"Leader! I knew Cao Cao had such ambitions!"

Yuan Shu rushed into the leader's tent in a rage.

"Highway, what do you mean?"

"Leader, Cao Cao captured Sishui Pass overnight and sent troops to attack Luoyang!"

"Highway, no way. Cao Mengde came to the big tent last night. Besides, Sishui Pass is easy to defend but difficult to attack. Can Cao Cao capture Sishui Pass with his tens of thousands of men?"

Yuan Shao looked unconvinced.

Yuan Shu stamped his feet anxiously.

"Leader! Send troops to attack Luoyang! If we are late, we won’t even have soup to drink!"

Yuan Shao still didn’t believe it.

"Report, leader. Cao Cao's army captured Sishui Pass overnight. The troops set out for Luoyang!"

"You are so insidious!"

"Send down the order and invite other princes to come to the tent of this leader to discuss important matters!"

""Leader, what time is it now? Why are you still summoning them? Let's unite our forces and march to Luoyang!"

Yuan Shu hurriedly stopped Yuan Shao.

"Highway, this is inappropriate, isn't it?"

"Leader, you are just too soft-hearted! Imagine if Cao Cao had captured Luoyang. Cao Cao is more cunning, sinister and vicious than Dong Zhuo!"

"If he enters Luoyang, he will definitely be the second Dong Zhuo. In his eyes, all of us are rebels and traitors!"

"Leader, you can send someone to order Sun Jian of Jiangdong to capture Luoyang before Cao Cao.

Yuan Shao digested Yuan Shu's words and agreed with them. The

18 princes nominally raised an army to attack Dong Zhuo, but in reality they all wanted to profit from it.

"Highway, let's do as you say! Let's gather our troops and march to Luoyang!"

The other princes were all very aggressive. Upon learning that Cao Cao had captured Sishui Pass and was going to attack Luoyang, Yuan Shu and Yuan Shao gathered their troops and marched to Luoyang.

The princes of the dozen towns also hurriedly assembled their troops and rushed to Luoyang.

Li Jue and Guo Si fled to Hulao Pass with their remaining troops.

They met Lu Bu on the way.

"Sishui Pass was lost! ?",

Lu Bu did not dare to neglect, and rode back to Hulao Pass to report to Dong Zhuo.

Dong Zhuo was shocked, slammed the table and cursed:"Li Jue and Guo Si are two bastards! This prime minister must chop them alive! What should we do now?"

"Don't worry, foster father. Your son Lu Bu will chop off the heads of these princes one by one and hang them on the top of Luoyang City!"

Lu Bu among men, Red Hare among horses!"

Dong Zhuo felt relieved.

"My son Fengxian is so brave! I feel relieved knowing your true self"

"Prime Minister, I have a plan"

"Li Ru, it's time to come up with a plan!"

Li Ru smiled and said,"Prime Minister, let's withdraw from Luoyang. Leave Luoyang to the eighteen princes and let them fight among themselves."

Dong Zhuo was stunned, and his eyes lit up.

"Li Ru, your plan is great! Good, good. I have had this idea for a long time!"

Lü Bu didn't understand, and asked with his hands crossed:"Prime Minister, where are we going after we withdraw from Luoyang?"

Li Ru smiled faintly and pointed to the west:"Chang'an, Wenhou. Chang'an is the place of rejuvenation. The Prime Minister can ascend to the throne when he arrives in Chang'an!"

"Dabao? Haha, good, good. Li Ru, you are still a good talker. Go to Luoyang quickly!"

Dong Zhuo ordered Lu Bu and Li Ru to rush to Luoyang with elite cavalry overnight, and sent Fan Chou and Zhang Ji to destroy the bridge over Luoshui.

Not long after leaving Sishui Pass, Cao Anmin made another trouble.

"Zixiu, I think Dong Zhuo is going to run to Chang'an. So, I will lead 500 elite soldiers to chase him. It's okay if you go slower."

"Anmin, this is not good. We are all pioneers....."

"Zixiu. Forget it. I am the vanguard, stop talking nonsense. It's settled!"

Cao Anmin didn't give Cao Ang a chance to speak, and then he led the five hundred Qin Tiger Division and the eighteen riders of Yanyun and galloped away.

Cao Ang smiled bitterly:"Brother Anmin has really changed"

"Damn it, it’s still too late!"

When Cao Anmin arrived at the bank of Luoshui, Fan Chou and Zhang Ji destroyed the Luoshui Bridge.

Fan Chou and Zhang Ji, with 500 Xiliang soldiers, were still mocking and cursing.

"Do you have the guts to fly over here?"

"Haha, you traitors, the Prime Minister will chop off your heads one by one one day!"

Zhang Ji sat on his horse, raised his hand and pointed at Cao Anmin with his whip and laughed wildly.

"You bastard, you thought I couldn't do anything to you just because you were on the other side of the river!"

Cao Anmin reached out and took the Overlord Bow off the saddle.

He bent the bow and aimed the arrow at Li Ji.

Zhang Ji laughed:"Is this kid stupid? He wants to shoot me with a bow and arrow from such a distance?"

Cao Anmin and Zhang Ji were at least 400 meters apart, and the strongest bow and arrow could only shoot 300 meters.

Zhang Ji laughed up to the sky. How could he hit someone with a bow and arrow from 400 meters away?

Cao Anmin concentrated his mind and locked the arrow on Zhang Ji.

The Overlord Bow was like a full moon.


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