100,000, the Great Wilderness Territory does not have it.

Of course, this data does not include the Yeying Legion. With the full support of the Yin Lingshi mine and the support from Fengdu City, Lin Mu does not know how many generals the Yeying Legion has.

"My lord, although the number of soldiers under Wen Zeyouping's command is getting smaller and smaller, their quality is getting higher and higher. The rest of them are the best of the best. Presumably next, the sixth floor, the first I think they can win the seventh floor, or even the eighth floor." Le Jin expressed his opinion.

"That's right, although we lost half of our troops in this attack, the results were unexpected," Li Dian said.

"I also hope that they can quickly take down the middle seven floors, so that the pressure on the dragon's veins will be greatly loosened." Lin Mu nodded. The damage to the dragon's veins was more serious than the battle damage. Even if the whole army died for the first eight floors, Lin Mu would be willing. Anyway, they can be resurrected!

"From the beginning of the battle to now, about sixteen hours have passed. The Beidou Yuheng Pagoda should have accumulated a lot of star power. The soldiers who died in battle should be able to resurrect some of them. When the time comes, they will be organized and all will stay in the first place." layer."

"Let's lay down the first floor first, and then advance to the ninth floor!" Lin Mu said forcefully.

"Wen Qian, I've been covering the attack a few times, looking for an opportunity, I'll go up the city wall and fight for a while!" Lin Mu looked at the battle situation on the city wall, and said fiercely.

"Hey... that's even better, my lord, you still have a soldier talisman in your hand!" Le Jin suddenly said.

Hearing this, Lin Mu rubbed the soldier talisman in his bosom, and smiled faintly.

The ancient soldier talisman in his hand has been mutated to a capacity of 1000, and it contains the legendary historical soldier star bow and cavalry. Because of Chang Yin's strong support, after two years of development, these 1000 Star Bow Riders are truly legendary bow riders, and the qualifications of the soldiers are also extremely high, reaching an average of 8 ranks! ! Among them, there is no shortage of soldiers with ninth-level qualifications.

1,000 Star Bow Riders are definitely capable of surpassing 5,000 Tokugawa Cross Bow Riders! Qualification is king!

And when he was going to fight the enemy, he suddenly summoned 1000 star bow riders, and the formation was exciting just thinking about it.

"My lord, why don't we make a full-scale attack. Mancheng and I will gather the most elite soldiers and attack them from the catapults and ballistas. If we gain a firm foothold, we will summon them at the right time." Summon it, and take down the defenders of this city wall in one fell swoop!" Le Jin said boldly.

The three sides of the city and the offensive of the Great Wilderness Territory are all different. On the north side, Honda Tadakatsu was defending Lejin in the northern city before, and he was commanding 30,000 Tokugawa crossbowmen. Then, because the enemy commander-in-chief was not there, he charged and killed most of the Tokugawa crossbowmen above, but the enemy also supplemented the defenders and revealed the hidden soldiers.

The Great Wilderness Territory also suffered heavy losses, making the current offensive the weakest.

"It can be considered..." Lin Mu was originally a guy with an adventurous factor in his bones, otherwise he would not have done so many moves like dancing on a tightrope.

"Haha, you don't need to press down, let Xuan Gao and I help the lord press up!" At this time, a familiar voice came from the side.

"Wen Ze, Xuan Gao, why are you back?" Everyone was slightly shocked when they heard the words.

The ones who came were Yu Jin and Zang Ba.

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