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"What's this?"

"It looks like a white rainbow!"

"White rainbow? I heard that Taishang Laojun was greeted by a white rainbow on the day of his ascension!"

"Could he really be Taishang Laojun?"

"Isn’t this too incredible?"

"If he is really the Supreme Lord Lao, then Lao said that the Five Pecks of Rice Sect is a heresy, then that should be it."

The believers looked at everything in front of them and talked a lot. After all, such a scene was too shocking for them.

The white rainbow was strange. It slowly extended to Cao Anmin's feet and gently lifted him up.

The white rainbow slowly lifted Cao Anmin up to the high platform. At the same time, there were bursts of fairy music in the sky! There were nine dragons flying in the sky, and cranes, phoenixes, and various spirit beasts fell from the sky.

Teams of heavenly soldiers and generals wearing golden helmets and armor also appeared in the air, and a tall city gate appeared in the air.

On this city gate were written three ancient and vigorous characters: Nantianmen!

"God! It really is a god descending to earth!"

"Bow to Laojun!"

"There really are gods in heaven!"

""Look, fairies, such beautiful fairies!"

Teams of fairies came and floated around Cao Anmin, bowing down to him!

Even the gods and fairies in the sky saluted Cao Anmin and were very respectful.

Doesn't this prove his identity?

Not to mention that Cao Anmin claimed to be the Jade Emperor, even if he said he was the Jade Emperor, no one would doubt it.

Zhang Lu was also shocked.

He stood on the high platform opposite and saw it clearly.

Cao Anmin did not cheat at all, and this high platform was also built by him.

The madman built it on the high platform and did not touch the high platform.

"This is impossible! How could he be Taishang Laojun?"

Taishang Laojun is the founder of Taoism.

The Five Pecks of Rice Sect is just a branch of Taoism. If this lunatic is really Taishang Laojun incarnated, then he is also his ancestor?

Zhang Lu's eyes were complicated. Of course, he didn't dare to believe it and was unwilling to read such a fact!

""Let's see how he does it! Maybe he is just sleight of hand!"

Zhang Lu said secretly in his heart. At the same time, he was more determined to let Cao Anmin, the madman, live.

If he lived, sooner or later he would change the faith of his Hanzhong Mijiao followers.

This was something Zhang Lu would never allow to happen.

"Tao gave birth to one, one gave birth to two, two gave birth to three, and three gave birth to all things! Yin embraces Yang, giving birth to the world and all things!"

"All things have spirits. I am going to borrow the holy water from the Guanyin of the South China Sea to open the minds of you fools and foolish women and eliminate the evil spirits!"


A colorful cloud floated down from the sky. Cao Anmin pointed casually, and the colorful cloud suddenly turned into thousands of fine raindrops.

The fine raindrops were as fine as cow hair.

When they fell on the body, all kinds of luck came.

"This is the five-colored holy water!"

"I feel less stuffy."

"I, I don’t even cough!"

"Haha, the evil spirit in my body is gone!"

"Holy water, it's really holy water!"

The people standing below the platform felt the amazing changes in their bodies, and they couldn't help themselves.

The torture of illness had tortured their bodies into pieces, but now they were drenched by the colorful drizzle. Their tortured bodies were healed just like that!

No disease or pain, who wouldn't be surprised?

The people below the platform shouted

"Meet Laojun!"

"Thank you, Laojun!"....

A sound came from the sky, and it seemed to be happening between heaven and earth.

"Listen, don't believe in unorthodox teachings, that will only harm you. Go back and throw away all the Five Pecks of Rice Sect things you believe in at home, stay at home, and chant the Miao Zhen Jing for seven days, and you will be able to transform all evil spirits."


Cao Anmin stood on the high platform and waved his hand, and thousands of golden lights appeared!


At the same time, the verses of the Miao Zhen Sutra rang out in the sky.

For all things, human capacity is the most valuable. People can make their bodies free of things and their spirits without bodies, and use tranquility to achieve the meaning of inaction, which is to be in harmony with the Tao!

This verse of the sutra lasted for a long time in the sky.

Cao Anmin smacked his lips. The effect of the white rainbow piercing the sun was really awesome.

This thing is first-rate!

It's a pity that there is only one. It would be great if it could be used infinitely.

After all, this wave of pretense is too cool.


Tens of thousands of believers rushed back in a mess.

Not only the common people, but also the ghosts and priests in Zhang Lu's army also ran back home.

They all believed Cao Anmin's words and went home for seven days to recite the Miao Zhen Sutra.

"Crazy thug! You ruined my plan!"

Zhang Lu was so shocked and anxious that he fell off the high platform without paying attention.


Zhang Qiying was shocked and wanted to rush over to save her father Zhang Lu, but it was too late.

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