Benefits are often accompanied by risks, which Lin Mu has always kept in mind.

To relocate the families of these soldiers to the True Dragon Territory, you need to take a lot of risks, and you may even face Xu Zhao's Qinglong elite army directly. At the same time, is the relocation of hundreds of thousands of people casual? No, very many cumbersome means and processes are required.

This is not just dozens or hundreds of people who just pack up their things and leave with their belongings. Livestock, livestock, cattle and horses, pots and pans, etc. all need to be properly disposed of.

And most importantly, feelings, feelings of leaving home, thoughts of leaving home, these emotions are the biggest obstacles, we must plan well...

This operation is dozens of levels more difficult than the previous migration of the people in Qingfeng Town.

But to be on guard against Xu Zhao's minions, if one step is careful, the family members of the soldiers will be implicated, and the consequences will be very serious.

Lin Mu has been thinking about how to properly handle these matters. This can be regarded as a test for himself to deal with the large-scale relocation of the people, and it is also a test of the ability of the civil servants at all levels in the territory to deal with the emotions of the people!


"Don't be on guard against them. I need the help of a master. I already have a way to appease and subdue them. Then they will welcome us very much! Hehe..." Lin Mu didn't tell Liu Feng that they had the Yinglong Token, but he was confident It is said that there is a way to deal with these mountain people.

Since the lord said so, the three of them didn't persuade them much, but kept a little precaution in their hearts, protecting the lord and retreating in case of danger. You will travel at the same time, and you are also prepared to prevent accidents from happening.

Lin Mu looked as usual and chatted with the three of them, communicating with them about their feelings, after all, these will be the fierce generals of his subordinates in the future.

Not long after, the boat arrived at the opposite bank, and Liu Feng Wang Sheng He Yuan and the other three landed on the opposite bank together. It was noon now, and patrolling cavalry occasionally appeared.

After jumping off the high-level transport ship, Lin Mu landed along some odd-shaped gravels along the river.

After they landed on the opposite bank and walked for a while, a group of 5 patrolling cavalry appeared, carrying billowing smoke and dust, rushed over quickly, and quickly surrounded them.

The quality of these patrolling soldiers is quite good, and they can see Lin Mu and others landing from such a distance.

Seeing a group of cavalry come up, and their weapons were all lit up, with a murderous look, Liu Feng and the three immediately stepped forward three steps and spread out in a semicircle, holding the weapons in their hands tightly, and protecting Lin Mu behind them in a semicircle of defense. After all, Lin Mu's current combat effectiveness is really inferior to that of ordinary soldiers, although he has a good combat awareness.

The horses of this team of cavalry were all yellow horses, tall and strong, and they were extraordinary at a glance. Lin Mu looked at it and thought in his heart, this kind of horse should be a good war horse.

The yellow-eyed horse is brown all over, and even its four hooves are dark brown. No panting, good endurance, fast speed, very heroic and extraordinary.

This kind of horse is slightly different from the yellow pussy horse in the real world.

Lin Mu looked at the horses and nodded with satisfaction. These horses are far behind Xiliang cavalry, but it shouldn't be too big.


After the five riders came up, they were all facing each other with weapons, and they were cautiously on guard. These should be Han people, and they finally came here.

One of the leading young cavalry raised his spear, glared and said in a low voice, "Who are you? What are you doing here?"

Lin Mu walked forward lightly, took out the Yinglong Token from his backpack, and said, "We are villagers from Zhenlong Village across the river, and we are here to meet the mayor of Longma Town, and we have something important to discuss! This is the certificate!" Lin Mu showed the token of Yinglong without hesitation, and said politely and calmly.

"It turned out to be the token of Yinglong, the symbol of the totem of Yinglong!" The five cavalrymen couldn't help exclaiming when they saw the token of Yinglong.

"It turns out to be a distinguished guest. I was negligent just now. Please forgive me!" The five immediately got off their horses and knelt down to Di Yucheng to salute. However, the one who knelt down was Ying Long Ling, and the words were addressed to Lin Mu.

Yinglong Totem is the faith of their town and the supreme god in their hearts. They protect them. It is because of Yinglong's protection that they established Longma Town and lived a happy life instead of the life of fear day and night. It is precarious to guard against the sudden attack of ferocious beasts in the mountains.

A man is a man, he kneels down and kneels down to his parents, and the Yinglong Token is also worthy of their kneeling.

"Okay, get up and take us to the mayor." Lin Mu walked over and helped them up.

"Yes, my lord!" The young leader got up and said, and turned his head to a cavalry beside him, "Sir, you should ride back immediately and tell the mayor that a distinguished guest is coming, with a token of Yinglong! Hurry up!" !"

"Yes! Brother Shan Gong!"

The cavalryman immediately saluted with his fists cupped, then pulled his mount and turned his head, stepped on the horse, quickly disappeared from Lin Mu's sight, and went back to report the news.

Possessing the Yinglong Token is a distinguished guest of Longma Town, and the mayor of the town has also ordered that as long as the distinguished guests appear, they must not be neglected, otherwise they will be severely punished.

The long-awaited guest has finally arrived.

After that, the remaining four cavalrymen pulled their mounts and walked to Longma Town with Lin Mu and the others.

On the way, Lin Mu also knocked out some information about Longma Town from the side.

"This warrior, do you know your last name?" Lin Mu asked with a smile.

"You are welcome. My surname is Shan, and my name is Gong. I don't have a name yet. I am a corporal leader of the Longma Town patrol team. They are all my subordinates." The leading cavalry captain was named Shan Gong.

Shan Gong is very young, like Xiaohu, about seventeen or eighteen years old, the immaturity on his face has not faded, but he has a little heroism, he will be a fierce general.

"Unexpectedly, you are already the leader of the five at such a young age. It seems that your ability is not bad!" Lin Mu praised Shan Gong while looking at him.

"Hehe, of course, Shan Gong is the number one cavalry archer in our town, and he is skilled in bow and horse. His equestrian and archery skills are all ranked first in our town, but because he is still young, the mayor just arranged for him to join the patrol team. It’s just practice, otherwise you will definitely become a general.” A cavalryman next to him heard Lin Mu’s praise, as if he was praising himself, he immediately introduced Lin Mu’s glorious history to Lin Mu.

"Besides, Shan Gong is the mayor's grandson, but the mayor didn't favor him at all, and even demanded him very strictly!" Another cavalryman next to him also approached him.

"Yes, Shan Gong is not only good at martial arts, but also has a good temper. Many girls in the town have a crush on him, and they envy us to death!"

"Haha, if you don't work hard and hang around all day long, no girl likes you! If your father hadn't urged you, you wouldn't have come to the patrol team!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Immediately, several young cavalrymen began to chatter. The reason why they were able to introduce Lin Mu so enthusiastically was because they saw that Lin Mu, an honored guest, was about as young as them, as if there was no generation gap, and Lin Mu was kind and easy to get along with. , quickly gained their favor. Without the solemn restraint at the beginning, he chatted enthusiastically with Lin Mu and the others.

And Liu Feng and the three of them also breathed a sigh of relief, these Shan people are not so difficult to get along with, they are very different from the rumored fierce Xiongnu Xianbei in the frontier fortress and other people of other races.

They also started chatting with Shan Gong and the others.


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